THE NATIVITY OF Sir JOHN PRESBYTER. Compared with the Rhodulphine and Lansberges TABLE. VERIFIED BY HIS CONCEPTION, From the CYCLOPS, Brontes, Steropes and Pyrackmon, as they were making Thunder and Lightning in Mount Aetna. COMPARED WITH THE JƲDGEMENTS OF Ptolomey, Haly, Hermes, Albumazar, Sconor, Tasnier, Regiomontanus, Guido, Bonatus, Keplar; Galileus, with other learned Mathematicians, as well Antient as Moderne. Calculated by CHRISTOPHER SCALE-SKY, Mathematitian in chief to the Ass-embly of Divines.
AND Entered according to Order.
Printed on the back-side of the Cyclopian Mountaines. 1645.
TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFULL, THE Ass: Of DIVINES assembled at Westminster.
TAking into serious consideration, the depth of your Learning, the accutenesse of your witts, to get money by all trades, my thoughts were ravished, and I in a maze, when I saw, how you could make Laws, to serve God, to stuffe your gutts, to persecute your enemies, and pull Christ out of his Throne, at one and the same time; truly, I had not thought it had been in you, when I see how farre your Wisedome transcends the Papists, (who supposing (as well as you) that Hereticks should be whipped, first whip themselves) but you being Armed Cap a pied, with your Armour of folly, viz. self-confidence and rage, (which first armed your Predecessors to prosecute, when Persecution first began, by an Ass. of Divines, in the Laterane Pallace in Rome) first make Hereticks of those, whose Tenents of Truth you cannot answere, and then Persecute them; O profound Wisedome, surpassing the wisedome of the Auncient; Besides, considering your extreame need, and want of necessaries, having but 24. Pounds a day, besides some pretty Livings of a Hundred or two or three a yeere, (that for very hunger, you were forced to eate up 26. Bishops in one day) yet you should hate idlenesse, so as that rather then you will be idle, you will sit still and sleep: yea, at that very time you have invented a Religion, without either Scripture or reason to prove it; and lastly, when I see (how you excell all Lay-men that are your freinds) how like men you can lay about you with your Classicall Club, beating your Antagonists small as dust (one thump with your Club being worth all Mr. Prinnes Subitane Apprehensions) how willing you are to hang them, if you could catch them; I must needs confesse, that Christ and his Apostles either could not, or would not doe it: considering this you zeal, I was imboldned to present you this my Calculation of the Nativity of your owne [Page] child, which is as like the Mother as ever it can looke-out of it's eyes, and not much unlike his The Divell. Grandsire, onely as yet he wanteth hornes; goe on Reverend Assembly, your works already praise you on the Gates, make your Son hornes of Iron, that he may push the Saints while none of them be left, that when you have ended these dayes of sinning, you may be elevated something neerer the Skies, which is the daily Prayer of
To his Celestiall Brother, Christopher Scale-skie.
THE length of his Life is like to be neither long nor good; not not long. 1. Because the Lord of life is not in the House of death, which being Saturne, (saith Haly) causeth him to be deformed, ill-favoured, ill-conditioned, short of life, death by taking away other mens goods, yet while he lives, he shall domineere over his brethren.
2. Because he is infortunate by the Lord of Death, which being the the Sunne in the House of Substance, riches, &c. opposite to the royall Starre, cor Leonis, will manifest and bring to light, his disloyalty to the State, his cheating of the rich, his robbing of the poor, and bring him to a sudden untimely end, (perhaps hanging.)
3. Because the Moon is infortunate in the very cuspis of the horoscope, which position yeelds him very short life, unconstant, medling with what he hath nothing to do; & yet while he lives, he shalbe numbred among great persons.
2. Secondly, not good, because all the Planets are evill seated, and convey all their mischefs to him, so that he seems to a judicious eye, not to be a creature compounded of the 4. Elements, fire, aire, earth and water, of which (being miraculously commixed) God made man, but of exaltation above Christ, Tyranny over the Conscience, imprisoning the body, extorting the Estate, which being mixed with the ladle of Pride, in the Caldron of presumption, the devill made the Urchin called Sir John Presbyter.
His mischiefs are so many, that they cannot well be noted in the bulke, therefore we will take them assunder, and see particularly, what God hath done for him by permission, the Divell by Act, and the Planets by influence.
1. Saturne makes him an abject, a fugitive (newly come out of Scotland) base-minded, a vile man, negligent, fearfull, sad, pensive, covetous, a witch, stubborne, a Roague, suspicious, superstitious, a deceiver, a railer, and sends his evill Spirit, called in Hebrew Zazell, to wait upon him, and in apparrell, makes him delight in black like his father the Devill, and to oppose the glorious light of the Gospel, and the Saints that walke in white, he makes him incline toward the laws of the Jews, exacting Tithes, observing dayes; and denying the Lord that bought him, crucifying Christ in his members.
2. Jupiter makes him a lover of himself, high-minded, proud, superstitious, fearfull, faint-hearted, carelesse, negligent, prodigall and Imperious, given to adultery and whoring, and sends his evill Spirit, called in Hebrew Hismaell, to acompany him; Also he makes him turne his Fathers the Bishops out of their Spiritualties, that he may share their inheritance, and change the Age of Gods people from better to worse.
3. Mars makes him quarrelsome, cruell, angry, Tyrannicall, Unjust, Unfaithfull, a Blood-succer, theevish, a make-bate, rash, heady, high-minded, a Boaster, very proud, a persecuter of good Men, a murderer, furious, desperate, seditious, and an Adulterer, and sendeth his Divel, called in Hebrew, Barzabell, to concommitate him.
4. The Sunne makes him very Tyrannicall, proud, Ambitious, doing mischief without end committing the Government of the Church into the hands of Ignoramus, ambitious Phaetons, with their doctrine to set the World on fire, and being checked by a superiour Power, hee will deny the Light of the Gospel to the World, and sends his Divell, called in Hebrew, Sorath, the Number of the Letters of whose Name, is 666. and signifies the Prince of Darknesse, to keep him company.
5. Venus makes him womanish, fearfull, weake in parts, weaker in judgement, but weakest of all in honesty, sloathfull, lecherous, a slanderer, not caring for his good Name, a lover of vile persons, given to filthy lucre, liquor and lust: Sodomiticall, Papall, Prelaticall, whorish, and sends his evill Angel called in Hebrew, Kedemel to be his companion.
6. Mercury makes him unstable, malicious, a grievous Lyar, an abominable thiefe, a slanderer, forgetfull, foolish, privily sowing deceit, full of wicked Counsell and malice, and sends his infortune, called in Hebrew, Taphihartharah, to beare him company.
7. The Moone makes him fitter to be a weathercock then a Divine, make the place where he dwells, and all that dwell in the place infortunate, and at last driues him out of his native Country, without either fulfilling or filling [Page 7] full his desires, and sends him the infortune of all infortunes, called in Hebrew, Schedbarschemoth Schartatham, to concommitate him.
But yet infortunate and unlucky Jupiter being in the profection and horoscope of his Nativity, will product his life a yeer in all this mischief, (for directions, profections, revolutions, &c. I cannot note for sorrow; I could no sooner think of the miseries he would bring upon this Kingdom, but his actions were ready to prevent my thoughts; alas poor England! Religio peperit filiam, & filia devoravit matrem,) and therefore I will onely speake briefly of the 12. Houses, the significations of, and Planets in them, usually observed by Mathematicians in Nativities, in those Houses in which in this Nativity they happen; Calculated exactly, according to Art.
Of the first House.
In the Cuspis of which is the second degree of Capricorne, a signe of the triplicity of the [...], nocturnall, foeminine, Meridionall, cold, dry, melancholly, Bestiall, with hornes on his head, subtill, quick, moveable, the House of Saturne, the exaltation of Mars, the triplicity of Venus, the terme of Mercury, the face of Jupiter, the detriment of the Moon, and fall of Jupiter, Saturne is Lord of the place by house, and Mars by exaltation, who also is Lord Paramount of the Nativity.
This considered, he will be of Complexion chollerick, His Complexion. conjoyned with melancholly, the last making him deep in speculation to study mischief, the former quick in Invention to act it: His Conditions will be furious, fighting against heaven, ( Saturne and Mars opposing Sol and Jupiter, of which, Condition. more hereafter in its due place) so that had he power answerable to his ambitious heart, he would grasp the North Pole with one hand, and the South Pole with the other; nay, he would tear God out of his Throne, and rule the creation himself: He will fight furiously against Jesus Christ, with tooth and nail laying about him in the Pulpit, as though he were felling Oakes, that so hee may get him a good stomach to his victualls, crying out, That Christ and his Apostles lived in the Infancy of the Church, & therfore suffered themselves to be kept under, but now the Church is come to perfection, and Christ hath committed the Scepter to him, to rule the Church till he come, and St. Peter hath given him his keyes, and if they speedily doe not bring him fat Capons, Pigges and Geese, yea, and the Tenth of all they enjoy, though their Landlords want their rents, and their children bread, be will lock them out of heaven; also St. Paul hath given his Sword to him, that hath more wit to use it, with which he will chap his opposers as small as hearbs to the pot; and this he darts out of his mouth with such fury, as though he would eat up his Auditours. For his Nourishment, Nourishment. hee thirsteth [Page 8] after blood, raving after it, like a starven child after a dug, he was fed with Bishops blood, all the time he was in his mothers belly; to conclude,
In this first House also is the Moon infortunate, and infortunately seated in the ascendent, in opposition to Mars, and sextile to Mercury, makes him unconstant, a vagabond, medling with things he hath nothing to doe withall, sloathfull, both he and his Mother of evill estimation with good men, short life, yet while he lives, he shall be reckoned among great Persons.
In it also is Jupiter, in direct opposition to Mars, which aspect makes him an enemy to such as have been his friends, and although his position in the Horoscope, promise him long life, and much goods of the Church; yet his position in Capricorne in opposition to Mars, makes him spend it as fast as he gets it, and in the end die poore; In generall, his position makes him cloak all his villanies with shew of vertue, in form of an evill hypocrite, and stand highly on his pedegree, fetching his descent from Titus, who hath newly left the Bishoprick of Creta, to turn Presbyter, to be rich without labour, living by the sweat of other mens brows, admirable proud and domineering, tyrannicall, Lording it over the Conscience, despising and dispraising his betters, and disdaining to be left to the good will of the Uulgar.
Of the second House.
If the Cuspis. of which is the 13 degree of Aquarius, a signe of the triplicity of the aire, diurnall, masculine, fixed, hot and moyst, humane, the house of Saturne, the detriment of the Sun, and Saturne Lord thereof, is opposite to it, and therefore an enemy thereof, which he shall have some estate, but shall spend it, and so much the sooner, because Saturne is retrograde.
In it is part of fortune in the 24. degree of Aquarius, which agravates the former judgement, and yeelds him to die miserable poore.
In it is the Sunne in the 25. degree of Aquarius, unhappily placed in his detriment, and in direct opposition to Saturne and the Dragons taile; by himself, the Sunne makes him an honourable, Great man, that shall spend his goods in Magnificense, his aspect to Saturne makes him sickly, sad, full of distracted thoughts, subitane witlesse apprehensions, great losse of goods, violent death, perhaps hanging; his position in Aquarius, and in the sixth House from the ninth, causeth him to have inseparable diseases in his eyes, whereby he shall not be able to discerne between Truth and falshood, evill Servants, death of small beasts.
In it is the Dragons-head, which though in it selfe it promise no harme, yet being in opposition to its dispositor, which is Saturne, stupid Saturne, in the Eighth House, and with the Dragons-Taile, makes him (being retrograde) quickly spend his goods, die a sudden death by suffocation.
In it is Mercury retrograde, with debilities enough, who in himself would (by this position) make him grow rich by all trades, but his debillities, will make him such a busie-body and medler with other mens matters, that he will get the ill opinion of the rabble rout, whose folly was his first rise, and bring such a disgrace, and ignominy on the Clergy, which they will never claw off againe to their dying day, which God send may quickly come.
Of the third House.
In the cuspis of which is the sixth degree of Aries, a signe orientall, firy, of the regall triplicity, masculine, of the day, chollerick, movable, fickle; but what doe I spy! Mars Lord thereof, in a quarrelling angle, occidentall, retrograde, and in a square to it?
Hei mihi qui strepitus, quique tumultus adest; He shall set all his brethren sisters and kindred together by the eares, all the world shall be the worse for him, and are bound to curse the day that ever he was borne, hee shall have many fearfull dreams, and many times shall dreame waking, hee shall fetch a little petty journey Westward, perhaps to Hide-parke corner, to take the aire in a Coach with two wheeles.
In it is Venus in the eight degree of Aries, retrograde, and in her detriment, in square to Mars, making him whoorish, committing Incest with his kindred, &c. but being in the seventh house from the nineth, hee shall scarcly ever marry, but shall have great quarrells and contentions about his whores, &c.
Of the fourth House.
In the Cuspis of which is the seventh degree of Taurus.
Of the fift House.
In the Cuspis of which is the 22. degree of Taurus, Venus Lady of then both, therefore I will treat of them both together; a signe of the earth nocturnall, cold, cry, melancholly, bestiall, Venus retrograde, flying back from the fourth House, shall make his friends forsake him, and call him [...] for an abortive, her position in the third House, makes him possesse much treasure, and goods immoveable, which he shall tear out of the very throats of his brethren, and when he dies, hee shall leave an inextinctible name behind him, which shall be famous for its basenesse, so long as the World indures.
As for the fift House, the almuten is in a barren Signe, and therefore he [Page 10] is never like to have a child. Tu sanguinis vultimus ordo, although the Divell lay with the Whore of Babylon, and begate Episcopacy, and Episcopacy begate Presbytry; yet Rejoyce O heavens, sing aloud O earth, clap thy hands for joy, O England, post nubula soles, thou shalt have a time of Quietnesse, of Peace, of content, for Presbytry will have never a childe to vex thee, to Imprison thy free Denizens, to suck up thy fat, devoure thy good things, and eate thy bread out of thy childrens mouthes, and himself is not long lived, as I shewed before, and then farewell Persecution for Conscience, farewell Ordinance for Tythes, farewell Ecclesiasticall Supremacy, farewell Pontificall Revenue, farewell Assembly of Divines, dissembled at Westminster, you shall constult together no more, farewell Sir Symon Synod, and his Son Presbyter Jack.
Of the sixt House.
In the Cuspis of which is the eleventh degree of Gemini, a signe of the aire, diurnall, masculine, hot and moist, and Mercury Lord thereof in pisces, in a square to it, I feare he will be troubled with the Iliaque Passion, a disease which causeth men to vomit up their excrements, and so much the more, because of that Scripture, His meat in his bowells is turned, It is as the gall of aspes within him, Job. 20.14.15. he hath swallowed down riches, he shall vomit them up againe, the Lord shall cast them out of his belly. Certainly his Infirmities are many, great and lasting, If you view all the Planets, you shall see them all in their detriments or falls. The Learned say, if 4. Planets at a Nativity be in their detriments or falls, it threatens mischeife and misery to the native, as it happened at the Nativity of John Duke of Saxony, who was taken prisoner by the Emperour Charles the Fifth, this good Duke had at his Nativity three Planets in their detriments, and one in perigrination, but here in this Nativity, they are all in their detriments or falls, and if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appeare.
Mercury Lord of the place, that should have made him a Sheepheard over the Lambs and sheep of Christ, looks asquint upon the place, with a hatefull square, and flies backward; only the evill spirit of Mercury, whom we mentioned before, preferred him to be the Divells Goat-heard, having possessed his noddle with a perswasion of an unerring Spirit, that he may persecute all his opposers, even to the death.
Of the seventh House.
In the Cuspe of which is the second degree of Cancer, a watry, fickle, [Page 11] moveable, feminine, nocturnall signe and the Moone Lady of it, opposite to it, and therefore an enemy to it, making him fickle, quarrelsome to have many wives, though the Spowse of CHRIST be but one.
In it is Mars the Lord Paramount of the Sheame, unhappily seated in his fall, in Direct opposition to benevolent but dejected Jupiter, and to the ascendent: which is his own exaltation, which worse then the worst of all infortunes, brings heavy sufferings to the native, Haly saith, if Mars be in a watry signe, as now he is, this mischiefe and misery shall come from the Presbytry came from Scotland. North, the Aphorisme may carry credit, for you see it verrified:
To be brief, his position in a quarrelling angle, will cause him to fill the Kingdome full of strife, debate, and to embrew whole Nations in blood, to satisfie his owne ambitious aspiring thoughts, mak's him violent to doe mischiefe, to be an enemy to God, Goodnesse and Good people, domineering over his Superiours, equalls and inferiours, his throat an open Sepulchre, with his tongue he useth deceit, the poyson of Aspes is under his lips, and the way of Truth hath he not known, his mouth is full of cursing and bitternesse, his feet are swift to shed blood, destruction and misery are in his wayes, there is no feare of God before his eyes: I can write no more of this for weeping.
Yet being in the Eleventh House from the Ninth, hee makes him have great friends at first, and those no small fooles neither, notwithstanding spying him Lord both of the Tenth and Eleventh House; he shall domineere over the State, swaying them at his pleasure, Witnesse Manchester against Cromwel. moving them to contention and quarrelling one with another, and making meere slaves of them, of which more in its due place.
Of the Eight House.
In the Cuspis of which is the Thirteenth degree of the regall signe Leo, a signe of the fiery triplicity, the Sunne Lord thereof, just opposite to it, his death will be violent, like as when a mill-stone is hurl'd into the sea, which is adjuvated by the presence of Saturne in the house with the poysonsome taile of the Dragon, which being seated in that house, would have made him dye in prison, but the Dragons-head in the second House in opposition, hath provided a sweeter aire, though a more Ignominious death for him.
Saturne is partner with his fellow Nature-killing Mars in his Nativity, (which I let slip before) being dispositor of the Ascendent, and both the Luminaries, viz. the Sunne and Moone, if the Lord of the Nativity behold the Sunne, and both infortunate, the Native shall be an enemy [Page 21] both to King and People, in this Nativity it is so, for both are in their detriments, both opposite; but her's all our comfort, this Position threatens short life, hee shall live but a small time to doe mischiefe, and then the common people, which now admire him, will begin to sing, Hey Tosse, the Divells dead, also, his disease will be dangerous to his Mother and Father, for saith Taismer, if one of the ill fortunes be in Cancer at a Nativity; It signifies short life to the Mother, if one of them be in Leo in a Nativity, it signifies short life of the Father; therefore, though sorrow continue all night, joy shall come in the morning, Presbytry will quickly die, the Synod be dissolved, and the Divell chained up, and therefore follow the advice of old Cato, Spemretine, &c.
Of the Ninth House.
Now for his Religion, which one would thinke should be ballanced by reason; the Sixth degree of Libra in the Cuspe, he will be a Divine, but Venus is opposite to it, and she, and all the rest of the Planets are madde, and therefore he will be a madde one, establish a madde Religion, and hee will be as fickle as the wind, a fat Benifice will change him, ab equis ad afinos, Venus in Quadrat, to Iupiter, Luna and Mars, and Trine to Saturne, make him incline to the law of the Jewes, as I mentioned before, &c.
Of the tenth house and eleventh.
Both which the most malevolent and martiall signe Scorpio, irradiates with his poysonsome beame, and Mars Lord of them both, He shall set the Kings or Rulers against the people, and the people against their Rulers, causeth all the Rulers, Officers, Magistrates, yea the Parliament it self, to sit whole weekes in consultation which way to sit the Beast on horse-back, that he may ride to the Divell, this causeth all our Warres, blood-shed, murders, robberies, &c. viz. to advance Presbytry over Church and States O profound Divinity! Oh basenesse beyond comparison.
Of the Twelfth House.
In the Cuspis of which is the Eleventh degree of Sagittarius, and Jupiter Lord thereof in the first house, causeth him to suffer, even in his youth, to have many hidden enemies, and some so cunning, that he shall never finde them while his eyes are open, It also foretells to him anger, sadnesse, enmity and conspiracy, prison, captivity, Lamentation, mourning and woe, which alwayes follows continuance in evill doing; for great Beasts I might say something, Sagitarius being in the Cuspe, but I will onely conclude with a caution, let him beware of a horse that walkes Westward with a Car at's taile and so farewell childe, as full of subtilty and mischief, as an egg is full of goodnesse. Ego in calum migro.