Oliver Cromwell's GHOST. At St. James's.
THE Ghost of our once famous Protector, appears on every occasion to frighten our corrupt M—s, and hath drove them from the Spot whereon they have acted all their Villany: The Fox now finds his Cunning no longer of any Avail, the old Salmon Woman has retired into the Country, so hath Bardoiph, and among all the Caball there is only Lovegold and his Son Aquepulco, that dare visit the Lion, who unwilling to lose their Places; and to be called to Account for their past Behaviour, endeavour all in their Power to Influence the Lion in their behalf. But the Ghost of Old Oliver is continually reproaching them with their Crimes, and Spiriting up all true Britons to revenge their Country's Wrongs, by telling them how he acted in his Time, that he never [...]orgave any one that behav'd ill, that he always having the Interest of the Nation at heart, was continually seeking every Opportunity to Aggradize her, that he so well succeeded as to cause her to be respected by all Nations, that although he was an Usurper, he fear'd not to put Arms into the Peoples Hands, as knowing well however they might Quarrel among themselves, yet on an Invasion they would all unite to oppofe any Invaders. That as the late M—y had acted in a contrary Manner, and seem'd on every Occasion to endeavovr to enslave their Country, he hoped to see them brought to Justice for their Villany, and an Upright set of M—rs appointed in their Room, who will behave in a manner Reverse to the Former. The Great Man who presides over all, has these Lessons every Night from the Ghost, whose Admonitions, set afide all the evil Impressions Lovegold and his C [...]bal infuse in the Day, and it is not doubted the Ghost will succeed in his honest Endeavours, and that all Delinquents will be brought to Punishment, and all wrongs redressed within the hope of all true Lovers of their Country.