YOu may have heard of the Politique Snout,
Or a tale of a Tub, with the bottom out,
But scarce of a Parliament in a shitten clout.
Which no body can deny.
'Twas Atkins first serv'd this Rump in with Mustard,
The Sawce was a compound of Courage, and Custard;
Sr. Vane bless'd the Creature: Nollsnufled, and Bluster'd.
Which no body can deny.
The Right was as then, in Old Olivers Nose,
But when the Devil, of that did dispose,
It Descended from thence, to the Rump, in the Cloze.
Which no body can deny.
Nor is it likely there to stay long,
The Retentive faculties being gone,
The Juggle is stale, and Money there's none.
Which no body can deny.
The Secluded Members made a Trial
To Enter, but them the Rump did defy all,
By the Ordinance of Self-denial.
Which no body can deny.
Our Politique Doctors do us Teach,
That a Bloud-sucking Red-coat's as good as a Leech,
To Relieve the Head, if appli'd to the Breech.
Which no body can deny.
But never was such a worm as Vane;
When the State scour'd last, it voided him then,
Yet now he's crept into the Rump again.
VVhich no body can deny.
Ludlow's Fart, was a Phrophetique Trump:
(There never was any thing so Jump)
'Twas the very Type, of a vote of this Rump.
VVhich no body can deny.
They say 'tis good Luck, when a Body rises
With the Rump upward; but he that advises
to Live in that Posture, is none of the wisest.
Which no body can deny.
The Reason is worse, though the Rime be Untoward,
When things proceed with the wrong end Forward,
But they say their's sad news to the Rump, from the Nor'ward.
VVhich no body can deny.
'Tis a wonderfull thing the strength of that Part,
At a Blast, it will take you a Team from a Cart;
And Blow a mans Head away with a Fart.
VVhich no body can deny.
When our Brains are Sunck below the Middle,
And our Conscience steer'd by the hey down-Diddle,
Then things will go round without a Fiddle.
Which no body can deny.
You may Order the City with a Hand-Granado,
Or the General with a Bastonado,
But no way for a Rump like a Carbonado.
Which no body can deny.
To make us as famous in Council, as Wars,
Here's Lenthal, a Speaker for mine —
And Fleetwood is a man of Mars.
Which no body can deny.
'Tis pitty that Nedham's Fall'n into Disgrace,
For he Orders a Bumme with a marvellous Grace,
And ought to attend the Rump by his Place.
Which no body can deny.
Yet this in spight of all Disasters,
Although he hath Broken the Heads of his Masters,
'Tis still his Profession, to give 'em all Plasters.
VVhich no body can deny.
Let em cry down the Pope, till their Throats are sore,
Their design was to bring him in at the Back-door:
For the Rump ha's a mind to the scarlet whore.
VVhich no body can deny.
And this is a Truth at all hands confest,
However unskilfull in any of the rest,
The Rump speaks the Language of the Beast.
Which no body can deny.
They talk that Lambert is like to be try'd
For Treason, and Buggerie beside,
Because that he did the Rump bestride.
VVhich no body can deny.
The Rump's an old storie, if well understood
'Tis a thing dress'd up in a Parliaments Hood,
And like't, but the Tayl stands where the Heads should.
Which no body can deny.
'Twould make a man scratch, where it does not itch,
To see forty Fools Heads in one Politique Breech,
And That,—Hugging the Nation as the Devil did the witch.
VVhich no body can deny.
From rotten Members preserve our VVives:
From the mercie of a Rump, our Estates and our Lives:
For they must needs go, whom the Devil Drives.
VVhich no bodie can deny.

Printed at Oxford, for G. H.

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