Bloudy Newes from the North, communicating the full particulars of the severall Fights and skirnishes between Major Gen. Lamberts Army and the Scots; as also between the Kings Forces at Scarbrough Castle, and the Parliaments.
YEsterday morning Colonel Boynton with a party of Horse and Foot sallied out of the Castle, and fell upon two of Col. Bethels out-gards, killing two of our men, and took some two or three prisoners, the rest escaped, and retreated to the main Guard, Col. Bointon pursed them, and being advanced as far as the Market-place, made a stand, occasioned by the sudden rallying of our forces, who gathered into a Body, and charged them, fought resolutely, and disputed the place with abundance of magnanimity and courage: in which action divers fell on both sides, and many were wounded.
Col. Legard who commanded the Parliaments Foot deported himself with much gallantry, and Col. Bethel left no meanes unattempted to obtain the Conquest, but Col. Bointon (in policy) retreating towards the Castle gates, where was four pieces of Ordnance planted invisible, wheeled behind them, and the Parliaments forces following the pursuit with such eagernesse of spirit, came upon them before they were aware, the Gunners gave fire, whereupon the Parliaments Forces [Page 5] made good their retreat with little losse, only some few wounded, and a Captain, and two or three private souldiers killed.
Col. Bointon being timerous in following the pursuit, gave order for the securing of the pieces, and drawing them in at the Gates, and and immediatly marched after with the rest of his forces: so soon as they were entred, a bloudy Flag were set up on the top of the high Tower, the Trumpets sounding and the Drums beating, with many acllamations of joy for this their great Victory, who reported, and gave out, that they had killed Col. Bethel and above 400. of his men, which is nothing so, his losse not amounting to above 20, and himself only receiving a small brush on the left shoulder.
This small Victory of theirs, is reported amongst the Royalists to be the totall deafeating of all our Forces against this Castle, and carries a great eccho and sound in the ears of many: but let them feed their fancies with these vain reports and falsities, we doubt not but in a short time but to become masters of the castle, having blocked them up almost on all sides.
Our Intelligence from Lieut. Gen. Cromwel advertizeth us, That a party of his horse hath lately fallen upon some of the Scots forces, beat up their out-quarters, and taken divers prisoners, which hath given an allarm to the whole Army.
The two Armies of Lieut. Gen. Cromwel, and Major Gen. Lambert are joyned, and have put themselves into a posture to receive Duke Hamilton, he moves but slowly, the Jockies having little mind to fight.
By Letters from Stafford it is advertized, that Col. Stepkins formerly a Commander in the Kings Army, had a design to have surprized the said Town and Castle for the King, the place of Randezvouz wa [...] two miles distant from the town, where a great number of Royalists were gathered in a head together, in the night time, and intended to have put their design ia execution the next morning; but by the revolting of two Gentlemen, who discovered the same to Capt. Stone in the nick of time, the plot was discovered, and the Governour, with a party of horse and foot, about two in the morning, marched to the said place of Randezvouz, fel upon them in their quarters, killed Colonel Stepkins and seven more, wounded many, and took divers prisoners of quality, with the losse of two men.
Scarbrough Aug. 17. 1648.