The names of the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the Counties, Cities, and Borough-towns of England, and Wales, and the Baronie of the Ports now sitting in Parliament holden at Westminster the 3. day of November, 1640. in the sixteenth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King Charles.
- [Page]VVIlliam Lenthall Esquire, Speaker.
Bedford *
- Oliver Luke Knight.
- Roger Burgoyne Baronet.
- Bedford Towne.
- Beauchamp S. Iohn Kn.
- Sam. Luke Knight.
- d Iohn Hampden Esq.
- d Arthur Goodwyn Esq.
- Buckingham Town.
- Peter Temple Kn. and Bar.
- * Alexander Denton Kn.
- W
- * d Edmond Verney Knight.
- T [...]as Lane Esq.
- Alisbury.
- * Iohn P [...]ckington Bar.
- * Ralph Verney Esquire.
- Amersham.
- William Drake Esq.
- Francis Drake Esq.
- Wendover.
- * Robert Crooke Esq.
- Thomas Fountaine Esq.
- Marlow.
- Bulstrode Whitlocke Esq.
- Peregreen Hoby Esq.
- * Iohn Fettiplace Esquire.
- New Winsor.
- Cornelins Holland Esq.
- Richard Winwood Esq.
- Redding.
- Francis Knowles senior Knight.
- d Francis Knowls junior K.
- Abington.
- * George Stonehouse Bar.
- Wallingford.
- Edmond Dunch Esq.
- * Thomas Howard Esq.
- * Alexander Carew Esq.
- * d Bevill Greenvill Kn.
- Dunchevit.
- * Ambrose Manaton Esq.
- * William Coriton Esq.
- Leskard.
- Iohn Harris Esquire.
- * Ioseph Iane Gent.
- Loftwithell
- * Iohn Travanon Esq.
- * Richard Arundell Esq.
- Truro.
- Iohn Rolle Esq.
- Francis Rows Esquire.
- Bodwin.
- d Iohn Arundel junior Esq.
- Anthony Nicolls Esq.
- Helston.
- * Francis Godolphin Esq.
- * d Sidney Godolphin Esq.
- Saltash.
- George Buller Esq.
- * Edward Hide Esq.
- Cameilford.
- [Page]* Pierce Edgecombe Esq.
- * William Glanvill Esquire.
- Grampound.
- Iames Cambell Esq.
- Iohn Trevor Knight.
- Eastlow.
- Francis Buller Esq.
- * Thomas Lower Esquire.
- Westlow.
- * Henry Killegrew Esquire.
- Thomas Arundell Esq.
- Penryn.
- Iohn Bampfield Knight.
- * d Nicolas Slaning Knight.
- Tregony.
- * Richard Vivion Knight.
- * Iohn Polewheele Esq.
- Bossing.
- Christopher Elverton Kn.
- * Ralph Siddenham Knight.
- St. Ives.
- Francis Godolphin Esq.
- * Edward Waller Esq.
- Fowey.
- * Ionathan Rashley Esq.
- d Richard Buller Knight.
- St. Iermins.
- Iohn Moyle Esq.
- Ben. Valentine Esq.
- Michell.
- * William Chadwell Esq.
- * Robert Holborne Esq.
- Newport.
- * Richard Edgecombe Esq.
- St. Mawes.
- Richard Eristey.
- * George Parry Do. at Law.
- Killington.
- d Arthur Ingram Knight.
- * George Dalston Knight.
- * Patrick Curwyn Baron,
- Carlisle.
- * William Dalston K. & B.
- Richard Barwis Esq.
- Cockermouth.
- Iohn Hipsley Knight.
- Dudley North Kn. and Bar.
- * Thomas Chichley Esq.
- Cambridge Towne.
- Thomas Eden Doct. at Lawl
- Henry Lucas Esq.
- Cambridge University.
- Oliver Cromwell Esq.
- Iohn Lowrey Esq.
- * Peter Venables Esq.
- William Brereton Baron.
- Chester City.
- * Thomas Smith Knight.
- * Francis Gamul Esq.
- Iohn Curson Baron.
- Iohn Cooke Knight.
[Page]Darby Towne.
- * William Alestree Esq. Rec.
- Nathan Hallowes Alderm.
- * Edward Seymor Esq.
- Sam: Rolle Knight.
- Exeter City.
- * Robert Walker Esq.
- Symon Snow Mere.
- Totnes.
- Oliver St. John Esq.
- John Maynard Esq.
- Plimmouth.
- Jo. Young Knight.
- John Waddon Esq.
- Barnestable.
- George Peard Esq.
- * Richard Ferris Esq.
- Plimpton.
- Hugh Potter Esq.
- * Sir Richard Strode Knight.
- Tavistock.
- d John Pym Esq.
- * John Russell Esq.
- Clifton Dartmouth Hard.
- John Browne Esq.
- * Roger Matthewes.
- Berealston.
- William Strode Esq.
- Char. Pym Esq.
- Tiverton.
- * Peter Samthill Esq.
- George Hartnell Esq.
- Asperton.
- Edmond Fowell Knight.
- John Northcot Knight.
- Honyton.
- * William Poole Esq.
- Walter Young Esq.
- Okehampton.
- Laurence Whitaker Esq.
- Edward Thomas Esq.
- d Richard Rogers Esq.
- John Browne Esq.
- Poole.
- John Pyne Esq.
- * William Constantine Esq.
- Dorchester.
- Densell Hollis Esq.
- Denis Bond Alderman.
- Lime Regis.
- Edmund Prideaux Esq.
- Richard Rose Esq.
- Waymouth.
- * John Strangwayes Kn.
- Walter Earle Knight.
- Melcombe Regis.
- Gerard Napper Esq.
- Richard King Esq.
- Brideport.
- * Giles Strangwayes Esq.
- Roger Hill Esq.
- Shaftsbury.
- William Whitaker Esq.
- * Samuel Turner D. Physick.
- Warham.
- John Trenchard Esq.
- Thomas Earle Esq.
- Corfe Castle.
- [Page]* John Burlace Esq.
- Giles Greene Esq.
- Martin Lumley Kn. and Bar.
- William Massam Bar.
- Colchester.
- d Tho. Barrington K. & B.
- Harbottle Grimston Esq.
- Maiden.
- Henry Mildmay Knight.
- John Clotworthy Knight.
- Harwich.
- Harbottle Grimston K. Bar.
- Thomas Cheeke Knight.
- * John Dutton Esq.
- Nathaniel Stephens Esq.
- Glocester City.
- Thomas Pury Alderman.
- * Henry Bret Esquire.
- Cicester.
- * Theobald Gorges Knight.
- * John George Esq.
- Teuksbury.
- * John Craven.
- Ed. Stevens Esq.
- * d Sidney Montague Kn.
- Valentine Wauton Esq.
- Huntington Towne.
- George Montague Esq.
- William Litton Knight.
- Thomas Dacres Knight.
- S. Albans.
- Richard Jennings Esq.
- Edward Wingat Esq.
- Hartford Towne.
- Charles Viscount Cramburn.
- * Tho. Fanshaw K. of the B.
- Rob. Harley K. of the Bath.
- * Fitz William Conings by E.
- Hereford City.
- * Richard Weaver Gent.
- * Richard Seaburne Esq.
- Weblie
- * Arthur Jones L. Ranelaugh.
- * Thomas Tomkins Esq.
- Lempster.
- * Sampson Eure Ser. at Law.
- Walter Kirle Esq.
- Augustine Skinner Esq.
- * Iohn Culpeper Esq.
- Canterbury.
- * Edward Masters Knight.
- * Iohn Nutt Esq.
- Rochester.
- Richard Lee Esquire.
- Thomas Walsingham Kn.
- Mardstone.
- Francis Barnham Knight.
- Humfrey Tufton Knight.
- Quinborough.
- * Edward Hales Kn. and Ba.
- * William Harrison Esq.
- John Wray Kn. and Bar.
- Edward Ayscough Kn.
- Lincolne.
- Thomas Grantham Es.
- Iohn Broxoline Esquire.
- Boston Towne.
- Anthony Irby Knight.
- VVilliam Ellis Esquire.
- Great Grimesby.
- Christopher VVray Knight.
- * Iervis Holles Esq.
- Stanford.
- * Ieffery Palmer Esq.
- Thomas Hatcher Knight.
- Grantham.
- Henry Pelham Esq.
- VVilliam Armyn Bar.
- Arthur Haselrigge Baron.
- Leicester Towne.
- Thomas L. Gray of Groby.
- * Thomas Cooke Esq.
- Ralph Ashton Esq.
- * Roger Kirkby Esq.
- * Lancaster Towne.
- * Iohn Harrison Knight.
- * Thomas Fanshaw Esq.
- * Preston in Andernes.
- Richard Shuttleworth Esq.
- d Thomas Standish Esq.
- Newton.
- VVilliam Ashurst.
- * Roger Palmer Knight.
- VVigan.
- * Orlando Bridgeman Esq.
- Alexander Rigby Esq.
- Clithero.
- Ralph Ashton Esq.
- Richard Suttleworth Gen.
- Leverpoole.
- Iohn Moore Esquire.
- Richard VVynne K. and B.
- Gilbert Gerrard Baronet.
- Iohn Franklin Knight.
- VVestminster.
- Iohn Glyn Es.
- VVilliam Bell Gent.
- Thomas Soame Es.
- Isaac Pennington Es.
- Samuel Vassell Marc.
- Iohn Ven Es.
- d VVilliam Herbert Es.
- Hen. Herbert.
- Monmouth.
- Thomas Travor Es.
- Gilbert Pickering Bar.
- Iohn Dreydon Bar.
- Peterborough.
- VVilliam Fitz-VVilliam L.
- Zoucheus Tate Esquire.
- Rich. Knightley Esq.
- Brackley.
- Iohn Crew Es.
- Martin Listre Knight.
- Higham Ferrers.
- * Christ, Hatton Knight.
- d Thomas Hutchinson Kn.
- * Robert Sutton Es.
- Nottingham.
- * VVilliam Stanhop Es.
- Gilbert Millington Es.
- East-Retford.
- * Iervis Clifton Kn. and Ba.
- * Charles Visc. Mansfield.
- Iohn Pots Es.
- d Edward Mountford Kn.
- Norwich.
- Richard Harman Esq.
- * Richard Catlin Es.
- Line Regis.
- d Iohn Percivall Gen.
- Thomas Toll Gent.
- Yarmouth.
- Miles Corbet Es.
- Edward Owner Esq.
- Thetford.
- Thomas VVoodhouse K.B.
- Framlingham Gawdy Es.
- Castlerising.
- Iohn Holland Baron.
- * Robert Hatton Knight.
- * Henry Piercy.
- * VVilliam VVidrington.
- New castle upon Tine.
- * Henry Anderson Knight.
- Iohn Blackstone Es.
- Barwick.
- Thomas VViddrington Kn.
- Robert Scowen Es.
- Morpeth.
- * Iohn Fennick Es.
- VVilliam Carnaby Kn.
- Tho. Viscount VVenman.
- Iames Fenis Es.
- Oxford Town.
- Iohn VVhistler Esq.
- Iohn Smith Es.
- Oxford University.
- d Thomas Roe Knight.
- Iohn Selden Es.
- VVoodstock.
- VVilliam Lenthall Es.
- Robert Pie Knight.
- Banbury.
- * Guy Palmes Knight.
- Richard Onslow Knight.
- Ambrose Browne Bar.
- * Edward Bagshaw Esq.
- Iohn White Esquire.
- Blechenley.
- Iohn Evelin Esq.
- Edward Bish. junior Esq.
- Ryegate.
- William L. Visc. Mounson.
- Guilford.
- Robert Parkehurst Knight.
- George Abbot Esq.
- Gatton.
- d Samuel Owfield Esq.
- Tho. Sandes. Esq.
- Haslemere.
- Iohn Goodwin Esq.
- Poynings More Knight.
- * Edward Littleton Bar.
- * Harvie Baggat K.
- Leichfield.
- * Richard Cave Knight.
- Michael Noble Esq.
- Stafford Towne.
- * Ralph Sneyd junior Gen.
- * Richard Weston Esq.
- New castle under Lyn.
- * Ric. Leveson K. of the Bar.
- Iohn Merricke Knight.
- Tamworth.
- * Ferdinando Stanhop Esq.
- * Henry Wilmot Lord.
- * Richard Lee Bar.
- Iohn Corbet Bar.
- Shrewesbury.
- * Francis Newport Esq.
- William Spurstow Merc.
- Bridgnorth.
- * Thomas Whitmore Esq.
- * Edward Acton Esq.
- Ludlow.
- * Charles Baldwin Esq.
- * Ralph Goodwin Esq.
- Great Wenlocke.
- William Perpoint Esq.
- * Thomas Littleton Esq.
- Bishops Castle.
- * Rob. Howard K. of the B.
- d Richard More Esq.
Southampton County.
- d Henry Wallop Knight.
- Richard Whitehead Esq.
- Winchester.
- Iohn Lisle Esq.
- * William Oagle Knight.
- Southampton Towne.
- George Gallop Esq.
- Edward Exton Esq.
- Portsmouth.
- * George Goring Esq.
- Edward Dowce Esq.
- Yarmouth.
- Philip Lo. Lisle.
- Iohn Leigh Knight.
- William Lewis Bar.
- William Udale Knight.
- Newport
alias Medena.
- * d Lucius Visc. Falkland.
- Henry Worsley Bar.
- Stockbridge.
- William Heveningham Esq.
- William Iepson Esq.
- New-towne.
- * Iohn Meux Esq.
- Christ-Church.
- * d Henry Tulse Esq.
- * Matthew Davis Esq.
- White-Church.
- Thomas Iervoyse Knight.
- Richard Iervoyse Esq.
- Lymmington.
- Iohn Button Esq.
- Henry Campion Esq.
- Andover.
- Robert Wallop Esq.
- William Waller Knight.
Suffolke County.
- Nathaniel Barnardiston K.
- Philip Parker Kni.
- Ipswich.
- William Cage Esq.
- Iohn Gurdon Esq.
- Dunwich.
- * Henry Cooke Esq.
- Anthony Beddingfield Gen.
- Ortford.
- William Platers K. and Bar.
- Charles Legrose Knight.
- Aldburgh.
- Squyer Bence Esq.
- Alexander Bence Merc.
- Sudbury.
- d Robert Crane Kn. Bar.
- Simmons d'Ewes K. and B.
- De Ey.
- * Freder. Cornwallis K. & B.
- Roger North Kn.
- S. Edmonds Bury.
- * Thomas Iermin K.
- * Thomas Iermin Esq.
- * Iohn Paulet Knight.
- * Iohn Stowell K. of the ba.
- Bristoll City.
- * Humfrey Hooke Esq.
- * Richard Long Esq.
- Bath City.
- * William Basset Esq.
- Alexander Popham Esq.
- Wells City.
- * Ralph Hopton K. of the B
- * Edward Rodney K.
- Taunton.
- * William Portman Bar.
- George Searle Esq.
- Bridgwater.
- d Peter Wroth Knight.
- d Thomas Smith Esq.
- Minehead.
- d Francis Popham Knight.
- d Alexander Lutterell Gen.
- * Edward Philips Esq.
- * Robert Hunt Esq.
- Milborne Port.
- * Edward Kirton Esq.
- * Iohn Digby Esq.
- Thomas Pellam Baronet.
- Anthony Stapeley Es.
- Chicester.
- * Christopher Lewkner Es.
- * d William Morley Knight.
- Horsham.
- Thomas Middleton Es.
- Paul Ravenscroft Es.
- Midhurst.
- * Thomas May Es.
- William Cawley Es.
- Lewes.
- Herbert Morley Es.
- Henry Shelley Es.
- Shoreham.
- Iohn Alford Es.
- William Marlot Es.
- Brambery.
- * Thomas Bowyer Bar.
- Arthur Onslow Es.
- Steynings.
- * Thomas Leeds Es.
- * Thomas Fernefould Kn.
- Eastgrimsted.
- * Richard Lord Buckhurst.
- Arundell.
- Iohn Downes Es.
- * Ed. Alford Kn.
- * Philip Musgrave K. & B.
- * Henry Bellingham K. & B.
- Appleby.
- * Ri. Earle of Corke.
- * Iohn Brooke Knight.
- * Iames Thinne Knight.
- d Henry Ludlow Knight.
- Salisbury.
- * Robert Hide, Ser. at Law.
- Michaell Oldsworth Es.
- Wilton.
- Henry Vane Knight.
- Benjamin Rudyer Knight.
- Dounton.
- * Edward Griffin Knight.
- Hindon.
- Robert Reynolds Es.
- d Thomas Benit Gentlem.
- Heitsbury.
- Thomas Moore Es.
- Edward Ash Gentleman.
- VVestbury.
- VVilliam VVheeler Es.
- Iohn Ash Es.
- Calne.
- * George Low Es.
- Hugh Rogers Es.
- Edward Baynton Es.
- Robert Nicholas Es.
- Chippenham.
- Edward Baynton Knight.
- Ed. Hungerford K. of the B.
- Malmsbury.
- Nevill Poole Knight.
- * Anthony Hungerford Es.
- Kircklade.
- Robert Ienner Es.
- Thomas Hodges Es.
- Bedwyn.
- * VValter Smith Knight.
- * Richard Harding Es.
- Ludgershall.
- * VVilliam Ashburnham Es.
- Iohn Evelin Knight.
- Old Sarum.
- Robert Cecill Es.
- * VVilliam Savile Kn. & B.
- VVotton Basset.
- Edward Poole Es.
- * VVilliam Pleydall Es.
- Marleborough.
- d Iohn Frankling Es.
- Philip Smith Es.
- Iohn VVilde Serg. at Law.
- Humfrey Salway Es.
- VVorcester City.
- Iohn Cowcher Es.
- Iohn Nash Es.
- Droitwich.
- * Endimion Porter Es.
- * Samuell Sandys Es.
- Evesham.
- Richard Creswell Ser. at L.
- * Iohn Coventry Es.
- Bewdley.
- * Henry Herbert Knight.
- * Richard Schuchburg.
- Coventry.
- Iohn Barker Alderman.
- VVilliam Iesson Alderman.
- VVarwick.
- VVilliam Purefey Es.
- Godfrey Bosvile Es.
- Ferdinand. Lo. Fairefax.
- * Henry Bellasis Es.
- Yorke City.
- William Alanson Knight.
- Thomas Hoile Alderman.
- Kingston upon Hull.
- Henry Vane K. junior.
- Peregrine Pelham Es.
- Knasborough.
- * Henry Slingsby Bar.
- * Henry Benson Es.
- Scarborough.
- * Hugh Chomley Knight.
- * Iohn Hotham Es.
- * William Mallory Esq.
- * Iohn Mallory Esq.
- Richmond.
- * d William Pennyman Bar.
- * Thomas Danby Knight.
- Heydon.
- William Strickland Knight.
- Iohn Allured Esq.
- Burrowbridge.
- Philip Stapleton.
- Thomas Mallaverer Esq.
- Thuske.
- * John Bellasis Esq.
- * Thomas Ingram Kn.
- Auldburgh.
- * Richard Auldburg Esq.
- * Robert Strikland Esq.
- Beverley.
- * Iohn Hotham K. and B.
- * Michael Wharton Esq.
- Pomfret.
- * George Wentworth of Woolly Knight.
- * George Wentworth of Wentworth Woodhouse Knight.
- Malton.
- Henry Darley Esq.
- Iohn Wastell Esq.
- Allerton.
- * Thom. Heblethawite Es.
- Henry Cholmley Knight.
Cinque Ports.
- Hastings.
- * Iohn Ashburnham Esq.
- * Thomas Eversfield Esq.
- Winchelsey.
- d Iohn Finch Esq.
- * William Smith Esquire.
- Rye.
- * John White Esq.
- William Hay Gent.
- Rumney.
- Norton Knatchbull B.
- Richard Brown Esq.
- Heith.
- Henry Heyman B.
- Iohn Harvy Esq.
- Dover.
- Edward Boyse Knight.
- Benjamin Weston Esq.
- Sandwich.
- * Thomas Peyton Bar.
- Edward Partherich B.
- Seaford.
- Thomas Parker Knight.
- * Francis Gerard Esq.
- Hastings.
- Anglesey.
- * Iohn Bodvill Esq.
- Bew-maris.
- d Iohn Griffith senior Esq.
- Anglesey.
- William Morgan Esq.
- Brecknock Towne.
- * Herbert Price Esq.
- * Walter Lloyd Esq.
[Page]Cardigan Towne.
- John Vaughan Esq.
- * Henry Vaghan Esquire.
- Carmarthen Towne.
- * Francis Lloyd Esq.
- Carnarvon Town.
- * William Thomas Esq.
- Carnarvon Town.
- Thomas Middleton Knight.
- Denbigh Towne.
- Simon Thelwall jun. Esq.
- * Iohn Mostin Esq.
- Flint Towne.
- * Iohn Salisbury jun. Esq.
- Philip Lord Herbert.
- Cardiffe Towne.
- * William Herbert
- * William Price Esq.
- d Iohn Wogan senior Esq.
- Hartford West.
- * Iohn Stepney Bar.
- Pembroke Town.
- Hugh Owen Esq.
- Iohn Price Bar.
- Montgomery Towne.
- * Richard Herbert Esq.
- * Charles Price Esq.
- Radnor Towne.
- * Philip Warwick Esq.
John Hunt Esquire Serjeant at Armes.