A DISCOVERY OF THE First WISDOM from beneath, AND THE Second WISDOM from above.

OR, The difference betwixt the two Seeds, The one after the Flesh, the other after the Spirit.

WITH The true worship of God after the Spirit, and the false worship of the world, who lives in outward Forms, useth Customes and Traditions, not knowing the onely true God that dwelleth in his Saints, and rules by his Spirit of Power, which causeth them to differ from the world, and those that have the form of godliness, and want the power thereof.

Also the subtilty of the Serpent ruling in the hearts of the Children of Disobedience, discovered.

And a call to repentance to all that run on in blindness, dark­ness, and ignorance, and the judgement that is due to all those that will not take counsell of the Lord, but turn the Grace of God into wantonness.

Written by a Servant of the Lord, whom the world scornfully nicknameth, and calleth a Quaker, who is prisoner for the testimony of the Truth at Applebie in Westmorland, whose name is JAMES NAYLER.

London, Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black Spread▪ Eagle at the West end of Pauls. 1653.

A Discovery of the first Wisdom from beneath, and the second Wisdom from above, or, The difference betwixt the two [...]eeds, the one after the flesh, the other after the Spirit.

I. The Wisdom from beneath which leadeth into bondage, and the Wisdom from above which leadeth up into per­fect libertie, where there is freedom and Communion with the Father and the Son.

DEar friends, all minde your guide within you, even the pure light of God, which bears witness against all your ungodly wayes, ungodly words, thoughts, works and worships, which are after the world, and leads you without from the Lord your guide, for what stands in outward things, devised in the will and brain which is the Serpents seal, is ac­cursed from God, kept out of the Kingdom, where the earthly will hath libertie, leads out to visible things and feed upon dust, which is the Serpents meat; but you who desire to be fed with that which is Eternall, lay aside all your wisdom which is naturall, for the naturall man receives not the spirituall things of God, [Page 4] for that wisdom shall never know God which stands in the will of man, but darkens the pure light in you and opposeth it, and if you abide in the pure light within, you shall see, that what ever the light of Christ makes appear to be evil and to be cast off, then the other light which stands in mans wisdom, makes a cover for it that it may abide still, and thus the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and that wisdom which ariseth out of the earth opposeth that which is from above, and cals evil good, and good evil, and the wo being upon that na­ture, you can have no peace, while that stands, and from hence comes all your troubles and darkness with­in you, because that eye which is open to the visible offends, and here you are shut out of the Kingdom, which consists in righteousness, peace, and Joy in the holy Ghost: but were that eye pluckt out, and you turned within to see with that eye that is single, then the whole body would be full of light, and abiding in that light, it will shew you a path that leads to puritie and Holiness, without which none shall ever see the Lord: And it will let you see a Law written in your hearts, even the righteous Law of the new Cove­nant, which is a Book sealed to all the wisdom of the World, and none can read it but the pure light that gave it forth, which light as it ariseth in you, it will open all Parables and read all Scriptures within you in your measure, and so you will come to the Unitie with all Saints in measure, and so come to Christ the first born, even to the innumerable company of Angels, to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to God the Judge of all, where no Serpents wisdom shall ever come; and that Law being laid open, will be a limit to the carnall minde, when it would run forth, and the [Page 5] Judge will appear, who will passe true judgement upon all things as they are within you, and a separation will be made between the precious and the vile in you, and you will be brought to discern, what leads to obedi­ence, and what leads to disobedience, and here is your true Teacher whereby all shall be taught of God, as saith the Scripture, and minding this light it will shew you a Crosse, to be daily taken up, whereby all the unruly nature must be crucified, for all must be brought subject to the yoke, even the most rebellious and stif­necked in you, for he will tread upon the neck of Kings, and that which hath captivated the pure in you, must go into captivity, for now the Lord is Risen to disquiet the earth and them that are at rest, yea wo to them that are at ease in Sion, for he is risen who is to rule all Nations with a rod of Iron, and to deliver the oppres­sed, and to set open the prison doors, and to set the pri­soners free, that they may serve him and praise his name, even the name of the Lord, Holy and pure, blessed for evermore. And dear friends be faithfull in what you know, take heed of making a profession of what you are not, and so you be found dissemblers before the Lord, but keep low in meekness and patience, stand­ing in the will of God in all things, and all those ene­mies that will not that Christ should raigne over them, bring them before the Judge that they may be slain, even upon that Crosse that is daily to be taken up, for the Cross is to the carnal, wilde, heady, bruitish nature in you, which lies above the seed of God in you, and oppresseth the pure, now giving this up to be crucified makes way for that which is pure to arise, and guide your minds up to God, there to wait for power and strength against whatsoever the light of God makes [Page 6] manifest to be evil, and so to cast it off, and so you shall see where your strength l [...]th and who it is in you, that worketh the w [...]l and the deed, and then you shall be brought into a possession of what you have but had a profession, and [...]inde the power of what you have had but in words, which is hid from all professions in the World, and is revealed no other way, but by the pure light of God dwelling in you and you in it: take heed of searching into the hidden things of God, by your own wisdom, which is carnal, for that hath God shut out of the Kingdom, and separated it from him, and the things of God and his Kingdom are hid from it, and it is appointed for utter darkness, accursed from him, and doth oppose him in all things and in all ages, the wisdom of the great men of the earth have perse­cuted the pure wisdom of God, and counted it foolish­ness, and God hath said this shall come to nought, and abiding in the pure light of Christ within, you shall see that same wisdom in your selves, will be consulting and leading you any way, rather then to wait on the pure light, and this hath been a tempter from the be­ginning, and hath eaten of the forbidden fruit, and that which hath eaten of the tree of knowledge, must not taste of the Tree of Life, but shall surely die, and the flaming sword is to this wisdom, therefore turn your minds within and waite for a wisdom from above, which begins with the fear of the Lord, which is pure, peaceable, gentle and easie to be entreated, and if you keep your eye to this you shall see as this growes which is pure, there will be a death to that which is sensuall and carnal, and of the Serpent; and as you grow in this pure, you will grow in the knowledge of Christ with­in you, and this is not to be attained by seeking with­out, [Page 7] here and lo there, but onely by keeping your eye within to the invisible, and giving diligent ear to that voice that speakes to the soul, and spirit, for the ministry of Christ is to the spirit in prison, not to the outward, but to the inward man, which is led captive and imprisoned, by that Scrpentine wisdom that rules in the outward, and by which it is kept in death, which once coming to hear the voice of Christ, it is raised from death to life, and then that Scripture is fulfilled, the dead hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live, and this being once restored to life, is that which hath fellowship with the Father and the Son, yea it is one with them; and this is that which as it ariseth, overcomes the world in you, gets the victory obtains the Crown, for it is the promised seed, and heir of all the promised in this life, and that which is to come, but there is no agreement between this and the seed of the Scrpent, for where ever the Scrpents wisdom seekes after, it is that he may slay it, but God hath hid it from him, and doth hide it out of the Scrpents sight, but that seed sees the Scrpent where he is, and doth judge him and condemn him, and bruise his head: how deep are thy Counsels, Oh Lord, past finding out.

James Nayler prisoner for the name of Christ at Appleby; wisheth grace and Peace.

II. All labouring and striving by forms, customes, and tra­ditions, comes short of that worship in Spirit and in Truth. The wayes the two men walk in, viz. the Spiri­tuall and the carnall, the difference betwixt them, and how you may know them by their fruits.

ALl men and women that make a profession, and go under the name of Christians, & say you love Jesus Christ, mind him whom you profess, that you may be taught by him in all your ways and worships, and do not suffer your selves to be deceived any longer by Eph. 4. 14. fair speeches, and flattering high notions, by which you have been blinded for many years, and led on to worship God in outside forms and customs, after the traditions and commandements of men, which by imaginary imitations and consultations they have set up for their own ends, and have made laws to bind the people to observe them, contrary to that light shi­ning into the conscience (the throne of Christ) and the practice of Christ and his Apostles, and so have made the word of God of none effect by their traditions; Psal. 94. 20. but neither they nor you have known the true God, Mark 7. 13. who is worshipped in spirit: for whosoever sinneth hath 1 John 2. 4. 1 John 2. 3. not seen him, nor known him; He that saith, I know 1 John 1. 3. 6. him, and keepeth not his commandements, is a lier, nor have you fellowship with him, nor did ever you receive an answer of acceptance from him, though you have been worshippers in your formal customs all your time, and have many times afflicted your selves from morning till evening, yet no answer. [Page 9] And herein how much you have resembled those four I Kings 18. 26. 29. hundred worshippers in Elias time, if ever your eyes be open, you will see. But the living God is not as the dumb Idols to those who know him: for whom he ac­cepts he answers, and hath done in all ages, and they Psal. 65. 4, 5. Jonah 2. 2. are brought into union with him, and know him, and Psal. 66. 18, 19. how he will be worshipped, not by hearsay, but from Isa. 54. 13. him alone, and their worship is not an imitation by Rom. 10. 8. John 10. 14. the letter, but they are all taught of him, every one Gen. 4. 5. in his measure, and they walk and worship him by his Prov. 15. 8. Prov. 21. 4. word, and the word is nigh them, in their hearts, in Hag. 2. 13, 14. their mouths, by which they are guided, and they know Pro. 3. 33. John 3. 3, 5, 6. his voice; but these are sheep, such as are born again, I Cor, 15. 48, 49. of the Spirit, not after the will of man, but after the will of God. But there is a generation whose sacrifice G [...]l. 5. 17, God doth not accept, whose praiers are abomination, and whose plowing is sin, who pollute all they meddle with, who are hated of the Lord, whom Christ praies not for; for they, their sacrifice, and all they do are ac­cursed from God, & these are in the first birth children of wrath, and enemies to God. Now all people try your selves, whether you be in the first birth, or you be born again: there is a first Adam, and there is a se­cond Adam, and they who are in the first, bear his Image; and they who are in the second, beare his Image, and as is the earthly, such are they that are earthly; and as is the heavenly, such are they that are heavenly, and these are contrary one to the other, the one being from above, the other being from below; the one the seed of God, the other the seed of the Ser­pent, and an enmity is put between them by God, and Gen. 3. 15. there can be no uniting them in one, for what concord hath Christ with Belial, or the believer and the unbe­liever?

[Page 10]The first man is of the earth earthly, minds earthly things, lives in the earth, delights in the earth, lusts after the earth, covets, contends & sues for it, for his treasure is in the earth, and his heart is with it; for it is his por­tion, and his thoughts, words, and wisdom are all im­ployed about it, plotting and forecasting how to com­pass it, and fetch it out of the hands of others to heap up, but is never satisfied, but is a servant to it: it is his life, his joy: if it be taken from him, his comfort is gone: it is his God, and he worships it, and would have all to worship him because of the abundance of it that he hath got together: for he knows no other God, nor Exod. 5. 2. greater happiness then what he sees with carnall eyes, & this all his actions witness; and this is he that is exal­ted above all that is called God, and opposeth God in 2 Thess. 2. 4. all his commands: When God faith, Thou shalt not Gen. 2. 17. Gen. 3. 4, 5. oat of the Tree of knowledge, for if thou do, thou shalt die; he saith, You may eat of it, and not die, but live bet Matth 4. 10. ter, be as God himself. When God saith, Thou shalt Exod. 20. 5. not bow down nor worship any Creature in heaven or earth, for I am jealous of mine honour, and will not have it given to any creature, but will visit that sin to the third and fourth generation; he saith, Thou shalt bow down and Luke 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, worship me, and thou shalt gain by it, and be received into the kingdoms of the Earth, and the glory of them, (for there I am Prince) and I will bestow great things upon thee: But if thou wilt not, I make a Decree, I [...]ester 3. sign it with my own Ring, and set all my servants to act it, that all thy seed shall be cut off out of my Do­minions in one day. And thus to oppose God, and seek to destroy his seed where it appears, hath been his way from the beginning, and is his way at this day, and here are all you haters, enviers and persecuters, and [Page 11] you are doing his worke, and you are acted by him who was a murtherer from the beginning.

The second man is the Lord from Heaven, and he that bears his Image minds heavenly things, and de­lights in heavenly things; for he is spirituall, and judg­eth I Cor. 15 47. Col. 1. 15. not according to outward appearance; for the evill eye that offends is pluckt out, that eye which leads in­to visible things; and there is an eye turned inward, Psal. 25, 14. which pierceth into the hidden treasure which is eter­nall, which the naturall eye sees not; and having once got a sight of the true riches, he casts away all his Idols and Idol worships, and what ever is perishing, and treads upon all that may hinder his enjoyment thereof, though they have been never so dear unto him, now it is become base dross and dung, that he may obtain the Phil. 3. 8. invisible riches: and then the first born, whose heart is in the earth, calls him a fool and a mad man, and thinks it strange that he will not serve the world nor the times for money, nor have mens persons in admiration Jude 16. because of advantage, nor observe the Heathenish cu­stomes for fear of men, but is made to declare against them in open streets and markets; and then that na­ture Acts 14, 16. which lives in these things, takes up stones to cast at him, & cries against him in tumults, Away with him, it is not fit he should live, for he breaks all customes and traditions, which we and our Fathers have lived in so many years, and turns the world up-side down, but being blind, cannot see that the Lord is in him, who Acts 16. 20, 21. counts all the customs of the Heathen vain, and over­turns Kingdoms and Nations at his will, and thereby makes way for him to reign whose right it is.

The first man worships a God at a distance, but knows him not, nor where he is, but by relation from others, [Page 12] either by word or writing; and as he receives his know­ledge 1 John 2. 4. of him from men, so his worship towards him is 1 John 2. 6. taught by the precepts of men; and if men, on whom Isa. 29. 13. be depends, command him to go to Steeple-house, he goes; if they command him to pray, he prayes; if they command him to sing, he sings; if they bid him hear, kneel, sit, stand, fast, or feast, he doth it; and here he hath fellowship with men, and doth as his neighbours do, or with those he calls brethren, if he be got into a more strict form; but as for any command from God binding to these, or any communion with God, or answer of acceptance from him, upon every perfor­mance, he looks for no such thing now in these dayes, as though God was not now the same to his people that he hath been in all Ages. And thus in vain doth Matth▪ 1 [...] ▪ 9. he worship, receiving for Doctrines the commande­ments of men, and so uphold and plead for a customary worship in a form of tradition, which he is resolved to practise as long as he lives; but as for any other fel­lowship Heb▪ 6. 1. with God, or knowledge of him, or over­coming the body of sin, or growing up toward perfe­ction, he looks for none while he is here; but he hath set up his Stand as far as he intends to go, and if any go any further, or witness any more then he knows, he accounts it blasphemy, and cries out against it, as a thing not to be suffered, and with carnall weapons would force all to his light; but who have eyes open see him to be blind.

The second man worships a God at hand▪ where he dwels in his Holy Temple, and he knowes him by his John 4. 24. own word from his dwelling place and not by relation 2 Cor. 6. 16. 1▪ Cor▪ 6. 19. of others, and thus the holy men of God alwayes knew him; for Abraham did not know him by what he [Page 13] had spoke to Noah, nor the Prophets by what he spoke Gen. 12. 1▪ 2. Hosea 1. 1. to Abraham, no [...] the Apostles by what he spoke to the 1 Joh. 5. 10. Prophets, nor the Saints by what he spoke to the Apostles; but he that beleeveth hath the witness within himself, and thereby sets to his seal that God is true, and therfore Christ exhorts to have salt in your selves, 2 Pet. 1. 19. Gal. 4. 6. 7. and the Apostle exhorts the Saints to wait for the ap­pearance Joh. 16. 13. of Christ in themselves, and to waite for the Joh. 14, 26. John 4. 22. day Star arising in their heart, and they knew them­selves 1 Cor. 14. 5 to be the Sons of God by the Spirit that he had Revel. 27. 11. 17. 29. given them, and so doth he that is born of the Spirit, and by the same Spirit that witnesseth God dwelling in him he is taught how, & where, and after what maner he will be worshipped, and he knowes what he wor­ships, and he worships in spirit, and he prayes in the spirit and sings in the spirit, and with understanding also, and not in form and custom, and he hath an Ear open to hear what the spirit saith, by which he is taught when and how to pray, to sing, to fast or Feast, and he Feasteth of fat things, whereby the soul is nourished and feeds not the lust, he Feasts the inward man and not the outward, for all is spirituall, and so growes in the spirit into neer Communion with God, and get­ting Rom. 8. 20. 2 Cor. 3. 18. victory over sin the World and the Devil, and as he comes into puritie he is changed into the Image of the Lord from glory to glory, and all by the spirit▪

The first man is naturall and carnal, and knowes not 1 Cor. 2. 14. the things of God, but what he knowes naturally as bruite beasts, and therein he doth corrupt himself, and doth use all his knowledge for corrupt ends, he boasts of learning and tongues which are naturall, and these Jude 10. he useth to defraud oppresse and over reach the simple, to revenge, sue, covet and heap together things that are [Page 14] for corruption, and with the same naturall knowledge and tongues, he steps into the Throne of Christ and judges of the pure invisible things of God, comparing spirituall things with carnal, and thinkes none knowes more then he, but knows nothing as he ought to know; yet with this knowledge, and that power he hath got in the earth, he sits as judge and condemns the inno­cent, and lets the guiltie go free, for being spiritually blind he takes evil good and good evil, and his seat is in the powers of the earth, and there he sits as Lord from the beginning, bearing rule by his meanes, and Mat. 20. 25. 26. here he exerciseth his authortie and is Heathen, and is Luke 22. 53. 1 Cor. 2. 6. 8. Prince in the Air, and hath the powers of darkness Jam. 1. 18. committed to him; but blessed be the Father who hath 1 Pet. 1. 23. Col. 1. 15. hid the glorious things of the Kingdom from him, and Rom. 8. 29. hath appointed that this Princely wisdom of his shall 2 Pet. 3, 18. 2 Cor. 3. 18. come to naught.

The second man is spiritually begotten by the spirit of Eph. 4. 13. 14. the immortall seed, is the expresse Image of the Father, he knowes the Father, and is known of him, not by relation of the Creature, but by the in dwelling of God in him, and he in him, according to that measure of light revealed in him, and he stands in the will of God improving that he hath freely received of God, whereby he growes in the knowledge of the Father and the Son, from grace to grace, from faith to faith, till he come to the unitie of the faith and knowledge of the Son-ship, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: and standing faith­full in the least measure, and waiting therein, the light of Christ under the Crosse, and not looking out, he is kept in peace, from the craftie and sleighty doctrines of men whereby they go about to deceive: and as the [Page 15] light growes there is a descerning of things that differ, to chuse the good and refuse the evil, and as the Son John 5. 22. 27. 30. ariseth the judgement is brought forth, for all judge­ment 1 Cor. 6. 2. 3. is committed to the Son, and so the Saints come to Judge the World, yea Angels, and are made able to try the spirits whether they be of God or no, and that old Serpent is judged by whom formerly they have been deceived, and so that which is born of God over­comes 1 Joh. 5. 4 5. the World, sin and the devil, and is kept out of all uncleanness, in which the carnall minde corrupts himself; and thus Judgement is brought forth into victory, and the unjust and unclean is judged and con­demned and kept under within and without.

The first man is proud and lofty, exalted above his Gen. 21. 9. Gal. 5. 19. 20. 21. brethren, a self lover lives to the flesh, and followes the lusts of the flesh in all things, and brings forth fruits to▪ the flesh in all things, as lying, swearing, whoring and all manner of evil, and for a cover makes a pro­fession of godliness, but performs nothing but for self-ends, and to be seen of men; but as to uprightness, ho­liness and puritie, he is an enemie, a hater, a persecuter▪ a scorner, a railer, unreasonably covetous, would have all the Earth and Heaven too, would live in plea­sure all his life, and yet die the death of the righteous, Numb. 23. 10. would be an oppressor here and hereafter, and upon him lies all the righteous blood that hath been shed from the first, till this day.

The second man is humble and lowly, meek and full of love, to all, honors all men according to God with­out respect of persons, would have all to come to life, Ja [...] ▪ 2. 1. 9. stands in the wisdom of God which is pure, and peace­able, is willing to be a fool to the World and Serpents wisdom, content to suffer wrongs, buffettings, persecu­tions, [Page 16] slanders, reviling, mocking without seeking re­venge, but bears all the venome the Serpent can cast up­on him, with patience, and thereby overcomes him and Gal. 5. 22. bruiseth his head▪ and is made perfect through suffering, 2 Cor. 4. 17. 18. and countsit joy, and rejoyceth in the Cross, and loss of Jam. 4. 4. all things▪ that are visible, but lookes at that which is Eternall, for he knowes he cannot have both, for to be a friend to the World is the enemy of God.

Now all dear people judge your selves, if you will but deal faithfully with your selves, there is that with­in you that wil tell you whence you are, and from whe­ther of these roots all your actions proceed, for if the root be holy, the branches, & fruit will be holy also, and by the fruits you bring forth, you may know the tree, whether you be of the first birth, or you be born again, and unless you be born again, you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, you have long time taken things upon trust from men, and have been led blind, and brought forth fruits unto death, and have been servants to sin & the devil, let the time past be sufficient to have wrought the will of the flesh: and now approve your selves the children of God, in your actions, for by your fruits you shall be judged, God is holy, and his chil­dren bear his image: Oh, redeem your time, prise your souls, and minde that which is Eternall.

III. How the subtiltie of the Serpent workes in the Children of disobedience; and how he rages where he sees the image of the Prince of Peace appear, to smother and strangle the holy Child Jesus.

OThou subtil Serpent, why dost thou so rage at the voice of the Lord, when he speakes in his own, whom he hath redeemed▪ and why art thou so mad against his Image where it is renewed and doth Coll. 3. 10. 11. appear in whom he hath begotten to himself? Thou hast long uttered thy voice, in open streets, by blas­phemous swearing, cursing, lying, slandering, railing, false accusing, scorning, and all manner of evil speaking, and hast brought forth thy image in thy Children, in persecuting, killing, stoning, mocking, imprisoning, co­vetousness, drunkenness, whoredoms, thefts and all manner of evil works and deeds of darkness; thou hast long raigned as King on earth, and in earthly hearts and carnall minds, and there hast shewed forth thy en­mitie Rom. 8. 7. 2 Thes. 2. 4. against God; and in such thou art exalted above Esther 3. 5. 6. all that is called God, and hast got thy will upon Esther 5. 9, 13. Esther 6. [...]3. them, and hast brought them to fall down and worship thee, for that thy pride lookes much after: and as thou hast divers colors▪ so thou lookest for divers kinds of worship; and where thou appearest in greatest glory, there thou lookest for greatest worship; and those who will obey thee herein, to them thou givest large pro­mises of great things in the World, and they shall be advanced in thy partiall Kingdom; but there is a seed, thou couldest never bring to fall down before thee, though thou hast often attempted it, and divers wayes, [Page 18] sometimes by great threatenings even to destroy the Esther 3. 6. whole seed at one blow, as in Haman to Mordecai and all the seed of the Jewes because he would not worship thee; and sometimes by great promises and large dis­sembling proffers, as unto Christ the Son of God, shewing him all the riches of the world, and the glory thereof, saying, all this will I give thee if thou wilt fall Mat. 6. 8. 9. down and worship me, but this seed is that which is appointed to bruise thy head, and lay all thy pride in Gen. 3. 15. 1 King 22. 8. the dust, and the voice of this seed is terrible to thee 2 Thes. 2. 8. where it speakes, for it never speakes good concerning Rom 8. 6. Mat. 7. 13. thee but evil, and this seed is Christ who is risen in his Saints, to discover and destroy thy Kingdom, by the sword of his mouth, and by the brightness of his coming, for he speakes death to thee where he speakes, and declares the Kingdom to be death, and darkness, and thy works to be dead works, and that all thy ways lead to the chambers of death, and that hell, death and destruction are the portion of all whom thou deceivest, and leadest on in the broad way, but where ever the seed of God appears, it holds forth life, and leads into a way of life, works and words of life and power, for it is the light of life, and leads to life Eternal, and as this light ariseth, it discovers thee, not only within, but also sees thee, where thou art in the world, and is brought to lay thee open to others, and all thy deceiveable workings, 1 Cor. 2. 15. and to judge and condemn thee; and this is the Son, 1▪ Cor. 6. 2, 3. and where he is, he is the light of the world, and judge of the World, for the Father hath committed all judge­ment unto the Son, and he judgeth thee in and by his Saints: And now thou seest plainly, that if he do but speak and the creature hear, and beleeve, then he will discover all thy subtiltie, and redeem from under thy [Page 19] power, by which thou hast deceived the nations and Prov. 26▪ 25. 26. ruled over them for many generations: And there­fore Revel. 12 13▪ 15. now thy designe is to stop his mouth, that he may not speak under pain of imprisoning or killing the body in whom he speakes, and if that will not prevail, then thou perswadest people not to beleeve that it is he that speakes in his own, calling it Blasphemy for any to confess him, to speak in them, or dwell in them now. O thou cursed crooked winding Serpent, more subtile Joh. 9. 22. Joh. 6. 24. then all the beasts of the field: this was thy way a­mongst the professing wise knowing Jewes, when this seed first appeared in flesh, to make them beleeve, that it was not he who was the Christ the Saviour of the World, he was too poor, too plain, and of too mean a stock, to be King of Israel, ye know this man from whence he is, a Carpenters Son, & his kindred are with us, & none beleeve on this man, but sinners, women and Children, and a poor people that know not the Law, and they are accursed, but when Christ comes, then the rulers Mat. 21. 15. will own him and beleeve in him: thus by perswading Joh. 7. 48. 49. them to look for great things at a distance, a Christ to come who would appeare more glorious to their carnal eyes, who prevailed in them to crucifie the Son of God and Redeemer of the World. But now that the history of Christ being come, and hath suffered, and is risen again, is generally beleeved; Now thy design is, to perswade people that it is a thing past long since, and sets them on to cry out against the Jews for killing of him, and Judas for betraying him, and thus sit one of thy children to cry out against another, making these beleeve that they are in a better condition then their fa­thers, when they are all found in one and the same work, killing some, imprisoning others, mocking, stoning, [Page 20] beating, and shamefully intreating others, and to keep Mat. 21. 35. 36. them on in this work, perswades them that it is not Christ they persecute now, for Christ is in Heaven, and sits at the right hand of God; and how can he be in his people now? he doth not appear in any now, or speak Gal. 1. 16. Mat. 11. 27. in any now, neither is there any Revelations; it was so 1 Cor. 2. 14. in the Apostles time, and the Saints of old witnessed Heb. 1. 2. such things; but it is blasphemy for any now to confesse him, in these dayes: and thus thou beguilest carnal man led by carnal reason, to look for a carnal Christ like themselves, who can but be in one place, or person; as though God had now found some new way to speak to his people and not by his Son, & all this is to put out the light, lest thou shouldest be discovered: for thou rulest in darknes, & by darknes keepest thy possession, a­mongst those whom thou hast blinded; but where Christ is revealed and known, he is known to be spiritual, and not carnal, not limited to one place, but filleth heaven and earth, is all, and in all his, but not seen by the carnal Col. 2. 10. 11. 2 Cor. 4. 4. man, though he be the light of the world; for the Psal. 58. 4, 5. God of this world hath blinded the eyes of the world, Eze. 4. 20. 21. that they cannot see him, for he is a mistery to them, and hid from all their carnal wisdom, neither can they hear his voice, for they are not of his sheep, but are as the deaf Adder; but to them onely in whom he dwels he is known, they hear his voice, and are taught by him alone, and will own no other voice nor teacher, and they know him to be the same Christ yesterday, to day and for ever; the same who when he was to ascend, Joh. 10. 4. 5. said to his, if I go away, I will come again, that where John 14. 3. I am, there may ye be also; the same who said I will Col. 1. 27. 2 Cor. 13. 3. come and make mine abode with you; the same who John 14. 6. was in the Saints the hope of glory, and those who have [Page 21] him not in them are reprobates: The same Christ who spoke in Paul and the rest, and they knew his voice where ever they heard it, and did obey it, though they suffered for it; for he was their light, their life, and their way to the Father; and by beleeving and follow­ing him, they were led out of all the wayes of death and darkness, up to God into puritie and holiness: and thus were brought to witness their redemption by him, Mat. 11. 27. Gal. 1. 16. and he is the same now to those who know him, in all John 10. 30. things, according to the measure, received: he reveals John 10. 4. 5. Pro. 8. 31. himself now to be the Eternal Son of God, in them in John 1. 3. in whom he reveals the Father in them, and that John 10. 20. John. 17. 21. the Son and Father are one in him, he speakes in them and by them, and they know his voice from all other voices in themselves and others; they know his hand is not shortned, nor his love lesse then it hath been to his people, and that his delight is with the sons of men as much as ever, but it is onely in them, who love and obey him, and not their lusts, and such can witness their fellowship with the Father and the Son, and they know that this is a mistery to all the worlds wisdom, and that the Serpents brood can no more own his voice now, where he speakes, then formerly he could do, when he spoke in flesh; and that he is but one in all, from the beginning to this day, and changes not: and that the Serpenr is but one in all his, though of divers colours and forms, and therefore at Wars, disputes, and janglings among themselves, and at envy one with another, onely they are one in this, that they all joyn to Luke 23. 12. Revel. 9. 13. persecute the pure seed, in any where it appears; but where the pure seed appears, they are all of one colour, arayed in pure linnen white and clean, which is the righteousness of Saints, and are of one heart and one [Page 22] mind, and these follow the Lamb whithersoever he Revel. 19. 8. goeth, never to persecute any, but to suffer all the Revel. 7. 14. the venome, rage and malice of the Serpents brood, and are led thorow great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, and thereby they are brought to bruise thy head and raign above thee, and tread upon thee, and thus the promise of God is fulfilled in his people, and this is witnessed in them, and they know that they are re­deemed and set free from sin and death, even by the Rom. 6. 20, 21. power and vertue of this seed, being raised up in them, to rule in them, and is their guide, their Judge and lawgiver, their light by which they see thy severall deceits, whereby thou deceivest the nations, and keepest them in sin and filthiness, perswading some, that Christ is come and hath redeemed them among the rest, though they know it not, but still lives in their sins, yet if they have but a profession, and go under the name of beleevers, and come before the Lord as his people, in outward performances, though they have no witness within themselves yet all their sins are satis­fied; for past, present and to come. And lest they 1 John 5. 10. should doubt of it, thou settest them to the letter, to steal that which Christ in spirit witnessed in the Saints, in whom he dwelt, but never yet in them; and thus by applying the promises of the righteous unto the wicked, encourageth them to live in sin without fear; and this Doctrine thou broachest amongst thy Ranting crew, and so proclaims liberty to the lusts of the flesh, a doctrine well pleasing to the first birth, and therefore so easily received, & cried up by many in these dayes. But if the judgement of God for sin seise upon the spirits of any, and they find that there can be no [Page 23] peace with God while sin stands; then thou hast ano­ther way to deceive them, perswading them that though it be sin, and onely sin, that breaks their peace with God, yet what power have they against it of themselves? they must look for a day (which wil always Heb. 3, 7▪ be to come) when they shall have power given in an easie way to overcome sin, and never take up the cross, nor deny their own lusts, nor have their own wills cru­cified, and thus by tempting them to look out at re­demption past, or to come, keeps them from minding their present condition, and tender of Christ within them, who by his light would lead them out of sin and filthiness, and to witness redemption within themselves. Another sort thou perswadest, that none ever was, or ever shall be set free from sin, while they are here, and that it is a vain thing ever to look for it; and that they John 3. 6, 7, 8, 9, are but Pharisees who seek to be cleaner then their neighbours, and that God is merciful, and Christ came to save sinners: and thus Christ serves for no other end to them, but to talk on, and he who came to set the Saints free from sin, and to discover sin, is by thine made a cloak for sin, and an encouragement in sin: and further to deceive them, thou gatherest up all the fai­lings of the Saints, which are written as warnings for all that come after, never to do the like, and these thou turnest to encourage thine in their sin; for this is thy cursed language, Did not David sin? Did not Peter sin? Did not Noah sin? And am I better then they? And thus thou, who by sin at first didst stamp thy I­mage on the creature, and so work a separation betwixt God and man, so by sin thou upholdest thy Image and John 8. 44▪ the separation; for sin is begotten by thee, and thou art the Father of it, and it bears thy Image, and the [Page 24] glory of thy kingdom stands in sin and filthiness, and thou and thy children delight in it. But wo unto Dan. 12. 1. thee and thy kingdom, for the day of thy tor­ment Dan, 2. 34. is upon thee: for now Michael our Prince, who stands up for the children and people of God, is arisen against thee, who will break thee and thy Image in pieces, and thou shalt be cast out of heaven, and thy Angels into the earth, and thou shalt be chained in the bottomless pit, and shalt deceive the nations no more; for thou art discovered, and the Beast and the false Pro­phet, by whom thou hast maintained wars against the Saints, and you shall all be cast into the lake that bur­neth, Rev. 20. 10. there to be tormented for ever.

IV. A Caution to all who shall be found persecutors, persecu­ting the righteous, not suffering that Spirit to speak, which boldly and impartially speaks without slavishness, being carried up above, fears not him who can kill the Body, and can do no more, but fears God.

TAke heed ye men of the earth, how you contend against the Lord, and how you speak evil of the Psal. 2. 1, 2. things you know not: why do ye imagine a vain thing Psal, 2, 4, 5. against the Lord, and against his anointed? by your Psal 37. 13. rage you shew your selves to be Heathen: He that sits Job 9. 4, 12. in Heaven shall laugh, the Lord shall have you in deri­sion, he will set up his King upon his holy Hill of Sion, without your leave. Did ever any strive against God and prosper? he will break you with a rod of Iron, and dash you in pieces like a potters vessel; be wise, take heed, fear and tremble before the Lord, left his wrath [Page 25] kindle against you, and you be consumed in his anger; Isai. 45. 9. Isai. 29. 1 [...]. Wo to him that striveth with his Maker; let the pot­sheards strive with the potsheards of the earth, shall the clay question the work of the Potter? You forget your selves, while you are contending against the mind of God, you are exalted, and have forgotten that you are but dust, and must to dust again; you were not made to oppose the Lord in his works, but to humble your selves before him. And know this all yee proud ones Isai. 2. 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. of the earth, that God is now exalting his own Son to be King alone upon the Throne of David, and of the Isai. 9. 6. 7. increase of his government and peace there shall be no end; for he shall order his Kingdom himself in judge­ment and justice for ever; but wo unto the proud at that day, for the day cometh that shal burn as an O­ven, and all the proud, and all that do wi [...]kedly, shal be as stubble▪ and the day that cometh shal burn them Mal. 3. 2, 3. up, and leave them neither root nor branch; yea, who may abide the day of his coming, and who shall stand when he appears? For he is like a Refiners fire, and Fullers sope, and shal sit as a Refiner and Purifier of silver, and shal purifie the sons of Levy; all you must pass through the fire, and all your dross and tin must be consumed, your high looks, and great swelling words wil be found dross, and is for the fire. You that go a­bout to limit the holy one of Israel, what he shall do, Job 21, 22. and how he must make himselfe known to his crea­tures, and by whom, God wil never come your way, for your wayes are not his wayes, nor your thoughts his thoughts, for the one are contrary to the other▪ Oh▪ Job 40. 2. vain man, shal he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him; he that reproveth God let him answer it. What art thou that questions the work of the Lord; or [Page 26] his way? Thou art of that brood that came to ask Christ by what authority he did those things his Fa­ther had sent him to do; and because thou must not enter into the secrets of God by thy Serpents wisdom, thou wilt forbid and persecute them in whom it is re­vealed as they did. Now wouldst thou but look back, and search the Scriptures, thou shouldst find thy gene­ration all along from Cain to thy self, for all particu­lars are of that Serpents brood. It may be thou wilt Gen. 4. 6. own all that generation to be of Cain, til it come to thy Mat. 23. 29, 30, 31. self, and then thou wilt deny that thou any of that brood, & yet art found acting in the verysame things; & herein thou differest not at all from the rest: for they would all deny it even from the first. For when God asked Cain where his brother was? said he knew not, Am I my brothers keeper?? when as he had slain him. And the Scribes, Pharisees, and chief Priests garnished the sepulchres of the Prophets whom their Fathers slew, and said, Had we lived in their dayes, we▪ would not have killed them; and at that very time were they con­sulting to kill the Son of God▪ to whom all the Pro­phets bare witness. But as the Divel was a murtherer from the beginning, so he was a lier from the beginning. But though hou wilt not own thy self to be of the Divel, yet thy actions declare to thy face before Men and Angels, that thou art not of God: Did ever any that was of God forbid any to speak in the name of the Lord Jesus, whom he sent to declare his will? Did they ever imprison any for it? Did they ever beat, stone▪ mock, revile, or hate any? Did they ever raise lies, slanders, or false reports of any? or seek false wit­nesses Isai. 3▪ 15. against them? Did they ever oppress the stran­ger because he was a stranger, and send them to prison [Page 27] when they found them, because they knew them not, though they never did them harm? And then to make way for their further oppression, to have their Agents abroad to seek out any, who wil witness any thing a­gainst them, and so lay snares and traps for the simple and harmless man. There was of thy generation in Isaiahs time, and God plagued them for it, as saith the Isai. 29, 20, 21 Prophet, The terrible ones are brought to naught, and the scorners are consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off, that make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproves in the gate. Now all you that wil be found in this practice, take heed, repent betime, the righteous God wil judge righteously, he is no re­specter H [...]s. 5. [...]. of persons, and he knows all your secret plots, and who they are against; you may hide things from men, but wo unto them that dig deep to hide their 1 Pet. 1. 17. counsel from the Lord, and their works are in the dark, Psal. 37. 1 [...], 13, 1 [...], 15. and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth? Surely Isai. 29. 13, 14. your turning things upside down, shall be esteemed as the Potters clay, and God wil overturn overturn you, and bring all your plotting wisdom to naught. O con­sider what is become of the persecuters of Old? Did not God find them out and plague them for it? and dost thou think to escape his hand? Thy thoughts are vain, and wil deceive thee, the Lord will set a mark up­on thee, thou that art a persecuter of the messengers of the Lord, Go to, saith the Lord, write it in a book, that it Isai. 30. 8, 9, 10, 11. may be for time to come, for ever and ever, that this is a rebellious people, lying children, that will not heare the law of the Lord, which say to the Seers, See not, and to the Prophets, prophesie not to us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesie deceit. Now see if it be not so in these days, he that studies out eloquent words to [Page 28] please the ears of men▪ and can talk against sin in words, but when they have done, joyn with the wicked in his wicked ways, as pride▪ covetousness, oppression, drun­kenness, rioting, and such like, and so become men plea­sers, these are Prophets most fit for them that love their sins▪ and would not have their minds crost▪ Micah saith▪ Mica 2. 11. in his days, that a lier, and one that will prophesie of wine and strong drink, is a Prophet most fit for this people, and these Prophets shal never suffer persecution, nor ever turn any from their sins. But if any come with a true message from the Lord, & declare his judgments to come against all sin & filthiness, and witness against all the ways of the wicked both in word and practise, then away with such a fellow from the earth, it is not Acts 22, 22. fit he should live, for he judgeth all but himself, send him to prison, or into his own Countrey out of our coasts, what hath he to do here, or who sent him, or what is his authority? I love him not, for he never 1 King. 22. 8. 18. speaks good of us, but evil. O friend, didst thou but know whom thou strivest against thou wouldst tremble before him, it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks, thou art not against man but God. And this know, that no prophesie of old ever came by the wil of man, but against the wills of all men in the world, both he 2 Pet. 1. 21. that was sent, and they to whom he was sent. But who hath resisted his wil? for there is a necessity laid▪ upon such as are sent by him, & wo unto them if they go not. And they who are thus sent are no Hirelings, neither do they come with What will you give me? but they 1 Cor. 9. 16, 17 must witness forth freely what Christ hath revealed in them, though they suffer for it, but this cal is not known to Babylons Merchants, who buy, sell, and trade for mo­ney, Revel. 18. 11. neither is it known to the world, for if it were, they [Page 29] would not hate & persecute it, but they that are sent by 1 Cor. 2. 8. God have b in hated in all ages, and it is the same now, else how should the Scriptures be fulfilled, but O man take heed what thou doest, thy power is limitted though thou know it not, thou canst but kill the bodie, and the soul shall live, thou canst but imprison the body, Mat. 10. 2 [...]. and the spirit is at liberty out of thy reach, and there­fore Christ bids his not to fear such, who can go no fur­ther, and it is so, for they who are kept close in obedi­ence to Christ are kept out of the fear of man, for saith Isa. 51. 12. 13. 14. the Lord, I even I am he that comforted you, who art thou that thou shouldst be afraid of a man that shal die, and the Son of man that shall be as grasse, & forgetteth the Lord thy Maker▪ that hath stretcheth forth the Hea­vens Isa. 51. 16. laid the foundations of the earth, & hath feared every day because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy, and where is the fury of the op­pressor; but saith the Lord I have put my words into thy mouth, & have covered thee with the shadow of my hand, behold I have taken out of thy hand the Cup of my fury, and thou shalt no more drink it again, but I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee, which say to thy soul, bow down that we may go over thee, and thou hast laid thy body, as the ground, and as the Isa. 14. 10. street, to them that go over, therefore take heed you that tread the poor and helplesse under your feet, repent repent, your day is coming on a pace, wherein the Lord wil avenge the poor on him that is too strong for him, and how canst thou stand at the day, when thou shalt become weak, as another man, and no false pre­tences will be accepted, thou must be Judged accord­ing to thy works good or evil, Oh that you had hearts to humble your selves, before the Lord, that ye might find mercy at that day, for why will you perish rough your own will.

V. A call to the world, to repentance, and the cursed condi­tion that men lie in, professing much but practising just nothing but pride, wantonness, covetousness, and yet cover themselves with large professions, and call themselves Saints, wo, wo to all them who profess the truth, and live in unrightness and that turne the grace of God into wantonness.

ALl people repent and turn to the Lord from the evil of your doing, for the Lord is at hand who Isa. 3. 10. 11. will judge the world, and give every one according to Isa. 26. 21. 2 Thes 1. 7. 8. 9 their doings whether they be good or evil, yea he is 1 John 3. 6. coming with ten thousands of his Angels, to be avenged on the Heathen and them that know not God, now all that live in sin & filthiness, it plainly appears you know not God, for if you did, you durst not heap iniquitie and live in your lusts heaping up wrath against the day of wrath, wherein the Lord will appear as a consuming fire, against all ungodliness of wicked men.

God is against you, you dissembling professors, who adorn the outside, to be seen of men, but the inside is full of deceit, serving God in outside forms and noti­ons, Mat. 23. 25, 26, 27, 28. but your hearts are not upright with him, you are in the earth, and earthly mindedness, in your cove­tousness, which is Idolatry, and God abhors the outside worship: when the heart is not upright with him, and Christ cals such, whited wals painted sepulchres, hy­pocrites, Serpents, a generation of vipers, children of the Mat. 23. 33. devil, and the woe is to such, how can you escape the damnation of hell.

God is against you: you proud and lustfull wanton ones, who make it your greatest care to deck your selves, [Page 31] your proud atire, inventing new wayes and Isa. 28. 12, 34. fashions to make your selves glorious in the sight of men, that they may bow down and worship you, and set you above the Commands of God, but know that Isa 2. 10. 11. 17 you are but dust, and God will lay such honour in the Isa. 16. to the end. dust, for he is risen to whom all worship is due, and now wo to all the idols of the world, your lofty looks shall be humbled, and your haughtiness bowed down, for now the Lord will exalt the humble and meek ones, that you have troden upon, he will seek that Ezek. 34▪ 16. which is lost, but will destroy the fat, and feed the Luke 6 24. strong with judgement; repent you lofty ones and turn to the Lord, and humble your selves before him that you may be hid in the day of his fierce wrath least he take you away, and there be none to deliver.

God is against you, you drunkards, who make it your trade to pour in strong drink, abusing the creature to satisfie you lusts, which God hath given to be used Isa. 28. 1. 3. Joel 1. 5. moderately and not in riotousness, you should be rea­sonable Isa. 5. 22. creatures, but your horse may teach you, who will not drink when he hath enough, and here­in you shew your selves worse then bruits, and they shall rise up in Judgement against you and condemn you, woe to you that are mighty to drink wine, and Isa. 5. 11. Hab. 2. 15. 16. men of strength to mingle strong drink, wo to you that rise up early that you may follow strong drink and continue untill night, till wine inflame them, the wo is upon you that put the cup to his neighbours mouth, to make him drink that his makedness may appear, and shamefull spuing cover him, and this is your glory, which is your shame, and you tell your companions, you shew your selves to be the children of Ham, the Gen. 9, 22 2 [...] father of Canaan, who was accursed for such practise, and the curse is upon you, while you live in this, there­fore [Page 32] repent, and live no longer in your filthiness, your healths is abomination to the Lord, and you are igno­rant of his saving health; the wants of the poor cries in the ears of God, against your wastfull practise, and you must account for your stewardship.

God is against you: you swearers, who make it your practise to take the name of God in vain, and live in Pro. 19. 29. Prov. 3. 34. open breach of his commands, you who are not Jer. 23. 10. ashamed to profane the holy name of God in open Zach. 5. 3. Mat. 5 34. 35. streets and houses where you come, the curse is upon the Jam. 5. 12. Land for your sakes, and because of oathes the Land Psal 9. 17. mournes, and God will not hold you guiltlesse, repent Jer. 5. 7. repent, the curse is towards you; you profane ones who regards not the commands of Christ, who saith swear not at all, but let your yea be yea, and your nay nay, for whatsoever is more cometh of evil, how is he your Redeemer, and how will you stand before him, at the day of Judgement, whom you now so openly contemn, in disobeying his commands, O Repent, the day is at hand when it will be too late.

God is against you: you scorners, who take delight in scorning your brethen, you shew your folly to all, Isa. 18. 14, 15, 18. and whose children you are, you that sit in the seat of the scornfull, God doth scorn you, He who sits in Hea­ven laughs you to scorn, you are proud and puft up and have scornfull eyes, you that raise false reports against Luke 6. 25. the simple and tell them to make your selves and others laugh, that are scorners like you: the Lord will laugh Isa. 14. 11. 12. at your calamitie, and mock when your fear cometh, your laughter shall be turned into mourning, wo to them that now laugh, for they shall mourn, you for­get your selves what you are, take heed be not mockers, Isa. 28. 22. least your bands be made strong, and when you cry [Page 33] there be none to deliver take heed repent betime, how Prov. 1▪ 22. long will you scorners delight in scorning and fools Isa. 57. 34. 5. hate knowledge, cease your sports and pastimes you wanton ones, making your selves merry in your sins, your idle profane talking and foolish Jesting, your un­clean filthy words are abomination to the Lord, and every idle word must be accounted for, your reveling, and rioting, Carding, and dicing, and all your invented sports, sitting down to eat and drink and rising up to play, which is idolatry, and the wrath of God is against 1 Cor. 10, 7. such practise, for man was not made to fulfill his own Isa 22. 12. 13. 14. lusts, but to serve the living God, who made all things for himself and the wicked for the day of Judgement, Pro. 16. 4. 5. Job 21. 30. and they are reserved against the day of wrath and di­struction, Pro. 11. 21. and though hand joyn in hand, the wicked shall not go unpunished; repent, take heed, search the Scriptures, if ever the people of God used any such practise, or spent his time after that manner, but la­boured to redeem the time, and had there crucified with the affections and lusts, for they who live to the flesh cannot please God.

God is against you: you covetous cruell oppressors, who grind the faces of the poor and needie taking your Pro. 11. 1. advantage of the necessities of the poor, falsifying the Isa. 3. 15. measures and using deceitful weights, speaking that by your commodities which is not true, and so deceiving Isa. 5. 8. 9. the simple, and hereby getting great Estates in the world, laying house to house, & Land to Land, till their be no place for the poor, and when they are become poor through your deceits, then you dispise them, and exalts your selves above them, and forgets that you are all made of one mould and one blood, and must all appear before one judge, who is no respecter [Page 34] of persons, nor doth he despise the poor, and what Acts 17. 26. shall your riches avail you at that day, when you must Gal. 2. 6. account how you have gotten them, and whom you have oppressed, yea wo to him that coveteth an evil covetousness to his own house, that buildeth a house with oppression, the stone in the wall and the beam in Hab. 2. 11. 12. the timber shall crie out against him, The fathers com­mit crueltie and oppression in heaping together, and the children commit filthiness in spending it upon their lusts, and thus the children eat up the sins of their fa­thers, and fill up the measure of their fathers iniquitie, Mat. 23. 3 [...]. and thus you make an open gap for the wrath of God to break in upon you, Oh repent and turn unto the Lord that there may be one found to stand in the gap and make up the breach, least the wrath of God break in upon you, and burn like fire and there be none to quench it, for the day of the Lord is at hand, that you must all be weighed in the pure balance of the Sanctua­ry Dan. 5▪ 25. and nothing will be weight, but what is pure and holy, truth from the heart, no deceit nor hypocrisie will be weight, no peace by a drunkard, or whore­mongers will be weight, no idolators, proud, or covet­ness, no swearer, lyer, drunkard, or whoremonger, will be Revel. 23. 13. weight, no Idolators, proud or covetous ones no scorner railer, or false accusers, no murtherer nor envious perse­cuter, no fornicator, nor unclean ones, nor any that lives to the flesh can be weight, but wil be found wanting, and then wo unto you, for your kingdom must be taken from you and given to them who will bring forth fruits that God may have glory: now all professors and people consider your conditions, you have been long hearers and professors, but what have your fruits been, herein is Mat. 3. 10. my Father glorified that you bring forth much fruit; but now you fruitless trees you must be cut down and [Page 35] cast into the fire, for all mens works must be tried by 1 Cor. 3. 13. fire, and then wo unto you who have taken pleasure in sin, repent, and return to the Lord betime, that you may find mercy, for your destruction is of your selves.

VI. The cursed condition of conceited ones, who are wise in their own eyes.

VVO unto you that are wise in your own eyes, Isai. 5. 21. and prudent in your own sight, you that think Iohn 14. 17. to understand the spirituall things of God by your car­nal Iude 10. wisdom; and because God wil not reveal his secrets to your serpentine wisdom, therefore you speak evil of it where it is revealed, though you know it not; your wisdom is of the earth, and feedeth upon dust, and dust is the Serpents meat: by your wisdom you can over­reach Isai. 65. 25. your brethren, oppress the poor to get riches, to make your selves great in the earth, and thereby Lord it over your brethren, by it you can go to law, and begger your poor brethren for trifles, to fulfil your own wils, by it you can deceive the simple and harmless man, and make him your laughing-stock when you have done, by it you can contrive mischief on your bed, and when the morning is come you put in practice against those whom you envy. And do you think that ever God wil Mica 2. 1, 2, 3. reveal himself to this wisdom, any other wayes then in wrath from heaven against all ungodliness and unrigh­teousness of this wisdom; nay, the secrets of the Lord are with them that fear him, but there is no fear of the Lord where this wisdom ruleth. But you are puft up in your vain mind, & think you know much, when as you know nothing yet as you ought to know? For (saith the Apostle,) Who is a wise man amongst you, and en Rom. 1. 18. [Page 36] dued with knowledge, let him shew out of a good conversa­tion, Iam. 3. 13. his works with meekness of wisdom. Your works that proceed out, shew plainly what kind of wisdom is with­in, that wisdom that brings forth pride, scorning, light­ness, and wantonness, swearing, lying, covetousness, self-love, Iob 14. 4. envy, hatred, deceit, backbiting, slandering, and evill speaking, lust & excess, strife and contention, persecu­tion, or any other unclean or filthy practice, doing to o­thers that w ch you would not have them to do to you; that wisdom is of the Divel, and not of God. Now this is the wisdom the world drives after, and so highly ex­tols, and by which you think to attain to the pure and invisible things of God. And thus the wisdome of the Serpent, which riseth out of the earth, and feedeth on earth, would be climbing up to the hidden things of God, and so would be heirs of two Kingdoms. But saith the Apostle, If ye have bitter envyings and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lye not against the truth. Iam. 3. 14, 15, 16. This wisdom descends not from above, but is earthly, sensual, and divelish. For where envy and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work: but that wis­dom which is from above, is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easie to be entreated, ful of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, without hypocrisie. Now you Iam. 3. 17. who think you are the men for wisdom, try your wis­dom by these marks set down by the Apostle, whether it be given you from above, or it be of the Serpent, ari­sing out of the earthly part within you. Is it such a wisdom as shews forth of a good cōversation, the works of meekness? Is it pure? Is it peaceable? Is it gentle, and easie to be intreated? Is it full of mercy and good fruits? without partiality & without hypocrisie? If it bring forth these fruits, it is from above, and God will [Page 37] own it, & reveal his secrets to it, even the hidden things of God. But on the contrary, if it be that wisdom that Jam. 3. 15. brings forth bitter envyings and strife, and every evil work, vainglorying, and lying against the truth, the Apostle saith plainly, It is not of God, but is earthly, sensual, and divelish; and this wisdom must never enter into the kingdom, but is of the Serpent, cursed above all creatures, more subtile then all the beasts of the field, eating the forbidden fruit, the judging of good and evil by carnal knowledge, creeping into the earth, & earthly things, all for the belly, feeding on dust, and delighting in things that perish and fade away, painted on the outside, decking thee with pride, curiously in­vented (Scrpent-like) by this wisdom, and feeding thy lust with curious devised dishes, Dives-like, devising and plotting to get riches right or wrong, so that you can but keep within the compass of the laws of the nation, never regarding to be guided by that pure law of God within, written in the heart, which would lead Heb. 10. 16. Rom. 8. 7. you in all things to do as you would be done by. But the wisdom of men is not subject to the law of God, neither can be, for it is death to it, and you deceive your selves, who did think to find out the mystery of the things of God by this wisdom, for God hath hid it from your eyes; and the world by wisdom knows 1 Cor, 1. 20, 21. not God, for God hath turned their wisdom into foo­lishness: And, saith Christ, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from Matth. 11. 25. the wise and prudent, and revealed them to Babes. God Iohn 3. 5, 6▪ hath hid them in Christ, and none comes to Christ but Babes, such are of the new birth, not flesh and blood, but of water and the spirit, such onely enter into the mystery of the Kingdom, by the Door in all the [Page 38] strait way, through the Cross, where your Serpents wisdom would not willingly come; for if it do, it must be slain, and you must become fools for Christs sake, Luke 18. 17. that you may be wise, you must enter as a little child, or else you cannot come there; for it is revealed to Babes onely; your wisdom that you so much boast on, must be crucified and die, and a new wisdom must Job 8. 28. be given you from above, which begins with the fear of the Lord; for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and to practice it is understanding: and when you once come to own this true Wisdom which is of God, then you shall see the world, who did so highly applaud you for your wisdom, before, will now call you fools and madmen, for that wisdom which they do applaud shall be cast behind thee, and then thou shalt witness the Scripture fulfilled, when God hath destroyed the wisdom of the wise, and brought to 1 Cor. 1. 19. 20. 21. nought the understanding of the prudent, where is the wise, where is the disputer of this world? for the world by this wisdom knowes not God nor ever shall do; for God hath chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and weak things to confound the 1 Cor. 1. 25. 27 mighty, & then thou shalt see that wisdom, not to be of 1 Cor. 2. 6. 7. 8. this world, neither of the Princes of this world, which come to nought, but the wisdom of God which is a hidden mysterie, which none of the Princes of this world knew; for if they knew it, they would not perse­cute it, where it is, but the knowledge of this mystery is the free gift of God, given onely to them who fear and love him, given without all naturall helpes what­soever, 1 Cor. 2. 14. 15 for the naturall man receives not the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, neither can he know them, for they are spiritu­ally [Page 39] discerned, but the spirituall man Judgeth all things, and he himself is Judged of no man, for he that is in the spirit lives above all the earth and Colos. 3. 3. earthly wisdom, and sees all the world, where they live, but no carnal wisdom shall ever see where he lives, for his life is hid with God in Christ from all vultures eyes, and venomous beasts,

James Nayler a prisoner of the Lord, to all that names the name of the Lord to whom these shall come, desires Grace and Peace.

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