A DECLARATION Or Testimony given by Captain ROBERT NORWOOD Under his hand, (the which was by him publickly read at meeting in Ab-church before Mr. Sidrack Simpson together with many others;) April 21. 1651.
Wherein is laid downe his beliefe concerning God, what he is, who Christ is; and what the Spirit is; what the soul is; what the body and spirit of man is; and also his beliefe concerning the resurrection: With certain quere's preposed concerning what the Divell Satan or Serpent is? what Antichrist, the false prophet or dragon is? what the true and very Christ is? Now brought to publick view for clearing of truth, diseovering of erro, and his own vindication in reference to many unjust and untrue Aspersions cast upon him.
I Do beleeve one God, or one infinite eternal being, which onely or alone gives a being to all things that are, in whom, from whom, and by whom, all things do confist, exsist and subsist, he to be unchangeable or immutable, whose essence and presence is every where, yet comprehended no where, be onely having life in himselfe and is the alone life of all things, whether visible or invisible; in him I verily beleeve there is not the least variation, or shadow of change, for he I or I am: That this same infinite, eternal one hath given a three-fold declaration or manifestation of himselfe in One.
I do farther beleev, according to the Scriptures, the declaration manifestation or outgoing of this infinit, eternal being in or by the word in infinite wisdome and power in creation, according to that which is written, That by it all things were made, and without it was made nothing that was made; which is also called Christ or the first borne or onely begotten of the Father, or the Anointed or anoining of God; in which respect, he is said to be the life and light [Page 2] of the world, as indeed he is, which I stedfastly beleeve; and that this light (as it's written) shineth in the darknesse, though the darknesse comprehend it not; and that he was in the world, and the world was made by him, though the world knew him not; that he came to his own though his own received him not: the same Christ I stedfastly beleeve to be my onely and alone light and life and salvation; and so much and so far as I have attained, him or it or rather he or it, is risen up or brought forth, it or himselfe in me, so far I judge my selfe to live or be alive or saved, or to have attained salvation and no farther: and what ever else is in me, I take to be of the flesh, the devill or darknesse, or sin or hell, antichrist or of the false prophet: for that which is borne of the flesh is flesh, and that which is borne of the spirit is spirit. That this Christ, Word, or Son is One with the Father in the Spirit, I also stedfastly beleeve.
I do farther beleeve concerning the Spirit, or Holy Ghost as its called, that it infinitely and eternally proceeded from the Father and the Son, and that he is the immediate life and being of all things, and is the alone true witnesse bearer to the father and the son John 5, 6. and neither Father nor Son, yet both Father and Son, not three but One: One intire, simple, undivided being in themselves; whence in Scripture he is called sometimes the spirit of the father or God, and sometimes the spirit of Christ; in or by which spirit we have communion with the Father and the Son: he in us, we in him are by it made perfect in one; which also is more or most properly called the spirit of truth; or rather the spirit which is truth: he onely and alone leading into all truth, or the all of all truth which is God himselfe.
Concerning that we call main, Paul distinguishes into three: soul, body, and spirit. The soul I take or beleeve to be of the divine essence: for it's said, God breathed into him the breath of life, and he or it became a living soul: for so the Scripture renders the divine principle, sometimes he, sometimes it; and indeed, that which is there said to be breathed into man, I cannot conceive to be lesse or other then his own essence or spirit, there being nothing but himselfe, to go forth from and in himself un [...]ous: he in his Son by his Spirit, stating himself in us though in weaknesse, called elsewhere his Image, or Spirit; as where its said, My spirit shall [Page 3] not alway strive with man: for that he also is flesh. It's called also the spirit of truth or which is truth, true holiness or truth in holinesse and righteousnesse: which image or life of God in man, is confest by all or most if I mistake not neither was nor could be totaly or finaly lost, though much defaced as they call it: And truly (as I conceive) there must be, and is a perfect truth in every created Creature according to its kind, which is the invisible life and being of it, the visibility being onely a representation or figure of the invisible life and glory, according to that in the Romans, That which may be knowne of God, is manifest in them: for God hath shewed it unto them: for the invisible things of him, that is, hiseternal power and God-head are seen by the creation of the world, being considered in his workes, to the intent they should be without excuse. By the God-head must be there meant Trinity in Unity & Unity in Trinity; yet every thing in its order, kinde or end, according to what he hath appointed every vessel to hold forth of himself, according to that in the Corinths, where it is said, that there are bodies heavenly, and bodies earthly; and that the glory of the heavenly is one, and theglory of the earthly is another; and that one star differeth from another in glory yet all these but one in the union, according to that Paul speakes in another place, that there are several gifts and administrations, yet but one spirit, and all by one and the same spirit; which perfect and invisible truth cannot be lesse or other then the divine essence: Man carrying the beautious transparent splendor of the representation in this earthly creation; yet is not God the Creature, nor the Creature God: for we must hold God and the created by God for could you speak all; the invisible glories shadowed or held forth in the whole visible creation, you could not speake God: for he is all things yet nothing: He is; which short word, if truly known and understood, speaks him most. And indeed, were this light, life, or image or God in man, wholly extinct, man would become more brutish then the beasts; which that it is not, appears plainly to me from that place where it is written, That the Gentiles who have not the law, do the things contained in he law; which shew the effects of the law written in their hearts, their consciences bearing witnesse, & their thoughts accusing or excusing one another.
For the spirit of man or man's naturall spirit, It's that if I mistake not, which is called the Devill, or Satan, or Serpent, or Anti-Christ, or false prophet, or spirit of darknesse, or death, or sinne, or hell, James 1. 14, 15. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and entised. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sinne: and sinne, when it is finished bringeth forth death. Hence Christ tests the Scribes and Pharisees, they are of their father, the Devil, and his works they do who was a lier or deceiver from the beginning: hence also some are called dogs, some foxes, some wolves in sheepes- clothing: and Paul is said to fight with beasts at Ephesus: & Christ when tempted by Peter, (although a Disciple) he calls him Satan: Every one or every thing taking its denomination from the property or quality of that spirit which hath the major or most ruling power and dominion in and over him or it. It's said, here are legions of divels & we say, there is a covetous devil, an unclean devill, an envious devil, a wrathful deivl and the like. And so it's said, there are many Antichrists, no one carrying the whose fountain in him, though each one be from one fountain: so on the contrary, no one hath the whole fountain of life or light in him, (if I may so speak) but every one in measure according to the good pleasure of him who filleth all in all things. Hence Paul saith there are babes and strong men in Christ: and so John calls some children, some fathers, some young men: and farther saith thus. Little children, let no man deceive you: he that hath righteousnesse, is righteous, as he is righteous: he that committeth sin, is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the son of God was made manifest, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is borne of God, doth not commit sin: for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is borne of God And hence Paul also, It's not I, but Christ in me. And againe It's not l, but sin in me. And the Scripture every where comprehends all under these two states or termes of light and darknesse, the natural man, and the spiritual man children of light or life, and children of death and darknesse, according to the rule, power or government each spirit hath in them. Wherefore it's said, Know you not, that to whomsoever you give your selves as servants to obey, hti [Page 5] servants you are to whom ye obey, whether it be of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousnesse? Againe it's written you who were darknesse, are now become light; you who were dead in trespasses and sins hath he now quickned, and translated into the Kingdome of Christ: and that we are risen together with Christ; and that he is our resurrection & glory: and that he hath raised us up, and made us sit together in the heavenly places or things in Christ. And in the same 2. to the Ephe. This spirit in man is called the spirit or Prince that ruleth in the aire, which indeed is an airy, lying notion swimming in the head or braine of man, having no foundation or roote in God who is truth, but is alway at enmity with it. We are also said to be dead whilst we live. From all which I conceive, the chief, if not the onely resurection pointed unto and intended in Scripture, is our rising up out of that death and darknesse, or hell we were held in or kept under by: or rather Christ who is our light, our life, our all in all, arising in his owne life, light, power and glory in us, swallowing up or destroying death, darknesse, sin, hell and what ever else is contrary to or against him and us and so bringing us in and with himself into that glory he had in and with the Father before the world was. Wherefore it's said, The kingdome of heaven is within you: & when they say, lo here, lo there, beleev it not. But I expect not, neither think this will be in its height and full perfection till the separation by that we call death, it be accomplished and compleated, not whilst in these earthly tabernacles, not until we have laid off all our earthly garments, and be clothed upon of him who is indeed our true clothing; which made Paul so grone with desire thereof: indeed the Saints are unclothing dayly and marvelous unclothings and clothings are at hand.
For the body which is indeed beastial, of the same nature and substance with the beasts, I conceive and beleeve; it also shall have its resurrection in its kinde, together with other of the like kinde, according to that in the first of the Corinthes 15. For to speak properly, nothing dies, that is, annihilated, as many do imagine; but is changed from glory to glory: but for the soul to be reunited again to this earth by beastial body of flesh blood, and bones after separation, [Page 6] and to live together in some one or more place or places, some to enjoy eternall happinesse or salvation, and other some eternal misery and damnation; I find no foundation in scripture firme enough to build any sound belief upon: for Christ saith, In the resurrection there is no marrying nor giving in marriage, but that they are as the Angels in heaven. Then no eating, nor drinking, except of that spiritual rock or Manna. Then sure no flesh, blood or bones. And as sure it is, that in no proper or true sence whatsoever can flesh and blood inherit the kingdome of heaven: for it lusteth or is at enmity against the spirit: wherefore I say, this doctrine deserves not only to be exploded the schools, but excommunicated all Churches. For he who maketh or worketh a ly, shall be shut out of the new Jerusalem; as also he who would sit in the temple of Christ, as if he were Christ, as if he were the true Anointed or Anointing, who will have others to beleeve as he beleeves, for no other reason, but because he beleeves so; forgetting that Christ, as he is the life, so he is the light of every one that comes into the world, & that none can come to the Father but by the Son: nor none unto the Son but by the Spirit, which 3. are one in the unione.
For farther manifestation and clearing of the truth, I desire in all humblenesse of minde and meeknesse of spirit, in reference to my own and others satisfaction, in a sober & orderly way, an answer to these following quere's.
1. What that Devil or Serpent was, that is said to deceive Eve; his, or its nature and property what it is?
2. Whether properly and truly there can be said to have beene, or is, any more then one devil, serpent, Satan or deceiver; though he or it manifest it selfe several wayes, and after divers manners?
3. What the true and very Anti-Christ, or false prophet is; their nature, property or quality what it is?
4. Where the true and proper seate, residence, power or dominion of the devil, Satan, Serpent, deceiver, or Dragon is, or this false Christ, or false prophet is?
5. Whereby, or wherewith they are said to deceive, or wherein the power or strength of their, or it's temptation or deceit lyes?
1. What the true and very Christ is, who is said in Scripture [Page 7] to be the onely and alone light and life of the world?
2. How, and in what sence he is properly, and truly saip to deliver us from sin, death, and hell?
3. The true, reall and very ground, cause and end of his sufferings, death or desolution, resurrection, and ascension; as also his incarnation and intercession what they sigfy or hold forth to us, and how or in what manner or sence, we are to look upon them, and what use we are to make of them, since the scriptures both old and new are very mysterious, as where Christ saith, Except ye eat my flesh, & drink my blood, you have no life in you: and that he was that rock that followed them, and that Manna that came down from heaven; And Paul saith, although he had known Christ after the flesh (which could not be meant of a corporal knowledge) yet henceforth would he know him so no more: and he farther saith, That Christ is the same yesterday, to day, and for ever?
An answer whereunto I desire on this day sennit, here in this place before all the people in writing, or else some other may in love, peace and quietnesse, have liberty to give answer thereunto.
And I do farther declare, what ever man or men, report, accuse, or charge me with blasphemy, or any error or errors maintain [...]d countenanced orencouraged by me, or any other thing or matter contrary to or against the laws of this Nation, or prejudicial to this State or Common-wealth, and do not duly prove the same against me, is in the sight of God and man a slanderer, back-biter and murderer: and in case any the said crime, or crimes be proved against me, I shall desire no favour; but shall willingly and readily give up my selfe, to undergo and suffer what penalty or penalties soe. ever by law, is to be inflicted in such cases without the least partiality.
To which Queres I could not obtain from Mr. Simpson any answer, nor so much as whether he would, or could answer them or no? whether he did less then bely or blaspheme God before all the people, I will not, let them present judge. And if I prove not him & the Clergy of England generally, who cry out of others for heresie & blasphem [...] greatest deceivers, or falsifiers of the truth, and Blasphemers (as themselves call it) in the Nation, let me dy the death.
This I speake not to cast reproach, disgrace or obloquie, upon any ingenuous, sober, quiet, peaceable-minded man or men; but to stop the career of that spirit, which drives more fariously to the ingaging the people more in blood, then the Bishop did, were their power and other advantages answerable. Let therefore the moderation of your spirits appeare and judge not least you be judged: for assuredly you are guilty of as great, if not greater crimes then other men.
But stand still and be quiet in your selves, that you may see the great sallvation the Lord is about to bring forth.
Be truly noble, search as the Bereans did whether the things be so or no.
It were much to be desired, that the Clergy might once more be injoyned to assemble together, to give an account to the people (of whom and from whom they have received and taken so much of the sweat of their browes) what that true very God and Christ is that they have so long talked of to the people. It mayjustly be suspected from their preachings and practises, that they have need of a Paul to shew them what that God and Christ is, whom they ignorantly worship; least the blind leading of the blinde both fall into the ditch.
To them all I propose these quere's, hoping it will not be long before they shall receive answer under a known hand, they being concerning such points in which they are daily conversant; if not, they must give the people leave to say, there is little reason to continue the wages or stipends of such stewards, who can give no account of their stewardship.
Or to beleeve them the true Embassadours of God and Christ when as they cannot tell us what their Lord and matter is. Let them then forbear any more to binde the people to their faith and beleefe, since themselves cannot give an account or reason of their own faith and hope that is in them. Tell us also, O ye dreamers, where and what your Hell and Heaven is: I acknowledge both.