THE NAMES OF SUCH Members of the Commons House of Parliament, as have already subscribed in persuance of the Act of Parliament, for the speedy reducing of the Rebels, and the future peace and safety of this Kingdome (a worke tending much to the glory of Al­mighty God, and the succour and reliefe of our distressed Brethren in Ireland) together with the summes they have severally under-written, Viz.
Also, a speciall order of the House of Commons, concerning the free offer of the County of Buckingham, shewing their great exceptance thereof, with their excep­tance of such Shires as shall doe the like, also shewing by what meanes they shall be repaid againe. Ordered forthwith to be Printed, H. Elsing. Clerc. Parl. Com.

MAster Walter Long 1200l.
Sir Robert Pye 1000l.
Master Samuel Vassall
8. Marcij. 1641.
Sir Samuel Rolles of Devon. 1000.
William Lord Munson 2400.
Sir John Harrison 1200.
Sir William Brereton
19. Marcij.
Sir Edward Aishcough
21. Marcij.
Master Iohn and Master Edward Ash 1200.
Sir Gilbert Pickering.
24 Marcij.
Sir Iohn Clotworthy in money
25. Marcij. 1642.
Sir John Clotworthy for his entertainments as Co­lonell in the Irish warres 0500.
Master Henry Martin 1200.
Master Arthur Goodwyn
26. Marcij.
Sir Arthur Haslerigge of Leicestershire 1200.
Master Robert Reynolds 1200.
Sir Robert Parkhurst 1000.
Sir Thomas Dacres 0600.
Sir John Potts 0600.
Sir Arthur Ingram 1000.
Doctor Thomas Eden 0600.
Master Oliver Cromwell 0500.
Master Nathaniel Fines 0600.
Master John Pym 0600.
Sir Walter Earle 0600.
Master Cornelius Holland 0600.
Sir John Northcot 0450.
Master Roger Mathew 0300.
Sir Nathaniel Bernardiston 0600.
Sir Willam Masham 0600.
Sir Martin Lomley, for Martin Lomley Esquire, his sonne 1200.
Master Thomas Hoyle of Yorke 0600.
Master Anthony Bednigfield & Master William Cage 0700.
Sir William Allenson of Yorke 0600.
Master William Hevengham 0600.
Master Harbert Morley 0600.
Sir William Morley 1200.
Sir John Culpepper 0600l.
Sir Edward Partherich 0600.
Richard Shuttleworth Esquire 0500.
Master John More, and Master William Thomas 0600.
Master John Lisle 0600.
Master John Blackstone 0600.
Sir Gilbert Gerrard 2000.
Master Bulstrod Whitlock 0600.
Sir Edmond Momford, and master Richard Harmon 0600.
Master John Trenchard 0600.
Master Iohn Gurdon 1000.
Master Iohn Barker 1000.
Master William Harrison 0600.
Mr. Iohn Wilde Serjeant at Law, & Mr. Thomas Lane 1000.
29. Marcij.
Nathaniel Hallowes of Darby for himselfe & others 1400.
Sir Iohn Franklin 0600.
Master George Buller of the County of Cornwall 0600.
Sir Henry Mildmay 0600.
Master Oliver St. Iohn 0600.
1. April.
Sir John Wray 0600.
Sir Thomas Barrington 1200.
Mr. Robert Goodwyn, and master John Goodwyn 0600.
Master Denzil Hollis 1000.
2. April.
Master Iohn Crew 0600.
Sir Thomas Peyton 0600.
4. April.
Sir William Plactors 0600.
Sir William Strickland 0600
Sir Thomas Savine 1000.
Alexander and Squire Bence 0600.
Master Iohn Rolles of Devon. 0450.
Master Iohn Hampden 1000.
Master William [...]esson 0300.
Sir Edward Baynton 0600.
Thomas Lord Wenman, and Mr. Richard Winwood 1200.
5. April.
Sir William Drake 0600.
Master William Spurstow 0600.
Sir Iohn Evelyn of Godstone in the County of Sur­rey for himselfe and others 1500.
Master Myles Corbet 0200.
9. April.

Die Sabbati. 9. April. 1642.

WHereas the Gentlemen of the County of Buckingham have offered unto this House freely, to lend sixe thousand pounds upon the Act of Contribution for the affaires of Ireland, and to pay in the same before the first day of May next ensuing This House doth take in very good part that offer, and accept the same, and doth hereby Order, that the said sixe thousand pounds shall be repaied out of the first moneys that shall be raysed in that County upon the Bill of foure hundred thousand pounds, and Master Hampden, Master Goodwyn, Master VVinwood, and Master VVhitlocke, are appointed to returne thankes to the County of Buck. from this House for their kind offer an acceptable service.

And it is further Ordered and declared by this House, that if any other Countie, or persons shall doe the like, the same will be taken as a very good service to the Common-wealth, and such as will bee well accepted by this House, and the moneys which they shall lend, shall be repayed unto them with interest, if they desi [...]e it, out of the moneys that shall be raised in those Counties where such persons inhabite, out of the Bill of foure hundred thousand pounds. And it is further ordered, that this Order shall be forthwith Printed.

H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. Com.

Printed at London for John Francks. 1642.

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