The Noble Monk: OR, An ACROSTICAL PANEGYRICK to the memory of his EXCELLENCY The Lord General George Monk.

GLory or Shame, Renown, or Infamy
Ever on Great mens wayes attendant bee,
Our Noble George, with th' later 'gan to play;
Right dark it was before the Break of day:
Great now's our hope: Our Morning is begun,
Earnest we look, and long for th' rising Sun.
May we not stile this Champion our Jove Stator,
Our Cities Cure, our Countries Liberator?
Now England, in whose Nostrils Fryers stunck,
Knows She is highly bound to bless a MONK.
Go on brave Hero, as thou hast begun,
Entaile that Honor th' hast already won
On thy successors. Let thine actions shine,
Rendring thee truly' a Branch oth' Yorkish Line,
Grow Great and Good, like him that rightly chose
(Embleme of Innocence) the Milk-white Rose.
Make it appear to th' world that thou art He,
Ordain'd by God for Englands Libertie:
Now look not back, nor once withdraw thine hand,
Know tis no smal thing for to save a LAND.

LONDON, Printed by Tho. Milbourn for the Author, 1660.

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