THE FIGURE Of the true and Spiritual Tabernacle of God: Witnessed and Figured forth by H. N. according to the true being or form of the inward Temple or House of God, and that in every respect according to thar form, even as the very essence or being thereof was by the holy Spirit of the Lord revealed and declared unto him out of the heavenly Truth.
The first Chapter.
FOrasmuch as my inclination had a long time stood bent towards the service of Love: And that I had longed even with a fervent desire, that the true God-service might [Page 2] once flourish out of the Love (namely to the peace and salvation of all people, and to a true declaring of the spiritual Tabernacle of God, in the holy of his holy ones.) Therfore became the true Tabernacle or Lev. 26.26. b 2 Cor. 6 b. Apoc 21. a. habitation of God by grace out of the Love of God the Father, revealed unto me in the Spirit, through Gods heavenly revelation, to the end that I should consider of or note therein the true God-service, which serveth to the blessing of the earth, and to the peace & salvation of all people.
2. In the which I at the first, thought not upon the noting or marking of any thing else, but only of the most holy and most pure being, Ex 26 d. 40. a b. c. Heb. 9. a the mercy seat, and the Ark of the Covenant, together with the manifold glorious riches, and sumptuous garnishing. All which I beheld in their pure and perfect beauty.
3. Through which Revelation proceeding out of the heavenly being, I rejoyced me far beyond measure: But there came not into my remembrance, [Page 3] so presently at the first to consider or note, the holy and his daily offering or God service, and the fore front, nor yet the service of the Levites and Priests.
4. But when I once remembred the holy of the same Tabernacle, and his service of the holy offering, extending to the forgiveness of sins: then turned I my self to the same, for to behold the daily offering for God-service ministred therein, because I might see, and also understand the daily offering in the holy, and the Altar, whereon the debt-offering, sin-offering, & death-offering is offered & burnt to a forgivness of sins.
5. I also noted the fore-front: the which is a difference Eze. 44. a. b. betwixt the holy of the Tabernacle of God, and the unholy of the uncircumcised heathen-ship.
6. In which forefront, the Levites and Priests in their service, and in their requiring of the righteousness, are to Ex. 27 c Lev. [...]. b Num. 16. b Eze. 43, 44, prepare the daily offering, betwixt the holy [Page 4] and the unholy, betwixt the circumcised and the uncircumcised, whereby the Believers might have a free entrance into the God-service used in the holy, for to offer up holy offerings, such as are delightful unto God.
7. Now then did I also call to mind, the Levites and the Priests, Ioel 1. b: 2. b. which ought to have their daily God-service, for the assisting of the little and weak ones, betwixt the fore-front and the Altar of the self-making offering in the holy, for to reveal and make known unto the Believers, the free entrance into the holy, and in the same service, daily to inform or train up the people which give over them selves thereunto, with the word of the holy understanding, till that the service of God in the holy, be in that sort in full and due manner executed or performed, namely that the death-offering, as well as the sin offering, be quite and clean burnt or consumed, upon the Altar, in the holy.
[Page 5]8. Through which service and accomplishment of the death offering in the holy, Matth 27 Mark 15. the vail that is before the most holy departeth away, or is put off. Into which most holy, only the High Priest doth Exo 30. Lev. 16. Heb 9 10. b. enter, and revealeth the mercy Seat, the everlasting forgiveness of sins, and doth cleanse it all in the holy, through his blood of the New Testament. The which is the Love, the flood of the everlasting life, and the eternal day-light of the cleerness of God, and also the uncovering of the face of Christ.
9. Behold when as I now bent my self to consider hereon, and began advisedly to look into the same, then found I, that both the holy and the fore-front, were utterly laid Psal. 74.79. a. Eze. 5.22, 23, 24. wast, and despised and trodden under foot, by the heathen or uncircumcised ones, and the Altar appointed for the service of a daily Dan. 7, 8, 9.4. Esd. 10. 1 Mac. 2, 3, 4. Rom. 11. a. offering in the holy, was altogether defiled.
10. I also beheld, that the holy [Page 6] City of Jerusalem lay Isa. 64 c. Lam 1.2 a. broke [...] down and destroyed, Sion as a widdow, or like one forsaken, and Israe [...] dispersed and captivated among al [...] people, and that the Psal 79. a. Lam. 5 a. strangers inhabited Israels inheritance, the lands lying about Jerusalem. And in the holy place I saw nothing but Dan. 9.11. c. Math. 24. b. abomination of desolation.
11. The Dan. 11, 12. 4 Esd. 10. c. daily offering had also ceased a long time, for which cause likewise there was no daily God-service in the holy.
12. Moreouer I saw not in the fore-front, nor yet in the holy, any 3. King. 19. b. Rom. 11. a. Levites, or yet Priests, for to Minister the office, to the preparing of the offering, betwixt the fore-front and the Altar.
13. For which cause sake of the abomination of desolation, I saw no free entrance into the holy, for to offer the sin offering in the holy. And so by that occasion there chanced likewise no forgiveness of sins.
14. When I now beheld, that all [Page 7] these holy things were thus grown to ruine, or laid wast: Lam. 1, 2, 3. Dan. 8. 4 Esd. 10. it grieved me sore, and I lamented greatly for the Sanctuary of the holy offering, (namely, the holy with his holy and safe-making service) the which the heathen or the uncircumcised Psal. 79. a Lam. 5 a. that were come into the Lands heritage, had utterly polluted and laid wast.
15. Which heathen or uncircumcised ones, have not also in any true manner understood the holy God-service of Israel: Howbeit seeing they have presumed to busie themselves about the same, also enterprised and taken it upon them, so have they even everywhere polluted and made it desolate with Eze. 28. Dan. 9. abominations: And for that cause did I lament most chiefly, the holy and his daily offering.
16. In that now I did most of all lament the holy of the Tabernacle of God, and his holy and safe-making service, it was doubtless therefore, namely, because I perceived that the same holy was so utterly laid wast, [Page 8] that there was no true offering or service of the holy, or safe-making offering used therein, and for that the arrogancie Ezek 44. a of the heathen or uncircumcised ones, had with their iniquity and abominations gotten the upper hand in the same, and had destroyed it all, laid it desolate or waste, which desolation and abominations of the uncircumcised did so exceedingly trouble and grieve me, that I could not pacifie my self in my bewailing and lamenting that came over me touching this abomination of desolation. For I saw that there could no reconciliation nor forgiveness of sins come to pass, but through the daily offering or God-service in the holy; and the sin did still daily augment or grow to a great increase or multiplying.
17. Because of this abomination of desolation, and for that the daily offering was ceased by reason of the sins 4 Esd. 14, 15 Math. 4. b. which had so abundantly increased: And also for that I saw no end or going under of the sin, therefore [Page 9] became I, even through great grief of heart, crying out unto God and said,
18. O Lord, Lord, when wilt thou according to thy promises gather together again, and be gracious unto thy people Israel, and bring them unto their Rest? And when shall I beseech thee, thy holy Mat. 2. b Tabernacle be consecrated and cleansed from the abomination of desolation?
19. For seeing now that the holy and the fore-front of thy Tabernacle is thus utterly laid waste: Also that thy daily offering hath ceased for a time, and that into those places the Dan. 9. b abominations of desolation are come or entred (where through likewise, the iniquity is grown exceeding great and abundant) so goeth it therefore doubtless very evil and lamentable with thy people.
20. Forasmuch as Jerusalem lyeth waste, or overthrown, Sion sitteth as a widdow, or as one forsaken. And that thy holy Temple hath not [Page 10] his declaring or clearness upon the Mount Sion within Jerasalem, therefore doth not thy salvation O God, appear or shine thereout. The sin also is not put off or done away, Isa. 19. c. Rom. 11. c. nor the ungodlyness debarr'd or put away from Jews.
21. For that cause likewise, there cometh to pass no Heb. 9 b forgiveness of sins there, nor yet any cleansing of the spotted conscience; for the belief or faith Act 15 b Rom. 8. a. whereby one is justified from the sin, is Jer. 7 c. taken away from the earth: And the iniquity encreaseth more and more, even unto the very worst, 4 Esd. 14. b. 15. a. Math. 24. b for it hath gotten the upper hand: And we find no refreshing or shaking in our souls.
The second Chapter.
THe whilest I thus beheld this state of desolation, and pittied the same so exceedingly, and lamented there over before the most high, so heard I a mighty 3 King 19. Act. 1. a. sound or noise proceeding out of heaven, and it rushed like a tempestuous wind, with great force over the earth, in such wise that the earth was afraid, and quaked by reason thereof. And many which lay and slept under the earth Ez. 37. Dan. 12. b. 4 Esd. 3. d. Ioh. 5. c. 1 Cor. 15. f. 1 Thes. 4. l. awaked, some to everlasting life, some to perpetual contempt and reproach.
2. Now I marvelled greatly at this vision and said, O God, how Isa. 17. a Rom. 11. wonderful and incomprehensible are thy works before all understanding of the flesh!
[Page 12]3. Behold this miraculous work [...] come to pass among us upon earth; because that the Prophecie should be fulfilled Dan. 12. that was said unto Daniel the Prophet in times past, come to pass in these last times.
4. And I looked and behold Daniel who (according to the word of the Lord) had rested a long time, even until this same last time, Dan. 12. stood up and appeared and came unto me, in his part and office, for to keep and execute the judgement against the abominations of desolation which were grown up on the earth. And the Prophesies which (according to the word of the Lord) had remained Da. 12. b. sealed to all unto this last time, were opened, and their mysteries revealed in clearness.
5. And through this Revelation and opening or declaring of the Prophesies, I was greatly afraid. For inasmuch as I saw no righteousness of God to have the upper hand upon the earth. But that the iniquity, did 4 Esd. 14, 15. a. Math. 24. lord or bear rule generally, and [Page 13] Reigned on the earth, therefore was greatly perplexed, and altogether feeble and comfortless in my self, fearing least that I should perish with all the ungodly of the wicked world, for the manifold iniquities cause, which I beheld so to abound over the whole earth.
6. For through the opening of the Prophesies that were sealed too, there was revealed unto me, that all those that dwelt upon earth, were departed away or estranged Psa. 14. a Rom. 3. b. from the living God and his truth. And moreover before the Isa. 29. b. opening of the Prophesies that were sealed up, no man upon earth, how prudent or wise soever he was, had any understanding in God, nor yet had learned or understood any of Gods holy knowledge.
7. This same seemed before me very terrible, yea even to be a very horrible thing to look into, because that the misunderstanding, or the ignorance touching the Being of God, and the ungodlyness had so multiplyed [Page 14] it self upon earth; therefore was I very exceedingly afraid, and became marvellous faint-hearted and strengthless; And I continued lamenting greatly over the same, and grew likewise altogether comfortless in my self.
8. Now in the time while I was grown thus utterly void of comfort in my lamentation that I made, because of the great wrong that I saw upon the earth, so did there appear in my sight Dan. 8, 9, 10. the Angel Gabriel, and he came unto me, but he continued not with me still in my sight.
9. But so long as he was with me, and that I beheld him, I was comforted by him; but when he departed from me, and that I saw him not, then had I no rest, peace, or comfort in my soul: Also no people on earth could comfort me, saving only Gabriel.
10. For when he came unto me and talked with me, I was of good chear. And if Gabriel had not strengthened or comforted me, then [Page 15] could I not have remained alive. For there was shewed unto me, both fearful and wonderful things: the like whereof I had never seen or heard before.
11. For the dead arose out of Eze. 37. Math. 27. the grave, and lived. And the ungodly made manifest their own condemnation through their unrighteousness wherein they had lived unrighteously, and they descended into the Apo. 9. a 20. b. bottomless pit to their condemnation for evermore.
12. I beheld the misery of the ungodly, but I could have no compassion to the extending of any remorse or pitty towards them, Apo. 18. c but rather rejoyced me for their infelicity and condemnations cause. For they were well worthy Ap 16 a of the same, because of their wickedness.
13. I also rejoyced me greatly 1 Cor. 15. c. Apo. 20. a. in the Resurrection of the righteous, because I saw they rose up so gloriously from death, and went into the everlasting life: And for that their [Page 16] domination was with God and the Lamb; for I saw that they were both worthy of that, and likewise to Reign upon the earth.
14. With these Righteous ones, after that they were risen, have I spoken, and eaten and drunk with them; Dan. 12. b Sapl. 3. a. Math. 13. c. their bodies glistred like the clearness of the Sun: And they have spoken secret things with me, namely of the mysticalness of God, of the Kingdom of heaven, of the true resurrection of the Godly men, of their joy in the everlasting life: And of the purging of the earth in the judgement of the dreadful Almighty God which cometh over all ungodly Jude 1. Being or nature.
15. The which Almighty God hath more made up him self, and coming over the earth, he cometh Mal 3. a. with righteousness (like as the same God hath spoken thereof by his servants the Prophets in times past) for to save his people, to the end that those which are worthy of the Life, might live for evermore, and so may reign [Page 17] everlastingly upon Apoc. 5.16, 18, 19, 20. the earth in all love: Also for to damn those in the everlasting death which are not his people: who for their wickedness cause are worthy of damnation and of death; To the end they may no longer reign upon the earth, with their unrighteousness: But that they might be banished or put away from the earth, and damned and buried in the hell, and that the bottomless Pit may even so with them be shut up, and their condemnation to endure for ever and ever.
The third Chapter.
WHen as I now beheld, such a calamity of the deadly or damnable estate, hanging over the children of men for their sins cause: and that such a dreadful judgement Heb. 10. c of the Fires vehement cruelty, was coming unto them, to a suppression of the enemies of God: And that such an unfortunate state of misery (the which the Lord hath also let me see, taste and feel) hung over their heads; Then was I sore grieved and afflicted in my heart, in such sort that I became exceedingly dismayed or uncased, and could well have vouchsafed, that there had been no man upon the earth, because of the wo and grief which I saw coming over them for their sins cause.
2. But that which did most of all [Page 19] grieve my heart, was this, that I perceived that all those that were born upon earth out of blood, are out of their earthly birth, inclined to Gen. 6.8. d. Psal. 51 a. nothing else but iniquity: and with their unrighteousness are minded to destruction. That their last is bent to nothing else but unto error; that they also are utterly ignorant in all Godly things: and that they therefore (if they become not in their understanding recovered, through the Love and her service, or renewed Ioh. 3. a Rom. 12. c Eph. 4. c. or born again in their Spirit) cannot escape the severe Judgement of God.
3. When I thus beheld the same according to the truth, that it was so utterly unknown unto all people of the earth, and that they did every one follow after the self wisdom of the flesh to their condemnation, then was I much more grieved in my mind, and I bowed down my self before the Majestie of God who is in heaven and said;
4. O Lord God of heaven, Thou [Page 20] that art a God of the living, full of Grace and all goodness, and hast Sapi. 1. b. created all, whatsoever is any thing, because it should be, and that it might go well with the same: Seeing now thou hast made up thy self for to judge the Act. 17 d circuit of the earth with righteousness; so be therefore gracious I beseech thee, to Iob 14. b. Psal. 138. a. the work of thine own hands, to the end there may now in the last time, some souls remain over upon the earth, and that Isa. 10. c. Rom 9. c. the remnant O God might be saved
5. Shew O God, thy mercie upon us, through thy bountiful Love Remember also that we all of us, out of our earthly births are Psa. 14. a. Rom. 3. b. an ignorant people, void of understanding, and by nature are clean contrary-minded unto thy wisdom, and declining therefrom: And have no lust or affection towards thy information, nor any pleasure in the word of thy servants, which present or hold forth thy salvation unto us, under the obedience of thy Love, but [Page 21] we do all out of our earthly birth stand affected towards our selves, and do most gladly give ear to our selves and our own wisdom of the flesh, which floweth of our self minded and fleshly heart.
6. That is verily the sin and the rebelliousness or resistance committed against thee O God, by all spirits of unregenerated men, and the contraryness against thee of all selfwise and good-thinking Scripture-learned ones.
7. Therefore O God rebuke and nurture us with thy Law or Ordinance, and with the Doctrine of thy Commandments, and humble our hearts to the obeying of thy holy gracious Word and service of Love, that we may be reformed of our wicked or contrary nature, and become understanding acco [...]ding to the Law or Doctrine of thy Commandments whereby we may O God accomplish thy will.
8. Rebuke Psal 6.38. a. Ier. 10. c. us not in thy wrath, and chasten us not in thy displeasure: [Page 22] but shake out the same over the ungodly, which are alwayes O God against thee, and like or allow not of thee.
9. Destroy us not so utterly all alike, that the the great horror of desolation come not over us all to our destruction, but that there may yet a remnant find Grace before thee; And that they (even like as in the former time Gen. 6, 7, 8. of Noah) may now also in these last perilous times, remain preserved.
The fourth Chapter.
BEhold the whilest I still lamented on this fashion, the Angel Gabriel appeared unto me again, whom I had in my sight before, and he strengthened my mind: For I was grown almost past recoverie, by reason of my feebleness and faintheartedness.
2. Then when my heart was a little refreshed, then was it said unto me: Arise, and be of good chear; for thou hast found grace before God the most highst, to declare his salvation to the children of men, and also for to witness under the obedience of the Love, 4 Glas. 33. unto the people upon the earth, the true God-service which God regardeth, to the end that all those which believe on the Love, [Page 24] and submit themselves thereunder, may be saved, and that those likewise which refuse the same, also withstand the Love, and allow not of her service, may justly receive their judgement unto condemnation.
3. Therefore turn now thy face again to the true remnant, namely to the Love, which is the most holy, which is kept and remained over, in heaven for an everlasting reconcilement, touching the sins of those people which convert and submit them under the Love: The true most holy, through which most holy of the living Tabernacle of God, (namely, in his service ministred under the obedience of Love) the holy and the fore-front shall Dan. 8. b be consecrated and cleansed again, the daily offering in the holy erected, Isa 44.60, 61, 62, 65, 66. Ier. 33.30, 31, 33. Bar. 5. Eze. 36.37. Jerusalem builded and Sion comforted.
4. The whole Israel shall likewise find Grace before the Lord, and obtain the salvation also come again to his Land of inheritance and rest, and the salvation shall be made manifest [Page 25] unto all people; To the end that the whole world might not be accursed, like as Sodom and Gomorah; Is. 1.10. c Rom. 9. c. but that there might yet a remnant be saved, and remain preserved, even as the Lord hath spoken in times past.
5. When as now I had understood these things, I rejoyced me greatly, and my heart became glad, through the bountiful and entire love of God the Father, touching his great grace and mercie, to be shewed in the last time. Because his rebuke and chastisement endureth Psal. 30. a Isa. 54. a. 4 Mic. 7. b but for a season, which cometh to an end: And for that his love, grace and mercy continueth for ever. And in that Deut. 4. d he forgetteth not his Covenant which Ge. 12.13 17.22, 26. he hath made with Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, for to gather, and to set up through his Love, his chosen people, Israel like as in times past, he hath promised and assured unto their Fathers, by Luk. 1. g the mouth of his holy Prophets.
6. With that I turned my face [Page 26] again to the most holy, and behold that same remained undefiled and was not Ier. 17. b, Lam. 5. b brought in desolation. For Israels God who is a God of life, had hidden the same in heaven. And the heathen or uncircumcised, which are captivated with manifold ignorances and errors, have not been therein at all; for Isa. 52. a Eze. 44. a no uncircumcised one can come or enter into the same sanctuary, nor behold his beauty, but it is reserved and kept in store for the Lords people Israel.
7. Yea the same costly Treasures, the Riches of God, the most precious and most pure beauty hath God kept for Israel, to their salvation and Isa 60, 61. Ier. 31, 33. Eze. 36, 37. joy in the last times, to the end to reveal the salvation of life, Act. 12, a out of the heavenly being or essential estate.
8. In which most holy there are likewise remained over all the precious riches of God the Father, the unspeakable Treasure, which far surmounteth all manner of garnishing of beauty, namely Exo 25. c Rom. 3. c Heb. 5 a the mercy [Page 27] seat prepared with the fine Gold; (which Seat continueth standing for ever unmoveable) moreover the Ex. 25, 26. Apo. 12 a. Ark of witness, wherein the Law of the Lord lieth, even as he Deut. 9. b. hath written the same with his own Finger, (which continueth for ever unbroken, unchangeable) And the Ex. 16. a Psal. 68. Sapi 16. c Ioh. 6. d. heavenly bread of life, even as God himself hath given the same from heaven unto his people to a satisfying their hunger, the which doth not consume or wast away, but remaineth ever uncorruptible for evermore, for a witness unto posterities that their fore-fathers were fed out of heaven with the same bread: There are yet in the same most holy, the manifold costly vessels, of the most holy riches, every one of the most fine Gold. All these were still remained over, in their perfect beauty, and not one of them was polluted or defiled.
9. But this sumptuous garnishing and all these riches of the Godly heavenly beauty, have been hidden a long time, for the wickedness cause [Page 28] of the uncircumcised, and they must also (inasmuch as the iniquity grew on, even till 4 Esd. 5, a 14. b. 15. a. Math. 24. b she was come to her full height, and had gotten the upper hand) necessarily remain hidden, because they should in the more beautious and glorious manner come to light and be revealed again, in the last time, namely when the iniquity of the uncircumcised is even to her utter ending approached or come neer at hand.
10. Which iniquity shall now fall and perish, through the revealing of these heavenly beauties; for God will with his Arm or strength, and with the Arm of his Saints, and with all his sumptuous garnish, get the upper hand.
11. Wherewith he also sheweth the just judgement of his Justice or righteousness. For Ier. 30. the ungodly shall no more bear the dominion. And all whatsoever submitteth not it self under the Love, nor standeth serviceable thereunto, shall be rooted out, that they corrupt none, or [Page 29] marr the earrh, any more.
12. But the Love shall flourish 1 Cor. 15 everlastingly in her service, because that the Lords people Israel, which he himself hath chosen for his Deut. 4. c 32. a Isa. 19. c Ier. 51. c. own heritage, as likewise all good willing ones, which stand submitted under the obedience of the Love, may be comforted: and so may behold everlastingly, the goodness or loving kindness of God his Father extended through his love: which bountiful goodness, the God of life hath foreseen to accomplish upon his people, even as he in times past hath spoken the same by Moses his servant, and by the mouth of his holy Prophets.
The fifth Chapter.
ALthough now that the Levites, the Priests, the Prophets or Preachers, and also the people are all fallen or estranged from the true God-service, and that the daily offering hath ceased for a long time, and the holy of the Tabernacle of God layn utterly waste, with abominations of desolation, yet Ier 17. b Lam. 5 b is the most holy notwithstanding remained over pure and unspotted, and the high Priest Heb. 5 b 7. b 8 a 9 c which continueth a Priest for ever, is also found faithful and true, for he hath still remained stedfast, in his mercy seat in the most holy.
2. They are all shrunk away Psa. 14. a 53. a. Rom. 3. b. and changed themselves, there is not one remained standing, or righteous, but [Page 31] are all turned away, either to the right or to the left side, and many by reason of their ignorance, have born the strange yoakes of the beautified God services.
3. But this everlasting Priest remaineth stedfast like a stony Rock, whose feat endureth from Psa. 45. a Heb. 1. a. everlasting to everlasting, as a perpetual Saviour, to an eternal curing or reconcilement, for the sins of his people; for his God hath annointed him to be an high Priest and a true Mediator betwixt God and man, and to He. 7.8. a 9. a. b. c. be an everlasting Minister, of the spiritual and heavenly goodness, to the end he might save the poor and miserable man, who through sins or offences lieth be wrapped in the death, and to make him alive through him: and to set him up again Rom 8. b out of the death.
4. In which spiritual and heavenly service, ministred under the obedience of the Love, the holy becometh consecrated again by the same high Priest, namely 1 Pet. 1 [...] Heb. 9 b. the sprinkling of [Page 32] his own blood for an everlasting Testament, and so it is all washed and sanctified or cleansed through his blood.
5, That verily is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and Christ, and the New Testament, Mar. 16. b Apo. 14. a. that same was also published in times past, for an everlasting forgiveness of sins unto all those that believe thereon.
6. Behold this high Priest is the life everlasting, which was with the Father of life in the beginning, and is revealed unto us in the heaven, (namely in the bosom of his Father) and we Ioh. 1. b. do behold his glory, even a glory as the only born Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.
7. We do witness also, that he is the true Messiah, or Christ, which was preached in the World in times past, and likewise published of him in his coming, Isa. 9 a. Luk. 1. d. that he should be a King or Prince over the house of Jacob for ever: of whose Kingdom also there shall be no end.
8. He is a Saviour to all people that [Page 33] believe on him: And the Act. 4.10. c. salvation is, or cometh only by him, and by none other, neither in heaven, nor yet upon the earth; for he is Rom. 8 10. Isa. 13. a. b. 1 Pet. 2. c. the end or the accomplishment of the Law, upon whom all the Prophets of God have witnessed from the beginning of the world, and he cometh in glory like as is written of him.
9. He it is Is. 13. a. b 1 Per. 2. c. which suffereth for our sins cause in the holy, and beareth our sins, and so hath like Ioh. 10. b a faithful Shepherd, given over himself in the same holy to be an offering for the sin, whereby 1 Pe. 4. a to draw and arm us to the same mind, and so we to offer up our sins through the daily offering in the holy, and to burn the same upon his holy Altar; The which is his cross or patience in the holy.
10. So even thus doth Christ through himself (namely through Rom. 9. a Eph. 2. a. Col. 1 c. 2. b. the incorporating us into his death of the Cross) prepare the life and peace for us, making us free, and [Page 34] washing Heb. 10. c. us from the evil conscience. And so we obtain through him in that manner, a free entrance into the holy, for to accomplish the God-service in the holy, & to inherit the abundant riches of God the Father, and the everlasting life: The which cometh unto us plentifully, and appeareth in cleerness, if that we for our parts, do Mat. 16. c Luk. 9.14. c daily take up our Cross with Christ, follow after him in the holy, and so become Rom. 6 a baptized in his death, Rom. 4.5.8. a. to be an offering for the sin, whereby to be Col. 2. b. justified from the sin, through Faith, & that meerly by Grace, & not by Works.
11. Behold such a manner of offering, and daily God-service in the holy, is no doubt very convenient for us to use and perform. For so then, namely in the performance of the daily offering or God-service in the holy, there appeareth or cometh to us in the spirit, the spiritual high Priest or Christ, according to the Spirit, who is not of this earth, neither of flesh and blood, but of the [Page 35] heavenly God-head; & the same high Heb. 7, 8, 9, 10. Priest, is also very needful for us, because he is faithful, and remaineth for ever.
12. Whose service or high Priests office, is not outward according to the manner of the foregoing service of the Elders, administred among the unregenerate or unrenwed men, as in the letter, and with the letter, or with speakable words, but his service cometh to pass in the new birth of the inward spiritual and heavenly man. Heb. 7, 8, 9, 10. with the ministration of the spiritual and heavenly goods, according to the spiritual and heavenly Priest-office,
13. And to that end, (namely to bring men to the new birth of the inward spiritual heavenly man) have the outward ministrations of the Elders, the foregoing with the man, Gal 3. c. 4, 5 a under the which, he to the training up of him in all good nurture and order, is kept and taught, even unto the new birth in Jesus Christ: through the which, he doth then likewise live, [Page 36] and walk in Luk. 1. g. all upright righteousness, both inwardly before God, and outwardly among men: and to such an upright Ioh. 3. a. Titus 3. b. birth, or the outward services or administrations of the Godly testimonies of the holy Spirit of Love, a foregoing office, or 2 Co. 3. a light unto the man, which witnesseth, declareth and holdeth forth the godliness unto him as in a Glass. And so then the man, if he believe the requiring of the fore-going service, and desire to stand obedient thereunto, becometh prepared thereby to the same godliness, and taught to the Kingdom of heaven. And that is the same ministration, which Gal 3 c 4. a. Heb. 7. b. reacheth to the spiritual and true being in Jesus Christ. And it is the upright Priests office, of the Elders of the holy understanding, which in its office or service, hath the foregoing to the Ioh. 3. a. 1 Cor. 4. b. Gal. 4. b. new birth in Jesus Christ, as is already said; which services are all witnesses and directions, unto the very true and spiritual office in the Spirit: And although the same services, [Page 37] being ministred in the letter, and through the letter or serviceable word, do bring 2 Co. 3. b a great illumination, and clearness, unto the unilluminated ones, yet are those same for all that no more but a serviceable shaddow, proceeding from the spiritual and heavenly service of the great glory and cleerness of Christ, in the inward being and form.
14. For Christ according to the Spirit hath Heb. 3.8.9. a. an higher function, or office, or a more excellent service, and a greater ligh [...] or clearness, then hath all flesh and blood, writing, letters, or speakable words. For he is a Minister, or an high Priest in the Spirit, Heb. 8 a. 9. a. b. c. as a Minister of the spiritual and heavenly goods, as is before said. For he himself is the Heb 1. a. right heir, in all the riches of God his eternal and Almighty Father.
15. Behold this high Priest is spirit and life, the true Isa. 9. a▪ King and a faithful Lord, a peaceable prince: And not this or that without us: But he Act. 17. c is in us all which believe on him according [Page 38] to the truth: And we all which abide stedfast in the faith, have the life through him, who is neither unfaithful, nor falling away like unto a man. For he doth not shrink nor fall away either from us, or from his Father, but through the Love Mat. 28. c Ioh. 14 b. continueth with us, and with his Father for ever.
16. Also he is not changeable, in his office or ministration, like as are the children of men: who do one while setup one thing for an obedience, or for a God-service, and that altogether without the service of Christ and his Love; and then again some other thing, which directeth not to the true life of Christ, nor unto the upright being of his Love.
17. But his service, will, and commandement, is both now presently, and at all times, like as it was in the beginning, and it shall so remain unchangeable for evermore. For his Commandment, Will, and Precept, is Da. 6.10 Math 22. d Ioh 15 b. 1 Tim. 1. a nothing else but the love and the life of godliness: And that [Page 39] is the old commandment from the beginning: Ioh. 2. a And it is the new commandment, as being for to come, or for to be made manifest in this same last time, in the obedience of the requiring of the service of Love.
18. Therefore seeing now that this high Priest, which is invisible, but yet is known in the spirit, hath such an unchangeable commandment or service among us, in the ministration of the service of his Love: So standeth he likewise firm and immovable towards us in the same service, to an everlasting reconcilement for our sins, as a true 1 Tim. 2 a Heb. 9. b mediator betwixt God and us.
19. He himself also is partaker with us in suffering, touching Heb. 2. b 5. a. our griefs, and purgeth us in his service of Love, through himself, and through none other, or any other services.
[Page 40]20. Therefore hath God likewise sworn unto him, Psa. 100. Heb. 7. c. and it shall not repent him) that he shall continue a Priest for ever. They Psa. 102. Isa. 51. a. Heb. 1. b shall all become old, and become changed like a garment. But Psal. 45 Heb. 1. a. his seat (as is aforesaid) endureth and continueth from everlasting to everlasting: it is very true.
The sixth Chapter.
FOrasmuch now as that that God which dwelleth in the heavens, is through his bountiful Love, a revealing of the holy things unto us, out of an heavenly revelation in his service of Love; therefore have we the more assured confidence on the same service of Love: which very true service is now in the last time come unto us for to minister, to a blessing and salvation of those men, which are good of will, to the end that they should all assemble them thereto. For the love in her service, is the Mat. 24. Luk. 17. d. bait or prey whereunto the Eagles shall resort and assemble, and that to a unity in one band of the Love.
2. For it shall now, whatsoever in [Page 42] the Love loveth the peace and the righteousness, assemble or come to the service of the Love, and concordably incline them unto the same; for it is unpossible that it should bide back: but that in those dayes it shall all (namely, all whatsoever loveth righteousness, and hath intended peace and love) joyn it self to one, and not refuse to have or use the unity in the Love with us.
3. Seeing that all my longing standeth towards the same, therefore hath my heart seldom any rest, by reason of my longing towards the same and for that the godly Baite (namely the right and true service of Love) might have his ministration and declaring everywhere, whereby all Eagles, which hunger and thirist thereafter, might assemble them thereto. For thereunto doubtless, shall all those which love or stand affected unto righteousness, become assembled and comprehended, or knit in one Band of the Love with us.
4. They shall also give themselves [Page 43] thereunto good-willingly, if they do but hear of such an assembling, and unity in the Love, and that see into, know and Credit the same, let them be wheresoever they are, or whosoever they be, whether the Jews, Christians or Mahometans, heathen or of what generations, nations, sects, factions, or religions soever they be; they shall all mutually, for the righteousness and peaces cause, submit themselves with us under the Love. Because that they might every one be incorporated to the upright Ro. 11. b stock of life, to the laud and Eph. 1. b. praise of the glory of the living God.
5 Which glory of God, God hath prepared for himself now in the last time in the service of his love, to the spreading abroad of his great name, Mal. 1. b for that his holy name may be known and magnified universally.
6. Before, or in the presence of which service of Love, Psal. 31. b all blasphemous tongues must become dumb, all wickedness grow ashamed, [Page 44] and all pride submit it self, to the end that all that feareth God, loveth his Promises and hopeth thereon, may allow of or consent unto the office or service of Love, and assemble them to the Concord of our commonalty.
7. For the service of love only shall flourish, under the which likewise all understanding shall to an obeying of the requiring of the said service of Love, give it self 2 Cor. 10. a. captive to an unity of peace, and to an incorporating unto the vertues in all Love.
8. Through which discerning, of the upright and true se vice, and of the assembling of the upright hearts to the same, I have figured forth, or witnessed with these present writings and testimonies, the true Tabernacle of God, and his services ministred under the obedience of the Love of Jesus Christ, according to the life, (even as the same is by Gods grace revealed unto me) because that we might all of us, according to the spirit [Page 45] come to that Rom. 12. a one manner of God-service of Luk. 1. g. upright righteousness, which God [...]egardeth: also that all people which according to the spirit are Eph. 2 4. strangers and ignorant touching the true God and his service, might look into the same, also come to 1 Tim. 2 a. the knowledge of the truth, and be converted to the Love and her service, whereby to walk in all love, Eph. 4. a. as children of peace, and as peaceable brethren.
9. But not in misnurter and disorderliness, according to the manner of the uncircumcised heathen, nor in contention through self-wisdom, or Scripture-learnedness, nor yet in disputing concerning the circumcision or baptism, but in all discreetness and orderlyness of the upright life, according to the true circumcision, Ier. 4 a Rom. 2. c Phil 3. a Col. 2. b. which cometh to pass in the heart (the which is in laying away of the sin in the flesh) and according to the true baptism of the Math. 3. b Rom. 6. a Col. 2. b. holy Ghost, which cometh to pass in the spirit, in a new life, of the true [Page 46] minde, full of all Love.
10. Therefore respect now well the upright Judgement in your hearts. For all hearts shall now in this last time Luk. 2. d become manifest.
11. There shall also be found but one manner of heathen-ship, foreskin or uncircumcision. And all hearts of the heathen or uncircumcised, being without Jerusalem, and Gods sanctuary, and without the commonalty of Israel, or of Christ, (let them then hold what God-services they will) shall through the foreskin of the sinful flesh, appear manifestly to be uncircumcised, and to stand captivated with the disobedient knowledge Isa. 52. a Eze. 44 b. Of such uncircumcised ones there shall not one come into the sanctuary.
12. In like manner, there shall also be found but one manner of circumcision, Baptism, Isa. 56. a Eze. 37. c. Ioh. 10. b and house of Israel or Christ; and all the Saints or holy ones of God, that are of the house of Israel or Christ, shall walk [Page 47] under the obedience of the Love, and have their fellowship with us within Jerusalem, the Apo. 21. a holy City of God from heaven.
13. And the same likewise shall be one manner of Tabernacle of God, or house of the Lord, wherein Gods light, Apo. 21. c Isa. 60. yea he himself shineth as a light and cleerness unto his people Israel, because that they all may even free without anguish, and without fear walk peaceably in his light.
14. From whose hearts Isa. 25 a 2 Cor. 3 b the foreskin of the sinful flesh, and of the disobedient darknesses shall be put away; for the light that ariseth over Jerusalem, according to the promises, Is. 60 a. c shall shine about them all. Whereunto likewise all people that have a lust to Israels God, and to his Law, statutes and rights, Isa. 2. a 11. b. 13. c. Mich. 4. a Zach. 8 c. shall be assembled, and offer or bring unto the glorious God in his holy Tabernacle, oblations and gifts, Is 5, 6. a Ier. 33. c Eze. 20 a Mal. 1 b. 3. c. Rom 12. a which are acceptable unto him, according to the same manner, like as in times [Page 48] past, God hath shewed and commanded the same unto Moses his servant.
15. Which holy Tabernacle of God with his fore-front, holy, and most holy, together with his God-services, of the Levitical Priests and sacrifices, and the service of the high Priests office, God hath in times past, set forth figuratively unto the people of Israel by Ex. 25, 26, 27▪ 35, 40. the service of Moses and Aaron, or figured forth the same as shadows of the true being or substance of the spiritual or heavenly goods, which were revealed or shewed unto Moses, to the end Exo. 19, 20 a. Deut. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Psal. 50. b. Jer. 7. c. Zach. 7. a. b. that they should never more forget the being of the same, but continually remember it, and in the obedience of the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, should wax zealous, and proceed on after the same.
The seventh Chapter.
BUT when the people of Israel did cleave or incline with their hearts wholly to the Figures, Images or shadows, and accepted and used the same for the upright God-service it self, in such sort as though God required the Images or shadows, and that they were not chiefly and above all inclined to the upright being of Christ it self, which yet notwithstanding God requireth thereby (wherein also the Figures, Images and Shadows do point) therefore hath God liked or allowed of none of their services, Psal 50, 51. b. Isa. 1. b. 59. c. 66. a. Ier. 6.7. c. Mic. 6. a Zach. 7. a Mal. 1. a neither have they likewise pleased him, but have rather been unto him a loathsomness, and an utter misliking.
2. Therefore hath God also had [Page 50] no lust or pleasure unto such people, because they served the Images and Figures, and not their Lord their God only according to the truth, like as it standeth commanded in the Law of the Lord, and is required by the Figures.
3. Which abuse towards the Images and Shadows, God hath oftentimes rebuked, and witnessed unto them by the mouth of his holy Prophets, Eze. 14. a Zac. 14. a that they should turn them unto the Lord their God, from those same Images, and those their abominations, whom they served with the delight of their hearts, against the requiring of the Law.
4. Even thus hath God many times, by his servants the Prophets, required the fruits of the Law, and the outward form and observation thereof, which many could not distinct or divide asunder.
5. But seeing they were bewitched with the Images and Figures, and blinded by them, through their ignorance (which blindness was the uncircumcision [Page 51] of the heart) so have they by that occasion looked into, or esteemed the services of the Images or Figures to be Gods requiring, or to be the true God-service it self, and have accounted Gods Prophets, that pointed upon the very truth, or verity it self which was required, to 3 Ki. 22. c Ier. 8. a. 20: a 26. b. 32. a▪ be false, and many times have put them 2 Par. 29. c. Math. 23. d to death.
6. Although they supposed themselves now to be Gods servants, or to use and maintain the true God-service: yet were they notwithstanding in that their false use, the very right Idol-services, observing the God-services falsly.
7. Even so goeth it likewise with all those which look into, or esteem the outward God-services, or the outward obedience, for the true being or real substance it self, also do adminster the same in that manner, and so go on therewith, and do not through those same, or by their means turn them in the Spirit unto Almighty God.
[Page 52]8. Seeing now that the God of life doth not require the Images, Shadows, or Figures by the Law, but that which is the living, being or substance it self; therefore hath he also at the last, out of the grace of his Love, which continueth for ever, revealed Act 2. a the true being through his Christ, unto his people Israel, like as the same was required by the Law, and by the Images, Figures, and Shadows, shewing cleerly and plainly thereby what is his will, even as he had in times past, through the services and his Prophets both required it, and also as being to come, promised the same. In which time of the heavenly Revelation, and of the spiritual birth or generation of God, according to the Spirit, many in Israel rejoyced them.
9. Seeing now, that the resurrection of the dead was come to the house of Israel, as that God raised up unto them his Christ, Act. 2 d. 3. b 10. c. 13. d 1 Cor. 15. as the firstling risen from death, therefore did many in those dayes hope [Page 53] upon the comfort of Israel, or Act. 1. their restoring and setting up, even as God had fore-spoken the same by his Prophet Ezek. 37. Ezekiel.
10. But the God of their Fathers, who forsaketh not his people Israel, neither forgetteth the same Covenant that Deut. 4. Luk. 1. g. he made with their Fathers, hath preserved or kept in his own secretness the time of his wonderful Works, and the mercy towards the dead of the house of Israel.
11. For in those dayes many in Israel understood not the wonderful Works of God, nor yet the Grace towards salvation, that was opened or come unto them; But they became blinded, or estranged from the same and knew or understood not in what manner the restoring or setting up of Israel was to come to pass; For God had stayed or reserved the same restoring, because he would in the last time, through [Page 54] the same, make Mal. 1. a his holy name known, glorious, and renowned among all the heathen, or people, according to the Promises, and so to Isa. 11. b Luk. 2. d reveal to his people Israel his Love, the Banner of true Righteousness.
The eighth Chapter.
FOR which cause sake, the grace of salvation, which was opened or come unto them from out of God, and the Ioh. 1. a 1 Ioh. 1. a light and life, which was the Father, and which was revealed in Israel for a Christ of God, was published, or preached unto all people, for a witness of the resurrection of the dead, and for a Gospel, or a joyful Message of the Kingdom. And moreover the Kingdom of the God of heaven became manifest in Israel, and was witnessed both among them, and at Ierusalem: as namely that that which they heard and saw, whenas the fiftieth day was fulfilled, were the wonderful Works of God, whereof Ioel the Prophet had spoken before, Ioel 2. c Act. 2. and it shall come to pass [Page 56] saith God in the last dayes, when the end of the Luk. 21. suppression of Ierusalem is come, and the fulness of the heathen is come in or performed, Isa 59. c Rom. 17. because that all Israel in that sort become saved, according to the Promises.
2. Wherein God now sheweth, that he is not forgetful of his Covenant as he hath Gen. 12, 13, 15, 17, 21, 22. made the same with Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, and that he is a God of Abraham, and the God of his seed for evermore; Through whom he hath in times past made known his holy name, and will also in the last time make it known therethrough, according to the Promises. And they shall effectually perceive that Deut. 3. d Isa. 43, 44, 45, 48. he the God of Israel is only the Lord, and that besides him there is no God more and that all heathen that fear not the same God, nor yet do learn to keep his Laws, Statutes, and Ri [...]es, are an ignorant people, without understanding, even as hitherto it hath appeared, among many multitudes of people [Page 57] or heathen, who through their own wisdom (how ingenious and through-lighted or cleer of understanding soever they have been) have 1 Cor. 1. b. not known or understood Gods holy wisdom.
3. Therefore hath it pleased God to Isa. 29. 1 Cor. 1. b shame the world in her wisdom to incompass or go beyond all chosen religions, in their self-framed holyness, and to save his people through himself, because he would establish them all in his Love, to become a Temple for his holy dwelling: In the which 1 Cor 3. Heb. 1. a God doth behold his best beloved whom he hath alwayes loved from the beginning; namely the very 2 Cor. 4. Col. 1. b like being of his God-head, the which the God of life hath formed in the man from the beginning.
4. But alass this same is unknown unto many, or they are by reason Gen. 3. a. of their fall and estranging from God, so covered with the darknesses, that they cannot, according to the spirit of the inward man, behold the [Page 58] being, or real form of their God. But when as the man, through the hearing and believing of the gracious word turneth him in the spirit 2 Cor. 3. b. 4. a unto God, then becometh the fore-skin of his flesh, or the covering of the sin put off from his heart. For Ioh. 4 b 8. c. 14. a. God is a Spirit, a Light, or a Life, and is not otherwise known and beheld, but in his own spirit, light and life.
5. Now when the man turneth him (as aforesaid) thereunto, under the obedience of his gracious Word, and service of Love, the same like being cometh unto him in the spirit; then Eph. 5. b is the Image of God raised up in him, and awakened unto him in the spirit.
6. That same verily is the life, whereof the Kingly Prophet David hath spoken in time past, where he saith, Psa. 17. b I will behold thy face in righteousness, I will be satisfied when thine Image awaketh.
7. When the man turneth himself in the spirit, Eze 18 d. Ioel 2. b. unto God, as also [Page 59] humbleth himself with all his heart, to the holy and gracious Word, and is good of will to the obeying of the requiring of his service of Love, then appeareth to him the difference between the Lev. 10. b Eze. 44. c holy and unholy.
8. Now when the man turneth himself away from the unholy of the uncircumcised hearts, and turneth him obediently to the holy, or to Gods sanctuary of all God-fearing and circumcised hearts, and wholly gives himself to enter into the same, and that so Pro. 1. a Eccl. 1. b. 2. a the fear of the highest God gets a shape in him; then doth the right departing out from all heathenishness, and the entrance into the forefront of the true Tabernacle of God come to pass even there with the same man. For he goeth out of the uncircumcision into the circumcision of the Ier. 4 a foreskin of his heart: and receiveth in that sort, through the service of the holy and gracious Word, Gods Covenant of circumcision in the flesh.
9. In which service of the holy [Page 60] and gracious Word, ministred in the fear of God, the fore-skin or covering of the darknesses wherewith all heathen are covered or grown uncircumcised, The true fore-front of the holy and true Tabernacle of God, is the turning unto God in the fear of God, and so through the service of the holy and gracious word, to separate ones self from all heathenish misnurture, or to turn away or circumcise ones heart from all wickedness, which fore-front in his service, is the upright circumcision, which maketh the right difference between the holy and unholy, and betwixt the circumcised ones, the Lords people, and the uncircumcised, or heathen. is Isa. 25. 2 Cor. 3. put off. The which is the laying away of the 2 Pet. 2.4. a. Heb. 12. a sin in the flesh, whereby to shew due obedience, according to the Law of the Lord, namely to fear God uprightly, to desire the good with fervency of heart, and to circumcise or purge the heart, and all whatsoever is manly. The which is Rom. 2. Phil. 3. Col. 2. b the true circumcision that God regardeth
10. Finally that same is the fore-front [Page 61] of the true Tabernacle of God: and the right difference Lev. 10. b Eze. 44. betwixt the circumcised, and the uncircumcised heathen. Betwixt those that fear God, and are good of will, and those that fear not God, and are evil of will, and Jer. 7. c. 11. a. 13, 18. so live according to the sensuality or self-mindedness of their own desires, or according to all manner of light-mindedness; as that are without rule, loose, unbridled, or wilde of heart, and do neither love nor obtain any wisdom, nor any holy knowledge; whose hearts take hold of nothing else but all manner of filthiness.
11. But through the fear Prov. 1. a Eccl. 1. c. 2. a of God, by means of the circumcision of the heart, through the good will, the man cometh to the godly wisdom, and holy knowledge, [Page 62] and so the fear of God driveth him to turn away Rom. 8. a from the sin. And then proceeding forward, even to the holy he becometh justified from the sin through the Faith, in the daily taking Lu. 9 14. c up of his Cross, in like suffering with Christ, till unto Ro. 6. a. 8. b. the death of the sin, which is the daily offering in the holy.
12. But now when the man is turned Eccl. 2. a unto God with a good will, in Godly fear, and under the obedience of the Love is coupled or joyned to a Commonalty of the Saints of God, then is he departed out of the heathenship, and hath at that time his conversation or fellowship with the administration and discipline of the holy Word, ministred betwixt the fore-front and the Altar of the holy offering, till that his offering and gift be (through Faith) begun or taken in hand, in the holy for a burnt offering; [Page 63] through which burning of the offering upon the holy Altar of the Lord Jesus Christ in the holy, Isa. 57. b Eph. 2. b the Peace betwixt the man and God the Father is prepared.
The ninth Chapter.
BUT for as much as this true God-service in the holy, is not yet (according to the inward man in the spirit) known unto every one, nor understood according to the truth, and we do find many young and little ones of understanding, many feeble and weak ones, and many uncertain consciences: all which notwithstanding do stand bent and well-minded, with a good will towards the Love, and towards the holy understanding. So is therefore the life of righteousness evidently witnessed unto them out of the service of Love, which testimonies of the truth, are likewise administred unto them through Doctrines, speakable words, or with writing, (namely, unto those that have turned from the heathenship, and so endeavour them to the obeying of the word and his service, and which do fear God) with which service, there is required of them, [Page 65] the obedience to the Love of the Father, Gal 3. c 4. a. Heb. 7. b. to a sustaining of them, whereout some better thing is yet to be hoped for.
2. That same is verily the daily God-service, which is well pleasing unto the Lord, and the upright Ceremonies, which be ministred before the Lord, unto the God-fearing hearts, by the Ministers of the holy word.
3. Which Ministers with the same service of the gracious and holy word, is the Levitical Priests office, wherethrough the slain-offering is prepared before Jer. 33. b the Lord, among the little-ones, and sinners, who bear sorrow and grief for the sins cause; also the burnt-offering is begun, and daily used, & the meat offering likewise kindled and offered up.
4. Which service likewise of the Levitical Priests office alwayes stands or continues before the Lord, in the service of his Love, as a mutual assistance and strengthening for the little or weak ones: and that altogether in the Love to the serviceableness of the Congregations, for [Page 66] the sins of the ignorant.
5. Which service of the Levitical Priests office, God would not have required, if the man had not fallen into the sin, but had still walked uprightly in the light of God.
6. But forasmuch as it hath not gone so with the man, therefore hath God, even of necessity, added the same service unto his promises, for to inform therewith the unilluminated ones, the infirm, weak, and young ones, or little ones of understanding, who do yet oftentimes sin, and are of little growth in Faith, and so to assist and serve them therewith for a certain time, betwixt the fore-front and the Altar, for an entrance unto them in the holy, & to bring unto the high or great God of heaven, Psa. 11. d Isa 56 a Mal. 1. b Rom. 11. a such an offering as is delightful unto him.
7 Even thus become they all converted or turned away from the sin, and succoured or trayned up under the service of the Love, to the Luk. 1. g Eph. 1. a knowledge of the upright life of the Just, to the end, that they may all become one, even as of one mind Ioh. 17 c in the Love.
[Page 67]8. Now when one doth know the same life, according to such an upright service and nature of the Love, and is grown believing towards the same, then is there revealed and brought in the spirit unto the Believers, the boldness to enter into the holy, for to accomplish the service of God, and his requiring in the holy, like as God is requiring the same accomplishment by the Law and the Prophets, and by the service of the Elders in the holy understanding, which accomplishment in the holy, is our offering in the offering of Christ, through his He. 9. b.c blood, which prepareth for us a new and living way.
9, Behold that is the true God-service, through Christ in the holy, which is now by Gods grace opened and brought unto us, to the end to set up the righteousness in the same through Faith, which is required by the Law and Ordinance of the Lord. For whatsoever is Rom 8. a unpossible for the Law to do through [Page 68] works, that same is accomplished in Christ through Faith: whereby Christ is in that manner the accomplishment of the Law: and erecteth the upright righteousness among his Believers, and establisheth them in the same.
10. Therefore Christ is no breaker, but a fulfiller of the Law: for Mat. 3. b Christ came not to make void, or break the Law and the Prophets, but to perform them, because the righteousness that is of value before God, may be made manifest through his light, to an everlasting establishment of the promises of God made unto the Fathers, whereby to wash and cleanse the man from his spotted or Heb. 9. b evil conscience, that he might laud God with peace and joy.
11. But this daily God-service betwixt the front and the Altar in the holy which is prepared and ministred by the service of the holy and gracious Word, and by the Priests office out of Levy, or by the Elders in the holy understanding, is the service [Page 69] which God hath added to his Rom. 4. b 5. c. 7. a. Promises made unto Abraham, to a strengthening of the belief extending to the Promises; Because the man should with a good courage in the good and godly life of righteousness, among the Elders in the holy understanding, Eph. 1. b 1 Pet. 2. a grow up therein to an establishing of the Promises of God the Father.
12. In such manner doubtless is the same service of the holy Word, which is administred by the Elders in the holy understanding under the obedience of the Love, very profitable and furthersome for the good-willingness, the while they Gal. 4. a. are yet little or young in the godly understanding: And for those that like unto children, stand simply submitted under the Love, to the end that no man should err, through any ignorance, nor tye his heart to the imagination of his own spirit, but only have regard unto the service of Love, to the obeying his requiring until that the daily God-service in the holy [Page 70] be begun with him, and have his full course with him; Also till the true 2 Pet. 2. b light come unto him, and the day likewise appear from on high, or as a cleerness of the morning star arise in his heart, and that the everlasting Ioh. 1. a life be come unto him in the spirit, according to the truth, and have 2 Cor. 4. Gal. 4. b a shape in him, as a Kingdom of God or of Christ, which is the upright being, or real form it self, full of all Love.
13. Till unto this same day (namely till that the light of life, as a true being, an upright righteousness, be come unto the man) doth the daily God-service for the sins cause endure in the holy; so long also 1 Co. 3. b remaineth the vail before the most holy, namely till the holy be performed, or ministred in his full course of ministration, with upright daily oblations, which are acceptable unto God.
14. But this daily offering, or gift which the man is Debtor to offer, in the holy, or that wherein God [Page 71] hath a pleasure, is not alone the outward; for God hath Ps. 40.50. never willed nor required the same without the good will of the heart.
15. Therefore it is a spiritual offering, proceeding out of Psal. 11. c Isa. 57.66. a lowly and humble heart, and the beginning of the same upright offering soundeth even thus, in every man that is good-willing towards God, and towards his righteousness,
16. O God I come, and have a lust to Psa. 40. a Heb. 10. a do thy will.
17. Now when the man findeth himself thus minded, and desireth to enter into the service of Love, and his requiring, in this sort is his heart prepared and altogether become willing to Mat. 16. c Luk 9.14. c take up his Cross, and obediently to follow after the 1 Pet. 2. c crucified and killed Jesus Christ, in the belief, under the obedience of his love, till unto his death, (even the death of the Cross) Rom. 6. Col. 2. b. and to be baptized into the same death, whereby to enter even so into the life, out of the deadly sin, Ioh. 3. a Rom. 6.8. b 2 Cor. 4. through the [Page 72] second birth, from death. Wherethrough he is likewise made free, The true holy, of the holy and true Tabernacle of God, is the belief tending to the mortifying of the sin, in the after following of Christ, till unto the second birth from the death, (the which is the willing obedience of the belief) which holy and his service, or obedience in the belief, wherein the death of the sin cometh to pass, is the very true holy, and the right difference between the most holy and the fore-front. or delivered from all choosing of this or that according to his own will or pleasure, saying with his whole heart;
18. O GOD, Act. 9 a WHAT wilt thou have me to do?
19. Behold in such a mind, intent or inclination to the obedience of the belief, and to continue Eccl. 2. a Math. 24. [...] stedfast therein till unto the death, and to the new birth from the death, consisteth the mans conversion [Page 73] to his God: and he becometh so clean turned about from his selfness, that he is like unto Mat. 18. a 1 Pet. 2. a a new born babe, that hath no manner of self-wisdom or self-willedness, but that liveth only that life that is given and brought unto him by God. In such a manner is the man meet also to come into the Kingdom Ioh. 3 a of God, to enter thereinto.
20. But behold, with such a heart and mind cometh the man unto the Deut. 6.10. b. 1 King. 15. true obedience, which God regardeth: And so through Faith he goeth out of all deadly corruption or perdition, and cometh into the life of his God, in the everlasting immortality, in all Love: and is filled with all fulness of the holy Ghost, Rom. 8. b and inherriteth with Christ, all the treasures & riches of God, and of Isa. 33. a Col. 2. a the spiritual and heavenly goods: Those verily are the promises of God the Father through Jesus Christ, to the blessing [Page 74] of all the generations of the earth.
21. By this means, as is said, the man cometh again to his soundness, and to his Ioh. 8. d precious freedom, whereunto Gen. 1. c Sap. 2. c Eccles. 17. a God hath created him from the beginning: as being unbound, or untyed from all vain and unprofitable things.
The tenth Chapter.
NOW when as the service of the offering in the holy hath once had his full course, with such a good will as is aforesaid: and the debt-offering, sin-offering, and death-offering, is all through the like-suffering of Christ, accomplished on the Altar, through the belief; then Isa. 25 a Math. 27. 2 Cor. 3. b doth the vail, as opening asunder, divide it self from before the most holy: and so there is then discovered in the most holy, the mercy-seat, the Ark of witness, and the heavenly bread, with many costly treasures pertaining to the most holy Sanctuary; and all that sanctified likewise that is in the holy, with the He. 9, 10. sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ the high Priest, for an everlasting [Page 76] forgiveness of sins.
2. That verily is the New Testament of the grace of God, touching the sins of the people, even as God hath promised the same to the house of Israel, and to the house of Judah, for a stedfast and continuing Testament.
3. This high Priest over the house of God, is the old antient one in the holy and godly understanding, and is the Col. 1. first born of all creatures, Rom. 6 a Phil. 2. a who was slain with the death of the Cross, and hath suffered in the holy, for the sins cause: and is 1 Cor. 15. c Col. 1. b as the firstling risen from the death, where-through he hath prepared the everlasting life for all his Believers, which follow after him in the holy Mat 16. c Rom 6. a 1 Pet. 2. till unto the death of his Cross.
4. He himself verily is the Light and Life that is everlasting, which was Ioh. 1. a Psal. 210 a with the Father from the beginning, and is at the right hand of the Heb. 1. a Almighty, in the heavenly being or estate, who also as high Priest, entreth into the most holy, maketh [Page 77] alive his believers, from Rom. 8. b 1 Cor. 15. b Eph. 2. a. b Col. 1.2 b the death and Eze. 36. c Isa. 44. a Ioel 2. c Act. 2. b poureth forth the holy spirit of his love abundantly over them, The true, most holy of the holy and true Tabernacle of God, is the Love, the everlasting life, and the perfection, from which most holy in his service (that is in the making alive from the death, in the pouring out of the holy Ghost, and in ministring of the spiritual and heavenly good) the vale is put away, whereby to inherit the everlasting life of God in his cleerness, in the same service ministred under the obedience of the Love of the holy Ghost, which most holy in his service, maketh right difference betwixt the living and the dead; for in that same service doth the resurrection of the righteous life from the death, come to pass or is wrought; and that is the joy of life, proceeding out of the heavenly being in the Kingdom of God the Father, with Christ in the everlasting life. to an everlasting blessing; and that is the perfection of all that which goeth before, and the most holy of the true Tabernacle of God and Christ.
5. This high Priest in the most holy, (namely in the Love, the everlasting life, and the perfection) is a King Psa. 110. Heb. 5. a. b. c 7. c. 8. a and Priest for ever, according to the order of Melchizedeck, as an everlasting Saviour unto [Page 78] to his people to their eternal reconciliation with God the Father, and he himself doth through himself, herit them, or make them heirs in the everlasting life; and that is the establishing of the true Testament, which continueth firm for ever before God the Father.
6. For through the light of the same Testament, is Gods Law, Ordinance, or Doctrine, Psa. 40. a Isa. 51. a Ier. 31. d Heb. 8.10. planted in the hearts of the Believers: and given unto them in their minds: And God remembreth no more of all their former sins, and [Page 79] that is the establishing of the promises of God the Father and of the belief of Jesus Christ.
7. Among those children of the New Testament, or holy Gospel, the vail is Isa. 25. a 2 Cor 3. b put away from the most holy, and the precious garnishings of the spiritual and heavenly goods, declared and brought unto them, as an everlasting heritage of God and Christ: and they (namely) the children of the New Testament, be taught in that sort to the Kingdom of God, and made heirs in the everlasting life, Ro. 12. b Eph 4. a Col. 3. b 1 Pet. 3 a and have nor use any thing but Love, Peace and Unity one with other, and a good conscience in Jesus Christ through the holy Ghost, the Love of God the Father, which God Rom. 5. a Tit. 3. b hath poured abundantly into their hearts.
8. Behold Apo. 12 a that is the true Jerusalem, which descended from heaven, and also the most holy of the true Tabernacle of God, which is prepared of God from everlasting, and which by Gods grace is come unto [Page 80] us in this same last time: In the which Sion is established, Isa. 2. a Mich. 4. a out of the which the Law and the word of the Lord proceedeth: Isa. 1 c Zach. 8. c And unto the which all people, which have a lust toward God, shall assemble them, and rejoyce them therein, according to the Promises: For it is the Fountain of life full of all vertues, and the undisturbable Dan. 2. Kingdom full of all Love, peace and godliness, wherein that song Apo. 19. a Allelu-jah, is sung for an everlasting song of laud unto God.
9 Behold this Kingdom full of all pure beauty, full of light and life, and full of all delightfulness and riches of God the Father and of Christ, hath been long hidden and unknown for the sins cause of the people, by reason of which sin, the children of men have not beheld this glorious cleerness, neither can they endure the beholding of the same delightful cleerness.
10 Because now of this blindness of the darkness which hath covered [Page 81] the earth & because of the unwillingness of the manly generation: therefore hath the eter. rich bountiful God been forced to reserve or keep secret, all those things in the holy and heavenly be [...]ng: Eph. 1. b which riches of God the Father, are now notwithstanding coming unto all good willing ones, which love the peace for an everlasting heritage, according to the Promises.
11. With which beauty of the heavenly riches of God, God is now in the last time a drawing of us all unto him, to wit all we which are good-willing towards him and his righteousness, and which for the peaces cause do submit our selves under the Love, whereby to make known unto us through his Love, and through the declaring of his heavenly riches, his holy will, to an health to the earth, and to the honour and glory of God: and verily now in the last times, to a joy and peace, in all love; to the end to prepare in that manner, under the obedience of the Love an everlasting [Page 82] peace upon earth, according to the Promises.
12. Therefore Deu. 32. a rejoyce you ye heavens and earth, which hope upon God: For behold Isa. 62. the salvation of God is now come that it may be revealed, to the Psa. 112. a Eph. 1. b Heb. 1. b renewing of all things that are waxen old: for Isa. 61 66 2 Pet. 3 b Apo 21. a the new heaven, and the new earth, wherein righteousness dwelleth, and which perpetually continue before God, upon which men have waited according to the Promises, do now come with triumph in glory.
13. In which very same time, Isa 28. a the Lord will be a lovely crown and glorious garland unto his people that remain over: and a spirit of equity unto those that set in Judgement, and a strength unto those which come again from the battle to the gates.
14. Even thus verily in those daies shall God perform all good towards Israel, and establish among them, all what he hath promised and covenanted to them in times past, by the mouth of his Prophets.
[Page 83]15. For the chastisement executed for the sins cause over the Lords people, and over the miserable and comfortless ones, over Isa. 54. a whom all tempests do happen or come, shall cease: and they shall revive all beauty, peace and delightfulness, and be Psal. 45 a 1 Ioh. 2 c annointed with the oyl or ointment of joy; for the Scripture, the Law, and the Prophets shall be fulfilled and not broken: and it shall come to pass over the world, and also over the Lords people, even as it is written thereof: The Lord grant us mercy and lead us into his wayes, Amen.
The eleventh Chapter.
HEre have we figured forth unto you, ye dearly beloved, a certain circle: In the which we have described unto you in writing, and figuratively set forth, both the way of the heathenship, or of the uncircumcised ones, Mat. 7. b Luk. 13. c which leadeth or reacheth to the everlasting death and condemnation, (whose death, being or estate, is the strange being, before or in the sight of the Lords people Israel) As also contrary wise, the simple and plain way, 4 Esd. 7 a Math. 7. of the good-willing hearts to the righteousness, which leadeth to the entrance of the true Tabernacle of God in the spirit, and reacheth to the everlasting life.
[Page 86] Psal. 4 a2. If the man now have by Gods grace, gotten a good will to enter into the upright way, directing to the everlasting life then must he with his heart, Isa 51 b 2 Cor 6 b Apo. 18 a depart out of the heathenship or uncircumcision, and out of the straying being or nature, yea from all what is not any being of God, also separate himself from the darkness, and turn him Isa 55. a Ier 18.25. a 35. b Ezek 18 d. Ioel 2. b to the Lord his God, namely to the God of life the Ioh 1. true light, full of light and life, who hath created both him and all what is an thing, Luk. 1.2. b. c. likewise fear the same living God; and circumcise his heart from Deu. 10. b. 30 a all manner of darkness, namely from all abominations of desolation, which do separate the man from the living God.
3. See or annoint your eyes with eye-salve, that ye may see, Deu 1 [...]. b. Ier. 4. a circumcise your selves, or put away the foreskin of your hearts, and continue not stiff-necked, for that ye may rightly understand and know the true life, which is a life [Page 87] unto you, and may live therein.
4. For even therefore, because that the life might now in the same day, through our Deu 30. b Eccles. 25. a most holy servlce of the Love, be understood from the death, and the light known from the darkness; So have we out of the Love to the righteousness, described and figuratively set forth, even in the most evident manner, here in the same Circle, both these wayes, both of death and of the life, and all the ends whereunto each one hath his passage or course. The which the inward man entreth into, or liveth there, whether it Exo. 18. Rom. 6.8. a be then the deadly sins, extending to the eternal death, or else the righteousness to the everlasting life.
5. Hereunto next adjoyning, followeth the Figurative description or declaration of the inward Tabernacle of God, according to the spirit, after the which we do treat at length in large manner of both these natures, which do bring in either the death or the life; and we have likewise [Page 88] signified or marked out by writing, the names both of the confused and of the Godly being or nature. Take it to heart, for it yieldeth to every one of us, either the death or the life.
The twelfth Chapter.
THE true fore-front of the house of God, or of the true Tabernacle Deu. 10. c Eccles. 1.26. is the fear of the living God, serving to a turning away from the sin, and from all heathenish foolishness. Through whose service, and through the obedience of the requiring thereof, the man becometh circumcised in his heart, in Heb. 12. a 1 Pet. 24. a the laying away of the sin in the flesh, and to the obtaining of the knowledge of the truth of God, entreth into the way of peace.
[Page 91]2. For the same circumcision of the Phi. 3. a Col. 2 b heart, is the true circumcision which cometh to pass in the spirit, and not in the letter, whose praise is not of man, but of God, Rom. 2. c.
3. Therefore Ier. 4 a circumcise the foreskin of your hearts, and be not hence forth stiffnecked any longer, Deut. 10.8.
4. Plough Eze. 10. b upon the new, and sow not among the thorns; circumcise you unto the Lord, and put away the foreskin of your hearts ye men of Judah, and ye people at Jerusalem, Jer. 4. a.
5. There shall none Isa. 52. Ioel. 3. come into the Lords sanctuary that hath an uncircumcised heart, and an uncircumcised flesh Eze. 44. b.
6. Therefore shall the Lord thy God circumcise thy heart, and the heart of thy seed, Deu. 10. c Math. 22. that thou maist love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live. Deut. 30.
7. If thou Deu. 10 c Isa. 19 b wilt turn thee O Israel, [Page 92] then turn uno me, saith the Lord; and if thou wilt put away Jer. 15. b Zach 1. a Mal. 3. a thine abominations from before my face, then shalt thou not be driven out, but then shalt thou without hypocrisie, swear rightly and holily, (as true as the Lord liveth) and the heathen shall be blessed in him, and make their boast of him, Ier. 4. a.
8. Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God Mat. 4 b Luk. 4. a him shalt thou serve, him shalt thou cleave unto or depend upon, and swear by his name, he is thy praise and thy God: Deut. 6. a. 10. b
9. Behold the Heaven, and the Heaven of all Heavens, and the earth, and all what is therein, that Psal 24. a Ier. 27 a is the Lords your God, O Israel and Iudah, Deut. 4. d yet hath he had notwithstanding a lust only to your Fathers, and loved them, and chosen their seed after them, namely you above all people, Deut. 10 b.
10. O all ye people, fear the same God, for he is that God which hath created Gen. 1. a Ioh. 1. a all whatsoever is any thing; for truly all heathenish bewitching [Page 93] is nothing but foolishness: Their wisdom and Laws are meer error, Isa. 44. a Ier. 10. a their Gods and God-services are vain and unprofitable.
11. Therefore there is no God but Israels God, whose God-services, Wisdom, Ordinances, Statutes and Rights are alone upright, holy, and true, Deut. 4. a.
12. Happy is he that hath the same God to be Psa. 33. b 144. b his God, or which seeketh him with all his heart, Deut. 4. c. 30. a. Ier. 29. b. Sap. 1. a.
The thirteenth Chapter.
THE true holy of the house of God or of the true Tabernacle is Rom. 5. a the belief of Christ unto Justification: through whose service, and the obedience unto the requiring thereof, the man if he have a lust with all his heart, Psa. 40. a Heb. 10. a to do the Lords will, becometh Justified from the sin. Also the way of his course of walking, prepared Isa. 40 a 57. b. to be an even path before the Lord. And the truth of God extending to the everlasting life revealed unto him in the spirit.
[Page 96]2. Behold the Lord sendeth forth his Mal. 3. a Math. 11. b Angel or Messenger, who in his service prepareth the way Math. 4 a Luk 1. b before him, and he goeth before, in the spirit or power of Elias, that he may turn the hearts of the Fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their Fathers, and the unbelievers to the prudence of the just, whereby to prepare an upright people for the Lord.
3. How delightful are the feet of the [...]o 10 b messengers that publish the peace from the mountains, preach a good Message, and reveal the salvation? Isa. 51. Nahum 2.
4. Leave off from the evil, and learn to do good: labour after that which is right and help the oppressed, Isa. 1. b.
5. Let the ungodly leave off from his waies Eze. 18 33. b. and the evil doer from his imaginations, and turn him to the Lord, so shall he be merciful unto him, Isa. 55. a.
6. Let every one turn him away from his wicked wayes, and amend [Page 97] his being or life, and so do that which is right, Ier. 7. a.
7. If the ungodly will turn him from all the sins that he hath done, &c. Then shall he live and not dye; for the Lord desireth not the Eze. 33. b Sap. 1. b death of a sinner, but much rather that he should turn him and live, Eze. 18. d.
8. Repent now and amend you, that your sins may be put out, Act. 3. b.
9. Lay away from you now, 1 Pet. 1. b 4. a. according to the former walking the old man, which destroyeth through the lust of error, Ro. 12. a and renew you in the spirit of your mind, and put ye on the new man which is formed like unto God, in upright righteousness and holyness, Ephes. 4. c.
10. But before all things, take hold of the Shield of Faith, with the which we may quench out all the fiery darts of the wicked enemy, Eph. 6. b.
11. Hold fast what thou hast, that [Page 98] no man bereave or take away thy Crown from thee, Apo. 3. b.
12. Whosoever continueth steadfast unto the end, he shall be saved, Math. 24. b.
13. The Messenger or voice of the Angel, which crieth in the heart, Prepare sa. 40. a the way of the Lord, is the serviceable ministration of the gracious word of the Lord, which the Lord willeth to be ministred unto the man before Act. 3.17. c. his revealing of his great day. By which means in the grace and mercy of the Lord. Rom. 10. the belief, that very true holy, and the Heb. 10 b boldness to enter into the same, is prepared to serve the man to an accomplishing of the service in the said holy: whereby the true fore-going service might likewise be ministred unto the Believers in their conversion unto God, and in their doing Math. 3. upright fruits of repentance. Also to kill Rom 6. a Col. 2. b and bury the same, under the obedience of the belief. And through the baptising or washing Rom. 6. a Col. 1 b in the death of Christ, to justifie the [Page 99] believing man from the sin.
14. And so then after that, in fulfilling or accomplishing the same fore-going service, cometh the Mat. 19. c Ioh. 3. b new birth from the death, through the annointing by our Saviour, who doth quite and clean take away or blot out the Heb 9. sins of his people: and so in his spiritual office or heavenly ministration, serveth them Heb. 8. with the spiritual and heavenly goods, and leadeth them into the everlasting life, and so bringeth the perfection unto them, or setteth up the same in them, and as Heb. 7, 8, 9. a chief Priest, declareth his Isa. 27. a Math. 27. highest salvation unto them, in the most holy, (namely in the Love, which is the holy-Ghost) where through the vail betwixt the holy and the most holy, and Isa. 59. a Eph. 2. b Col. 2. a the portion betwixt God and the man departeth away, and of two Eph. 2. b. is made one, to wit the man and God.
15. That verily is the everlasting Rom. 3. a 2 Cor. 5. c Col. 1. b Ioh. 2. a 4. b reconcilement of the man before his God: and so he cometh again to [Page 100] the seat of grace, and into the true light of the 2 Cor. 3. b. 4. a clear shining of God, and into the everlasting life, with thanksgiving and jo [...]; the which is the Isa. 60. a Apo. 21. a true rising of the light and life out of the high heaven in the spirit.
The fourteenth Chapter.
THE true vale before the most holy of the true Sanctuary of the Tabernacle of God, Heb 10. c is the flesh of Christ, the which is before the cleerness of his uncovered naked being or substance, and before his spiritual and heavenly goods, and Mat. 27. 2 Cor 3. b it departeth away therefrom, or openeth it self asunder, when the foregoing service in the Heb 9 c holy is accomplished.
2. For the vail before the most holy cleerness of the Godly being of Jesus Christ, and before his spiritual and heavenly goods, departeth not away from before the cleerness of the most holy Heb. 7, 8, 9.10. unless that the former God service in the holy, have first his full course: the which is the [Page 102] accomplishment of the daily God-service in the holy; in the Mat. 16. Luk. 9. c taking up of our Cross, in the willing obedience to the belief, for to continue therein obediently, till Mat. 10.2 [...]. unto the end, that is till unto the Rom. 6. a Phil. 2. b. death of the Cross.
3. Which death of the Cross of Christ, and to be implanted or incorporated into Christ, with the same like death, and so Rom. 6. a Col. 2. b. baptised or washed into his death, is verily the Math. 28. Mar. 16 b upright Baptism unto salvation, wherein the man is rightly baptised or washed, according to the truth of the holy Scriptures; and so then Rom. 6. a out of the same death regenerate Ioh. 3. b or born again, as a new Creature in Jesus Christ.
4. For that the same Tit. 3 b 1 Pet. 3. c baptism is the right font of regeneration, serving to the washing away of the sin, wherethrough the believing man, who doth with Christ according to the flesh, lay away, mortifie and Rom. 6. a Col. 2. c. 3. a bury the sin in the flesh, is made alive [Page 103] again with Christ; and also according to the spirit, in upright Luk 14. Eph. 1. a. 4. b righteousness and holyness, and so through the second birth, from the death, or the resurrection of Christ, he becometh holy and altogether renewed in the spirit of his inward mind, and the Act. 2. b. holy Ghost poured upon him, in whom Christ also with the cleerness of his Godly being getteth 2 Cor. 4. a Gal. 4. a a shape or form.
[Page 105]5. And that same verily, is 1 Co. 13. b. 2 Cor. 3. b the cleerness of the true being, and of the holy spirit of Jesus Christ, where through one beholdeth and inheriteth in the spirit the Love in her vertuous nature, that most holy, as likewise the fulness of the riches of God the Father, in the heavenly being or essential form.
6. Behold and consider, that is the true Ioh. 11. c resurrection from the death according to the Scripture, Ioh. 17. a through the which the living God of heaven and his Christ is known according to the Spirit and Truth.
7, It is true, the 1 Cor. 15. c. same is sown in the mortality, and it riseth up in the immortality: And God giveth it a body after his own pleasure, and that of the seed of his own body.
8. See that is the everlasting life, against the death. And the Eze. 13. b 1 Cor. 15. f Heb. 2. b conquest or victory against the Hell, and against all the enemies of the life, whereby all those that follow after Christ, have or possess that life, and Ioh. 10. b that in fulness.
[Page 106]9. That is verily the Heb. 3.4. a. Rest of life, which God hath reserved or kept, and is left in store for the children of God, as a perpetual inheritance in the last time, according to the Promises.
The fifteenth Chapter.
THE true most holy of the inward Tabernacle or Sanctuary of God, is the Love; for that Rom. 13. Col. 3. b is the perfection, Rom. 6. a the incorporating into God in the spirit, the Ioh. 17. everlasting life, Col. 2. b and the fulness of all the riches of God.
2. If one now be not Ioh. 1. a born anew, then can he not see the Kingdom of God, Ioh. 3.
3. Therefore if there be a new 1 Pet. 2. a Gal. 6. c creature in Christ, then is the old Isa. 43. c Apo. 21. perished or worn out; behold it is all become new, but that altogether of God, who Col. 1. b hath reconciled us with himself through Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. 5.
4. The Lord our Almighty God [Page 108] hath gotten Apo 12. the Kingdom; let us rejoyce and be glad, and give Ioh. 9. him the honour: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his bride hath made her ready, and it is granted unto her to cloath her self with white glistering silk, and the silk is the Justification of the Saints, Apo. 19.
5. The Members or Commonalty of the body of Christ in the love, which are Act. 2. Rom 8. b Eph. 1.4. c sealed with Christ, in the true being, through the spirit of Love, is Apo. 21. a living Tabernacle of God, wherein God liveth and worketh: In the which the fore-front, the holy and the most holy, is revealed or made known according to the spirit.
6. In which true Tabernacle of God also the Deut. 32. song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb is sung, and it soundeth even thus.
[Page 110]7. Great and wonderful are thy Works Lord, Ier. 10. a thou Almighty God; righteous and true are thy wayes thou King of Saints; Lord, who should not fear thee, and praise thy name? for thou only Levit. 19. art holy, Apo. 15.
8. Consider now, how that the mans knowledge is but 1 Cor. 13 a peicework, or a thing unperfect, the which among those that do yet remain divided or as broken off is also divided, or as a thing broken off from the incorporating to the Love, the very perfect being or substance: In like manner is also the prophecying: yet are they both, namely the knowledge and the prophecying, serviceable unto the man in the fore-going service, before the true being; and do witness unto him, Mat. 13. b Luk. 8. a as in a secret word, the cleerness of the Love or of the true being
[Page 112]9. Unto which true being, the knowledge and the prophecying do point in the service of the holy word; as that the same is coming to the Believers in uncovered cleerness of God, whereby they 2 Cor. 10 3. b. may behold the same, from face to face, and to continue heirs therein with all the Saints of God for evermore.
10. And that is the Love, the true being and the perfection of all the riches of God, where Christ the spiritual and heavenly high Priest, is a Minister unto us, in Heb 8, 9, b those same spiritual and heavenly goods. For Ro. 11. b of him, through him, and in him, are all things, to whom be praise for evermore, Amen.
11. Now at the end of the ministration of the former Tabernacle, when as the same perfection 1 Cor. 13. b cometh unto us or appeareth Isa. 60. 2 Pet. 1 c as a day-light from on high: then doth also the peice-work or that which is in part as likewise the childish understanding touching the Godly things cease, or leave off with us; for the [Page 113] being of the man, 1 Cor. 15. b Eph. 4. b or the old age in the manly understanding of the new birth in Jesus Christ, layeth off or putteth away the childish comprehending; it is very true.
The sixteenth Chapter.
TO the end now that all understandings might be satisfied, and that the Books of the mystery, (namely the discerning into the being of God, or the holy of his Saints, and the discerning into the Devils being, or the abomination of desolation of his wicked members) might Apo. 5. a not still continue shut: Therefore will we, out of an inclination to the Love, discover, shew, or witness out of that sight which we have in the truth, so much as we can, and perceive to be profitable, the beings and properties of them both, whereby we may also reveal the secret treasure of the Devil, Apo. 9 12, 13, 16, 17. and the Dragon, or the Beast of the bottomless Pit, that false Prophet which hath seduced the whole world, and made her drunken with his unchastity, so to disclose or [Page 115] display in evident manner before the eyes of all people, that false and ungodly nature. And nakedly or apparently to shew, wherein he hath covered or hid himself hitherto in the world, with deceit and falshood; And with what manner of form or property of his wicked members, he hath dwelt in the hearts and minds of men.
2. Wherethrough the man hath in so divers manners committed whoredom and Adultery Ier. 2. d 3. a. Eze. 16. c Eze. 4.5. a against his God, and so through the bewitching of his mind, wit, and thoughts, hath served the Ap. 9.13, 14, 16, 17. beast of the bottomless pit, honoured the Devil, and worshipped the Dragon, even in that place, where he should Deut. 4.6. b Mat. 4 b. serve and honour his God only; by reason whereof, it is grown everywhere full of abominations of desolation: the which Mat. 24. b 2 Thes. 20. hath gotten and possesseth the holy place, like as the Prophet Daniel [...]an. 9. c hath spoken thereof, with which horrible fashion or monstrous disposition of the enemies of God, [Page 116] the whole world is governed, Apo. 14. a 18. a. b and therein are all heathen drowned or overwhelmed.
3. Even thus hath the wicked corrupt nature, who laboureth to destroy it all, a long time held forth his own book, or his own wisdom, as a book of life or consolation before the man, for a delight or pleasure unto him, and hath taken him captive, or bound him under the same, which book are the bands of the Devil, and the 1 Pet. 2. a Apo. 20 a chains of darkness.
4. Therefore is the Lamb killed Apo. 5.13. a. b from the beginning, and thrust out of his Kingdom, and the strangers have possessed his Psa 78 a heritage with unrighteousness: laid his Kingdom wast with their abominations: trodden down the living book of the Lamb with feet: not willing or allowing that the man should look into, read or live the same.
5. See in that manner is the mans upright understanding, of the truth stolen away from him, and he is turned into a corrupt or [Page 117] false understanding and into a lying being or estate: and the strangers who through their falshod have possessed the heritage of the Lamb, have also comforted the man, with a vain and false comfort: because that the book of the Lamb might alwayes continue shut, and the seals thereof never to be opened; Apo 5 a for when as his seals be once opened, Apo. 6. b 20. b then cometh forth the Judgement according to the truth.
6. Now when the seals of the book of the Lamb be opened, and that the same book is read, then become the names of the Saints manifest, which are written in the Book of the Lamb: and through the Lamb, and the Saints illumination or brightness, there becometh likewise seen and known the great and manifold deceit of the wicked enemy, that Adversary unto God.
7. Through which light of the Lamb, the enemy of God must lose and leave the seat of his possession: even thus is then his peace taken away from the earth; and he himself [Page 118] as a destroyer rejected on the earth, for to be destroyed, which hath eretimes corrupted and destroyed the earth.
8. Therethrough now cometh the killing upon earth, and the murthering among all ungodly ones, in such sort that through their impugning or resistance against the Lamb, their punishment cometh over themselves, and they fall to be many dead bodies upon the earth.
9. See in such manner do then the Kingdoms Apo. 12 a of the world become the Lords, and his Christs, who shall raign for ever and ever: before whom all Elders or wisdoms do fall down, and worship him which liveth for ever and ever: witnessing and saying unto him, Apo 4. b Lord, thou art worthy to receive praise, honour and power; for thou hast created every thing; and for thine own sake, they have their being, and were created.
10. For seeing now, that Gods Judgement is [...]oh. 8. b acccording to the [Page 119] truth, and not according to the judgement of men, therefore do we find very truly, according to the truth, That Gods secret mind and judgement is far different from the mind and judgement of men.
11. Therefore it is in no wise possible for any man to know, 1 Cor. 2. b or understand the truth, except that he should first of all be or stand grounded therein according to the spirit: and that the truth as a light of life, repugning or striving against his lyes, were risen up unto him in his obeying of the requiring of the service of Love: For in that sort do we attain to know the truth from the lye, the life from the death, and the sin from the righteousness: Because that we should rightly or according to the truth, hate or reject that which is worthy to be hated or rejected; and according to the truth in like manner love that which is worthy to be loved: And so then might with a good understanding, come to Eph. 4 b the knowledge [Page 120] of the right commonalty of Saints, whose names are written in the Apo. 5.20, 21. b living Book of the Lamb.
12. Which Book of the Lamb, the mysticalness of God shall not alwayes remain shut, but his seals shall be opened, and the book being full of writing both without and within, shall likewise be read to a comfort of life, and to a perpetual Godlyness, unto all those whose names are written in the Book of the Lamb, whose bodies are killed even like unto the Lamb: and Apo. 6. b their blood cryeth vengeance in the height, upon those that dwell upon the earth, unto whom the recompence thereof shall be made by God and the Lamb.
13. For although the Lamb be killed, yet shall he notwithstanding condemn the living ungodly ones, and raise up those that are his Eze 37. b Dan. 12 b Ioh 5. c 1 Cor. 15. f from the death out of the grave, and make them Lordly and glorious with himself over all his enemies, namely through his righteous judgement, [Page 121] to the Mat. 25. c 2 Pet. 3 b condemnation of all ungodly ones, to the end that they may be rooted out, and Apo. 18 a that it may be recompenced again even as they have done unto the Saints of God.
14. Even thus now from henceforth be reputed for a praise or an advancement, unto all that are his, whereby to keep the judgement against every one which hath brought forth ungodlyness, judged Gods truth falsly, and shewed no repentance; and to exhalt and garnish his Saints above all what is upon the earth: for Apo 5 b 1 Pet 1. b the Lamb hath bought them with his blood, out of all generations, people, and nations: He hath made them Kings and Priests unto God, and they shall raign upon the earth, and triumph in joy everlastingly with the Lamb; for they shall live for ever, and not dye any more.
15. And that same is the everlasting life, which was preached in the world in times past, to the end that [Page 122] men should believe on the same; And which also cometh unto us in the last time, in the resurrection of the righteous dead ones.
The seventeenth Chap.
THerefore give ear, O all ye that live upon the earth, consider of the words of wisdom, ye children of men. For the life, to the end that ye may live, is now published unto you likewise as well as unto the people Gen. 6.18, 19. Exo. 3, 4. Deut. 3. in times past, because that ye may shew repentance, assemble you with us, to the mercy seat of the love of Jesus Christ, and enter Heb. 3.4. a. into the rest which is reserved for the children of God, inasmuch as the entrance into the rest of the Lord, and of his children or Saints of Jesus Christ, cometh to pass and is to be enjoyed now in the last time according to the Promises.
2. Therefore give ear attentively, [Page 124] that ye may once understand whereunto ye are created; and turn you to the same, if ye will remain preserved, and not bide lost for ever.
3. Apply your hearts unto the good, that ye may live, and not be buried in hell everlastlngly Psa 55. Apo. 21, 22. with the ungodly.
4. Shew upright fruits of repentance, that ye may serve the Deut. 6. b Lord your God only, and walk in all love like children of peace. And halt no longer, neither 3 Kin. 18. on the one side nor on the other.
5. For although that ye which covet after knowledge, do daily read many Scriptures or writings, whereout ye do also gather some sentences, or get a certain kind of knowledge therethrough, wherein ye think to rejoyce your selves: Yet is not the same the life for all that; for it is neither the Scripture, nor yet the knowledge thereof, 1 Cor. 8. that maketh us righteous, but the life of Jesus Christ, wrought through the belief or faith.
[Page 125]6. For that same life is Deut. 30. Rom. 10. the word of God the Father, and the very true light, wherein we stand grounded, or whereon we are set for to believe the same, because that we should live, and not Deut. 5. Prov. 4 c turn or shrink therefrom with our mind, wits, memory or thoughts, neither to the right side nor to the left.
7. If so be now that ye stand not minded hereunto, as in tending to live in the Love, and to stand upright therein: to what end then do ye assemble together; and to what end do ye read the Scriptures? For if ye read the Scripture only for the knowledge sake, and rest unbelieving unto the life whereof the 1 Ioh. 5. Scripture witnesseth, then do ye 3 Kl. 18. halt on both sides, and break the bond of wedlock, and go a whoring with that which is not the life, namely that ye cleave unto that which ye neither are grounded in, nor created unto by God, neither yet called through Jesus Christ, nor also through his service [Page 126] of Love, ministred now in the last time.
8. But if ye will perform the Scriptures counsel, then follow the Scriptures counsel, Turn you to the life and to his service of Love; And in the obedience of the requiring of the life of Jesus Christ, and of his service of Love, behold in the spirit your own being or estate; And consider there inwardly in your selves, whether that your memory, wits, senses, and thoughts, do in all their course or proceedings, stand minded to the true life of Jesus Christ, and not run out after this or after that, for to go a whoring after that which is not the life it self; and also whether that they being without the life, are bound or tyed unto any other thing that is not the life: And likewise whether they have or gather all their knowledge, wisdom and understanding only out of the l fe of Jesus Christ, and out of his love, and so do neither know, discern or understand any [Page 127] thing without the Life, and without his upright Love. For behold to such a concord hath God joyned together the thoughts and the life.
9. This doubtless was the life of the man in Gen. 1. b Joh. 1. a the beginning, for that the man should live in peace and joy, and in all upright Love; and should not know nor take on any thing without the same, but live only therein and not dye.
10. If so be now that the man knew nothing without the same forementioned life, nor took on any thing besides the same whereon to tye his heart, wits, and thoughts or understanding: Then should he know, taste, and feel nothing else but all good. Also walk in all Love, Concord and Peace, and so have Gen. 1.2. b the whole earth in subjection under him: and govern uprightly to the life, all whatsoever is upon the earth, according to the commandment or word of the Lord.
11. For that same is the life, and the freedom of the manly generation, [Page 128] for the which many creatures do sigh and long there-after; which upright freedom of the children of God, doth now come unto us, according to the Promises, because that all manly creatures might assemble them with us to the same: rejoyce them with Godly joy in the same, and live in all truth and upright righteousness.
12. Behold the same was unto the man in the beginning Gen 2. a Phil. 3. b 4 Esd. 8. f Apoc. 2. a a Tree of life, in the middst of the Paradise of the Lord, for that he should live, and that Sapl. 1. b it should go well with all that which God had created.
13. But now when the man would know the good and the evil, and had eaten of the same tree, then Gen. 3 a tasted he both the life and the death, the which God had forbidden him, because he should not eat, nor tast of any other thing, but of the good (that is of the life) and not feel any evil or death: but should live unto his God in the life, for that Sap. 1. b it might go well both with himself, and [Page 129] also with all what God had created.
14. Whatsoever now therefore is taken on besides the same good or life whereon we do witness, that is the evil, the death, or the destruction, the which God hath not willed that it should be upon the earth, for that the man might stand perfected from all evil and destruction.
15. But now hath the man through that same, prepared to himself the driving forth out of the Paradise of God, and caused the peace to cease upon the earth: also brought himself, and all what is upon the earth, into Gen. 3. b much calamity and misery; and is utterly estranged from the way directing to the Tree of life, and so is taken captive in all kind of deadly and damnable fruits.
16. That verily is the knowledge of the good and evil, which he himself hath taken on: and Dan. 9. Math. 24. 2 Thes 2. it is the confused abomination which standeth in the holy place, whereout all [Page 130] violence, calamity and grief is come upon the earth.
17. If the man now will Ezek 14. a turn himself away from all the abominations of the wicked world, and humble him rightly under the Love and her service, then shall he likewise through the administration of the holy word of the Lord, and his requiring, have his regard unto the inward upright life, whereon the word pointeth, (for that is Gods living being or substance it self) and he shall also according to the requiring of the word, try or examine himself diligently in his inwardness, whether he can perceive, yet still remaining there, any ungodly or deadly being, which is not the life, or that serveth not the life unto the life, but which Eph. 4. b is minded to destruction through the lusts of error.
18. So long then as the destruction, besides th preservation of the life, is looked neto, or esteemed of by the man: and that likewise the [Page 131] death besides the life, the evil besides the good, and the bondage besides the freedom, is known, tasted and felt: so shall the man in his obedience to the requiring of the word of the Lord, daily Mat. 10. d 16. c Mark. 8. Luk 9 14. take up his Cross on him, with the life die the death or the evil, and bury the same according to the word of the Lord, and so shall he by means of following the life in his like behaviour or Ro. 6. a Phil 3. b death of the Cross, become planted into the same good life, who suffereth the death of the Cross by the evil.
19. Out of which dying of the death, or of the evil (which death hath brought the death unto the life, and hath had the dominion over the same) the life riseth up again, and cometh gloriously in Lordly manner, against all his enemies.
20. Even thus now, through the rising up, or resurrection of the upright life, out of the second birth from the death the man also is raised up Ro. 6. a from the death, (or born [Page 132] again out of the death) for that he might live, and not dye any more.
21. Upon which resurrection of the dead, according to the Scripture, all Believers of the life do likewise hope and long thereafter; for the life shall swallow up Eze. 13. 1 Cor. 15. the death in victory, in all his Believers, which be incorporated or planted into him, and so bring his enemy under him according to the Promises.
22. For all what is not the true life, that is against the true life: and whatsoever is against the true life, that is the death and the enmity unto the true life, is also an enimy unto God, and to the Lamb; which enmity is minded neither according to the true being or nature of God, nor of the Lamb, nor yet according to the upright righteousness of the true life; which true being of God and of the Lamb, together with the upright righteousness of the true life, ye may behold in the endless Apo. 5.20. b book of the Lamb, which is full of writing, [Page 133] both without and within written with the finger of God: and it is the everlasting life, whereon we do witness.
The eighteenth Chapter.
THen when as thou, O thou precious man, hast looked into both these Natures, Books and writings inwardly according to the spirit, namely the straying being of the wicked world, and the good being of God from eternity: which good being is the Apo. 20, 21. b book of the Lamb, written by the God of life: besides the which, the straying being which destroyeth through the lusts of error is come in place, and written by the Devil (the Father of death) So judge then with the truth, which of them it is, that ought to have the superiority or preheminence in us: for the od of life vouchsafeth unto us nothing else but all God, life, love, and peace.
[Page 135]2. Therefore let us be agreeably minded with the same good being of God, and Love the good being: for wherefore do ye receive and take unto you the destruction? and why will ye in perditional manner perish in misery and in unrestfulness▪ O ye children of men, turn you to the Deu. 30. c life with humble hearts, and in like manner to the Love that ye may live.
3. Awake up I pray thee, O thou precious man; for behold death and life, Deut 3. b Eccles. 15. c Ier. 21. a evil and good, destruction and preservation, damnation and salvation; the old wicked world in the which all wickedness dwelleth: and the Isa. 61. b 1 Pet. 3. b Apo. 21. a new good world in the which all love, peace and righteousness dwelleth, is held forth or presented unto thee, and figured out before thine eyes: therefore choose or incline thou now unto that which thou seest or knowst to be Gods righteousness, extending to the laud and praise of his glory; and apply thy self to live only the same, that Deut. 6. a o. b Math. 4. thou mayest serve and live unto the Lord thy God only.
[Page 136]4. If so be now therefore that any one do look into or esteem the being of the Devil, the treasury of iniquity, Sap. 2 4.14. b Rom. 1. c 2. a. and the form or fashion of the wicked world, to be an upright life, tending to the praise and glory of God: and if it be the same whereunto God hath created the man, to have that raign over him, then let him incline and stick unto it, and serve the same only: and let him separate himself from all what is contrary thereunto, and accompany him with those that are of one mind with the iniquity, or with the wicked world, that he may beare or receive either his salvation or condemnation, with those that are his own members, which are agreeably-minded with each other, and let him 2 King. 18. c halt no longer on both sides, nor feign nor dissemble before the upright Love which is held forth and proffered unto him.
5. But if now any man do look into or esteem the Being of God, or Treasure of vertue, to be the salvation [Page 137] of men, tending to the land and praise of the godly glory, and so understandeth or perceiveth that Gen. 2. c Sap. 2. c Eccles. 17. a God hath created the man to that end that the same should raign over him: So let him then likewise submit himself obediently under the Love, and incline or cleave wholly to the same good being, even with a fervent good will, that he may serve the same only, Deut. 6. a 10. b. 30. a and live only unto the eternal God.
6. For to that purpose is the service of the word, both by writing and by speech, under the obedience of the Love administred unto men, to assist them to the life of God, and to the eternal truth, because they should live in the same truth and life, as in a Treasure of vertue: and that altogether in a lively meek minded being or nature; but not to the end to catch, to snare, nor to bring any one into bondage therewith, or to 2 Cor. 1. c 1 Pet. 1. a raign over his faith; O no, but in him free or at liberty, to yield to the obedience of the Love, and to the [Page 138] Luk. 1. g Eph. 1. a righteousness of Faith, because the righteousness of Faith which God esteemeth of, might by that means be set up in the belief under the obedience of the Love. And that the peace might appear upon the earth according to the Promises.
7. For that cause, to the end that the life of the eternal truth might be manifest, and that the mans understanding might be planted into the same life, therefore do we through our service of the holy word, as by an inclination of the Love, take 2 Cor. 10. a captive all understandings under the obedience of the Love.
8. To that end (namely for the Love and the good lifes sake) shall men also hear and believe the service of the holy and gracious word, administred under the Love. But with their spirits they Isa 53. 2 Cor. 6. b shall depart out of the evil, or that which is perditionable, and enter into the vertue of the life.
9. For the outward writings or [Page 139] speakable words, which be testified or ministred unto the man, out of the inclination of the Love to do him service and stretch to the incorporating of him into the vertuous nature, are all figurings forth of the upright righteousness and godly word, who in their service do go before the man, and guide him to the living book of the Lamb, which lieth hidden in Apo. 12. a the Ark of witness, namely within our hearts and consciences; for there inwardly in the spirit, is the life of God formed, or written according to the truth.
10. And that same life of God is the Apo. 5. a book which John saw in his Revelation, which was full of writing both without and within, and which also was shut or made fast with seven seals, for which books sake John wept, because there was none found worthy, neither in heaven nor upon the earth, to open, to read, nor to look into the same book.
11. Howbeit in the midst among [Page 140] the Elders or wise, there stood a Lamb in manner as though it was killed: and he took the book unto him, and all prophesies testified of him with triumph and joy, saying, Thou Apo. 5. d art worthy to receive the book, and to open his seals: for thou being killed, hast bought us with thy blood.
12. John hath also heard a voice of many Angels, Dan. 7. b Apo. 5. b whose number is many thousands of thousands, saying with a mighty great voice, the the Lamb that was killed, is worthy to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, praise, and blessing.
13. Behold this living book of the Lamb, is a book of spirit and life, and 2 Cor. 3. a not a book of the sinful flesh and death; for it is the Eph. 5. c Apo. 14. commonalty of the Lamb in the spirit.
14. Which Lamb is the living being of God it self; the which was driven to Isa. 53. b 1 Pet. 2. a suffer: and the book of life occasioned to be shut Apo. 5. a with seven seals, because of the great Dragon, [Page 141] which is the Apo. 12. murderly beast, namely the self wisdom of the flesh, unto Dan. 7. Apo 11.13. a whom power hath been permitted to kill the Saints of God; but the same power is now even in the uttermost or last time, Apo. 17.19, 20. b taken away from her; for God showeth his power and dominion against the same, in the restoring or setting up again of his Saints, Eze. 37. Dan. 12. Apo. 2. whom he raiseth from the death.
15. Verily now it shall no longer prevail with the Dragon, how murderly soever the beast be, neither shall her Kingdom which is full of abominations prosper any longer: for her Apo. 18. sins are ascended up, even unto heaven; and now shall her descending or fall be even into the bottomless pit.
16. For the self-wisdom, or self-mind of the flesh, which hath exalted her self very high, against the Lamb, even as though she were Gods wisdom, Apo. 5.13. b hath killed the Lamb from the beginning of the world and likewise his members the Apo. 6.12 b 16. a innocent [Page 142] guiltless blood, and so for a time hath gotten the upper hand upon the earth; but now must she fall and go under: whereas contrarywise the Saints of God shall Apo. raign for ever according to the Promises.
The ninteenth Chapter.
SEing now that the Saints of God have Apo 6.12, 13, 16. suffered with the Lamb for a certain time, and have been killed upon the earth, therefore is the book of the beast most loved and read everywhere, & Apo. 17. b 18. a men have lived according thereto; but forasmuch as it is all now made manifest, through the 1 Cor. 4. a light or day of the Lord, so becometh the book of the Apo. 18, 19, 20. beast to be found a false book, full of deceit and subtile falshood, whereunto also all false men, all wicked hearts of the Scripture-learned ones, and all false setters forth, and preferrers of religion, have their lust and affection bent.
2. For of all the names of her felfness or private holyness, and of [Page 144] all her false hearts and Scripture-learned ones, together with all the nature of the heathenish distraughtness who do every one even joyntly with each other, serve and worship the beast; there is not Apo. 13.17. a. 20, 21. b one written in the living book of the Lamb; for the names of the people that serve and worship the beast, (whereby the Dragon hath had the dominion) are 2 Pet. 2. all names of darkness, and of the good thinking wise, and disobedient ones, and are all likewise 1 Ti. 4 a spirits of errour, as being all one, and of one manner of substance, according to one manner of nature.
3. That same verily is the cord or chain of darkness, or the band of the Devil, wherein all good thinking wise ones, and false hearts which do neither fear the living God of Israel, nor stand obedient to his requiring, are captived or caught, bewitched therewith, tyed thereunto, and 2 Pet. 2. a. b. Apo. 20. b led with the same, even into Hell; the which is the everlasting death and damnation: from the which God [Page 145] hath willed that the man should keep himself, and serve only the living God; that Eze 18. d he might not dye, but that it might everlastingly go well with him, and that he might live.
4. The names of the people of the evil & wicked world, The wicked world with her servants and fellow-companions. who are written in the book of the Dragon, that murderly beast, are these, envy, division, contention or discord, high-mindedness or pride, subtilty, deceit, craftiness, unquietness, cruelty, arrogancy, disorderlyness, masterfulness, mischieveously disposed violence, honour or vain-glory, stubbornness, resistance unto Gods nature in all disobedience, wrathfulness, presumptuous boldness, churlishness, bitterness, maliciousness, commotion or uproar, treachery, striving, fighting, persecuting, lying, war or battle, vexing or troubling, cursing, swearing, destroying, spoyling, oppressing, killing, murdering, dishonest dealing, unreasonableness or injustice, gluttony, unchastity, who [...]edom, adultery, knavery, buggery, [Page 146] thievery, unprofitable searching, high vain boasting, ambition, dissembling, hypocrisie, Sectuarishness, framed or chosen holyness, idolatry, false God services, false Laws, blasphemy, self-wisdom, swelling in minde, curiousness, self-mindedness, unadvisedness, mens commandments, giving credit to the imaginations of the good thinking in the spirit, unbelief to the gracious word of the Lord, despair, doubtfulness, accusing, ignorance, bondage of the heart to something without the nature or being of God, vain comfort, slothfulness, mens fear, covetousness, niggardlyness, undiscreetness, scoffing, or mocking, dis-favour, self-Love.
5. There is yet moreover Rom 1. d 1 Pet. 2. a back-biting or evil reporting of others, whereby to make them seem odious and contemptible before the people, and to cause themselves to be had in favour and well-liked of.
6. Behold, such a nature hath the [Page 147] partial Back b ter, who doth yet oftentimes for all that, greatly bewitch the people with his abominations, as with a show of holyness: which witchcraft is full of foolishness, and is an unprofitable delusion, even like as are all vain games also, table-playing maskings or mummeries, &c. and are also unedifying, even like as are all manner Eph. 5 a of rude, light behaviour, disorderly toying, and unseemly jesting: all which likewise are names of the people of the wicked world; furthermore there is also death, darkness, false spirits, devil, hell and condemnation, &c.
7. These and such like are the abominations before God, and the pernitious mischief, to a destruction over the children of men; and for one to yield or apply his heart hereunto, is the falling off, and the turning away from God.
8. That is finally the perverse and wicked nature, Deut. 32. a. c. which hath corrupted every thing, and stoln [Page 148] from the man, and quite defaced in him the mind of his God, and corrupted his understanding, through the affection born to the knowledge of good and evil; by which manner the noble understanding of man is become bewitched with the abundant lying being, in such sort that the man can very little understand Deut, 32. Isa. 44. Ier. 5.8. a or comprehend; for it entreth too too little into the consideration of his heart, for to come rightly to the conversion, or turning again to his God; for be continueth even generally, cleaving fast, and depending with his heart upon one thing or other that is not God; because he doth not quite and clean forsake the Idols and their services, nor thrust nor chase them out of the Temple of his inward mind: But stands affected either to this or to that, according to the imagination of his own understanding: and so serveth the God-service, or God himself falsly.
[Page 149]9. That same is it verily which God hath oftentimes rebuked by the mouth of his Prophets, Isa 1 b 28. b. 29. 57. b. 58. a. 59. a. b. Ier 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Eze. 5, 6. Amos 1. b Mich. 6. a because that the people of Israel, (when they would seem to turn them, and to use God-services) did alwayes incline their hearts towards one thing or another that was not God: and served that which God never commanded or required.
10. Therefore hath God also in times past, witnessed unto them by the Prophet Jeremiah, (which mind of God remaineth perpetually; for thus saith the Lord as an everlasting continuing word,)
11. O Israel, Ier. 4 a. if thou wilt turn thee, then turn thee unto me, saith the Lord: And if thou wilt put away thy abominations from before my face, then shalt thou not be cast out: At that time shalt thou swear uprightly, and holily without hypocrisie, (as true as the Lord liveth) [Page 150] and the heathen shall be blessed in the Lord, and make their boast of him.
The twentieth Chapter.
BUT if any one now should determine in his heart, to turn him unto God, to cleave unto the Love, and to enter into the Kingdom of God; and yet for all that doth with his will, hold his heart tyed unto any thing of all the abominations above named, he doubtless cannot come to the Kingdom of God, nor be perfectly incorporated to the being of the righteous spirit, and of the Love, neither yet can his name be written Apo. 5. b in the living book of the Lamb, with the commonalty of the Love, which Book is in the right hand of him▪ that liveth from everlasting to everlasting; which commonalty of the Love (whose names are written [Page 152] in the living book of the Lamb) is very lovely, delightful and peaceable, and with them also is our fellowship, through the Love of God the Father, and by reason of his mercy shewed on us.
2. And with the same commonalty, all those likewise have their fellowship, which do humble themselves with us, under the Love and her service: and through the service of Love, do hear, believe, and stand obedient to the holy Doctrine and godly information, (whereby to become understanding through the wisdom and holy knowledge thereof) and so do intirely love, exercise and assist the same service of Love, for that it might be spread abroad generally among many.
3 Howbeit, not according to every ones self-mindedness, or drift of his own mind, as in a Love towards himself, according to his own proper knowledge, Deu 12. a or good-thinking, but to come to one manner of obedience, under the true Love of God [Page 153] the Father; and that altogether to an Eph. 1. a unity in the peace; also not with any division of heart, but for to become of one mind with each other through the Love: to the end Isa. 57. b Luk. 10. a that the peace, in that sort might be prepared, concordable upon the earth, under the obedience of the Love, according to the Promises, and that all our names might be written in the book of the Lamb: and that we might be partakers of the being or nature of the same commonalty of Saints, whose names are written in that same Book, and might have our fellowship with the Lamb and his Saints.
4. Unto which Book of life, and his holy writings, we do humble our selves under the Love and her requiring, and so do learn of the Love the true humility, and Math. 11. c meekness of heart, according to the wisdom of all those whose names are written in the living book of the Lamb, in as much as their wisdom only is delightful unto the God of life.
[Page 154] The new good world, with her servants and fellow-companions.5. For in that same Book of the Lamb, (whereunto all our hope and longing standeth) that it might even with fervent affection and good-willingness of heart be looked into and be read by many, there is written and found therein, Gal. 5. c Eph. 4 a Col. 3. b 1 Pet. 3. b Love, peace, joy, Gods will or Law, heavenly truth, faith, righteousness, meekness, gentelness, friendlyness, long suffering, patience, fear of the highest God, understanding and wisdom.
6. All these forementioned Saints have a lust even with whole heart for to procure and prepare all those which love the good life, and the everlasting truth, unto the Love, for that they might every one become assembled together under the Love; and it might even so both inwardly and outwardly go well with all people which live under the Love, and that altogether in unpartial love.
7. Which upright commonalty of Saints, is not inclined to raign over one another, but to stand serviceable one towards another; and also towards [Page 155] all those which submit themselves with them under the obedience of the Love, because that the holy understanding, and the knowledge of every good exercise, might as Eph. 2. c 1 Pet. 2. a a perfect good building, come to light, or be made manifest under the obedience of the love.
8. Behold such a nature and upright service of unpartial love, have all those, whose names are written in the living book of the Lamb: which service stretcheth not to a renting and scattering, like as the false services, according to the nature of the hearts of the self-love, do stretch and have their drift thereunto, who do serve and live only unto themselves, in a private mind of self-love. O no; for the children of the upright Love do neither rend nor scatter, but gather together.
9. Also they seek not 1 Cor. 10. c their self-ness, but much rather that every one might be nourished and fed out of the Love and her service, for to become a commodable Kingdom of [Page 156] the Love, and that the one may serve the other to that effect; for that is might go well with every one, and that altogether in the Love, and in the peace of Jesus Christ.
10. Furthermore there is written in the same book of the Lamb foresightfulness, quietness, natural equity, lowlyness of heart, constancy, 2 Pet. 1 a discreetness, measurableness, orderlyness, contentedness, open-heartedness, simplicity, justness or uprightness, good-willingness, Mat. 5. a 1 Tim. 1. a purity of heart, clean conscience, honesty, civility or modesty, obedience, concord, stedfastness, kind-heartedness, Phil. 4. a helpfulness, serviceableness to the vertue, peaceable conversation, Gods praise, laud, glory, eternal life, and heavenly delightfulness, &c.
11. Now for to have our fellowship with the same commonalty of the upright Saints of God, Ge. 1.2. b thereunto doubtless was the man created from the beginning, because that such a precious excellency, and such a [Page 157] Kingly Crown of delightful beauty should have the dominion over him.
12. For those same and all they which are like unto them of nature and disposition, their names verily are every one written in the living Book of the Lamb, who do neither worship, honour, or serve the Apo. 13. a Dragon, or the high-minded beast: for the name of the most high God is written upon them, which God only they do Apo. 7. b. 21, 22. a serve, honour, and worship from everlasting to everlasting: they stand all likewise as lights of life, in the beholding of God their Father.
13. Behold that same holy people of God or Christ, (or such like) is the Isa. 64. a house of Israel, Eph. 2. b. the Citizen-ship of Jerusalem, and the family of Love, and they are every one likewise the true Isa. 66. b children of Sion, where the God of life hath his holy Tabernacle, in whom Lev. 16. 2 Cor. 6. b he dwelleth, liveth, and walketh: And they shall be the Lords people for ever [Page 158] and ever. And he himself, God with them will be their God, and Apo. 21. a wipe away all tears from their eyes, and will put away Isa. 61. a their contempt from them; they shall also serve the strange nations no more, but only the Lord their God.
14. They have doubtless been constrained a long time to suffer with the Lamb, for the wickedness and ignorances cause of the people, but now Baruch 5. b doth the Lord bring them again with joy, that they may rejoyce them in the holy Israel, even as it beseemeth the children of light to do, who do rejoyce them only in their God.
15. This verily is the blessing, which was published and affirmed unto all generations of the earth, according to the Promises; for that they might be all saved, through the Love of God the Father: which blessing and salvation they do all now obtain, if they do believe the word of [Page 159] truth, and stand good of will, and humble them under the Love and her service.
The one and twentieth Chapter.
BEhold and consider ye dearly beloved, both these forms, natures or beings, which are here figured or set forth unto you, before your eyes, even according to the life: namely the Isa. 1 a Apo. 9.12.13. a. murderly seed of the high-minded beast, or the names of the people that are her members, which do raign in the perditionable world, which is full of blood-guiltyness of the innocents; and also the names of the people of Israel, or house of Love, the high commendable [Page 161] seed of the Apo. 7. a. b 14, 15, 19. a benignity or loving kindness of the Lamb; the which hath even hitherto, Apo. 6 b. kept and born the patience with the Lamb because of the wicked.
2. Verily the house of Israel, or the commonalty of the Love, the elected Saints of God, do follow after Christ their King, even Ro. 6. a. c unto their death, and also to the life: for they do in like manner bear the cross of the Lamb, and therein keep the word of his patience: They likewise, even according to the obedience of the Lamb, do shew a faithful obedience, Phil. 2 a till unto the death; (namely unto the death of the Cross) whereby to obtain the dominion with the Lamb over the sin, death, hell, condemnation, and the world, to the end they might in like manner, through the Lamb, and the death of his cross, keep the victory against 1 Cor. 15. f all their enemies.
3. With which Saints of the lovely [Page 162] and upright being, the Isa. 60, 61, 62. 2 Pet. 3. b now coming or new world, shall also be inhabited in a perfect delight of God, in all Love, in Eph. 4 a unity of peace, and in upright righteousness and holyness which God esteemeth of: But the ungodly shall perish or weare away out of the Land of the living, for that the Land may be inhabited in rest and peace, and with triumph and joy for evermore, to the laud and praise of the glory of God according to the Promises.
4. Therefore O all ye people, look now into both these forms, natures and beings: and choose either the one or the other of them, whom ye will incline unto, whether it be Deut. 30. Ier. 21. a Eccles. 15. the death or the life, the Devil or God, the old wicked world, or the new upright world, and then cleave only to the same, to the end that ye may sever your selves accordingly, and so express thereby with whom ye do hold or stand [Page 163] agreeably minded, or what ye do love, 3 Kin. 18. and halt no longer on both sides.
5. If therefore you will incline or cleave to the Lamb, or that ye look into or esteem his being to become a godly being, then love the same with a single and humble heart, standing submitted to rhe Love, and so depart out of the death, into the life: put your trust in God, in your proceeding on to the same life, Ioh. 5. c Rom. 6.8. b and stand firm in the hope of your salvation.
6. But if ye be yet young or weak and unable for to live in the good, or if ye be yet over-mastered by the evil, against your will, for God is both reasonable and courteous: and if the man be of a good will, then doth God require no more, but that the man will still remain stedfast in the same good will: for unto such a good willing man, doth he Phil. 1.2. b bring his power and strength, for that the man should with the same [Page 164] obtain through Faith, and that in a suffering manner, the righteousness against the sin.
7. Therefore possess your souls with Luk. 21. c patience, rest believing, and continue in the hope; and ye shall assuredly, in the patience evidently perceive, that the evil waxeth weak, and that your soul shall be sound or whole.
8. Shew or let it alwayes appear what ye love; namely the good or the evil, for look what one hunteth after, that he catcheth: and whatsoever one loveth, of that he is willing to hear some speech or tydings, and he is desirous also to be with the same for no man would willingly be separated from his best beloved: therefore judge your own selves now, and look rightly into your selves according to the truth, to note what ye love, and with what ye would willingly be, and have your fellowship, namely Psal. 8. b with the good being of God, or with the [Page 165] pernitious and naughty Being of the wicked and deceitful world.
9. If now therefore ye love and stand inclined unto the good being: Psa. 34.13. d Amos 5 b then forsake the evil or ungodly being and separate your selves quite and clean with all your will, Isa. 52. 2 Cor. 6. Apo. 18. from the evil or iniquity, departing out of the same, from day to day, and be patient in the hope, till that all the ungodly being do go under and perish, or consume to nothing in you.
10. This is our Cross, which Math. 10. d. 16. c Luk 9.14 we ought daily to take up, in the belief: And so in that manner to follow after the vertue of the godlyness: Also to love the wisdom and the Information, and not reject the chastisement Prov. 3 b Heb. 12. a or correction of the Lord, that meeteth with us, the whilest our hearts are yet captivated with the sin and Eph. 4. b blindness.
11. Behold even such (according [Page 166] as of meer Love we have testified herein) is the right way to the God of life, and to his righteousness, from the which Psal. 14. Sap. 5. Rom. 2. b the man is departed and estranged: In which way the man being in his estranging from his God, is by Eph. 2. a Gods grace called and bidden to come again unto his God, through the belief or confidence in God, touching the salvation; to the end he should according to the truth, know his God in the life, and so might worship Deut. 4. a 10. b Math. 4. c and serve him only, which Psa. 14 b Acts 14. Apo. 14. hath made heaven and earth, the Sea and the water Fountains: through whose power the elements be moved; and out of whom the upright wisdom of the wise, the true light of the illuminated ones, and the resurrection of the righteous life springeth, which God is also the perfection, the Love, Ioh. 17. c 1 Ioh. 4. b or the true being or essential power [Page 167] it self, unto whom only appertaineth all praise, laud, honour for evermore, Amen.
Take it to heart.