A Blast from the Lord. Arise O God and scatter all thy Enemies, Jer. 4.12. Num. 10.35. Psalm 3.7. smite them upon the Cheek bone, let none remain: Goe on to Judgment, and destroy every wicked Worker and Evil doer.
O ENGLAND, take warning, Psalm 68.1. to the end. Nah. 3.3, 4. the Lord is risen, he hath drawn out his sharp and glittering Sword, he hath furbushed it, and made it fit for the slaughter, to cut down all things that stand up in opposition against the pure being of his everlasting Love and eternal Happiness. Deut. 32.41. Rev: 2.16. Now is the time of the breaking forth of Gods love upon the children of men; Job 22.28, 29, 30. of the Son of Righteousness shining in the clear Firmament of Truth in the hearts of his Sonns and Daughters, which will dispel all the dark clouds and thick Mists of boisterous storms and darkness, 1 Jo. 2.8, 9, 10. Isa, 25.6. to end. even the veile of Ignorance and gross Hypocrisie; the veile of the covering spread over all Nations, which thou O England livest under, even all of you from the Ancient and honorable, to the false Preachers that deceiveth the People with their lyes; both Head and taile, Branch and Root: Therefore take warning, Zep. 3.3. to end. O yee Cruell and Blood-thirsty Judges, which have changed the Law of God into your own corrupt wils, and turned the Truth into a Lye, you [Page 4] should have judged for God, Lam. 4.3. 1 Cor. 19.6, 7. but you judge to please men; and for Rewards you stand up, taking Hire for your judgement, putting many to death for Money, and without Money you will doe nothing; 2 Cor. 4.4, 5. the God of this world, Money, hath blinded your eyes, and by taking gifts your eyes are quite put out, you have no light of God in you, to discern how to doe Justice in any thing; you are all turned aside out of the way of God, every one to his own way, following the imaginations of your own devillish hearts, Jer. 18.12, 13. and you hate to bee Reformed, behold the Lord is fierce in his anger towards you, and he will pour down the Vials of his wrath upon your Beastly power, Isa. 40.23. to the end. Dan. 7. and cause your own Rod to consume you, and will judge you out of your own mouths; you are the Beast which the Whore rideth upon, that painted Whore who hath beguiled this Nation with her inchantments; which hath painted her self with the Prophets, Jezebell-like, 2 Kings 9.30. Christ, and the Apostles words, but never knew that power and spirit of Life which they lived in, yet is upheld by you; you defend her by your Beastly wils, in her Lyes, and you uphold her in her false, vicious, and divinations of her own Brain, and in the filthy smoke of the imaginations of her Hellish heart; Jer. 14.14. Ezek. 13.23. you protect her; the Horse-Leech hath two daughters which cry Give, Hos. 4.18. give: You Judges that judge for Reward are one, and the Priests that preach for Hire are another; Behold, the Lord is coming with Thousands, and ten thousands of his Saints to render vengeance upon all the ungodly, Dan. 7.10. and to reprove the wicked, and recompence wickedness upon the head of evil doers, and to convince the World of all their wicked deeds which they have most maliciously done against him; 1 Sam. 2.9, 10. all you wicked ones, your downfall is at hand, your sorrow is coming on apace, now is great Babilon come in remembrance before the Lord, Isa. 10.2. to end and hee will recompence her double upon her Head, for all the evill that she hath committed, and for the wickedness that she hath done against the Lord, shall she receive a full reward; Rev. 18.2: to end. all Nations have been made drunk with the Wine of her fornications, and she is drunk with the blood of Saints; therefore shall a Cup of the fierce wrath and fury of the Lord be given her to drink, and the dreggs [Page 5] thereof shall she drink; shee shall spue and fall, and never rise again: Take heed all ye upholders of her, Hos. 7.16. come from under her, seprrate your selves from her, lest you perish with her.
Hear of ye Judges and Nobles of this Nation, take heed you be not found partakers with this great whore, give over committing adultery with her, she is a strange women, her feet abideth not in the house, she gaddeth abroad to change her ways, she is barren, her womb cannot be satisfied, she is a grave where dead men lieth, and she like the witch of Endor conjureth them up to stand before a many Sauls whom the spirit of God reigneth not in, 1 Sam. 28.11, 12, 13, 14. making a trade of raising up of the Apostles, Prophets, and Christ's words, feeding the poor people (which they have led blind) with apperitions and falcities of their own corrupted wisdom, not knowing at all the wisdom of God, nor being made partaker of the power and life which the Apostles, Prophets, and Jesus Christ lived in, yet they preach forth lies in hypocricy, telling the people that God, and the Kingdom of God is without them, or in a place in heaven a great many miles above their heads, making the ignorant people think that God is as some great man sitting in a Throne in the natural heavens: 1 Kings 8.27. and thus they either know not, or else are willingly ignorant of, that God fills heaven and earth, and all things, and that the hea- of heavens cannot contain him, and that he is Omni present in all places, and that he lives in himself, and of him all things consists, and in him have their life and being, to whom belongeth all honour and glory and everlasting praises, and to none els. O ye whose strength upholds this deceitful, lying, and bloud-thirsty whore, take warning; and all you who have loved her, and helpt to bear her up, and that have given your power unto her, now bestirr your selves and discover her wickedness, hate her and burn her with fire, for this is the decree of God upon her, Rev. 19.20. and he hath put it into the hearts of those who once loved her, to do so unto her: Rev. 14.10, 11. I cannot but take notice how she is already burning, and how the fire of Gods wrath descendeth continually down upon her and scorcheth her; Rev. 17.12. to end. that I am sure it is the breath of [Page 6] Gods mouth, and the brightness of his appearance in his Saints that shall wholly destroy, her, this whore the Antichrist, who make a profession of God and Christ in words; but in power and practice deny them. Every one who makes a profession of Christ in words, & denies him in their practices, and keeps not his Commandments, is an Antichrist (saying lye down and let us go over you) a deceiver which the Lord will cut off suddenly from amongst his people without speedy repentance: 1 Joh. 4.2, 3. He is not a Iew who is one outwardly only, but he is a Iew who is one inwardly; neither is he an Antichrist which is one outwardly only, but he is an Antichrist which is one inwardly. This is the true Iew and the false Christ, or Antichrist, which Iew God will call and save; and which Antichrist God will judge and destroy: A warning to all Antichrists and dissemblers, who profess much, but practice little; who speak forth the word of God and hear it, but do it not, and so deceives their own souls; and these are children of the whore of Babylon, Mat. 21.44. which the Lovd Iesus will dash in pieces: he is that stone that being fallen upon will bruise, but on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind them to powder; and by it shall the whore of Babylon which is made rich by the great company of her ships, Merchants, and Marriners (that trusted in Egipt) in one day become dessolate, all her ships shall fail for want of water, her Merchants shall become poor, Rev. 14.9, 10. and her Marriners wall be terribly afraid, and shall bewail her, and stand afarr off when they see the smoke of her burning ascend up towards heaven, saying, Rev. 18.18. alas, alas, the great City Babylon, how is thy destruction come upon thee in one day, (but shall not com near to help her, Ezek. 27.29. to end. thou Babylon art confusion, thou whore which rulest therein is the wisdom of the flesh, and the brats or children which thou bringest forth are pride, covetousness, lying, swearing, stealing, whoring, anger and revenge, hating one-another, evil communication, idle talking, and foolish jesting, &c. all the Priests in England are full of confusion, both in themselves, and one against another, by the wisdom of the flesh they are set up, Rev. 18.23. and bear rule: their Merchants are the great men of the earth, and the wise men thereof their Marriners: [Page 7] the water wherein they have their great traffick, is the light of the first nature; and their ships their human learning, & many Books, in which they heap up all their wares to traffick with, and make sale on; the walls which defend them, are the people living in sin, even all her children; Read Ezek. 8.27. the Beast which they ride on, are all their followers. Then see what follows, The Priests of England are part of Babylon, members of the Whore thereof, Ez k. 27.27. which are maintained by the great men of England, and by the wise men thereof are helped to steer on their design in the old sea of frothy invention (the Schools of learning their Ship-Carpenters) their learning and books their rotten ships: and their preaching out of their human learning and heathenish Authors books, many lies and foolish histories are their wares which they counsell people to buy; the wall which defendeth them, and the Beast which they ride on, are almost all the men in England, but that of late much of their wall is fallen off from them.
Then look to it thou Babylon, thou whore in Babylon, you Merchants and Mariners, the waters and ships with the wares, thy walls, and the Beast which thou ridest upon, shall all be shortly burnt, dried up, and broken to pieces, and the glorious Lord God will be unto his people a place of broad Rivers and streams, wherein shall go no gally with Oars, Psa. 46.4. Isa. 33.21. to the end. nor gallant ships pass there, but the Lord will be their King and save them, and their Law-giver, and he wil plead for them, the Saints of God shall need no stearing by the powers of the world in the light of Nature, or in the waters of the old frothy sea of the filthy inventions of the naturall man, nor need they any to fight to defend their caus, or plead for them, for the Lord will save, protect, Dan. 7.27. defend and deliver them from all their enemies, & wil give the rule, the power and dominion of the world to the Saints of the most High, and they shall rule in peace and govern in righteousness, and their Kingdom shall be an everlasting Kingdom, and Christs Dominion shall endure for ever in them, and of the rule and government there shall be no end: for when they die, or leave the visible body, they shall be wholly swallowed up into him [Page 8] who reigned in them, and so from the time of Christs first reigning in them, 1 Thess. 4.17 they shall not depart out of his presence, but be ever with the Lord singing praises & Hallelujahs to the most High, which reigneth in his Saints over all the earth, who is the onely King of Saints, the Lord blessed for ever, at whose presence when he appeareth, Isa. 45.23, 24, 25. Ier. 30. 5 to 10. Joel 2.6. Nahum 2.10. Psal. 114.7. all the nations of the earth shall tremble, and every knee bow before him, and all hands shall be weak, the great men of the earth shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow down to him, and all faces shall gather paleness, fear, and be exceedingly amazed when the Lord comes to reign in mount Sion and before his Ancients gloriously sing and rejoyce. O ye daughters of Sion, and ye sons of the Ancients, be exceeding glad, for he-hold your King is coming, and he will speedily be in his Temple to visit and to inquire how it hath been deck't with pretious things, and in them will delight; but all the vile and abominable things he wil cast out. The whole creation of man is his Temple, whereof Christ is the head every member that is corrupt and rotten he will cut off; Christ is the vine, John 15.1. to the 8. we are the branches every branch that bringeth not forth fruit in him, the Lord will hew down and cast into the fire: M [...]. 13.3. to 10. Heb. 6.7, 8. but every branch that bringeth forth fruit in him, he wil purge it that it may bring forth more fruit: We are the ground, he is the good seed; and all the ground or earth which bringeth forth fruit meet for the Lord our Tiller, and Dresser, shal receive a blessing from God; but that earth which bringeth forth thorns, or evil fruit, is rejected, is nigh unto cursing, whose end is to be burned. God made man only to serve and obey him, and every nation, and kingdom, and people, and particular person that will not serve and obey him, shal be consumed by the breath of his mouth, and the brightness of his coming which is neer at hand; add wo, wo, wo, to the inhabitants of the earth, for the Divel is come down to you, and is in great rage in you, because he knows he hath but a short time to reign. All you whose mindes are following after the things of this world, return to the Lord speedily, lest he come upon you at unawares, and destroy you, and cast you into utter darkness, [Page 9] there shal be weeping & gnashing of teeth. Take heed that you kick not against all warnings, for suddenly shall these days come upon all that dwel upon the earth; for as it was in the days of Noah, so shal it be at the coming of the Son of man, they ate, they drank, they married wives, Matth. 24.37 and were giving in marriage until the day that Noah entred into the Ark, and the Flood came and took them all away; Luke 19.27. Isa. 11.15 even so shal it be with this wicked generation at the coming of the Son of man, who shall utterly destroy all those that would not that he should reign over them, and burn up all those murderous Cities, even every thing that they lived in, Rev. 16.12. all pride, covetousness, lying, swearing, and drunkenness, and what sin soever was by the world loved and lived in, shal the Son of man take away and burn up in his people who obey his voyce, and keep his sayings, Isal. 51.10, 11 when the Floods of wicked and ungodly men (even all the waters of their Egyptian sea) shall be dried up, and they not able to steer a ship therein, all their false faith, or light (which is the waters) the holy Scriptures speaketh on, shal become dry, Isa. 35.12. that there shal be a way for the Kings of the East (who hath by these fierce waters been kept back) and for the ransomed to pass through, to enter into their glorious good Land, that they may till it to make it bring forth good fruit, and abide therein for ever. Then shal the Arm of the Lord awake and put on strength, he shal wound the Dragon, and dry up the deep seas, that the ransomed of the Lord may pass over. Thus shal the Redeemed of the Lord return with joy and songs unto Sion; but the wicked shal mourn for sorrow of heart, and howl for vexation of spirit. O all ye powers of the earth, God is coming to overturn, overturn, overturn your power, and give it to him whose right it is: Jesus Christ shal have the rule and dominion over all Nations, and he alone shal rule in his Saints, and not by might nor power of man shal we be redeemed, or shal a reformation be established, saith the Lord, but by the Spirit of the Lord shal we be redeemed and reformation established, and by his Spirit shal we be redeemed from all our vain conversation and evil practices, which is the onely true Reformation which God delighteth in: the high & lofty ones [Page 10] Come down and sit in the dust, humble your selves in the sight of God, that he may lift you up be afflicted and mourn, Jam. 4.6 to 11 cleanse your hands ye sinners, and purifie your hearts ye double minded men, seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his evil ways, and the ungodly the immaginations of their own hearts, and turn every one to the Lord, and he will have mercy upon you; but to every one who is contentious, and will not obey the truth, 2 Thes 2.11, 12. nor return speedily to the Lord, but takes pleasure in unrighteousness, the indignation and fierce wrath of the Lord shal consume you at unawars. You Magistrates of England take warning every one of you, turn from your evil ways; God hath a great controversie with you for your living in pride and covetousness; you put trust in the arm of flesh, you therein go down to Egypt for help, and for that woe is coming upon you, without you repent speedily: you live in pleasures and wantonness, you nourish up your selves as in a day of slaughter, whereby the just one Jesus Christ is killed in you; you spend the creature (which was given by God to cloath the naked, to feed the hungry) upon your lusts, Iam. 1.27. in gorgious apparels, and gold rings, and needless adornings, and instead of covering the naked, and feeding the hungry, you set out Laws to punish them: my heart bleeds to think of the hard usage of my poor fellow creatures who have no abiding; whereas you ought to take those in who want harbour, and to see that none want maintenance. You wallow your selves in the earths treasure like swine in the mire, and never consider that the earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof, and that he hath given it to the sons of men in general, Psal. 115.15.16. and not to a few lofty ones which Lord it over their brethren: and if a poor creature steal a horse, ox, or sheep, he is either put to death, or burned in the hand; but you never consider how many horses, oxen, and sheep you steal from the Lord, and use them to satisfie your wills and lusts. O you great men of the earth, it is long of you that there is so many thieves, for you hold the creation in your hands, Mat. 16.26. and by all means go about to defraud the poor, more every day then other: it is but a small advantage for [Page 11] you to gain (and make your selves possessors of great livings, and lose your souls, as you put them upon the venture; repent speedily, or else you shall all utterly be consumed; for the great day of the Lord is coming to call you all to a [...] account how you have spent that Talent which he hath given you: have you made your selves rich with the mammon of unrighteousness, then are you happy; but to the contrary, you have spent it to the satisfying of the devils lust in you, and shal thereby become miserably unhappy, and the Prince of darkness which hath blinded your eyes by the God of this world (gold and silver) shall now after the blinding of your eyes, and the darkning of your hearts, torment and scorch both body and soul for ever, without unfeigned repentance. you wise in this world, your wisdom is turned to folly, God hath looked down from heaven upon you, Psa. [...]4. and behold you are all turned aside out of the ways of God, every one to his own ways, following the works of your own hands, and walking in the imaginations of your own hearts, (I bewail your condition) you keep alive that which should die; and that which you kill should be kept alive: 1 Io. 3.15. He that hates his brother is a murderer; but you kill, prison, Isa. 29.31. and banish the just ones; you make a man an offender for a word, and lay snares for them that reprove sin in the gates, you condemn Jesus Christ the just one in you, and keep alive your own wills and lusts, and by the power thereof rule over your brethren. Blush for shame you Rulers, that you should know, or profess to know much, and practice so little; you profess to have the Scriptures for a rule; but you act contrary to them; you profess to be Judges in the steed of Moses, Isa. 5 22, 23. but you like the corrupt Judges of Israel, have turned the Law of God into Customes, and the truth of God into a lie, setting up your own wills instead of Gods will; and whereas you ought to judge for the Lord in truth and righteousness, you judge for men, and for mens rewards, you execute what their wils is, with your own wils upon all offenders; and yet profess your selves to be Judges under the Gospel, whereas you cannot find one Text in all the new Testament, wil warrant you to do or practice any thing you do, in prosecuting [Page 12] of your Law, but contrary: therefore because you turn your backs off Christs Councel, he wil make you ashamed of your evil ways, Mat. 5.37. to the end. and laugh when your fear cometh, and you shal be had in derision with those whom you hated, yea your lovers shal turn their backs on you and laugh at your folly: Isa. 24.59.8. thus shal you be cast down, and the Lord shal place in your rooms upright men, Exod. 18.21. fearing God, hating covetousness, which shal neither take gifts nor rewards, nor judge for hire at all; but shal defend the cause of the poor, the widow and the fatherless, without taking money, they shal judge for the Lord, and of the Lord shal they receive a reward, Isa. 26. and no reward of man shal at all be given or taken; Psal. 85.11, 12, 13. for the Lord shal surely give wisdom to judge aright (that they need not go to Schools of lea ning (so called) to learn wisdom of men, Luk. 1.33. and they shal freely communicate righteous judgement to every one who come before them: Dan. 7.13, 14. Thus shal the Lord be King in his Saints, Dan. 2.44. and rule all Nations in righteousness, he shal be judge in his Saints, Dan. 7.9 10. and shal judge all Nations in truth; he shal be their Law-giver, Rev. 5.20, 21 to end. and save them from all their enemies, and make all Nations subject to them: the Kingdoms of the world shal be given to the Saints of the most high; Dan. 7.18, 22, 26, 27. it shal be an everlasting Kingdom; and of the dominion, rule, and government there shal be no end until Jesus Christ have by ruling in them, Mic. 4 2, 3. Isa. 2.3, 3, 4, &c. made all his foes his footstool, and subdued all things to himself, then death shal be swallowed up in victory, 1 Cor. 15.24. & 51. and Christ shal appear a second time without sin unto salvation unto all that wait for him, and love his appearing: for unto you that fear the Lord, shal the Son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings, and shal bind up every broken soul, H s. 9.28. and poure in oyle, which oyle or anointing shal teach those who receive it all things, and they shal not need that any man teach them, Mal. 4.2, 3. but as that anointing directeth them, Isa. 10.22. to 28 so shal they walk in all things: this is the spirit of the Lord which directeth aright how to walk in all things, Ioh. 2.20, 27. and they need not the light of the Sun, Rev. 21.1, 2, 3. read all chap. Moon, or stars to guide them; that is, no help of the natural man to direct them, for the Lord shal be the light thereof, and the lamb the glory of the same: and this is new Jerusalem, which comes down [Page 13] from heaven, and the new heavens, and new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness, to the which ere long, all that fear the Lord in truth, shall be brought, and like a bride made ready for the bridegroom; but the wicked shal be shut out, for the uncircumcised and the unclean shal not enter in thither. In the midst of this new Jerusalem runs pure streams, as clear as Christal, these are the streams of righteousness which shall run down our streets like mighty rivers, which shal sweep away as with the besome of Gods wrath: (the love of God to the Saints, is fury to the wicked,) All the ungodly powers of the earth, and destroy every evil doer: repent, Mar. 13.36. for at unawares shal this day come upon you, Read Isa. 29. and happy shal all they be who are found working in the Lords vinyard, for suddenly shal that day come, Isa. 30.31 & ch. yea like a thief in the night to all that put the Lord afar off: Take warning, 47.10, 11. for the Lord wil finish his work upon Mount Sion, and finish his work, his strang [...] work upon the earth, and cut it short in righteousness He that hath ears to hear let him hear, Ier. 51.6. to 14 and he that readeth let him consider, for the words hereof are true, Mal. 3.1. and the time short: Repent, repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand, and ye that fear the Lord, rejoyce, for he is risen, and wil come speedily to his Temple.
All you Town Clarks in England, Ier, 50.28. or parish(ing) prophets, your downfall is at hand, Isa. 5.20. read all the chap. and God hath bid me forewarn you, and cry out against your ungodly and wicked practices, blasphemous and beastly worship, you put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter; you call evil good, and good evil, which God abhors; you put light for darkness, darkness is by you called light; and thus you deceive and delude poor souls into error, by your vain immaginary minds; and by the fansie and brats of your brain, you draw away three parts of England after you (the stars to the earth) you have nothing of God in you; but what you preach, Io 4.5. to 28. you like the woman of Samaria, have a rope, and water-pots, to draw out water of wels which others digged: your rope is the learning you get at Oxford and Cambridg; and your water-pots is your wisdom, with which you draw water out of wels which others digged: (is not this so?) do you not tel all who [Page 14] have received the testimony of Jesus Christ in the spirit of truth, that they have nothing to draw with? and the well is deep? that is, you want Learning, and the Scriptures are deep mysteries: but let one tel you the waters that they drink is a well-spring of life living in them, Io. 4.7. to 27. and to all that daink thereof, then you say, What art thou greater then our fore-fathers who gave us the Scriptures? and they were made partakers of the blessings spoken in them: Whence hast thou this new light and thoughts? O ye false worshipers, stand con [...]ending against Iesus Christ by telling him of outward worships; but never considers the words of Iesus Christ, which saith, the true worshippers shal worship the Father in spirit and truth, for he seeketh such to worship him: and no outward worship was accepted by him, nor the Temple at Jerusalem, which was far better then the Idol Temples of our days. Thus you cover your selves with fair words as with fig-leaves, Mic. 7.2, 3, 4. glorious outsides, but within full of filthiness; no fruit nor performances is found in or among you; you commit evil with both hands; but how to do wel you know not: O you blind guides, how dare you profess your selves to be the Ministers of Iesus Christ, and never yet knew him? neither dare you trust him for your wages; is he so little credited by you that you dare not believe him? he saith, cast your care upon me, and I will care for you. Do you take him to be your Master, and will you not trust him for your Wages; for shame give over pretending serving of him, 1 Pet. 5.7. Mat. 20.10. Isa. 56 9 to end for he hath Servants, whole thousands, which dare trust him, and will labour in his vineyard, and ask him nothing, but freely be content with his Penny. O you greedy Dogs, idle Dogs, and dumb Dogs, which will not bark without one put into your mouths, and lies down to bark in your Parishes, where every one looks for gain from your Quarters; how doe you conjure up your dead Doctrines, dead Reasons, and dead Uses; nay, and more then that, 1 Sam. 28.15. you like the Witch of Endor, conjure up the dead bodies of the Prophets and Apostles out of the Letter, which is Death, making the Letter to stand before a many deceitfull Sauls, whom the Spirit of the Lord ruleth not in, not knowing [Page 15] the living power of them who gave them forth; nor have you the Spirit to administer by, but death in you raiseth up death to speak to death; all is Death, and to death you shall speedily be brought by the Spirit of the Lord, who shall by the Breath of his mouth, 2 Thef. 2.3, 10 11 and the brightness of his comming destroy all which opposeth the true light of God, as you Parish(ing) Ministers doe, by your seeking to put to silence all who have not the mark of the Beast in their Right hands, or in their Foreheads; none but themselves must buy or sell (Trade in) Spirituall things: But take warning, God is coming to burn, that great Whore whereof you Priests of England are members; and shall one member be burnt, and not the other suffer.
Howle and weep you proud ones of the Earth, Rev. 16.19. ch. 17.16, 17, 18. ch. 18. for your Mother Babylon is falling, is falling, and all her Children shall taste of her plagues, and great is the fall thereof, for God hath put it into the hearts of the Powers of the Earth, to hate the Whore, and to burn her with Fire; the Battell of the Lord of Hosts goeth on apace, Rev. 19.11. to end. and he will cut down every son of Babylon, and dash all her Brats against the stones, (every Truth of God is a stone, which dashes in pieces all Babylons children) both Bond and free, Male and female, Yong and old, that stands up in opposition against the great God, shall be cut off. Rev. 12.12. Chap. 18.5, 6. & 20. ver. Rejoyce O ye holy Apostles and Prophets, for the Lord is comming to avenge the blood of his Saints upon that great Whore, which hath made her self drunk with the blood of Saints: not by might nor power of men, but by my Spirit saith the Lord God shall ye be redeemed from out of the hands of them that hate you. O you Just and upright Ones, lift up your Heads, your Redemption is at hand, even at the Dore.
All people in England take warning, Rev. 17.18. & 19. ch. the Lord is comming to pour out the Vials of his wrath upon the Whore that prostrates her self to all that pass by (as the Ministers of England doe, and to plague the Beast, the Majesty which she rideth upon, and which she is upheld by: Yea, and all the people which are at one with her, (without a speedy departing out of her) shall taste of her plagues; Come out of [Page 16] [...] for my people, saith the Lord God, separate you [...]se [...]ves from among them; touch no one [...] thing, and I will receive you: It is nothing to be s [...]parate from the inwar [...] Worship of Babylon, and yet inwardly be full of uncleanness; Therefore all you which live in sinne, High and low, Rich and poor, Bond and free, Male and female, take warning, and repent speedily, and turn every one of you from your evill wayes, lest the Lord come upon you at unawares, and cast you into utter darkness; f [...] behold the Lord is risen, he is good fo [...]th Conquering and to Conquer all his Enemies, and happy are all those who trust in him; for how his wrath is kindled in his breast, and it shall burn as a Fire, Psal. 2.12. and devoure all the wicked on the world; yea, all the ungodly shall be as stubble, and the fire of the Lord shall burn them all up, and leave them neither Root nor Branch:
Now the Sinners in Sion shall be afraid, and all the hypocrites hope shall perish, Isa. 13.9. to end. James 5.1, 2, 3 because of the fierce wrath of the Lord against the wicked in heart. Howle all Rich men in the Earth; for the rust of your Gold and Silver shall beare witness against you, because you have not honored the Lord God with the increase of your Flocks, the Fruits of your Corn, and the Overplus of your Moneys, but have spent them upon your Lusts, and consumed them by pride, banquetting, rioting and drunkenness. Now the Lord is, comming to require an account how you have spent all his treasure, for the Earth is the Lords, and the fulness thereof, and not yours, O ye wicked ones; and he is comming to require his Corn, Hos. 2.9. his Wine, his Oyle, his Wooll, and his F [...], and to know how you have spent them; whether you have bestowed them on those the Lord commanded you; Zec. 7.9, 10. Isa. 58.6. to end. to see if you have fed the hungry, clothed the naked, relieved the oppressed; have you let the Prisoners goe free then have you made yourselves rich with the Mammon of unrighteousness, Ezek. 18.7, 8. and ye shall be received into everlasting habitation, and rule as Kings among the Saints of the most high God, Mat. 25.24, 25, 26. whose Kingdom shall be an everlasting Kingdom, and whose truth shall endure throughout all generations. Hear O yee [Page 17] just and upright ones, the Lord is going to destroy all ungodly ones, and to cut off from the earth all wicked workers, and to place in their rooms just men, and to set up in the earth the Kingdom of Iesus Christ, which shall reign in his Saints, which is the stone cut out of the mountain, Dan. 2.44. that shall smite the great Image from off his seat, and break all the powers of the earth to pieces, (and though that power of legs and thighs be the strongest power (which now reigneth in England) that breaketh in pieces, and bruiseth all things therein; yet this stone cut out of the mountain without hands, (as it hath broken in pieces all the rest of the Image in England) shall break in pieces this breaker, this strong part of the Image, and shall reigne over it; Read Dan. 2. and the other part or power of this Image which is to reign, the Feet, it shall be so weak and devided in it self, that its time shall be very short; and that by reason of its being devided in it self it shall stand but a little: And I am sure it shall speedily begin. Call it what Government you will, in his days shall the great God of heaven and earth set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed. And this is the stone cut out of the moun ain without hands (Iesus Christ in his Saints) which shall bruise and break in pieces all powers of the world: Ier. 23.6. to end. In his days shall Israel be saved, and Judah shall dwell safely. This is the name wherewith he shall be called, The Lord our righteousness: and in this Mount shall the Lord make unto all people a feast of fat things, of marrow and of much fatness, of good wine, of wine on the lees well refined; and in this Mount will the Lord God destroy all things that shall offend, and he will rent and take away the vail of the covering spread over all Nations, and he will shine through all clouds and darkness, and will rent the vail of the Temple, and shake the Foundations of the earth, the gross darkness which the world liveth in, and by their dark lanthornes (the Priests of England) are lead blind by, and are bewitched from the truth, and trust in lying words. Ier. 7.3. to 9. The Temple of the Lord, or the Church of the Lord, calling a house of stone, the Church or Temple of God; but the Temple of God are these, if you throughly amend your ways: (Take notice) [Page 18] Amend your ways, and do that which is justice and right betwixt man and man: If you relieve the oppressed, fatherless, poor and widows, and deal your bread to the hungry, cover the naked with a garment, and take off every yoke and burthen, relieve the captives, and let your prisoners go free, then shall your light shine clear, and break forth as at noon-day; Isa. 61.4. to end. you shall be called the habitation of the Lord, the repairer of the breaches, and the builder of the old wasts, for men to dwell in; then shall the Lord take delight in you, and dwell with you for ever.
The vaile of the Temple is the dark ministry which liveth, and leadeth others to live in gross hypocricie, which clothes Iesus Christ with the filthy, unclean, rotten rags of their own righteousness. Their fair glosses and false interpretations of Iesus Christ, Ezek. 32.2: the Prophets and Apostles words, which darkens the pure light by which they were guided, and thus they muddy the clear waters, Ez 34.18, 19. and drink up the sweet waters, and trouble the rest with their feet, their unjust pathes treading down the good pastures which they do not eat up, which all the Saints of God have ever eaten on, and drunken of, and shall do unto the end of the world, yea and for ever lie down safely, Psal. 11.4, 7. against all the powers of hell and death: and the rule and Kingdom of the Lord Iesus in his Saints, Psal. 82.5. to end. shall overturn and overcome, and rule over all Nations in peace, and in righteousness shall the Kingdom be established in their hands, and they shall have peace for ever; and all powers of the earth, Psal. 18.15. or the foundations whereon the whole world standeth, all the Magistrates of the world shall be shaken; the pillers whereon the earthly worshippers worships, Exe. 13.14, 15. Isa. 24.17. to end. and carnal Ordinances standeth on, which must not only shake, but be made empty, and turned up-side-down, and left without a man, and without an Inhabitant, and none shall dwell therein for ever, This is Babylons fall, and Iesus Christ his rise, for it is only Iesus Christ that shall by the breath of this mou [...]h, and the brightness of his coming destroy him, even Antichrist, who with all powers and lying wonders, have deceived the Nations of the whole earth, &c. now is the time near at hand, wherein all the spears of the [Page 19] world shalbe beat into pruning hooks, and their Swords into plowshares; Nation shall not rise up against Nation, Isa. 2.4. neither shall they learn War any more, there shall bee nothing but peace within our borders, and plenty within our palaces; there shall be no sorrow nor sighing at all, Ier. 31.12. Isa. 25.8. Rev. 21.4. for all tears shall be wiped away from all eyes, and joy and gladness, and fulness of rejoycing shalbe the reign of Sions King in the midst of all his people. Thus shall great Babilon which is com into remembrance before the Lord, be cast down, and never rise again, and Sion, which hath lain waste shalbe inhabited, and never destroyed any more for ever; neither shall come up thither the ravenous Beasts and Birds of prey, nor any Wolferous eye shall ever see the beauty of Sion, the perfect City of the living God, whose praise shall spread throughout the whole Earth; neither shall any thing that is polluted or unclean come in thither, Rev. 21.27. yet the Gates thereof shall not bee shut at all.
They that have ears to hear let them hear; But Babylon shall be the place of darkness, for nightbirds and Scriechow's, for the wild beasts to lye down in, Isa. 13.9. to end. & 34.8. to end and for the birds of prey to make their nests in, and for the Satyrs to dance in. Thus shal that great Whore, the woman lapt in an Ephod, the Talent of lead, Zac. 5 5 to end. be cast into the midst of the Sea with great force, for strong is the Lord of Hosts which hath determined her utter destruction, and she shall never rise again, she shall be carried into her own land (Forge fulness) and set upon her Basse (misery) and there shall abide for ever and ever. Thus farewell all wickedness, and welcome Truth and Righteousness, for thou shalt live for ever, and rule over all thine enemies. So shall it be, even so be it, Amen.