The Copy of a LETTER FROM NEWCASTLE Containing divers passages of the Proceedings betweene the Kings Majesty and the Scots, sent by a Gentleman of note.

WITH The Copy of an Act concerning the power of the Estates of Scotland, the continuance of the Parliament and Excise.

As also the Lords of Session for Administration of Justice.

Signed by Sir Alexander Gibson, Clarke Register to the Parliament of Scotland.

These papers from Newcastle are printed and publishkd according to ORDER, and for generall satisfaction.

LONDON printed for E. E. Anno Dom. ⟨7 ber 22⟩ 1646.

The Copy of a LETTER FROM NEW CASTLE, Published for generall satisfaction.


ON Wednesday the 9. of this Instant Sep­tember 1646. Mr. Cant, Mr. Blayre, Mr. Dougl [...]s, and others from the Committee of the Ki [...]k of Scotland were with the King, and had conference with his Majesty concerning divers things in matter of conscience; for his Majesty propounded some things concerning the Cove­nant, and also the propositions, which he said he could not in conscience p [...]sse; but the conference was so private that I cannot give you the particu­lars of it, and will not write by heresayes lest I should mistake.

On Thursday the 10. Instant, the Commissio­ners of the Estates of Scotland were with the King, and they have been often with His Majestie, and divers Posts have been sent to and fro, between here and Scotland, with packets; His Majestie hath of a few dayes past used but little pastime, by reason of much time taken up in conference, and privasie, there was some speech amongst us as if the King would take the Covenant and signe the Propositions, but I know not upon what grounds that rumor was raised, nor was there any reason (that I could learne) to expect it by reason of any promise from His Majestie, onely a kind of waving it till Montrill came.

On this present Fryday the 13. the Scots Commissioners here received letters from the Commissioners at London; upon reading, and perusuall whereof they were very busie; how things passe there I shall not need to write to you, being better acquainted therewith then my selfe; The Country all about in these parts desire to be eased of the Souldiers; some long in daily expecta­tions, others are sadded between doubts and feares.

We had also letters from Scotland, whereby the Commissioners were sent for to a generall meeting of all the Estates, and Gentlemen of the Kingdom, the meeting is by authoritie of a former Act, the businesse they meete about is to consider in a Par­liamentorie way, of all such things as shall be [Page 3] needfull to them, concerning that Kingdome, both in relation to themselves to the King, and to the Capitulation with the Parliament of England, a­bout their marching out of England, and surren­dering up the Garisons, Duke Hamilton, the Earle of Graford Linsey, the Earle of Calender, the Earle of Castles, the Lord Lenerick, the Lord Balmerinoth, Sir Alexander Gibson, and the rest of the Commissioners are preparing for Scotland, The Earle of Calender I believe will leave a sub­stitute here, till his returne.

Some other particulars I have to write unto you, which are of importance, but require no such haste but that I may take a little more time, which to the end that I may be the more large in, I shall desire you to be satisfied with these few lines (un­till the next oportunity, which God willing I shall not faile you of more large, then now by reason of many businesses I can any wayes contract further times at present to do more in) having much adoe to performe this.

And I have sent you here inclosed the Co­py of the Act, intituled an Act done, and past in the first session in the first Trien­nall PARLIAMENT, of our Soveraign Lord CHARLES by the Grace of God, King of SCOTLAND, ENGLAND, FRANCE, and IRELAND, defender of the Faith, houlden at Sint ANDREWS respective 1646. Col­lected, visied, and extracted forth of the Bookes, and Register of the Acts of Par­liament by Sir ALXANDER GIBSON of DU­RY Knight, Clarke of his Majesties Coun­cel, Register, and Rolls, under His signe, and Subscription Manuall.

These advertising you of all the particu­lars I have to impart unto you, at this time, I subscribe my selfe,

Your most humble Servant E. N.

An Act [...]one and passed by the Parliament of Scot­land for the giving Au [...]o [...]it [...] [...]o the States of the Kingdome; As also for their continuance of sitting; the continuance of the Excise, and the conformatio [...] of the session, for administration of justice in the King­dome of Scotland.

The Estates of Parliament now convened, in the first session of this first Triennall Parliament, con­tinues this present Parliament, and all matters be­longing thereto, (which are not committed or re­mitted respectivè to the Committee of Estates of Parliament, or to other Commissi [...]ners granted in this session of Parliament) while [...]he first Tuesday of November next to come; at which day, or sooner, as the Committee of Est [...]tes▪ or quorum thereof sha [...]l appoint, ordaines he whole Estates to be present, and to attend at Edenburge; or where it shall happen the Committee of Estates to ap­point the Parliament to be houlden for the time, with power likewise to the Committee of Estates, to conveine the Parliament sooner if they think fitting, and to appoint any other place at that time if they finde the same expedient: And in the meane time, the Estates declare this present Parlia­ment currant to the day aforesaid; And ordaines the whole Acts and Statutes made and concluded in this session of Parliament, to stand, and have the force and strength of Acts of Parliament, con­forme to the tenors thereof, sick like as any Acts, and Statutes of any preceding Parliaments in any time by gone: and ordaines publike proclamation to be made hereof, at the Market Crosse of St. An­drews, by sound of [...]rumpet. And the Estates con­tinue the Excise, and ordaines the Act already made, to stand, and endure till the fift day of No­vember, next, conforme to the Acts already made [Page 6] there-anent: And also ordaines the Lords of sessi­on, to conveine and set downe in session for admini­stration of justice to the leiges, to continue at the ordinarie times appointed for the sitting of the session at Edenburg, while they be discharged by Parliament, Committee of Parliament or Coun­cell.

ALEX: GIBSONE Cler. Registri.

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