[Page] [Page] A true Translation of a Paper written in French, delivered by Margaret Martell to the Ʋnder-Sheriff at the Time and Place of her Execution, at Suffolk-street end, July 16. 1697, for the barbarous Mur­ther of Elizabeth Pullen Wife of Paul Pullen, Esq

Published by Authority.

ALmighty God, Eternal Father, in obedience to the ignominious Penalty which thou hast inflicted upon me, I most willingly submit to the Decree of my Death for the Punishment of my Crime; to the committing of which, in the Justice of thy Judgments, thou didst abandon me, for having as I believe abandon'd my Reli­gion, which I renounced some Years ago to profess another Religion, [...]n the Profession of which I have always been a bad Liver, as having no Obligation upon me to declare my self to any Person who could hinder me from following my irregular Inclinations.

O God of Goodness, cause me to feel the Effects of thy Mercy; and [...]udg me not according to the Rigour of thy Divine Justice, because I cannot expect any thing from it but severe and rigorous Punishments, by reason of the Greatness of my Crimes, which are most enormous: Nevertheless, hoping in thy infinite Goodness and Mercy, I take the Boldness to beseech thee that thou wouldest be pleased to grant me a sincere and real Repentance.

To this purpose I implore thee, by thy holy Name, and for the Sake of the Love which thou bearest thy self; I implore thee also, O God, for the sake of my Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ, who redeemed me, by his Life and Sufferings, by all the opprobrious Injuries and Pains which he endur'd, by his Death, and by his Blood spilt for me upon the Cross.

O Divine Jesus, be pleased to call to mind that thou hast assured us, That thou didst not come to save the Righteous, but Sinners; and that [...]hou dost not desire the Death of a Sinner, but that he should turn [...]rom his Wickedness, Turn me therefore from my Wickedness; O my most adorable Saviour; I beg it of thee through the infinite Greatness of [...]hy Mercy, for it is by that alone by which I hope to obtain the Pardon [...]nd Remission of all my Sins.

My God, I declare, before God and the World that I now dye in the [...]aith, and in the Communion, of the Holy Roman Catholick and Apo­ [...]tolick Church, and that I stedfastly believe whatever she believes and [...]eaches.

O holy Virgin, Mother of Grace and Mercy, pray for me, and defend me from the Malice of the Devils. Most faithful Guardian Angel of my [...]oul, preserve me at this Moment, and forsake me not till thou hast conducted me before the Throne of God. O my adorable Saviour Jesus Christ, put thy Cross, and the infinite Merit of thy Blood, between thy Judgments and my Soul. Save me, my God, for my Destiny and my Salvation are in thy Hands. Into thy Hands, my God, I resign my Soul.

Jesus, Maria; Jesus, Maria; Jesus, Maria; Jesus, Maria; Jesus.

LONDON, Printed for E. Mallet in Nevil's -Court in Fetter-Lane, 1697.

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