The Malignants trecherous and Bloody Plot against the Parliament and Citty of Lo: w ch was by Gods Providence happily prevented May 31. 1643

y e Conspirators

The Conspirators consulting togeither of y e fine Designe and the Com̄ission brought from Oxford by y e La: Aubigny

y e Army

Their Army consisted of 3 sorts▪ Compleatly armed. 2 d with Clubs and Halbards 3 d with what they could gett

y e Tower

The Cheife place for the Magazine without the Citty was the Tower to be seiz'd upon.

Mount Mill

In the next place they intended to seize the Forts and Out Workes to preuent all supplies.

Guild Hall

Within the Citty at Guild Hall they thought a fitt place for y e Magazine alsoe at Alderman Foukes and Leadenhall

The Citty

In the Citty of London the Lord Major with all y e Com̄ittee for the Militia were to be seiz'd on.

y e House of Lords

In y e Lords House they nominated 2. members to be seized vpon. Viz: the Lord Say and Lo: Wharton

y e House of Com̄ons

In the House of Com̄ons S r. Phillip Stapleton, M r. Hambden, M r. Stroude, M r Pym, should be seized vpon.

S t. James

At S t. Iameses the Kings two Children they nomi­nated to have seized upon

y e Kings Army

Heere the Kings Army should have bynne neare att hand to enter the Citty.

y e Covenant
y e Thanks­giving.

For y e discovery and happy prevention of this wicked Plott was kept a solemne day of Thanksgiving. Iune 15 th and a Cove­nant to be taken by the Parliament and whole Kingdome.

Come let vs joyne our selues to y e Lo: in an euerlast ling Couenant w ch shall not be forgotten. Isa 50: 5.

y e Execution.

Lastly heere followeth the man̄er of the Conspirators Executiō at severall times which they acknoledg'd was just

Michaell and Sathan each with each,
Rev: 12. 7.
For Sions safety, Sions Breach
Her Rice, Her Fall▪ Her Weale, Her Woe, Contends,
The doubtfull Victory at last
Doth Sion Raise, and Sathan Cast,
Whose Hartned Sociats, Whose faint harted freinds▪
There Praise to God, theire feares euen to dispaire extends.
Noe Instrument Sheild,
Isa: 54. 17.
Sword, or Speare.
Noe Curse from Pisgah,
No: 23. 14.
or Mount Peor,
Which Balaacks wrath, or Balaams wit can frame,
Noe Ammon, Edom, Amalecke,
Noe Iabin, Zeeb, noe Midianite,
Shall once prevaile▪
Isa: 63.1
to roote out Israels name
Sion ore Conquerd heavs shall Victory proclayme.
Succession of all Ages tell
And Witnesses in Heaven, and Hell,
Cryes Woe to all, that Sions fall endevour;
The Masters of this Portrayd Plot
Sayes nothing▪ but a halters, got.
To stifle br ⟨e⟩ath, all joyes on Earth togeither
Perpetuall shame▪ and blemesh name (poore game) for ever.
Sease▪ sease Malignants doe not strayne,
Your witt, your strength, your selues in vayne.
You strive against the streame, once you shall see,
That though Philistines gett the day,
And carry Israels Arke away,
Dagon shall fall, and Ash dod, men shall flee
Nought is their gaine▪ but fwoefull payne and misery▪
God is in Sion, Shee in God,
On Earth, in Heaven, except your Rod
Drives him from hence▪ and her from thence aboue,
Sion shall stand when you shall fall,
And live, when you shall perish all,
Most safely in the Rocks this turtle Dove,
Shall feede with Cheere, her Man̄a the [...]s Gods love.
God and your Countrey shall defie
Your Name your Race, your Memory
Shall Rott and Stinke, your owne Posterity
(With anguish cake shall Curse the day
Wherein you Basely gave away.
Theire Native Rights, their Lawes and Liberty
Subdud their Necks to th' iron Yoke of Slavery.
You may Succeede and prosper heere
A while, bult this shall cost you deere
In future times, the Lord shall all inuite
To witnes how you doe destroy
His Saints, which doe not y u annoy.
Your Epitaph in Ashes men shall write
And theirs in Marble, thus shall men w th praise Recite
Deare was their God and Countreyes good,
God and their Countrey hath their blood
Their Soules with God, their Blood for Vengeance cryes.
Corruption turnes there Corps to drosse.
The Resurrection shall that losse
Returne with gayne and wive their watry Eyes
And shall for aye, with vengeance pay their Enemyes.

This is Entred according to order [...]

Io. Hancock

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