[blazon or coat of arms incorporating the Commonwealth Flag (1649-1651)]

Die Veneris, 8 Martii, 1649.

Mr. Millington Reports from the Committee of Plundred Ministers, the matter of Fact touching the Book entituled, The Doctrine of the Fourth Commandment deformed by Popery, reformed and restored to its Primitive Purity, &c. And the examination of Augustine Nicholas, Servant to Gartrude Dawson, Printer of the said Book for James Oakeford; and the exami­nation of John Hide.

Resolved by the Parliament,

That this Book (entituled, The Doctrine of the Fourth Commandment deform­ed by Popery, reformed and restored to its Primitive Purity, &c.) ascerting the ob­servation of the Iewish Sabbath, and condemning the observation of the Lords day as the Christian Sabbath, is Erroneous, Scandalous and Prophane, contrary to the practice of the Apostles, and of all the Christian Churches.

Resolved by the Parliament,

That all the Printed Copies of the said Books be burnt; And that the Mar­shal be required to do the same at the Exchange and in Cheap-side.

Resolved by the Parliament,

That all Printed Copies of the said Book, wheresoever they shall be found in England or Wales, shall be brought to the Chief Magistrate of the place where the same shall be found, who is hereby required and enjoyned to cause the same to be burnt accordingly.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed by Edward Husband and Iohn Field, Printers to the Parlia­ment of England, 1649.

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