THE LATE WILL AND TESTAMENT OF THE DOCTORS COMMONS. Shewing how he hath disposed of his Commissioners, Doctors, Proctors, Surrogates. Messengers, Examinors, Parators and Promootors, and the rest of his Attendants, With a short deportment of his Legacies, and how he hath bequeathed them.
I Doctors Commons, in the Parish of S. Benedicts Pauls-Wharf, London, being very aged, and finding by generall Computation, that my time drawes to an end, and likewise much shaken both in Body and mind with a Westminster ague, yet of perfect mind and memory, to avoid all suits and controversies that hereafter may arise concerning my estate, or any part or Parcell thereof, and to the intent and purpose that my contentious days may be consummated and ended in Peace, Doe constitute, ordaine, declare and make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following, That is to say, Imprimis, for my soele, I bequeath it to Gun-powder Makers, to be made into Gun-powder, which shall be employed only for the discharge of the new Canons: Item, I bequeath my body to the earth, from whence it came, decently to be buried, but not sumptuously, in the Convocation house, in the Cathedrall Church of S. Pauls, London, aforesaid, according to the discrerion of my Executors hereafter named. Item, for my personall estate (having never bin possessed of any lands, I willingly bequeath the reverend Judges, Vicars-Generals, Chancellors, Commissaries, Arch-Deacons, Deanes and Chapters, and their surrogates, and also all high Commissioners, Judges, Delegats, Advocates, and Legum Doctores quoscunque, Og, the great Commissarie, alias Doctor Roan onely excepted, to the high Court of Parliament, there to bee cherished according to their merits and deservings. Item, I bequeath all my Registers, Deputy Registers, Proctors, Examinors, and publike notaries, to the court of Common-Pleas, at Westminster, to be admitted Attournies, (if no prohibition be granted to the contrary.) Item, I will and bequeath all my fifty pound Clearks, to their Friends in the Country, or to the Justices of the Peace and Quorum. Item, I will and bequeath all my Journey-men Clearks, Hackney, and sub-hackney Clerks, to Chancery-lane, and Brittanick S. Hugh Prestar, to the Star-Chamber. Item, I will and bequeath all my Pursuants, Apparators, Promooters, &c. to under-Sheriffs, but in case they have no need of them, then I bequeath them to their ghostly Father, unto whom they have most relation. Item, I will and bequeath all my writings and records, as followeth: my bonds to large measuring Taylors, my Bils, Transmissions and the like, to retailing Tobacconists, my incontinent Articles to Bloomesbury, Long-Acre, and other like places of good fellowship, my libels of diffamation, to the penitentiall scolds, there to be ordered according to their discretions, all my Commissions of Appeale to the parties appellant, for they have the most right unto them, in regard they have paid for them: Item, I will and bequeath all my large Bookes of Acts, to them of the Fortune Play-House, for I hold it a deed of charity, in regard they want good action; my decrees to the courts of Chancery, in case they want any; My sentences to those Orators that imitate Tullies quanquam te Marce sili, &c. for they are something long; And lastly, I will and bequeath my Cannons, charged with &c. to the Tower, to defend him that made them, and all the rest of my writings, escripts, manuscripts, and superfluous papers whatsoever to Cookes, Bakers, Grocers, and Chandlers. Item, I make the Scotch-men my Executors, (who I doubt not) but with all diligence will see the execution of this my last will and Testament, and desire they will see these my Legacies, paid and performed immediately after my decease: In Witnesse whereof, I the said Doctors Commons have hereunto set my hand and Seale this 26 of June, in the yeare of our Lord, 1641.
- W. C.
- R. P.
- B. K.