The last damnable Designe of Cromwell and Ireton, and their Junto, or Caball; intended to be carried on in their Generall Councell of the Army, and by their Journey-men in the House of Commons, when they have engaged them desperately in sinne, past all hope of retreat by murdering the KING.
MAjor White, a Member of this Army, long since at Putney foretold, That shortly there would be no other power in England but the power of the Sword: and Will: Sedgwick in his Book called Justice upon the Armies Remonstrance, saith, the Principle of this Army is, To break the Powers of the Earth to pieces: and John Lylburne in his Plea for Common Right, pag. 6. saith, The Army by these extraordinary proceedings, have overturned all the visible Supream Authority of this Nation.
That is, They have, and will, by seizing upon the Members of Parliament, dissolving it, and setting up a new invented Representative, and bring the KING to capitall punishment, and dis-inheriting His Posterity, subvert the Monarchicall Government, and Parliaments of this Kingdome; the Lawes and Liberties of the People, and so by bringing all to Anarchy and Confusion, put the whole Government of the Land under the Arbitrary power of the Sword.
In order to which they have, and will overturn the Government of the City of London by a Lord Mayor and Aldermen; and Governe it by Commissioners, and a schismaticall Common Councell of Anabaptists, illegally chosen; and deprive them of their Charter of Incorporation and Franchises; and this shall be a leading case to all the Corporations of England.
Their next designe is, to Plunder, and Dis-arme the City of London, and all the Country round about; thereby to disable them to rise when the Army removes, but not to the use of the Souldiers, (although they greedily expect the first week in February the time appointed) from whom they will redeeme the Plunder at an easie rate; and so sell it in Bulk to the Jewes, whom they have lately admitted to set up their bancks, and magazines of Trade amongst us, contrary to an Act of Parliament for their banishment; and these shall be their Merchants to buy off for ready money, (to maintain such wars as their violent proceedings will inevitably bring upon them) not only all Sequestred, and Plundred goods, but also the very bodies of Men, Women, and Children, whole Families taken Prisoners for sale, of whom these Jewish merchants shall keep a constant traffique with the Turks, Moores, and other Mahometans; the Barbadus, and other English Plantations being already cloyed with Welch, Scottish, Colchester, and other Prisoners imposed by way of sale upon the Adventurers; and this is the meaning of Hugh Peters threat to the London Ministers, That if another War followed, they will spare neither Man, Woman, nor Child: For the better carrying on of which Designe, the said Caball, or Junto, keep a strict correspondency with Owen Roe Oneal, the bloudy Popish Antimonarchicall Rebell in Ireland, and the Popes Nuntio there. The Antimonarchicall Marquesse of Argyle in Scotland; the Parisian, Norman, and Picarde Rebels in France, and the Rebell King of Portugall. If danger be not held so close to your eyes that you cannot discerne it, look about you English. But this Kingdome is not to be saved by men that will save themselves: nothing but a Private hand, and a Publick spirit can redeeme it.