Containing two ADDRESSES, The one to the KING, the other to the PARLIAMENT.

Tegether with a POSCRIPT ABOUT The affaires of RELIGION, of most high Concernment.

By R. Lanceter, Author of GALLICINIƲM, now in the Presse.

LONDON, Printed for Nathaniel Ranew, at the sign of the Angell in Pauls Church-yard, 1660.

An humble Addresse and Supplication to the Kings most excellent Majesty, Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
Blessed be God even the Father, who onely doth great wonders, that he hath so wonder­fully brought and established your Majesty in your just Rights, and Sovereignty: The s [...]me Lord blesse preserve, and guide your Majesty, in this great and high Calling, and Charge, whereinto he hath brought and setled you: And withall, advance your Throne into the high calling of God in Jesus Christ, that you may be truly and compleatly glorious, both in the Father, and in the Son.

May it please Your Sacred Majesty,

WHEREAS it hath pleased Almighty God to traine you up long in the Schoole of affliction and (no doubt) to fit you thereby for some speciall and extra­ordinary work of his; as it hath been his usuall way towards such as he hath designed for the most gratious archievments And accordingly hath abundantly ma­nifested the power of his grace upon your Royall heart, by those many signall testimonies thereof already shewn forth: whereat all your good subjects exceeding­ly rejoyce and praise the Lord. That it may appear that as your Majesty hath set your heart towards God, so himselfe hath set his heart towards you, to advance your Throne above all the Kings of the Earth, and above all that ever were before you; You may please to see the evidence hereof in what the Lord is pleased here to present you with. Wherein your Majesty becoming highly instrumentall, if it be found to be truly of God, never was King, or Potentate on earth called as yet to that place of eminency with God, as is your Majesty hereby.

It hath pleased the Lord Almighty, who hath ordained the times and seasons for the bringing to passe his mighty Works, and for the discovery of the hidden things of darknesse, to exercise your humble Suppliant, Subject and Servant, in the relu­ctance with that darknesse, all the time that he exercised your Majesty with afflictions. And now upon your deliverance out of them, to have also given him a release from those chaines of darknesse, so far as to present your Majesty with that light, into which he hath escaped The summary tender whereof is under these three heads.

  • 1. That it is not possible, that either at present, or in former times, for many hundreds of yours, either we, or any other Nation, called Christian, or any other Nation or Party in the World, can be the Church of Christ and people of God, or in way of salvation; but absolutely either Antichristianly or Diabolically in state of wrath and damnation.
  • [Page 4]2. That it is not possible that any, or all the wayes that men do, or can devise, to state and settle Religion and the Church, in the wisedome that they act in, can ever do it aright, and make the case better then it is; but in all likelihood to render all still worse, and more Antichristian.
  • 3. That yet there is a way, not new, but layd of old by Christ, wherein the Primitive Apostolicall Church constantly walked, but ever since utterly lost in the World, as to a Church-way, such a way as is most cleare, easie, undenyable, which all the World will grant (if once they see it) to be the truth of God, the onely way to make all Churches, Churches of Saints, and all people to live blessedly, an happy people both here and here­after.

This the Lord hath reserved to be manifested in your dayes, and your selfe for such a time; and commendeth the same to your Royall care, for the advancement of his glory in the Son, and of your Majesties Throne in both.

I am not mad, or a Fanatick, but I speak the words of truth, and sobernesse. I have been in the Ministeriall Calling about thirty years, in your County of Norfolk. I have lived to see, and with much reluctance and grapling with, have passed through the calaminities of these times, especially the distractions, and monstrous emergencies in the notion, way, and pretence of Religion. I have been ever formerly conforma­ble in all things, both as to Doctrine and Discipline, as an obedient son of the Church of England. And during these times, while the truth of Christ was more and more obseured by the devices of men, I have given my selfe into all my utmost endeavour, to clear up the saving truth unto my own soul, and consequently to the consciences of all others, especially of my Charge. In this my search and incessant study, finding my selfe more and more confounded, and the truth hidden from me in the abundance of the rubbish of mans wit and devices cast upon it: It pleased God to recall me from the wisedome of men to that of himselfe in his word, and to cast my self upon the pure discovery of truth in those heavenly Oracles: which being the way of his own Ordinance, it pleased the Lord to meet me therein, and by revealing his Son in and unto me, to vouchsafe me, in the knowledg of him, that light of truth, which is not possible to be found in all the works of men whatsoever. And being convinced by the clearnesse thereof, and also by imparting the same to others of best judgment and piety, that it was indeed the onely saving truth, but yet wholly unknown, and quite crosse to the opinion and way of the World; I thought it my duty, and thereunto, also I discerned my selfe especially called, to publish the same to the World, as being of the highest concernment unto all that possibly can be imagined, both for this life and for that to come.

Now, may it please your Majesty, hence is my present Addresse and Supplication unto you in the first place. 1. For that intending the Dedication of this Work to your Majesty, it being so high an undertaking, might be too bold a daring to presix your name thereto without your good liking and consent. 2. For that understanding that your Majesty, together with your high Court of Parliament are setting your eyes to the affaires of Religion, and that to the settlement thereof in such a way as I can­not in conscience close with; therefore I thought it better to appeare beforehand in the case (possibly some good may come thereby) then to be found an apposer of authority afterward. 3. For that considering that the things which I come forth with are of the highest concernment that ever came forth, even the same with those of Christ and his Apostles, which the World hath so long lost, and have the like need of again, and consequently of especiall concernment unto your Majesty in many re­gards, both respecting God, your place, and people: necessary it is that my Address [Page 5]be first to your Majesty, and thereto that I am especially called of God, I can give evidence of sufficiently.

The whole drift of this my humble Addresse and Supplication to your Majesty is, onely to vouchsafe unto your humble Suppliant an hearing, tryall, and examination to the utmost. And if I be found an Imposter, a Deceiver, or one deceived, accordingly to receive pu­nishment, and a reclaiming from error. But if in the truth, then to close with it as from God from on high visiting us, in order to fulfill his promises unto the last. Ages.

The Lord Almighty confirm and establish your royall heart more and more in all good­ness, and give you the light of the knowledg of his glory, in the face of Jesus Christ.

An humble Addresse unto the High Court of PARLIAMENT.
To the Honourable Sir Harbottle Grimstone, Speaker to the Ho­nourable House of Commons in Parliament.


THat it hath pleased God to bring home, and restore unto his Kingdomes and Rights our gracious King, and that in so peaceable a way of setling the Legisla­tive power in the antient course of King, Lords, and Commons in Parliament; and that the care is undertaken therein for Religion, and the Church, as well as for Laws, and the Common-wealth, I do heartily rejoyce and blesse the Lord for it, and that I have lived to see the day: and accordingly my constant and earnest prayers are for his grace and blessing, to guid and crown all your righteous sanctions, that there may be a sweet concurrence and continuance of your joynt endeavours herein, to the settle­ment of all things in a blessed way. And thenceforth his Majesty to reigne over us most happily, unto the utmost date of the life of man.

I do, withall, acknowledge and professe, that I am conscientiously perswaded, that the power of Parliaments, as thus in compleat concurrence of the three Estates, is ab­solute, and illimitable, as to all things in order to the best provision for the good of the people, the government of the State, and whatsoever is within the circle of mans wisedome and power. But as to Religion, it not being of man but of God, the wise­dome and will of the highest powers on earth, must of necessity be regulated, and de­termined by the declared will and wisedome of God.

I do further acknowledge an abundant rejoycing in my heart, in that I am so war­rantably apprehensive that your hearts are towards Religion, and the settlement thereof in the first place; it being not onely right and due, as being of the highest concernment, but also as in true Christian prudence to precede, in regard that thence indeed have you the true light into all other provision of Laws. But (withall) I pro­fesse, that what at present I see and find, and what for future is the expectation of the generall part (which ever incline to the worst, even the will and liking of the flesh) about the Religion, worship, and discipline, in all likelihood to be established and imposed on all by the present authority, even the same which was before these late Wars, and which most mainely occasioned them, I must, I say, and may professe and declare, by warrant of his Majesties gracious Declaration for liberty to tender con­sciences, [Page 6]that all will be no other but plaine and grosse Antichristianisme, not to be en­dured by any that setteth his heart unto the truth of Christ. In regard whereof I hold it better to declare my selfe aforehand, to divert (if it may be) such Antichri­stian intrusions, then to oppose the way of authority when their sanctions come a­broad, by being put upon that which the Apostles were forced to say, Acts 4.19. Whether it be right in the sight of God, to hearken unto you more then unto God, judge yee.

We find it most true which Christ foretold, that that Generation should not passe till all things were fulfilled, Mat. 24.34. For as in those times the Scribes, Pharisees, and other the Jewish Grandees, exalted their owne wisedome above the wisedom of God, to correct, moderate, and change, the Laws and Ordinances of God, as they thought best; yea, to reject the Commandements of God, to establish their owne tradit ons: Just such is the generation of men to this present day; what arrogant affronts & despite have they done to that wisedome of God, yea his highest wisedome in Christ? yea most proud­ly and disdainfully to the height of all impudence they say, That the Church was but in its infancy, as it was stated by Christ and his Apostles; but that the better wits and wisedome of men have brought it now to a more perfect and compleat condition. And all meerly by scornefully casting by the way of Christ to establish their owne in­ventions. So that I may considently say, that there is no one thing in all Religion, Ordinances, Worship, and Discipline, remaine intire, and o [...] true Christian use and efficacy, as Christ hath commended and committed them unto us. A dreadfull case! And yet to see the horrible blindnesse of men, and hardnesse of heart, that when they see and confesse that all is wrong and out of course, yet they cannot have an heart and thought to look back to the rule of Christ, to redintegrate all things by that infalli­ble rule, but wholly to look to the wayes of mans wisedome, what was in these latter dayes, what wise men have thought suiting best to the State, and to the humours, likings, and acceptance of people; what is gallant and specious in and unto the eyes anb eares of men, wholly indulging the will of the flesh being no other but the turn­ing [...]he grace of our Lord into wantonnesse, and utterly denying the Lord Jesus Christ. This is all the Religion among us, and all that can be hoped for, so long as men will act in their own wisedomes; quite without Christ, meerly Antichristian, and delusive to utter damnation.

The cause then of this dreadfull estate of the Church (so called) and of Religin amongst us being meerly from hence, because that charge of Christ (and the like) hath been cast by, namely. To call none Father or Master upon earth but God and Christ, but men have done quite the contrary: Therefore it ever there be an heart to settle Religion aright, of necessity it is to set by all our other Masters, and turne wholly to the teaching and rule of Christ, the alone heavenly wisedome of God. And as himself usually said on such occasions, Quid fuit ab initio? so must it now be. If we looke to what was done by our Fathers, or in their dayes it may be well applyed unto us what is, Job 8.9. We are but of yesterday, and know nothing: Sure we are, that in order to the Jewish traditions, and innovations about the Law, Christ fell directly upon this alone remedy, Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up; He sayes not, they must be well considered of, and see what is sit, and good, and cast by the rest, but he is for plucking up all, root and branch. So say I, As the Father plant­ed the Law, so Christ the Gospell; therefore every plant that he hath not planted, never consider what wise men thought of it, how it sits the state, how it stands with prudence &c. but without the least question or dispute, Pluck it up, it is of Hell, Antichrist, &c. Is there nothing worth regarding, thinke we, in these and such like passages of Christ, and of his blessed spirit, That God hath hid the things of Heaven from the wise [Page 7]and prudent: That whatsoever is highly esteemed of men is abomination in the sight of God: That the wisedome of the World is foolishnesse with God: That God knoweth the thoughts of men that they are but vaine: And that all the imaginations of mans heart are wholly evils, and that continually; and abundance the like. And yet shall we, professing Christ, ac­count all these as nothing? not considering how he saith, Heaven and Earth should passe away, but not one word of his should faile And yet (I say) shall we turn from all the wisdom of Christ, into the accursed wisedome of men, and into all of mans liking and esteem? how abominable and dreadfull is this? Is it not that [...]eigne and delusion of Antichrist unto damnation whereunto the latter ages were to be adjudged and accur­sed? and which we all confesse, that for many hundred of years the Christian World lay inthralled? And most sure it is, that even as damnably as ever, therein it abideth still. Were I to speak to Heathens and Insidels, these passage, were in vaine; but see­ing it is to Christians that I speak, for Gods sake let our Lord Christ be the common Master to us all.

The drift of all this my humble addresse is. That seeing the Lord hath so happily called you together, and begun a good worke by you of highest hopes and expectati­on; and accordingly have set your hearts to a blessed settlement of all things, both in Church and Common-wealth; that you would be pleased to turne your hearts in­to the right way for the attainment unto your right intended ends: for else they can never be accomplished. Looke not (therefore) what was of yesterday, what was in our Fathers times, what stand with Policies of State, with the liking and acceptation of men, &c. set by all, and looke wholy to the Lord Jesus Christ, the author, and finisher of our Faith. Remember (I pray You) that Christ layd the foundation of all Christianity in selfe denyall; even of all our wills, wisdomes, likeings, endearements, and all that man doth, or can give his heart unto. Without which, as nothing of truth can possi­ble appear, so, be assured, that in so doing all truth is before you, even that holy uncti­on whereby we know all things. Which the Lord is about to tender unto you, if so de­nying selfe, you make way for that Grace of God.

In a word, be it considered that if in the very Apostles times, men had so carnali­zed the truth of Christ, and apostatized from it, as the Apostle was sayne to plucke them off wholly from all their religion then in esteeme, and to contend earnestly for the Faith which was once delivered unto the Saints; Jude. 3.4 Much rather may I now presse the same, when far [...]e more into Wantonnesse, and Carnalisme the whole frame of Religion is carryed. Even to spare it in nothing to please men with, but to Pluck up every plant whatsoever, that God and the Lord Jesus Christ hath not planted; and so to contend earnestly for that Faith alone which was once delivered to the Saints, from the mouth of Christ and his holy Apostles: Damning all the rest to the pitt whence it came; and the rather, by how much the more the carnall mind is besotted, and made drunke with that Whoorish cup.

And thus I humbly take leave in the words of David on the like occasion, 1 Chron. 22.16. Arise, and be doing, and the Lord be with you.

The Postscript.

THat which our Blessed Saviour expresseth, Mat. 5.15. Noman having lighted a candle putteth it under a vessel, but on a candlestick, that all may see it, &c. intimating, that when God inlighteneth any it must not be concealed, but set forth to open view, for a light unto others: This the Apostles found, and expressed the power of Act. 4.20. We cannot but speak the things which we have heard, and seene. This charge I sind impo­sed, and pressed strongly on my heart, and Conscience, as to the power of that light [Page 8]which the Lord hath been pleased to vouchsafe me. Therefore having in the first place made my addresse unto the Kings most Excellent Majestie, then unto his high Court of Parliament in some generall things, which will inferre abundance more of speciall discoveries, I cannot forbeare the holding forth of the same light unto all others, as previous to the discovery of farre more. The things therein already declared are of the highest nature, and greatest concernment that may be; which all persons, especially that professe and hope in Christ, must nearly lay to heart. The two former of which are in the addresse unto his Majestie, namely. 1. How we are no Church of Christ, &c. But meerely of Antichrist. 2. How it is not possible that we can be set right in and by the way wherein it is sought, and endeavoured. Then. 3. In the ad­dresse unto the Parliament is shewed the reason of both, namely, for that men have tur­ned, and still do turne out from the wisdome of God into their own: Then follows a 4th. of speciall moment, expressed in both addresses. Which is, That there is a true, cleare, and perfect way layd forth by Christ, and his Apostles, and practized then of all, which wholly turning unto is the onely blessed way; but otherwise, all is under the curse and wrath of God.

To bear witness unto these truths, and many more to follow, am I now come up unto the head Citie of my Nation, in a fit and due season, the Lord grant it may be found a good and acceptable time. In which enterprise (and that not without the Lord) I may justly use the Apostles words, Act. 20.22, 23, 24. And now behold I go bound in the Spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there; Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every Citie, saying, that bonds and afflictions abide me. But none of these things move me, netheir count I my life dear unto my selfe, so that I might finish my Course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testifie the Gospell of the grace of God. The same measure I expect, and blessed be my Lord and Saviour who hath vouchsafed me for a long time to drinke of his own cup. It is not posible but that his word shall abide in force, till this World be no more it self. And hath he not sayd, Yee shall be hated of all men for my names sake: In this World yee shall have tribulation. New wine cannot be endured in old bottles; and ma­ny the like. Much there is in that, Luke: 5.39. No man having drunk old Wine straight-way desireth new: for he saith, The old is better. Surely if then it was so, much more it will now be found so, when men have so long, and so deepely drunke of the cup of Babilons fornication, as they are even dead-drunke with it.

As I sayd, so I say againe, To beare witness unto the truths of Christ am I here come up, and offer my selfe to all for the desence of. The least call shall bring me forth to give appearance unto all, or any. Onely this one thing must be premonished. All that I can possibly deale with must be Self-denyers. Namely. 1. As to the World, if they chose their portion on this side Jordan, and be of the mind of that Chancellor of Paris, who boasted that he would not change his place in Paris for his place in Pa­radise; such are dease addars, stoping their ears, and hardning their hearts against all heavenly working. 2. As to the Flesh, if their God be their Belly, and their lusts possesse their hearts, the belly hath no ears, tis no dealing with them. 3. As to the Devill, if they swell in pride; and abide in the gall of bitternesse, they must needs be so fast bound in the bands of iniquity, as they can never attaine to judge and dis­cerne the truth. But if they will learne of Christ to be meek and lowly in heart, and give themselves out of the will and wisedome of the flesh, into the will and wisdome of Goal, they shall easily learn of the word and doctrine which I professe, that it is not mine, but of God, even of our Lord Jesus Christ.


GALLICANTƲS, SEU Praecursor Gallicinij primus.

CONTEINING The making good of those four dreadful Pro­posals laid down in Gallicantu Primo.

I. That it is not possible that we, or any other Nation in the world, can be the Church of Christ; but on the contrary, either Antichristianly, or Diabolically in state of Damnation.

II. That it is not possible that all the wit and wisdome of men in the way that they endeavour Reformation in, can make the E­state better, but rather worse.

III. That yet there is a way, and that of old laid down by Christ, to render all Congregations, Parishes, and Societies of People, Churches of Christ, and all as formerly, Churches of Saints, in a blessed condition both here and hereafter.

IV. That to bring this about, and settle it in the world, there must be an utter plucking up of all that is now in esteem and de­sire in the world, and of all that have such in the world, for many hundreds of years, and all things to become new.

By the same AUTHOR.

Dirigente Deo.

LONDON, Printed for Nathaniel Ranew, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Angel in Paul 's Church-yard, 1660.

THE Preface to these Proposals.

THE three former of these are expressed fully in the Ad­dresse unto the Kings Majesty; and the fourth is the main of the Addresse unto the Parliament, as is to be seen at large in Callicantu primo. A more then Giant-like attempt (it may seem) to adventure on such high Enterprises: But what cannot weakness it self do in the strength of God, whose Power is best seen therein, and in the Light of Christ, which enableth to go on boldly? All that I desire of my Rea­der, is this, That as my heart is, and must be set in the utter denial of Self, even of all in me, that God may do all; So also, That my Reader would set his heart in the like frame in the perusal of all, e­ven to set his heart at liberty out of his self-wisdom, to yield himself into the wisdom of God, else he will see nothing, but be more and more blinded and hardened; For God resisteth the proud, but gi­veth Grace to the humble. This premised, I fall upon the perti­eular Proposals: The Lord be my Guide therein, into the Truth.

GALLICANTƲS, SEU Praecursor Gallicinij PRIMUS.

1. PROPOSAL. That it is not possible that we, or any other Nation in the World, can be the CHURCH of CHRIST; But on the contrary, either Antichristianly, or Diabolically in state of Damnation.

FIrst, For the clearing of this dreadful Proposal, be it considered: First, That I understand by Church as all others do, that it is the company of those that are called in; and by Christ, out of the estate of Damnation, into the estate of Salvation; but withall, That this call is not onely given, but also received and yielded up into. So as the Church are those people that yield up themselves into that call of Christ, and no other, else all the World must be the Church of Christ; For as it is said in Scripture, The sound (namely, of the Gospel) is gone out into all Lands.

Secondly; Be it considered, That the Church of Christ is to be looked upon according to that distinction which Christ him­self makes of them, namely, as scattered sheep, and as folded [Page 2]sheep, or gathered into his Fold. The former are such persons in particular, as in all Ages have become the sheep of Christ by the Lamb like Birth, and so are given into the Call of Christ; So becoming, and living as Christ sheep, and members of his Church, but yet as scattered, and not brought into the way, and exercise of the Church of Christ, as he hath instituted in his Gospel: A Church thus stated, is never wholly wanting in the world to Christ; but yet not properly and completely to be called his Church, as being not embodied in order to the way and exercise instituted for his Churches walking in Com­munion. The latter are such persons as being so called, give forth themselves also to be imbodied in a Society unto the ex­ercise of the Church-way and Rule of Christ, so as to have their conversation in Heaven, (as the Scripture terms it) in mutual converse one with another, and towards all, in doing good, flowing forth in love and good works. This is properly called the Church, and their estate even here in Grace, is often called the Kingdom of Heaven.

Now thus the Church properly stated, must be further con­sidered, either as coming short of the glory of God and of Christ, or else as coming up into it sincerely. The former sort are those who rest and stay themselves both in Doctrine, Pra­ctice, and Discipline in a way short of the fruits thereof unto eternal life. The latter are those who by bringing forth much fruit, glorifie God, even the Father, and are truly the Disciples of Christ, Joh. 15.8. Of the former sort there may be many Parties and Professions of people in the world; and some com­ing nearer to the glory of God then others. But these not tru­ly to be accounted Christs sheep or members. Onely the last are his true Church of saved ones; and of them is this Proposal meant.

Thus having cleared the Proposal, I come to the proofe of it, wherein first let the case be considered from what all men professing Christ do acknowledge; namely, 1. That there was a true and pure Church in the time of the Apostles, and a good while after, so long as it abode in the Apostolical Rule & Way: 2. That there was to be a falling away from that Rule and Way of true Christianity, and that to be universally and dam­nably, [Page 3]as the Scriptures declare fully and clearly: 3. That this falling away into the estate of damnation, took beginning even in the Apostles times, as to some persons, which afterward be­came a general Apostasie from the Faith; under which Aposta­sie the Christian World (so called) was to abide 1260 yeares. 4. All Christians holding and believing all the former things, and the Protestant Divines holding the latter, do withall de­clare and maintain, that for about 1100. years before the Re­formation, the Christian World was generally in the Antichri­stian Apostasie; hence then it must needs follow, that there still remains after the Reformation began by Luther, about 160. years of Antichrists Reign, which must of necessity com­prehend all the time since, unto this day. Thus far the truth of the case is born out by all that profess belief in the Scrip­ture Prophesies, especially by all Protestant Divines and Chur­ches.

Secondly, Be it considered from what is further acknowled­ged, namely, That the true Christian, Apostolical, Primitive Church, was and is called the pure Church, for that it abode in the truth and sincerity of the Gospel; in its naked purenesse and spiritual clearnesse, living and walking in the new nature, &c. But in the after-times, and so to this day, the Church fra­med it self into an Artificial Garb and Structure, both in Do­ctrine, and in Worship, Ordinances and Discipline, wherein it boasts it self of its Liberty and Power so to add and change, as to become quite another to what it had been; alledging, That then it was in its Infancy, naked, bare, unpollish'd, stint [...]sh, &c. But now is become adult, of perfect maturity, beauteous, adorned, splen­did, and in far more complete accomplishments. Hence it must needs follow, That if the Church Primitive were truely Christs, and represented by the Woman clothed with the Sun, the naked­nesse and clarity of Truth, Rev. 12. Then the other must be that of Antichrist, and represented by the gorgeous Whore ar­rayed with earthly Pomp and Gallantry, Lyes and Vanity, Rev. 17. & 18. Which if as Babylon the Mother of Horlots, is signified the Romish Church, then all other Churches bred out of her (as all ours are) are no other then her Daughter-Har­lots. If it be objected, That all the Artifices, Additions, and [Page 4]Changes brought into the Church, are but Circumstantial, tending to order and decency, and so alter not the Nature and Essence of the Church. I answer, it is quite otherwise, those Artifices have ut­terly mixed Christianity, even as much as Adams fall ruined all mankind; the case is even the same, as may and will be ma­nifested in season, it being the utmost height of that despoyling of all, and destroying of all Religion, which is spoken of Jude 4. and in many other places of Scripture.

Thirdly, Be it considered what is yet further acknowledged, that the Scripture fore-speaking of the most accursed Estate of people in the last times, beyond all others before, as no times to have been under such horrid Apostasie and Cursednesse as those, and that all confess that these are those times; do also declare that this condition should be universal, and in that e­state mens hearts to be so shut up, blinded, and hardened, as no working upon them should win them out of it, being given o­ver to so strong delusion, to believe a lye to their utter damnation; such a delusion as to rest in a form of godliness, and utterly to deny and turn away its Po [...]er; such a besottednesse in a carnal self­pleasing Religion, as to lye drunk in it; and abundance of the like dreadful expressions, and fore-speakings of the state of the last times. And withall, that there should be no release and deliverance out of this woful estate, until the brightness of Christ dissolve and break those chains of darknesse, save onely from some palpable enormities towards the end of the Reign of Antichrist; which brightnesse of Christ having not yet appear­ed, needs it must be that Antichrist still abideth in life, power, and all his essentials, even where much of his outward parts have been consumed among the reformed. These things, and many more, discovered at large in Gallicinium, may well startle and affright us. For surely, were there such Churches, and so many precious people, yea and National Churches, as we dream of, these things could not be, nor ever have been uttered by the Word of truth.

Fourthly, Be it considered from the clear and unquestiona­ble evidence of the case it self, which all men must acknowledge, and cannot possibly clude when it be set before them. And herein,

1. Consider wherein consists the true nature and essential proprieties of the true Church, as it stood and abode in the A­postolical and Primitive times, was it not in the new Man, the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and power formed in their hearts, according to his proper Nature and Office; which Nature is Love; and his Office is to bruise the Serpents head; that is, the Lusts, which are the Kingdom and Power of the Devil in man; and so to restore man unto that estate in the Image of God wherein he was first created, that so living and walking in love, the good works flowing from thene, to be the fruits un­to eternal life; so being in the life of God, and acting God's part and work in the world, to be ever wel-pleasing and accep­table to God, himself so becoming a Temple and Kingdom of God, and of Heaven. Is not this to be truly a Christian? and this course and conversation the way of the Church, and the conversation in heaven? And did not the Primitive Church thus live? thus walk? Was not herein their Church-Way, Church-Rule, and all that denominated them truly Christian? See at their fir [...]t conversion, Act. 2. & 4. how Christ and Chri­stianity manifested it self purely in their out-flowing, self-deny­ing Love; so in all their Life, Conversation, Exercise, & whole Demeanure among the Heathen. Was not the essential Cha­racter of their Religion and Grace, meerly Love, whence flow­ed all Virtue, Goodness, Holiness, &c? So as it became the all­sufficient Note and Character whereby to be known to be the Disciples of Christ, as himself declared, Joh. 13.34. But now bring we our Church, and all Churches now, and of long time called Christian, and see if any such character, note, and evi­dence can be found: So as indeed it is utterly unknown, shut up in a Mysterie, making good that of the Apostle, Eph. 3.19. The love of Christ passeth knowledge. Sure it is, and Gallicinium will make it evident, that both we, and all other Churches (so called) are far from the true Church of Christ, even the pure Church of old, as Hell is from Heaven.

2. Consider wherein consists the true Nature and Essential Proprieties of Antichrist and his Church, into which the Church (so called) did degenerate. Is it not quite opposite to all of Christ and his Church, and that also even in the place and pre­tence [Page 6]of Christ? So that as Christ's Office and Work in the way of his Religion and Ordinances, is to turn mens hearts out of their Lusts, which are the Kingdom of the Devil into the true Love, which is the Kingdom of God: So Antichrists work and office from the Devil, is to turn all that Grace of God into wantonness, to render all Christs Ordinances, and the whole frame of Religion a self-pleasing thing, suiting and sitting the car [...]al mind, which is enmity against God, advancing the World, Flesh, and Devil, in all the things of Christ and of Heaven, the healing the Beasts Head wounded by Christ unto the death, &c. So as wholly the work of Christ became frustrated, and men in the profession of Christianity, and backed and born out thereby, live no otherwise, but indeed rather worse then Hea­then, meer natural men, all in their own lusts and likings: Was not this the way of Antichrist's Church in former times? Whence arose all their Innovations, Traditions, Idolatries, Su­perstitions, and innumerable abuses in Religion, beside the a­bundance of Heresies, Schismes, Controversies, and also of Vice and ungodliness, not known among the Churches of Saints that were of old? Was not hence their Lordly, self-advan­cing, their affecting Honours, Power, Preferments, Riches, and all of the Worlds glory, and that under pretence of Right from Christ himself, (O shameless lying) who plainly declared his Kingdom not to be of this world, but denied himself in all things, and accordingly gave the same charge unto all his, &c. And now turn we our eyes on our selves, and on all other Churches, and see if possible any thing can be found in the way of all, but what is of the essential properties of Anti­christ; and never worse, or the like, to what is abundant in these our dayes; so horridly into Antichristianism is the car­nal Church degenerated.

3. Consider wherein consists the true nature of all those Separations, Purgings, and Reformations that have been made from time to time, both from Rome it self, and of earh party and profession one from another, all being under pretence and boasting of departing from Antichrist, each ever exclaiming on other as Antichristian; and thereby they back all their sepera­tions, divisions, schisms, and whatsoever else they have contri­ved [Page 7]in their own choice wayes. Consider (I say) if those things they separated themselves for, were Antichristian, as being of mens devising, Innovations, Idolatries, Superstitions, &c. yet what are they but as the flesh and outside of Antichrist, his carnal pussing up in fleshly Wisdom? And what is their depar­ture from them, but onely (in the Scripture phrase) the Con­sumption of his flesh and outward parts? But as for what is of his Life, Essence, Power, Vitals, and even all that is the Root and Mysterie of Iniquity, the carnal mind, that they never de­parted from, but stick fixedly still therein, in every profession, holding still the Grace of our God in wantonness, and carnal, self-pleasing, and self-seeking, never the more attaining to the knowledge of Christ and of his Grace, but living still in their own Lusts, making even Religion the very fewel to their lusts, the cherishing of Pride, Wantonness, Malice, Envy, Covetous­ness, and all unrighteousness, as is evident in every Sect and Profession, to the shame and confusion of the most specious professors.

4. Consider wherein consists that glorious pretence of all parties in their boasted of Reformations, as arrogating a con­formity to Christ, and to his pure Church of old. There is no Sect or Party but that makes this their pretence and aim, to state their way in the Primitive purity and perfection: And therefore the most of all parties set aside what are of later O­riginal then Apostolical; wherein although their way is good, if strictly so holden in, yet what have they done, but still in the Spirit of Antichrist, speak lyes in hypocrisie? Laying all of Do­ctrine, Worship, Ordinances, and Discipline, low and base, in a carnal and worldly way, wholly short of the glory of God; even as the Scribes, Pharisees, and Doctors of the Law did of old, whence Christ called all their Doctrine Hypocrisie. So that whereas there is nothing as from Christ, that reach in any thing short of the Kingdom of Heaven; there is scarce any thing to be found now in the Christian way, that reach half the way: Insomuch, as even the best and furthest that ever is gone, or so much as driven at in Religion, and every Ordinance, is but unto legal observance; Sanctification it self being the highest perfection of a Christian in this life; what is it but a [Page 8] conformity to the Law, as the doctrine among us state it? The Evangelical perfection is wholly unknown, and Christ is become lost in all our Christianity. In a word, look we to Doctrine, Discipline, and all the power of Godliness, What is it become? but a kind of civilizing of people; besides a little historical no­tion, and carnal confidence in Christ, which they call Faith. No nearer are we to the true Christian, Apostolical, primitive pattern, then those were to Christ, whom in high indignation he so oft branded with the term of Hypocrites.

5. Consider the convincing evidence hereof from the de­clared consciousness of people, that they are quite wide or short of the way of Christ, and of his Church. For knowing well the universal departure of themselves, and all in general from the heavenly conversation of the Church of old, that there is no such exercise, walking, and fruit of good works in the kingdom of God, as was ever among those Saints of Christ; ever their refuge, and conscience-cozening boasting, is, They have Christ within them and in their devotions, in their meet­ings, in their private exercises, in their withdrawing and sepa­rating from others, and the like. But what is all this, but what Christ sore-told should be, that men should say, Behold he is in the Desart; behold he is in the secret ohambers; doubtless at these and the like he striketh, whereto he adds, Go not after them; believe it not; for as the lightning, &c. intimating there­by, that it is impossible that he can be in such secret shut [...]ing up; he being the Light, and his Church in that Light is as a C [...]tie set on a hill, which cannot be hid. For can love be shut up in the heart, and secret chambers? especially that of Christ, and which is Christ; resembling the love of Parents, and of Lo­vers, not possible to be without abundant manifestation in fruits: In this Love is that glory of God into which we are called by Christ, if we be truly his; and the power thereof in our hearts, is Christ in spirit in us, even that Spirit which tea­cheth all things, enableth to all things, praying, preaching, go­verning, and all whatsoever is the Essence and Life of Christia­nity, which it is not possible for the world to have, so long as it is scoffed at, jeered, and hissed out of the World. And can we be the Church of-Christ then? Yes when he hath Churches [Page 9]in Hell. For where is our state and abiding but in Hell? Seeing we lye [...] in the Hell Dominion of our Lusts, under which we worry, toyle, serve, and are imbondag'd, as much as if Christ never had been. Surely Christs Church is called to a condition above, and beyond all, and not to walk as others in the will of the Flesh. These and abundance more are cleare and ful in Gallicinium, and if required, I shal by Gods assistance clear the case yet further; therefore at present I say no more.

I easily see that the Objection and cavil against this, and the slighting of all that I have said, and the evasion from all, wil be upon mens own devised distinction between the visible and invisible Church, whereby they cozen themselves and all others, into eternal perdition; but the taking away of that is easie to be observed from what is already said, which I leave to be paused upon. I desire to be briefe, onely this first Proposal being the main, and giving light into all the rest, I have been the larger upon it; I shal be briefer in the other. I conceive now the Pro­posal is made clear and good, onely this is to be added, That whereas I have shewed that all Churches (so called) are in the state of damnation Antichristianly; so all others are in the same accursed estate Diabolically. This is the difference; The World in the geneal lyeth and weltereth in the poyson of the old Serpent, Lusts and Sin, and consequently, under the curse in the Wrath of God; thus it is such diabolically. And the Chri­stian part thereof in special, is deluded and driven thereinto by the Spirit of Antichrist, in the pretence and profession of Christianity; carrying their Christ, Religion, Grace, and all in­to the Wil and Wisdom of the Flesh, after they have by their avowing themselves to Christ, declared their defiance against all, professing to be his faithful Soldiers in the Christian War­fare. And this is the most damnable and accursed condition of all other, as the Word of Truth declareth. Tremble then, and be astonished O accursed World, especially what is called Christian; and if ever it were the charge of Christians to work out their salvation with fear and trembling, now more then e­ver need we look about us, with astonishment, horror; and affrightment: For most assuredly all the World, and every per­son therein that ever were, and now are, both may and shal at­tain [Page 10]salvation, and not one be damned, as wel as we; yea and we the last of all, if such a thing a might be; unlesse from this wilful and headlong captivity under Antichrist, we break forth with violence into the Kingdome and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. PROPOSAL. That it is not possible that all the wit and wisdom of men in the way that they endeavour Reformation in, can make the Estate of the Church better, but rather still worse.

FOR the clearing of this, it is requisite that I shew what that wisdom is, which all endeavouring Reformation walk in the light of, and so doing not possibly able to compass it. The onely discovery of this is from the Oracles of God, where a­mongst many other instances for this purpose, I shall name but one for brevity sake, which is, Rom. 13.14. Put ye on the Lord Je­sus Christ, and make no Provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. Where we may see a notable distinction between the true Wisdom of God, and the false, and onely seeming Wis­dom of men. It is clear that Christ is called the wisdom of God, and in that respect as he sayes elsewhere, that the true Wisdom is revealed unto Babes, who are thence called the Children of Wis­dom. And this Wisdom springs from the root of self-denial, and is unknown to the World; but so clear and open to the truly Regenerate, as thereby, and therein they are said to know all things, and need no other teachings. It were too long a business at present to open the fulness of this Mystery, so as to be seen and apprehended by this darkned World; It stands clear and ful in Gallicinium, whereto I refer it. Opposite hereunto is inferred in that fore cited place, that wisdom of men, as consisting in making provision for the flesh to fulsil the lusts thereof; and truly in the dark, shutting up in that Kingdom of the Devil, is the state of all the wisdom of men. Hence in the highest exalta­tion of men in their own wisdom, are they compared in Scrip­ture, to the Beasts that perish, void of all true understanding; per­ceiving and savouring onely the provision for their Lusts, as [Page 11]Beasts, and Devils; and most sure it is, that the highest Wisdom of man can ascend no higher then to what is earthly; and hel­lish, and is wholly confined within that sphear, as is at large de­clared in Gallicinium; and till that come forth, let the serious consider it well, and they will find it so.

Having given some light for the clearing of this, I come next to prove and make good this second Proposal, and that shall be from these undeniable Arguments. 1. From that which is the inward Root of all that blindness and error that is in the wisdom of man, whence Error is acknowledged to be of its es­sence and propriety in nature; hence it is said, Humanum est er­rare; as if to erre, and to be truly man in statu quo, were termi­ni convertibiles. This arises partly from the nature and estate of mans wisdom whereinto it is falne, in that man is faln into part Beast, part Devil. The wisdome in both is called properly in Scripture, Subtilty, as of the old Serpent, wherein the Devils far exceed both Beasts and Men; and yet are they said to be shut up in darkness, and holden under Chains of darkness, whereas the Heavenly Spirits abiding in the meek subject on to the will of God, are called Angels of Light: VVhat then is this wis­dom which man lives in, but darkness? Sure it is, they were not meer fools and idiots, as the world account such; but the wise of the world, of whom the Apostle said, Ye were sometime darkness. Again, partly this arises from the curse of God, and his damn­ing Sentence upon the wisdom of men, in that he hath shut up the true wisdom from the wise and prudent of the world; and decla­red all the wisdom of the wise to be foolishness. It being his just and dreadful sentence upon the hellish pride of man, in turn­ing from the meek subjection, unto his heavenly wisdom, into that of the flesh; prefouring the Hell-darkness into which the Devil hath brought man, beyond the Heavenly Light, and ac­cordingly like the Devils to be reserved and kept under those chains of darkness, unto the judgement of the great Day. When that light of true Wisdom shall appear, whereby the true Judgement of all things shall be manifested, which now are shut up in the mystery. Thus we see the proofe of this from its inward Root.

2. It is more evidently proved from the outward manifestation thereof in constant experience: 1. As to the general, the wisdom of man standing always in its whole bent to seek after happi­ness, and leaving no wayes untried, no stone unrolled to find, and obtain it; see the event and fruits of all, even nothing but to make themselves and the world more and more miserable. If thou beest wise, (sayes Solomon) thou shalt be wise for thy self; but see the cursed conviction of mans wisdom, in that setting the heart wholly unto self, it reacheth unto, and attaineth no­thing but trouble, turmoyle, vexation, sorrow, woes, crosses, and miseries, what not? Hence justly is the wisdom of the world called foolishness with God, and that God knoweth the thoughts of men that they are vain, yea vanity it self.

2. As to the special and particular Instance, the reformation of Religion, be it considered, that men are and have been suffici­ently conscious and convinced at all times since they departed from the wisdom of God in Christ, that Religion was ever out of its due course, and that something or other was amiss, and necessary to be amended; and withall, that from time to time they set themselves with their utmost endeavour in all study, labour and diligence, what might be to amend, reform, and set all right. And yet what hath been done? what hath been the issue of all their strenuous endeavours, both singly by them­selves, Fathers, Doctors, Grandees, &c. by all their Writing, Preaching, Disciplines, and also jointly in Councils, Synods, Consistories, and the like, but to turn all into more and more confusion, by stating their Decrees, Doctrines, Disciscipline, and all in such wise as exposed them to endless questions, Dis­putes, and Controversies? Yea, what did all tend to, but to the setting up of Antichrist and all his delusions, and working unto damnation, which as the Scripture foretold should come so they did, and all by mens acting in their own wisdom, despising the wisdom of God. Sure it is, that in Christ and his way there is that Light, which whosoever walketh in, cannot stumble, much less fall, as himself expresseth. And as clear it is, That all the Errors, Deceptions, and Evils whatsoever, that came into the Church, were from those that went out from them, that walk­ked in the Light and Wisdom of Christ, into their own, as the [Page 13]Scripture declareth. Most certain it is, that in love is all light, and there need no teaching, no fear of error or evil, as might abundantly be shewed; and in Lusts lye all Error and Wicked­nesse whatsoever. In a word, seeing all the ablest and wisest of men bending themselves to reformation, could never do it, or make any thing better since they fell to act in their own wis­dom, but on the contrary, rendred all stil worse and worse; therefore it cannot be hoped in the least, that ever it can be compassed in that, or the like way. Experience have proved this to be true every age to this present day; whereof most clear evidence is seen in these late yeares, wherein all parties took what Liberty they pleased; and see what striving and endeavors they used, how many wayes have been tryed, how many Reli­gions, Sects, and specious things have been stept into, and all prove no better then the former, but rather stil worse in the acknowledgement of all. And now at present see whereto the wisdom of men driveth, how they can see nothing good but what is provision for their Lusts and likings: A price is put into their hands to get Wisdom, but they have not an heart un­to it. Liberty and Encouragement is given to move accor­ding to Conscience; But see by the continual Addresses and Petitions daily coming from alll parts, that their Wis­dome is set upon no higher pitch, then with the Dogge to return again unto his Vomit, and like the foolish Israe­lites that cryed out for the Leeks and Onyons of Aegypt, when God gave them Bread from Heaven. Thus I con­ceive this PROPOSAL also stands cleare: If more be required, I have enough to say for the fuller convince­ing of all.

3. PROPOSAL. That yet there is a way, and that of old laid down by Christ, to render all Congregations, Parishes, and Societies of People, Churches of Christ, and all as formerly, Churches of Saints, in a blessed condition both here and hereafter.

TO make this to stand clear and good, I shall resolve the whole into these three branches. 1. That such was the estate and condition of the true Church of old, which is cal­led the Primitive and Apostolical. 2. That a clear, full, and all-sufficient way for it was laid down by Christ. 3. That it is an easie and ready thing to bring all Congregations, Pa­rishes and People into the same estate and condition again; and much more easie for us to compasse it now, then in those times of old.

1. For the former of these I have given some light into it already in the first Proposal, and it stands ful and cleare in the Gospel. All happinesse and blessednesse whatsoever that is high, heavenly, and alone the true blessedness consists in these three things, as being the perfect Image of God; 1. Clearnesse and fulnesss of Truth, to live in the light thereof, so as to know all things, and to be guided and walk in the truth infallibly, so as not possibly to be deceived and led into Error. This is truly Angelical, and the true life of God, and in God. 2. Inte­grity of righteousness and holiness, so as no place to be for sin and transgression. To live in perfect obedience to the Wil and Command of God in all things, and never to have so much as an heart and will to offend God or any thing, but to do all the honour and good that they may, both to God and man. And this is as Heavenly and Angelical perfection as the other. 3. Perfection of Blessedness, so to live and abide in full fruition of all joy and contentment, standing free and ful in an exemp­tion from all that is evil, and in the enjoyment of all that is good, fully satisfactorily, so as the heart to desire no more, but to abide ever in an aboundant overflowing. If in these be not the perfect blessedness, let all men judge.

Now most sure it is, that in a most sweet and abundant en­joyment of all these did the Church of old live, while it abode truly Christs Church, and degenerated not to be Antichristian. The former is cleare by many Warrants of Scripture. Surely Christ failed them not of his promise, to give them his spirit which should guide them into all Truth; which St. John testified that every true Christian and Member of the Church had; be­ing that Unction whereby they knew all things; and that so, as that they needed no other Teaching, but as that Annointing taught them. The second is as clear, in that all the true Members of Christ and his Church are said to be born again, and being so born, to be in that condition as never to sin [...] in possibility to sin. And the third is as clear from the Testimonies of the abundant joy, re­joicing, contentment, satisfaction, and flowing measure of all true heavenly good, wherein the Saints and Church of Christ continually lived and poured forth. These things are plenti­fully evident in the Word of the Gospel. See then if the first branch hereof be not fully made good.

2. For the second branch, namely, That a clear, full, and all­sussicient way for it, was laid down by Christ, is as evident also in the Gospel; where we find, 1. That this way is meerly and alone Love; that Love which the world knows not, as the Gospel af­firmeth, wherein is all the Light unto all Truth, so as to need no other Teaching. It is a vain Antichristian boasting out of pride and arrogance, which blindeth the heart, to advance the Learned and Learning, into the place and Office of guiding in case of Religion. Were this Love known, and the power of it set in the heart, it were Light and guidance enough into all things infallibly, as may easily be shewed convincingly unto the hardest heart. Again in Love is all Holiness, Righteousness, Goodness, and not possibly any sin. All sin is from the absence of this Love, as may clearly be evidenced; as in the Lusts is all the blinding of the heart, so also is all the sin and wickedness in man. And lastly, in Love is all happiness, for therein is all contentment, satisfaction, and joy; and no joy, comfort, and contentment comparable thereunto; as on th [...] contrary all sor­row, vexation, and wo is stated in Lust. 2. That this Love is [Page 16]the whole way of Christ. 1. It is the whole sum of his Doctrine, wherein is the fulfilling of the Law; no other Precept or Do­ctrine did Christ hold forth, but Love. 2. It was the course of all his Life, whereby hefulfilled and perfected the [...]aw, it being not possible to be truely kept, til he in that love did it; whence all his life was a going about doing good, as the Scripture wit­nesseth. 3. It is truly himself in spirit and power, whereinto the regenerate are born, and by which they perform such true obedience to the Law, as they neither sin, nor can sin. 3. That in this Love thus brought into the world, and into man's nature, all the truly converted received Christ and his Gospel, and therein also prea­ched Christ, and inwrought him into others, whereby they became Chur­ches of Saints. This was the work of the Ministry, and the work of the Church and Elders, and all the ruling and govern­ing which the Gospel speaks of, namely, to act in Love, and thereby beget many Sons and Daughters unto God, by streng­thening one another, enlightening the ignorant, supporting & cherishing the weak and needy, and reclaiming the obstinate and unruly, rendring all the Church pious to God loving, ust, and all good doing to others; loyal to their Princes and Rulers, & no such people ever as they living in the world; whence Christ said, that the least in this Gospel-Love, is greater then the greatest that lived in the most exactnesse of Legal Obedi­ence.

3. For the third Branch, namely, That it is an easie and rea­dy thing, to bring all Congregations, Parishes, and People, into the same Estate and Condition again, even to be Churches of Saints, yea and much more easie for us to compass it now, then in those times of old. How easily this is made good, be it considered, 1. That the same means thereunto still remains, with us; No one of Christs Ordinances and means of Grace is lost and perished; what Christ planted is stil in being in the Church, though planted a­gain by man in a false ground, all being plucked up out of Christ the love, and planted in Antichrist, in mans carnal lusts; but yet stil they remain; it is but to remove the Plants again, and all is done. 2. That there is the same way to effect all as formerly; For stil there remain such Societies, Congregations, and Pa­rishes [Page 17]of people meeting, and professing Christ, in the exercise of the Ordinances of Christ unto Salvation, as are in nearest resemblance to the Churches of old, that were called Churches of Saints. Herein is every where a Ministry and People easie to be ordered in the way of being Elders and Youngers, to accom­plish all the blessed effects to make pure Churthes of Saints. Would but Ministers themselves learn and know Christ, and accordingly preach him to others: And then the Elders, or bet­ter Proficients in Grace that have gotten truly into the know­ledge of Christ, do their part to inwork also Christ into others, and so back the work of the Ministry. Were but Christ so in the hearts of some in every Parish, as they could say, with St. Paul, The love of Christ constrein us; all the work unto Saint­ship must necessarily follow. 3. That there is the same power to effect all by spiritnal efficacy of Christ in, and with his own Ordi­nance, as well as ever was of old, is clear both by Scripture, where we have Christs promise to be with his unto the end of the World, and also by our own acknowledgement, all of us resting upon that Power of Christ to carry us unto Salvation through the use of the means; and therefore (questionless) it is as efficaci­ous for all other spiritual and heavenly purposes and effects to­wards others. Lastly, that it is more easie for us now to compass it, then it was of old, is clear, for that we are backed into all things by a Christian Magistracy and Authority, which then was wanting, yea might and main opposing. Clearly is seen a­bundance of advantage unto us, more then was unto them, on­ly that may be said of us which is in the Proverbs, Wherefore is there a price put into the hand of a fool to get wisdom, seeing he hath not an heart unto it.

Too true it is, Christ is wholly unknown, It may be said both of Princes and people what was said of Elies sons, They are sont of Belial, they know not the Lord, nor his Son Jesus Christ: But be sure the time is at hand, when if not we, yet a wiser gene­ration shall have an heart to get wisdom by the price put into their hand. Christ shall rule all Nations with a Rod of Iron; namely, in and by the power of the true Heavenly, self-denying Love, the Fountain of all goodness in the hearts of all, even as now the [Page 18]Devil and Antichrist do in, and by the all-commanding power of the Hell-reigning Lusts in the hearts of every one unto all exorbitances and excess in sinfulness and wo. All these things are abundantly set forth and cleared in Gallicinium, and much more also. The Lord prosper both this and that also, to his own heavenly glory.

4. PROPOSAL. That to bring this about, and settle it in the world, there must be an utter plucking up of all that is now in esteem and de­sire in the world, and of all that have such in the world, for many hundreds of years, and all things to become new.

FOR the clearing of this, because it may seem to contra­dict what was even now said, namely, That the Church-Ordinances and means of Grace are stil remaining among us, and therefore if all must be plucked up, then also what Christ hath planted; be it considered, 1. That though Christs Plants be remaining still, yet there are more also added thereto; some surrepti­tiously crept in by the devises of private spirits in all the Sects and Heresies that have been broached, and so received by ma­ny for truths. Others there are that are professedly maintain­ed by a pretended Authority of the Church, which is meerly a proud and arrogant pretence and presumption. The Church of Christ hear his voice alone, and no other. It is no other but the self exalting Whore upon the Beast, that claims a Right and Power to change or introduce any thing of the way of Christ, yea though under pretence of indifferencies, as that Whore hold them forth. These all are to be plucked up, for that Christ hath not planted them, as I have expressed before in my Address unto the Parliament.

2. That though Christs Plants be still remaining, yet they have been all transplanted, and set in a fa [...]se ground. Most sure it is, and a most dreadful thing it is to consider, that there is not one point or subject in all Divinity, not one Ordinance of Christ, not one Grace or Duty, not any thing in all Christianity, but [Page 19]hath been plucked up from the root and ground of all, the Lord Jesus Christ, and transplanted all into Antichrist in the King­dom of the Devil, the Lusts and abominations of Hell. The Scripture declares the Church of Christ to be built upon the Pro­phets and Apostles, Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner stone; but that Building is removed to a far different Foundation, up­on Philosophers, and the Wisdom of man, so as the true Foun­dation is utterly lost, and Jesus Christ as the Corner-stone is more re [...]ected of our Builders, then ever it was by the Jewish Builders; so as what that Corner-stone is is as utterly unknown to the Prelates and Grandees of the Christian Church, as it is to the very Heathens & Infidels, yea and far more. Gallicinium renders this ful & clear in every head and subject of Divinity, contained in all Didactical Theology; making it evident how g [...]opingly, e­ven in the darkness of Hell, all the Heads and Cuides of the Church that would be themselves the Corner-stones and Guiders of others, have constantly walked, ever since the Church play­ed the Whore, and became Antichristian, even for above 1200. years, verifying that of Christ, If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch; giving up themselves and all that fol­low them, into that delusion which St. Paul speaks of, to believe a lye that they might be damned.

To exemplifie this but in one thing of many thousands more, lest I be thought to say more then can be proved; Be it observed how Antichristianly the most main and heavenly Doctrine of Regeneration is stated by our learned Grandees; For whereas the Scripture states it in such a perfection in Christ, as in a condition above sin; so that he that is so born, sins not, neither can sin; they state it onely in a condition, not to be committers of sin; & there give such a meaning to committing of sin, as is much like the sense that they give of the sin against the Holy Ghost, even such as few in the world come under the guilt of; and so most damnably de­lude people to their utter perdition, while they secure them upon a conceited Regeneration by their Infant-Baptism, or per­haps some restraint of enormious open, gross crimes, and so run headlong into Hell in the driving of their Lusts, wherein is the whole power of the Devil unto eternal damnation. Thus [Page 20]stating Regeneration in Antichrist, it become no better then damnable delusion; whereas stated by, and in Christ, it is the very power and arm of God unto salvation, the very building on Christ, the Corner-stone, whereby to become Temples of God eternally in heaven. These things are Mysteries to the self-wise World, shut out from their eyes, and so are all the saving things of Christ. See we how hypocritical­ly base the self wise Prelacy have stated that high power and priviledge given by Christ to his Church, above all that Autho­rity and powers in the World, even to bind their Kings in Chains, and their Nobles with Links of Iron; which being heavenly and spi­ritual, and so of efficacy beyond all fleshly power, they plucking it out as it was rooted in Christ, & planting it in Antichrist, in an Antichristian Carnal, Earthly Spirit, that can perceive & savour nothing of what is heavenly; have sixed and rooted it in an af­fectation of Earthly Dominion and Greatness, with such a be­sotted baseness, as rather then fail, seeing they can reach to no higher eminence in worldly state (the worlds Princes not en­during more to be allowed them) lay hold even of the Fag-end, the very Tayle of the civil Power, skipping up, and on the hang­ing on the Rump of the Beast, rather then on no part above at all, and so they may reign some way in earthly power, dote upon such base preheminences, as were they the least in their right wits, they would utterly abhor; and all this by transplan­ting the Church-power out of Christ, into Antichrist. The like is a­bout matters of Divine Worship, to state them in Forms, Liturgies, Ceremonies, and Gallantry, & specious things in the eyes of the Carnal, which did they know the least of Christ and his Spirit, they would extremely abominate. But I need not insist on these things here, they are at ful displayed in Gallicinium; and the World, though back'd with all the Power of Hel, shal never be able to gain-say them. Thus already some discovery is made how of necessity these plantings in Antichrist must be plucked up, ere there can be planting again in Christ; God and Belial, Christ and Antichrist cannot stand together.

And whereas I said, All things must become new; it is not as if a new Light were pretended unto, or new things to be brought [Page 21]in, but even as in Christ formerly all things were said to be made new, that is, restored a new unto the primaeval integrity, as God first made man: So likewise in this case all the devices and delusions of Antichrist, now becoming old and rotten, to be a­bolished, and the truths, and this way of Christ, renewed and restored.

Be it known therefore, that as this must be, so it shal be, and God is about this great work, to overturn, overturn, overturn, the Diadem is reserved for him to whom it belongeth, even the Lord Christ, who must reign in his time, and all Worlds whatsoever cannot hinder him when that season comes. Behold the stone cut out of the Mountains without hands, which is to smite Ba­bylons Image, and overthrow all the Hel-Dominion on the Earth, is now in the cutting out, and ere long the blow wil be given. All the structures and devices of the wisdome of man shal have their fall, & return to their first nothing. The Earth­quake hath long been, wherein the 7000. Names of men (that is the inventions, devices, and structures of men in Religion, whereby they have manifested themselves, and made known the foolishness of their wisdom) are to be slain, and then the remnant afffrighted shall give glory to the God of Heaven: and so the Kingdoms of this World shall become the Kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever. God hath so determined the times and seasons unto all; say, and do all the wits and pow­ers of the world what they can: There is but an hour for the power of darkness to prevail, and then comes the power of the Light eternally, to rule all Nations with a Rod of Iron: And thus having spoken nothing but the words of Christ, and of his hea­venly spirit, I may further apply thereto that saying of Christ, The words which I have said unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.


Most Dread Soveraign,

AS in my first Addresse, so in the close hereof, I make return unto Your Maesty in the first place, humbly beseeching you to consider, if what I therein declared be not now made good; and accordingly, whether ever any thing of so high and heavenly nature, was ever presented and tendered to any Prince on Earth; And whether the prosecution hereof will not advance your Throne above all the Kings that ever were before you. Look not upon it (I beseech you) as the work of a poor simple man, but as a Message from the King of Kings, and his Son JESUS CHRIST, who hath reserved this for your time, and restored you to your Kingdoms for so great a work. Finally, this your poore Suppliant, aged and weak, who yet through the strength of Christ can stand on his leggs before, and against all the Pow­ers on Earth, in defence of these Truths of his Lord and Master, do yet as in his first Addresse tendered to your Majesties hands, so now again humbly prostrates himself on his bended knees before Your Majesty, beseeching you in Christ's stead to be reconciled to God, and to set your heart [Page 23]to bring all all your Kingdoms and Subjects (in what lyes in you) into the same most blessed reconciliation with God in Christ.

Right Honorable Senators of the two Houses of Parliament, whom God hath now happily joyned with our gracious So­veraign. O that man may never separate again, whom God hath thus joyned. To your Honours (I say) as I made my Humble Address in the next place unto his Maje­sty, by the hands of the Honourable Speaker to the House of Commons, so I again return my speech to you in the same order, humbly besecching you to take it as an Ad­dresse of the highest concernment that ever was, or can be tendred unto you; ye profess to make Christian Laws, to establish a Christian Government, and all your intenti­ons and aims to be truly Christian. Of necessity (there­fore) ye must lay the foundation of all in Christ, which this presents you with, or else all is but building upon the Sand: Be pleased therefore to take into most deepe and serious consideration what is here presented you; and say not by any means, ye have not yet leisure for it, and so lay it by; but bear in mind, That Foundations are first to be considered and laid; and if ye have leisure to act any thing, yea, to eat, or sleep, or live, then much rather ye must find leisure for this, seeing that both to eat, sleep, live, and act any thing, are all to be to the glory of God in Christ, which this Addresse wholly and alone concern­eth.

Right Houorable the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, Aldermen, and all others of this head Citie of my Nation, unto whom also I have made my humble address, by casting my self into your arms; not creeping into houses to lead any Captive, but proclaiming in your streets the Name of the LORD. O let it not be said of you as once it was of that head City Je­rusalem: O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killest the Prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee. I say unto you, and to all other the Magistrates and people throughout all these kingdoms and Nations, unto whom these addresses [Page 24]may come; Men, Brethren, and Fathers, unto you is the [...]ord of this salvation sent. Never Rulers and People had more need of it; never was God, and all that is of hea­ven, so lost in the world as is now. Behold here the light of God's countenance returning upon you; Christ proclaiming his coming in power, and great glory. Behold (I say) here a breaking forth of that Light, which will yet grow clearer towards the perfect day; which if it be re­ceived and imbraced, will abundantly make good that of the Prophet of old; Happy are the people that are in such a case; yea, blessed are the people that have the Lord for their God.

Reverend Divines of this Honorable City, to whom I have also made my address, by repairing to diverse of you, to beseech your help and concurrence in this work of the Lord; not so much presuming to impart Light unto you, as to crave further Light, by partaking of your grace. My humble Request, both unto you, and to all other of Christ's Ministry in these Nations, is, That you would not make good my jealousies and fears conceived in this case; that as it was to Christ at his first appearing, so also now, the Priesthood to be the bitterest adversaries. The grounds of the fears are the same which were in them, having drunk so long, and so deep of the old wine, it is very hard to like of new. O remember that the same word of prophesie which fore-spake of the slaughter of 7000 names of men, which we find in the executing, speaks al­so in the same place of the fall of the tenth part of the City; which to be the Clergie of Antichrist's Church is more then probable; and the making it good must be either by their falling from Babylon, or together with Babylon into eternal perdition; which latter cannot be avoided, if the other sal­ling off prevent it not; even by hearkning to that call from heaven, Come out of her, my people, &c. lest yee be partakers of her plagues.

And now in a word to all, committing you all to God, and to the Word of his Grace, I commend to your consideration that of the [Page 25]Prophet, Jer. 26.13.14, 15, 16. Hatred, Tribulation, and Per­secution from the World, is the bequest of Christ to his saith­ful ones; an Inheritance in Christ never to be parted with till himself appear again in power and great glory, to incline the hearts of all to the love of the Truth. And therefore wo to those pretenders for Christ, whom all men esteem, love, and applaud, as himself hath said; They are the false Prophets which were to come into the world; strange it may seem that this excreme difference should be, seeing that all professe and preach by Name the same Christ onely here it differs, the one doth it in jest, the other in good earnest; the one in hypocrisie, the other in sincerity; the one basely suted to mens carnal Lusts, the o­ther highly advanced into the heavenly self-denying love. And so the wide difference stands clear, the one is the Antichrist from Hell, the other the Lord Christ from Heaven. Therefore the hatred must of necessity be, by reason of the enmity of Hell in the carnal mind against God. Here then is the hope and comfort, if this tender of the Lord Jesus Christ find place in the hearts of people, then is the brightness of Christs coming appearing in such hearts, unto assurance or proceeding to the highest glory of Christ; if otherwise, then the hour of darkness is not yet past, but the true Light is reserved for a better gene­ration, which God in his own time will bring about, and then none shall hinder it.


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