LUCIFERS LIFE-GUARD: CONTAINING A SCHEDVLE, LIST, SCROVVLE or CATA­LOGVE, Of the first and following Names of the Antichristian, Anabap­tistical, Atheistical, Anarchical and Infernal Imps, who have been Actors, Contrivers, Abettors, Murderers and Destroyers, of the best Religion, the best Govern­ment, and the best King that ever Great Britain enjoyed: Together with the manner of the Mournful and Lamentable Burning of the RUMP at Dublin in Ireland, on the Evening of that solemn Day, Munday May 14. 1660. On which the sacred Majesty of King Charles II. was with unanimous consent proclaimed King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, &c.

  • 1. JOhn Pontius Pilate Ravilac Belial Bradshaw,
  • 2. Nimrod Herod Oliver Aceldama Cromwell,
  • 3. Henry Caiphas son of Perdition Ireton,
  • 4. Faux Cateline Boutefeu L. Grub Gray,
  • 5. Oliver Mountebanck Achitophel John no St.
  • 6. Sir Machiavel Bulstrode Amphibion Whitlock,
  • 7. Judas Henry Iscariot Vane Father and Son,
  • 8. Sir Arthur bloud-hound Hazaelrigg,
  • 9. Sir Reverence Henry Bawble Mildmay,
  • 10. Sir horrible Hangman Hardresse Waller,
  • 11. Sir Bore-mouth'd William Bastinado'd Breerton,
  • 12. Sir Peter Knight of the Buckingtub Wentworth,
  • 13. Sir Damnable ungrateful Danvers of Chelsey,
  • 14. Sir Zani quarter-witted Harrington,
  • 15. Sir Peter Paul-colton Temple,
  • 16. Sir Gregory Caponet Norton,
  • 17. Whimsey whirlegig Wigeon Wilde,
  • 18. Satan Postilion Prideaux accuser general,
  • 19. Stinking Stygian Steele,
  • 20. Golgotha Laethean John Lisle,
  • 21. Cerberus Phlegeton Cook,
  • 22. Miles Bulheaded splayfooted circumcis'd Baconfac'd Corbet,
  • 23. Clineas Maudlin Bessus Fleetwood,
  • 24. Dametas Nathaniel Corn-cutter Fines,
  • 25. Henry Burdello Mahomet Martyn,
  • 26. Cain viperous Chaloners Brothers,
  • 27. Actaeon Dog Cur-nelius Holland,
  • 28. Security Bond-Bayle to the Devil for Oliver Cromwell,
  • 29. Invisible John Thimble-Smith Barksted,
  • 30. Sneaking sniveling cozening Adrian Scroop,
  • 31. Edmund Fart by his Fathers Copy Ludlow,
  • 32. Yeasty Thomas Bearward Pride▪
  • 33. Nasty John Cobler Hewson,
  • 34. Carter John Phanatique Desborow,
  • 35. Becco Cornutho Cuckold Walton,
  • 36. Philip Windmill Skippon,
  • 37. Edward Vulture Whalley,
  • 38. Butcher bloudy Harrison,
  • 39. William Cut-throat Cawley,
  • 40. Anthony Firebrand Stapeley,
  • 41. William Poyson-gorged Goffe,
  • 42. Gregory Crupper-gall'd Clement,
  • 43. Clark Thomas Pocky mangy Bawdyhouse Scot,
  • 44. Luke the Lamb murtherer Robinson that transports wool▪
  • 45. Publican cheating customer Harvey,
  • 46. Daniel bloudy Blagrave,
  • 47. Francis Incendiary Allin,
  • 48. Simon malicious Meyne,
  • 49. John Ven Aldermen who hanged themselves as did Sir Hen­ry Vane Senior.
  • 50. John Hoyle,
  • 51. Rowland Wilson,
  • 52. Perjur'd Pennington, These abortive Alder­men were Treasurers for his Highness Lucifers Legi­nary Army.
  • 53. Wolf Wollaston,
  • 54. Treble Traytor Andrews,
  • 55. Unchristian Christo. Pack,
  • 56. Tyburn Tichburn,
  • 57. Lewd look'd Ireton,
  • 58. Meroz Marshall, These were false Prophets and Chaplains to his Highness said Leginary Armie.
  • 59. Negromancer Nye,
  • 60. Pimp Peters,
  • 61. Blaspheming Sterry,
  • 62. Dunce Owen.

The mournful form of the Rumps last end, as it was with great applause acted at Dublin on Munday May 14. 1660.

In the Evening of th' aforesaid day, about the hour that Mortals make Bonfires, there appeared four hi­deous Moors or Negro's, apparelled in black with Devils shapes, cloven Feet and large Horns on their heads, on their shoulders was carried a goodly Rump, with which they marched to the Bonfire at Mr. Mayors door, being attended with forty Negro's more in Devils shipes also, twenty going before the Rump, and twenty following it with Links in their hands, and when they cast it into the fire, they sent forth high and hideous cries and shreeks after it: Exit Rump. Nay good Rump do not swagger.

LONDON, Printed in the Year 1660.

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