THis October last past at Newbery in Barkshire, divers Anabaptists of the Brotherhood and Sisters having increased, and growing to a height, and distempring others that were not of their sect, and after their way, they grew to that height of holines, as they conceived, none to be like them, and that they had rapture in the Spirit, and that they had gotten such new lights and Revelations, and such heavenly Jnspirations, that they were so exceedingly enlightned as they presumed to dive into the secrets of the Allmighty God, and in such a mistical way as J think't were blasphemy to name nay, some of these Holie Sisters being as they said [Page 4] so much illuminated and inspired with divine revelations, tooke upon them to be wrapt up in the Spirit, and to see and know such Glorious things that could not be imagined, and were so possessed with the Spirit; that they had thoughts unexpressable, so that the one of them had such strange Gestures, Postures and Fits, much like Convultion fits, and was observed when some came to visit her, that then she fell into these strange Gestures, and in so uncoth a manner, that as if the Devill himselfe (which J beleeve was in her) had been there, she could not have mo [...] cunningly carried on the designe, for shee was a Schoole mistris, and had learned of the Devill her tutor, to deceive, and it was observed when any came to see her, she would begin to heave up her brest and stomack, and act these strange Gesture, and postures, and speake such strange words, and tell them she saw Glorious things, and that she saw such a brother in the Spirit, and such a Sister, and that she should not dye but be taken up into heaven such a Satterday, and another Sister should the Weeke following be also taken up; and such and such were in the state of [Page 5] salvation, and lived the life of saints, and in the height of her fits would personat & name such as were of her sect to be holy, & to that effect; name such Sisters as pertaked of the riches of Grace, & such as had given the glorious new lights, & were full of the spirit of (Lying and dissembling) truth, and who were the Elect and chosen of God, and then again declareth that she was to be taken away either in a Cloud or Chariot, and that death had no power of her, for she was to be carried quick into heaven such a night, and of her confidence drew othem to be of her mind, & that week shee with some of her sisters went abroad to take her leave of the Brothers & sisters, & wept and kissed them, took her leave for her great journey to Heaven, which she was so sure, that she put of all her Scollers, for she taught children, & gave away all her worst cloaths, because she wold go to Heaven clean, & neat, the Saterday was set, & at night the house where she was, all her Sisters met of the Anabaptist crew, to accompanie her where were prayer, heavenly speeches and weeping eyes, not few to take their leave & to see her assends to Glory the House two full out into the Backside [Page 6] were carried the Stoole, Chayer, and frames, all the people follow, not less then three or four hundred to see this she saint carryed up to heaven, and happy was that sister that could get nearest, for one got hold of her Coat to be caried away, at which some were offended that should hinder such a Iourny:
It was a Moon-shine night, and were such a joyfull night to these Saints as they professed, & they cry out, the Glorious things of that bright night would bring forth, none were able to express, for God was sending out his Angell to wait on her, and they saw him comming in the Clouds, (But all the rest saw no such thing) stil saying he comes he comes, and a dark ayrie Cloud came under the moon, which did Eclipse the light of the moon, and then they try behould he comes in the clouds, but that vanishing, and the Shee Saint not being taken away, shee begins after a pause to expostulate that God would appeare to vindicate his honor and power, to make good her Revelations, and in such mannor as it becomes not my Pen to write, and then they perceived a far of comming a flock of wild Geese, which at first they knew not to be so, at which [Page 7] they cry he comes, he comes; in Glory, and all hould up their hands of that Sect, and out went their cryes, he comes, he is come, he's come, and she stands ready up to be caryed, and a young Sister cryes hould, to accend with her, and such joy as might be, but the flock of wild Geese fly away, and left their sister and all her Geese to learne more wit, and so their owne Boyes and Girles deryding them, and the ancient men and women pittying their silly foolish carriages, and the delusions of them by the Devill, wished they might learn more wit, and so left them to steale home in the Clouds, and for the other two sisters which were to be caried away, I heard that Goodwife Blisset, a sister, was carried suddainly after to a Church 7. miles further, but either by a horse or on her own leggs, but not in clouds, & because some be ve [...]y sorrowfull and r [...]e [...], and do now beleeve, it was the Dive [...]s [...]ties to delude them, I shall not express their names, But if any misdout of this truth, let them speak with any Newbury people, and then they shall finde I have written truth.