AN EPITAPH On the late deceased, that truely-Noble and Renowned Lady ELIZABETH CROMWEL, (Mother to His Highness the Lo. Protector of Great Britain and Ireland, &c.) who lived to the age of 89. and died Nov. 16. 1654. and lieth buried in Westminster-Abbey.

REnowned mother of our Lord
Great OLIVER Protector,
Thou noble Root that didst afford
Great Britain's Weal's Affector!
Like Helen, sometime honoured
For Great Constantine's Mother;
So Thou for Us hast born and bred
One truely such another
In Wisdom, Valour, and Goodness,
That hath us freed from Chains
Of Tyrants great, that did distress
Good men with cruel Pains.
And as Great Constantine did free
Christ's Church from Persecution;
So hath thy Son gain'd Libertie
For real Truth's promotion.
May he go on to conquer still
All potent Enemies
That wish our Western Zion ill,
And would our Rights surprise.
And may he give the fatal blowe
To Persecution's pride,
In any Forms, both high or lowe,
Where-ever he doth hide.
May he go on, Terrour to be
To Rome's usurping power;
May he give Christians Libertie
(Out from that Babel-Tower)
And ease poor Protestants from Bands,
And th' cruel Inquisition,
And free us from proud Clergies hands,
Is that which we petition.
Madam, you lived to great age,
And saw most great Mutation
Acted upon the common Stage
Of this our terrene Station.
Your Life it was most full of Love
To creatures in distress:
That is the God-like life above,
And is true Happiness.
May You and Yours it still possess.
J. L▪

LONDON, Printed by James Cottrel. 1655.

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