[blazon or coat of arms]

[blazon or coat of arms]

At the general Quarter-Sessions of the publick peace [...]ondon ss.holden for the City of London by adjournament at Justice-hall in the old Baily London, on Wednes­day the xij day of January in the year of our Lord 1652 before John Fowke Maior of the City of London, Thomas Atkins, Thomas Andrewes, Thomas Foote, John Ken­dricke, Aldermen of the City of London, and William Steel Recorder of the same City, Samuel Avery, Robert Titchborne and John Dethicke, Aldermen of the said City, and other their fellowes Justices assigned to keep the publick peace in the City of London, and also to hear and determine divers fellonies, trespasses and other misdemea­nours within the same City committed.

WHereas by order of Parliament of the xi of January instant, It was referred to the Lord Maior and the several Courts of Sessions of the Peace for London and Middle­sex, at their then next sitting being at this present time, and they were impowred to give in charge to the Grand Iury to inquire what is a fit and indifferent price for seacoals and upon their presentment to set such rate and price as they shall think fit both within the Cities of London and Westminster, and Liberties thereof, the Borough of Southwark and County of Middlesex, and that all Wood-mongers Cole-merchants and others that sell either in grosse or by retail within the said Cities and Liberties thereof, the borough of South­wark and County aforesaid, be enjoyned to sell the Coals in their possessions not exceeding the rate and price which shall be so set accordingly, and that the Lord Maior and Iustices of the Peace with­in the said Cities and Liberties thereof, and borough and county aforesaid, respectively doe take care that this Order be duely observed and put in execution with all possible speed for the advantage and relief of the poor: And whereas this Court in pursuance of the said Order and by virtue thereof have given in charge to the Grand Iury for the City of London to enquire and make pre­sentment according to the said Order: And accordingly the said grand Iury have made and deli­vered in their presentment to that Court in this behalfe: And now upon serious consideration there­of had in the presence of and with the advice of the Lord chief Iustice Rolle, the Lord chief Baron Wyld, M. Iustice Jermin, and Iustice Aske, and divers other Iustices here present: This Court doth think fit and hereby order that no Cole-Merchant, Wood-monger, Chandler, or other person or persons whatsoever that sel sea-coals either in grosse or by retail within the City of London and the li­berties thereof, and the borough of Southwark shall from henceforth sell or utter any Seacoales either in grosse or by retail above the rate and price of twelve pence the bushell, nor above the rate and price in proportion for any greater or lesser measure or quantity of Seacoals untill further or other order shall be duely given in this behalfe, And that for the better observation hereof this Order be openly published.


Printed by James Flesher, Printer to the Honourable City of LONDON.

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