FOrasmuch as notwithstanding divers good Acts and Ordinances of Parliament London sc. made for the better observation of the Lords-day, dayes of Publique Humiliation, and Thanksgiving; and the many endeavours used for the due execution thereof: It is observed that the Lords day is very much prophaned, and the observation thereof, and others the dayes aforesaid, are very much neglected within this City and the Liberties thereof, by Vintners, Inholders, Ale-house-keepers, Butchers, Fruiterers, Cookes, Tobacco-sellers, Keepers of Ordinaries, and such like, by suffering tipling and drinking in their houses; and by them and others in Selling, and exposing to sale divers Commodities, and in unlawfull Pastimes, and Travelling, and working upon the dayes aforesaid, within this City and Liberties thereof, to the great dishonour of Almighty God, scandall of Religion and the Government of this City: And whereas also severall persons do keep Hackney-Coaches, and Watermen by rowing upon the river of Thames, do ordinarily exercise their Callings upon the dayes aforesaid; I have therefore thought fit for the better discovering and suppressing of the severall Offences aforesaid, and for the more exact execution of the severall Laws and Ordinances made for that purpose, to appoint, and do hereby accordingly appoint the persons here-under named, Inhabitants within the said City and Liberties, diligently and by all Lawfull means to make discovery of all persons offending contrary to the Laws and Ordinances aforesaid, to my Self or any the Justices within the said City and Liberties, or to any Constable or other officer who are authorized by the said Acts, or any of them, to apprehend such Offenders: And for that end do also will and require, and in the name of his Highness the Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, hereby straightly Charge and Command all such Constables and others, Officers and Ministers, within the said City and Liberties thereof, to whom it shall appertaine, to be diligent in the execution of the Powers and Authorities given them by the said Laws, or any of them, And also to be aiding and assisting unto them the said persons hereunder particularly named, and every, or any of them in the finding out, & causing to be apprehended, all and every such person and persons, as shall offend in any of the kinds aforesaid, or otherwise contrary to the Laws aforesaid, And them and every of them to bring before me, or some other the Justices of the Peace, within this City and the Liberties of the same, to the end that such offenders, and every of them, may be further dealt withall as to Justice shall appertain: I doe judge it to bee my Duty to use the utmost power that God and Men hath betrusted me with, to finde out all Offenders in the premises, and to inflict on them the utmost punishment that the Law requires for such offences, and doe desire all persons intrusted herewith, to make Conscience of doing their utmost, to bring all offenders herein to punishment, That so this City may not lie under the guilt of this Crying sinne; and such as are required by the Law upon a penalty to see these Lawes duely executed, must expect to suffer what ever the Law doth lay on them, if they shall bee found negligent in their duties: And the Ministers of every congregation, are hereby desired to be frequent in minding and exhorting their People to use their Constant, and Vigorous endeavours, to prevent this growing Evill, by bringing the Offenders to their due punishment, which is a work that will doubtless be highly pleasing to God and all good men, and greatly Honorable to our Religion and Government, which ought to bee the desire and endeavour of all that professe to owne God, Jesus Christ and the Gospell:
Dated the [...] day of [...] 1656