WHereas the Lord Generall hath received a message from the Committee for the Admiralty, to recommend unto me how some good quantity of old Linnen may be gotten and made ready to be speedily sent to the sea-coast, for the dressing of the wounds of the souldiers who were wounded in the late Ingagement at Sea; which his excellency by his letter hath done ac­cordingly: These are therefore earnestly to desire you that on the next Lords day you do publish and make known, the same in your respective Congregations, and that the Church-wardens of the severall Parishes do take notice thereof, and do forthwith repair to the houses of the severall inha­bitants within the same Parishes, and receive and take into their custody all such linnen as well di­sposed people shall give for the purpose aforesaid, and to let them know that some trusty Persons will be appointed for the receiving of such linnen from the Church-wardens as they shall gather and get ready, and will send and dispose of the same to the use of the wounded Souldiers; And hereof I de­sire your and their care and furtherance herein, it being a work so pious and charitable,

John Fowke Maior.
To the Ministers and Church-wardens of the severall Parishes within the City of London, and Liberties thereof.

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