By the Major.
WHereas it is made known to my self, the Aldermen, and Commons in Common-councell assembled, by a Letter received from his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, That his Lordship for the preventing of the quartering of his Army in the City, doth require, that a present supply of money may be paid for the use of the Army, to enable them to pay their Quarters, out of the Arrears owing upon the severall assessements made for the maintenance of the said Army: In pursuance therefore of an act of Common-councell this day made; These are to give notice to all Collectors and other persons in arrear upon any of the assessements aforesaid, That if they do not on Monday next pay all such sums of money as are owing by them in arrear, or is remaining in their hands, that then the names of every person and persons so failing therein, shall bee forthwith returned, together with the severall sums of money by them owing or remaining in their hands: And the Minister of every Parish within this City and liberties thereof, is desired both forenoon and afternoon to publish this in their severall Parish Churches, that so every person concerned therein may take notice thereof, thereby to avoid the danger that may follow thereupon.