By the Mayor.

To the Alderman of the Ward of

FOrasmuch as the Lords day, commonly called Sunday, is of late much broken and prophaned, by a disorderly sort of people, in frequenting Ta­vernes, Alehouses, and the like, and in carrying and putting to sale Victu­all, and other things, and exercising unlawfull Games and pastimes, to the great dishonour of God, and reproach of Religion. These are there­fore to will and require you, in his Maiesties name, forthwith upon sight hereof, to give strict charge and command unto all and every the Church­wardens and Constables within your Ward, that from henceforth they doe not permit or suffer any person or persons, in the time of divine Service, or at any time upon the Lords day, to be tipling in any Taverne, Inne, Tobaccoshop, Alehouse, or other Victualling house whatsoever, nor suffer any Fruiterers, or Herb-women, to stand with Fruite, Herbes, or other Victuall or Wares, in any Streetes, Lanes, or Allies, within your Ward, or any other wayes, to put those or any other things to sale on that day, at any time of the day, or in the evening thereof, or any Milkewomen to cry milke on that day, in any the Streetes, or places aforesaid, nor to permit or suffer any person or persons to use or exercise upon that day their labour in unlading any vessels of Fruite, or other Goods, and carrying Goods on shore, or in the streetes, or to doe any unlawfull exercises and pastimes, within your Ward, and that expresse charge be given to every keeper of any Taverne, Inne, Cookes-shop, Tobac­co house, Alehouse, or any other Tipler or Victualler whatsoever within your Ward, that hereafter they receive not or suffer to remaine any person or persons whatsoever as their guests or Customers, to Tipple, Eate, Drinke, or take Tobacco in their Houses upon the Lords day, other then that Inholders may receive their Ordinary Guests, or Travellers and such like, who come to remaine for a time in their Inne, for dispatch of their necessary businesse. And if any person or persons, shall bee found offending in the premises, that then they bee brought before me the Lord Mayor, or some other of his Maiesties Iustices of the peace, to the end they may receive such punishment as to Iustice shall appertaine. And hereof not to faile, as you will answer the contrary at your perill.


Printed by Richard Cotes, Printer to the Honourable City of LONDON.

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