At a Common-councel held on Tuesday, the 20 th. day of August, 1650.

IT is Ordered by this Court of Com­mon-councell, FOOT Major. London. that Thurseday next, the 22 of this present August, shall bee set apart for especiall seeking of God, by Prayer and Fasting, for the Army which is gone hence into Scotland: and Mr. Griffith, Mr. Sterry, Mr. Brooks, Mr. Feak, Mr. Cardwell, Mr. Greenhill, Mr. Thomas Goodwin, Mr. Powell, Mr. Sedgwick, Mr. John Sympson, and Mr. Sidrack Sympson, or any 4 of them, to be desired to be then here, to pray with this Court, which is to meet in the Common-councel Chamber, at nine of the clock on Thurseday morning; And every Member of this Court is especially desired to be present here that day; and in the close thereof, the Court will subscribe, as God shall move each man, (and afterwards the Mem­bers of this Court will move the Inhabitants of their severall Precincts, and every Member of this Court that shall be then absent) for a free Contribution to be sent to the poor Souldiers (in that Expedition) who have so freely adventured their lives, for the safety of this City, and the whole Common-wealth.


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