An Act of Common-Councell concerning the Collecting and gathering of the Fifteenes Granted for the necessary Defence of the City of
Commune Concilium tentum in Camera
Guild-hall Civitatis
London, septimo die Aprilis 1643 post meridiem, Annoque Regni Domini nostri
Caroli, nunc Regis
Angliae, &c. decimo nono, coram
Isaac Pennington Majore secundo tempore Civitatis
London, Jacobo Garrad Milite,
Thoma Atkin, Johan. Wollaston Milite,
Thoma Adams, Johan. Warner, Johan. Towse, Abraha. Reynardson, Georgio Garret Milite,
Johan. Fowke, Jacobo Bunce, Willi. Gibbs, & Richardo Chambers, Aldermannis Civitatis praedictae, ac
Johan. Langham, & Thoma Andrews, Aldermannis ac dicte Civitatis Vicecomit' Necnon majore parte Communariorum de Communi Concilio ejusdem Civitatis tunc & ibidem Assemblat'.
WHEREAS at a Common Councell here holden, the three and twentyeth day of February last past, eight Fifteenes (after the new rate) were granted for the necessary defence of this City, and thereby Collectors are to be made, and directions given, in what manner, and to whom, and to what purpose the said Monies Collected shall be paid and issued out, as by the said Act it doth more at large appeare. And forasmuch as this Court is informed by some Members thereof, that the Collecting of the said monies is much detarded and hindered, by reason that divers Collectors conceive that they have not power to distraine for the same, in case the same be refused to be paid; For clearing of which doubt, and furthering the Collecting of the same;
It is declared granted, and enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, the Right Worshipfull the Aldermen his Brethren, and Commons in this Common Councell assembled, and by authority of the same: That it shall and may be lawfull to and for all and every of the Collectors of the said Fifteenes, respectively within his and their respective divisions or collections, to distraine any person or persons refusing to pay the said Fifteenes, by his, her, and their goods and Chattels, and the same to take, carry away and retaine, untill such person or persons so refusing, shall pay his or her part or portion of the said Fifteenes. And for his assistance shall (if he or they require the same) take unto him or them any Constable or Constables within the Parish or Ward, where any person or persons refusing shall dwell. And that all the Constables within the City of London and Liberties thereof, as well within Priviledged places as without, shall and are hereby required (upon request of any Collector or Collectors of the said Fifteenes) to ayde and assist such Collector or Collectors to take Distresses for default of payment of the said Fifteenes. And that it shall be lawfull to and for the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor to make a Warrant or Precept unto any Collector (requiring the same) to distraine the Goods and Chattels of every person or persons refusing to pay the said Fifteenes. And for the better incouragement of the said Collectors in the due executing of their duties and speedy collecting of the severall summes of Money in their severall and respective Collections; It is granted, agreed and enacted by authority aforesaid, That if the said Collectors or any of them shall distraine the Goods and chattels of any person or persons refusing to pay the said Fifteenes, for the said monies or any part thereof by a reasonable distresse; And that for the same, he, they, or any person or persons that doth or shall aide or assist him, them, or any of them, in taking such reasonable distresse, shall be sued or put to charges, that then such Collectors and every one of them, and all Constables and others, persons aiding and assisting them or any of them therein, shall be defended and saved harmelesse by this Court.
Printed by Richard Cotes, Printer to the Honourable City of London.