At a Court of Sewers held at the Guild Hall, Sewers London §. London; on Saterday the fifth of February in the year of our Lord 1652. before us Commissioners of Sewers for the City of London the Suburbs of the same and elsewhere in all places within the limits of two miles of and from the said City, whose names hereafter ensue, whereof three or more are of the Quorum, to wit,
- The Lord Major of the City of London.
- Mr. Alderman Kendrick.
- Mr. Alderman Pack.
- Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower.
- Mr. Webbe.
- Mr. Swallow.
- Mr. Cole.
- Mr. Holloway.
- Mr. Normington.
- Mr. Bellomy.
- Mr. Nash.
- Mr. Benson.
- Mr. Argent.
- Mr. Archer.
- Mr. Clark.
IT was amongst other things ordered and decreed as followeth, to wit, Whereas in the due execution of a commission of Sewers for the limits aforesaid under the great Seal of England, bearing date at Westminster the 30 day of July in the year of our Lord 1651. to us and others directed, it appeareth aswel by view as by the oathes of good and lawfull men aswel of the west part of the said City as of the County of Middlesex, that the common Dich or Sewer commonly called Fleet-Ditch and the River-Wells, also Tremel-Brook from the River of Thames at Bridewell Dock London to Hockley in the hole in the County of Middlesex having bin antiently passable with Boats, Ballingers, Lighters, and other vessels is now by many encroachments thereupon made by keeping of Hogs and Swine therein and elsewhere neer to the said Sewer, the throwing in of Offals and other Garbage by Butchers, Soucemen and others, and by reason of many houses of office erected built and standing upon and over the said Sewer and otherwise not only stopped, choaked up and become unpassable with boats and other vessels as heretofore, but also become very stinking and noisome to the great prejudice and annoyance not only of the neighbourhood and inhabitants thereabout, but to the said City of London and County of Middlesex, and the Commonwealth in general, and contratry to the good and whole some Lawes and Statutes of this Common-wealth in that case made and provided. And whereas all or most of the offenders in any the kinds a foresaid stand presented before us for their several encroachments, houses of office erected and other annoyances and misdemeanors by them severally made and committed in and upon the said Ditch or Sewer, some whereof have appeared submitted them selves and been fined and others, though summoned, have not appeared, but stand in contempt, and yet the said encroachments, erections and nusances are still continued unredressed.
Now we the said Commissioners minding a through reformation of all the said abuses by scouring and cleansing the said Ditch or Sewer to make it passable again with boats and other vessels for the benefit of the inhabitants and others as formerly, and being desirous that all the said encroachments nusances and other obstructions may be redressed and removed with as much ease and little trouble to the inhabitants as may be, do therefore think fit to order and decree, and it is hereby ordered and decreed, That as well all and every person and persons as stand presented before us as others not yet presented for any encroachments, stops, lets, houses of office or annoyances in or upon the said ditch or Sewer shall abate, pull down, reform and amend the same by the 12 day of March next coming upon such pain as shall by the said Commissioners by vertue of the said Commission, and the authority therof according to the Lawes and Statutes of this Commonwealth in that case made and provided, be inflicted upon them in case of there neglect herein.
- Benjamine Webbe
- Edward Moreton