A LIST OF THE Prisoners taken, and those that were slain by Collonell Horton in South-Wales. AND An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled.
For setling the Militia, and raising of Forces for suppressing all Rebellions and Insurrections in the Counties of Gloucester, Monmouth, Brecon, and Glamorgan. AND For the better securing, and safety of the Parliament, and the said Counties.
Die Veneris 12. May. 1648.
REsolved by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled, That Wednesday next be appointed for a day of publique thankesgiving to Almighty God, for h [...] great mercy and blessing in giving so great and seasonable a Victory to the Parliaments Forces; under the Command of Colonell Horton, over all the Forces of the Enemy in South-Wales, on Munday the 8 of this instant May 1648▪ To bee observed within the City of London and Liberties thereof▪ late lines of Communication, and weekely Bills of, Mortality; And that the Lord Mayor be desired to give timely notice hereof, to all the Ministers within the places aforesaid.
Joh Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
Printed at London by Robert Ibbitson in Smithfield, neere the Queens-head Tavern. 1648.
Die Veneris 12 May 1648.
BE it Ordained, and it is ordained by the Lords & Commons Assembled in Parliament, That these persons following, ( viz) For the County of Gloucester, William Lord Viscount Say and Seal, James Fienes Esquire, Sir John Seymor Knight, Nathaniell Stephens, Edward Stephens, John Stephens, Thomas Hodges, Thomas Pury Esquires; Sir Giles Overbury Knight, William Leigh, Richard Aylworth, Job Deighton, John Barnard Esquires, Robert Waterworth Gent. Silvanus Wood, John Fettiplace, Robert Oldesworth Esquires, Richard Stephens, Stephen Fowler Gent. Thomas Escourt, William Shephard, John Codrington, Samuel Codrington, Thomas Stephens, William Stafford, Matthew Huntley, Anthony Kingscote, Richard Yate▪ William Cooke, Thomas Iames Esquires; Iames Hawkins Gent. William Browne Esq Col. Iohn Barrow, Col. Robert Kyrle, Lieutenant Collonell Daniel Dobbins, and George Ken, Esquire, For the City and County of the City of Gloucester, the Major, Recorder and Sheriffes of the City of Gloucester, for the [Page 3]time being, John Brewster, William Singleton, William Capell, Thomas Hill, Thomas Pury, Dennis Wife, Luke Nurse, John Maddox, Henry Cugley, James Stephens, Aldermen; Iohn Lenthall, Iohn Dorney, Robert Kirle, Iohn Hanbury, Silvanus VVood, VVilliam Sheppard, Evan Soize Esquires, and Thomas Pury jun: Gent: For the County of Monmouth, Philip Earle of Pembrooke and Mountgomery, Iohn Herbert Esquire, Sir Trevor Williams Barronet, Thomas Morgan, Collonell VVilliam Herbert, Henry Herbert, VVilliam Morgan, Edward Morgan, Collonell Thomas Herbert, Collonell Thomas Hughes, Thomas Pury jun. William Iones, William Baker, Henry Baker, Iohn Parry, Iohn Walter, Christopher Katchmey, VVilliam Blething, Iohn Hanbury, Roger Williams, William Packer, and Rice Williams Esquires: For the County of Brecon, Howel Guin of Lanbraine, Iohn Walbief, Edward Ramsey, Edmond Ganies, Thomas Lewes, Thomas Williams, Thomas Price, William Watkins, and Lewis Iones Esquires: For the County of Glamorgan, Philip Earl of Pentbrook and Mountgomery, Philip Lord Herbert, Algernon Sidney, Walter Stoickland, Bussey Mansel, Edward Brichard; Michael Oldesworth, Evan Soyse, Humphrey [Page 2]Windham, Thomas Carne, Collonell VVilliam Herbert, Edward Stradling, Collonell Philip Iones, Iohn Herbert, Thomas Spencer, Richard Iones, Iohn Price, and Rowland Dawkins Esquires shall be Committees for the Militia respectively in the severall and respective Counties o [...] Gloucester and Monmouth, The City, and County of the City of Gloucester Brecon & Glamorgan, for the better securing, and safety of the Parliament, and the said Counties.
And shall have power and authority, and are hereby authorized by themselves, or any three of them in the said severall Counties, and places respectively to put the said Counties & places, into a posture of defence, and to raise Forces, Horse and Foot, and them to list, arme and exercise, and to forme them into Regiaments, Troops and Companies, and them to muster, array and weapon from time to time in places fit for that purpose, and to appoint over them Colonels, Captains and other Officers from time to time, by Commissions under the Hands and Seals of the said severall and respective Committees, or any seaven of them, in the respective Counties aforesaid, as often as there shalbe [Page 3]occasion in that behalfe, And shal have power, and are hereby authorized by themselves, or their said Commanders, and Officers to lead, conduct, and imploy the said Persons arrayed, and weaponed for the suppression of all Rebellions and Insurrections that shal or may happen within the Counties and Places aforesaid, according as the said Committees respectively shall from time to time give directions, or shall be otherwise directed from time to time by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled, Or the Committee sitting at Darby house, Any former Order, Declaration, or other matter to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding, And for all, and every their doing herein, the said respective Committees, and all and every the said Person and Persons shall be saved harmelesse, and indempnified by the authority of Parliament. Provided that this Ordinance, and every thing therein contained shall continue for the space of six Monthes, and no longer.
To the Right Honourable the Earle of Manchester, Speaker of the House of Peers, pro tempore.
GOd hath this day rewarded our wearisome Marches with a full and glorious Victory over and Enemy who had used much subtilty and diligence to engage the Kingdome in a new War; they had increased to a great number by the addition of divers disbanded men from England, and a generall conjunction of most of able bodied Inhabitants of the Counties of Pembrook, Cvrmarthen, and Cardigan, and many of Glamorgan. This day about nine of the Clocke it pleased God that wee ingaged with them at a place called Saint Fagons, three miles distant from Cardiffe, and for neare two hours had a very hot dispute, but at length by Gods mercy they were put to a totall rout, many slaine upon the place, and about three thousand Prisoners, great store of Armes and Ammunition, and many Coulours; The Enemy accounted themselves eight thousand Horse and Foot, which makes the mercy more remarkable.
My Lord, The Almighty was pleased [Page 5]greatly to strengthen both our Officers and Souldiers, in the discharge of their duties with much resolution and cheerfulnesse, but with one heart they desire, that the honour of this worke may bee wholly given to God. This account I held my self bound to present your Lordships with, to bee communicated to the Right Honourable the House of Peeres, being
- Major Gen. John Stradling.
- Laughorns Quartermaster gen.
- Laughorns Commissary gen.
- 12 Gentlemen that were to have had Commissions to attend at the head-Quarters.
- Collonell Harris,
- Col. Phillip Sammage, of Newcastle.
- Col. Rith. Grime.
- Col. Howel Gamis.
- Severall other Collonels, that had not received their Commissions.
- Lieut. Col. Wogan of Pembrook.
- Lieut. Col. Lewis of Redla.
- Lieu Col Hodskin of the Forest
- Major Phillips,
- Major Dawkins,
- Major Stedman,
- Major Christopher Matthews of St. Anall.
- Capt. Matthew.
- Capt. Will: Batton,
- Capt. Rich: Cradack.
Besides divers others, whose names are not yet brought in. (viz.)
- 80 Collonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Majors, Captaines, and Lieutenants.
- 70 Inseriour Officers.
- Doctor Lloyd,
- Severall other Malignant Min.
- Mr. Marmaduke Lloyd, Sir Marmaduke Lloyds Son.
- Mr. Hugh Lloyd,
- Mr. James Walcot,
- Mr. Walter Lloyd.
- Mr. George Anderson,
- Mr. Roger Gamis,
- Mr. VValter Powel,
- Mr. Edward Gamis,
- Mr. Roger VVilliams,
- Mr. Deavoreux Grafton.
- 250 Gentlemen and Reformado Officers.
- 2600 Common Souldiers,
- 4000 Clubmen dispersed to their severall habitations.
- 350 Armes broken & whole.
- 50 Coullours, and standards.
- 360 Horse,
- All their Ammunition, bagge and baggage.
- Lieut. Col. Thomas Laughorne,
- Lieut. Col. Howel.
- Major Bussey.
- Major Evan Thomas,
- Major Smith.
- Captain Turburvill a Papist.
- Capt. Powel of Lantrade,
- 40 Officers more,
- 150 Common Souldiers,
- Gen. Laughorn wounded & fled
- Col▪ Powel fled with 100 horse
- Col. Poyer keeps Pembrook castle with 100 men.
Die Veneris May 12. 1648.
REsolved by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled, That Wednesday next be appointed for a day of publique thanksgiving to Almighty God, for his great mercy and blessing, in giving so great and seasonable a Victory to the Parliaments Forces under the Command of Colonel Horton, over al the Forces of the Enemy in South-Wales on Munday the 8 of this instant May 1648 to be observed within the City of London and Liberties, thereof, late Lines of Communication and weekly Bills of Mortality. And that the Lord Mayor be desired to give timely notice hereof to all the Ministers within the places af [...]resaid.