A LIST OF THE NAMES OF SUCH PERSONS Who are thought fit for their Accommodation, and the furtherance of the Service in Ireland, to be entertained as Reformadoes; And to receive the halfe Pay due to the severall Officers here under named, untill opportunity be offered, according to their merit, further to prefer them; or that Order be given to the contrary, by the Committee at Guildehall London, 1642.

Captains of Horse.
  • William Pretty.
  • James Wroughton.
  • Thomas Temple.
  • James Regnolds.
Livetenants of Horse.
  • Stephen Crow.
  • Henry Sanderson.
  • Richard Stevens.
  • Joseph Cockain.
  • William Anselme.
  • Samuell Bossa.
  • Troibus Turbervill.
Coronets of Horse.
  • Henry Woodnorth.
  • William Dowthwayte.
  • Iohn Degennes. Waynford.
  • Nicholas Throgmorton.
  • William Baker.
  • Chichester Phillips
  • Nicholas Shuttleworth.
  • Randoll Cleyton.
  • Joseph Jaques.
  • Quarter-Masters of Horse.
  • Andrew Andrews.
  • Arnold Haywood.
  • Richard Stevens.
  • Paul Scober.
  • John Nelson.
  • Richard Moore.
  • Edward Maxwell.
  • William Tovey.
  • Henry Steward.
  • Paul Gresham.
Colonell of Foot.
  • Henry Billingsley.
  • Livetenant Colonell of Foot.
  • Sir Kobert Winckfield.
  • Edward Aldridge.
  • Francis Clarke.
  • Serjant-Majors of Foot.
  • John Holeman.
  • Thomas Dymocke.
  • Edward Rowse.
Captains of Foot.
  • Walter Ayleworth.
  • Moyses Treswell.
  • Sir Thomas Piggit.
  • Francis Wilson.
  • Jo. Drake.
  • Jo. Powell.
  • Jo. Errington.
  • Anthony Anderson.
  • Thomas Laward
  • Walter Owen.
  • Richard Catter.
  • Thomas Rogers.
  • Henry Crow.
  • James Usher.
  • Jo. Browne.
  • Inde Leigh.
  • Henry Ashley.
  • Jo. Bayley.
  • Thomas Bushell.
  • Thomas Gaudy.
  • Jo. Bolls.
  • Jo: Waidegrave.
  • Jo. Parkinson.
  • George Welch.
  • Francis Fairfax.
  • Jo. Dillon.
  • Thomas Bredman.
  • Humphrey Mathewes.
  • George Purfoy.
  • James Powell.
  • Thomas Gilborne.
  • Thomas Ward.
  • Jo. Heigham.
  • Henry Fotherby.
  • George Lower.
  • Sir William Fenton.
  • William Butler.
  • Oliver Wheeler.
  • Sir Iohn Leake.
  • Francis Turner.
  • Robert Hanson.
  • Humphrey Cory.
  • William Batters.
  • Phillip Dutton.
  • Edward Sanders.
  • Theodore Palealogus.
  • Prestland Molleneux.
  • Richard Iones.
Lievetenants of Foot.
  • Iohn Pollocke.
  • Marmaduke Pudsey.
  • Christopher Bingham.
  • Francis Dingley.
  • Thomas Lee.
  • Io. Balston.
  • Iames Moore.
  • Henry Ward.
  • Io. Robinson.
  • Iohn Flood.
  • Io. Bower.
  • Theodore Willet.
  • Robert Turner.
  • Isaac Challice.
  • William Cheney.
  • Edward Watts.
  • Roger Hidden.
  • Robert Fennour.
  • Henry Sommerstar.
  • Jo. Exton.
  • Osmond Williams.
  • William Reston.
  • William Spry.
  • Titus Layton.
  • William Cornay.
  • John Marshall.
  • Thomas Molleneux.
  • Robert Wilsheere.
  • George Phenix.
  • Thomas Rush.
Colonell Ensigne of Foot.
  • Robert Ludlowe.
  • William Cowse.
Captains Ensigns.
  • Henry Bennett.
  • Francis Jones.
  • Jo. Clifton.
  • Christopher Elsinge.
  • Francis Fitzhughes.
  • Anthony Masham.
  • Edward Goodwin.
  • Roger Walter.
  • Jasper Brand.
  • Edward Wood.
  • Francis Rogers.
  • Humphrey Dymocke.
  • Thomas Dover.
  • William Tucke.
  • James Anderson.
  • George Fulwood.
  • James Ashley,
  • Henry Blundell.
  • Edward Johnson.
  • Jo: Shancks.
  • William Skipwith.
  • Herald Gamble.
  • Jo: Gratwicke.
  • Ed. Hodgedon.
  • Thomas Button.
  • Thomas Garret.
  • Thomas Gwalter.
  • Robert Blunt.
  • Ellias Walley.
  • Henry Mills.
  • Robert Manly.
  • Michael Cooke.
  • Howard Kellet.
  • Thomas Rookes.
  • Lewis Pemberton.
  • Jo: VVilsheere.
  • Jo: Jervis.
  • Jo: Licence.
  • VValter Powell.
  • Io: Myn.
  • Io: Buttell.
  • Hugh Iustice.
  • Io: Hillersden.
  • Richard Parker.
  • Francis Bland.
  • Roger VVest.
  • Roger VVillet.
  • Iohn Musgrave.
  • Bartholomew Barns.
  • Io: Parris.
  • Miles Hitchcocke.
Other Officers listed by the said Comittee.
  • First Pay-Master of Horse and Foot, and all others that be­longs to the Army, Nicholas Bond.
  • His two Clerks; One of them to be em­ployed in the Payment and keeping of Accompts for the trayn of Artillery.
  • Comissary of the Victuals in England, Walt. Frost.
  • His Clerk.
  • Comissary of the fixed Magazine, Robert Goodwin
  • His Clarke, Richard Blatchford
  • Comisary of the victuals in the Army, Geo. Downing
  • His Clerke, Hen. Griffith
  • Comisaries of the Muster, Sir Edw. Dodsworth
  • His Clerke, William Sherwood
  • Deputy Comisary of the Musters, Benil Predeux
  • His Clerke, Gregory Bland
  • Clerke of the Councel of VVar, Hen. Delamyne
  • One of the Physitians, Doctor John King
  • Apothecaries, Rich: Maning, Miles Raven
  • Controler of the Ordinance and chiefe Engineer,
    • Philibert Eman.
    • Duboyce.
  • Assiant to the Engeneer, Anthony Outman
  • Gentlemen of the Ordinance
    • William Batters,
    • John Jesopp,
    • Thomas Vaines.
  • Comisary of the Amunition. Thomas Crant,
  • His Clerke, John Willet
  • Chiefe conductors of the Amu­nition, draught horses and traine of Artillery,
    • Edward West,
    • William Crawley
  • Under Conductors of the Amunition, and traine of Artillery,
    • Edward Wase,
    • Nicholas Gardiner,
    • Edward Hunt.
  • Master Gunner, Lancelot Haniball
  • Battery, Master and elder Mate to the Master Gunner, Edward Oakley
  • One Conductor of the Trenches, Christ. Richardson
The names of such as are not yet provided for this service.
  • 13 Chirurgions.
  • 13 Chirurgions Mates.
  • 1 Physitian
  • 4 Ministers
  • 1 Gunners Mate
  • 10 Canoneers
  • 1 VVorkmaster
  • 1 Conductor of thetrenches
  • 3 Carpenters
  • 3 VVheel-wrights
  • 1 Armorer
  • 1 Servant to him
  • 1 Gunsmith
  • 2 Servants to him
  • 1 Stock-Master
  • 2 Servants to him
  • 1 Blacksmith
  • 1 Servant to him
  • 1 Farrier
  • 1 Servant to him
  • 1 Harnesse-maker
  • 1 Servant to him
  • 1 Cordmaker
  • 1 Servant to him.
Besides these.
  • 7 Smiths, to each troop one
  • 7 Sadlers, to each troop one
As also some additions to the Colonell generals Regiments.
  • Quartermaster generall Hopton Haynes
  • Provost Master generall Geo. Higham
  • VVaggon Master Generall Deverex Guibon
To the Lord Kerries regiment.
  • Quarter master Zachary Walker
  • Provost Master Richard Warburton.
  • VVaggin-master Ralph Willins
To Colonell Ballards Regiment.
  • Quarter-Master William Rawlins
  • Provost-Master Benjamin Ludlow
  • VVaggon Master Francis Gay
To Colodell Essex his Regiment.
  • Quarter-Master Christopher Crow
  • Provest-Master Josua Sing
  • VVaggon-Master Simon Wheeler
To Colonell Banfeilds Regiment
  • Quarter-Master Christopher Allenson
  • Provost-Master Thomas Adams
  • VVaggon-Master Henry Beecher

LONDON, Printed for JOHN AVSTIN, June 16. 1642.

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