A List of the Field-Officers chosen and appointed for the Irish Expedition, by the Committee at Guild-hall London, for the Regiments of 5000. foot and 500. horse, Under the command of Philip Lord VVharton, Baron of Scarborough, Lord Generall for IRELAND.

Troops of Horse.

Colonell Generalls Troop.
  • CAptain Ralfe Whistler.
  • Cornet Peter Ware.
  • Quartermaster Nicholas Battersby.
  • Corporals. Conyers Cooper.
    Bartho. Johnson.
    Ralph Henery.
  • Second Troop Lord Broghill.
  • Lievtenant John Allen.
  • Cornet Cecill Ashcough.
  • Quartermaster Tho. Hudson.
  • Corporals Geo. Staples.
    Robert Bennet.
    Thomas Allen
  • Third troop Sir Faithfull Fortescue.
  • Lievtenant Francis Dovet.
  • Cornet Tho. Fortescue.
  • Quartermaster Io. Coyshe.
  • Corporals Jo. Vangerich.
    Jo. Marshall.
    Ralph Walcot.
  • Fourth troop Liev. Colonel Jo. Hurry.
  • Lievtenant William Mercer.
  • Cornet Sedescue.
  • Quartermaster Jo. Pearne.
  • Corporals Ralph Vickerman.
    Rich. Whymper.
    Will. Crane.
  • Fifth troop Alexander Nayrne.
  • Lievtenant William Hyde.
  • Cornet Marmaduke Cooper.
  • Quartermaster Gedeon Lock.
  • Corporals Nath. Walmsley.
    Hugh Farr.
    Hen. Ballard his Ensigne.
  • Sixth troop Jo. Trenchard.
  • Lievtenant Adam Baynard.
  • Cornet Jo. Hyde.
  • Quartermaster Francis Fook.
  • Corporals Jo. Freake.
    Jo. Starkey
    Tho. Gwalter.
  • Seventh troop William St. Leger.
  • Lievtenant Ed. Leventhorp.
  • Cornet Skrynsheere.
  • Quartermaster Philip Vanderhiden.
  • Corporals Ed. Gray.
    Nicho. Phipp.
    Robert Wood.

Foot Companies.

  • COlonell Generall.
  • His Captain Edward Massy.
  • His Ensigne Oliver Cromwell.
  • Lievtenant Colonell and Serieant Ma­ior Generall Jeremy Horton.
  • His Lievtenant Tho. Browne.
  • His Ensigne Ed. Greene.
  • Serieant Maior Owen Parry.
  • His Lievtenant Ed. Browne.
  • His Ensigne Rob. Hughes.
  • First Captain Vincent Calmady.
    • His Lievtenant Edward Tyrer.
    • His Ensigne Richard Bland.
  • Second Captain Robert Long.
    • His Lievtenant Tho. Allanby.
    • His Ensigne Roger Moore.
  • Third Captain Henry Carew.
    • His Lievtenant Charles Holcroft.
    • His Ensigne William Heyden.
  • Fourth Captain Hen. Skipwith.
    • His Lievtenant Io. Ivey.
    • His Ensigne Oliver St. John.
  • Fifth Capt. of Firelocks Elias Struice.
    • his Lievtenant Ed. Gray.
    • his Ensigne Tho. Barber.
  • Second Colonel Lord Kerrey.
    • his Captain Robert Hamond.
    • his Ensigne Richard Bagot.
  • Lievtenant Colonell Henry Shelley.
    • his Lievtenant Io. Ramsford.
    • his Ensigne Io. Ashfield.
  • Serieant Maior Daniel Goodrick.
    • his Lievtenant Geo. Lower.
    • his Ensigne Charles Blount.
  • First Captain Charles Dawson.
    • his Lievtenant Philip Meautas.
    • his Ensigne Iacob Stringer.
  • Second Captain Herbert Blankchard.
    • his Lievtenant Morgan Tinney.
    • his Ensign Christopher Chudleigh.
  • Third Cap. Agmondisham Muschamp
    • his Lievtenant Will. Dothwait.
    • his Ensigne Gervase Brach.
  • Fourth Captain Paul Wats.
    • his Lievtenant Andr. Manwarring.
    • his Ensigne Tho. Barriffe.
  • Fifth Capt. for Firelocks Will Lower.
    • his Lievtenant R [...]dman.
    • his Ensigne Io. Raymond.
  • Third Colonell Tho. Ballard.
    • his Lievtenant Tho. Grover.
    • his Ensigne Leonard Morton.
  • Lievtenant Colonell Sir. Ed. Denny.
    • his Lievtenant Ed. Odingsells.
    • his Ensigne William Garfoot.
  • Serieant Maior Francis Martin.
    • his Lievtenant Rob. Noyce.
    • his Ensigne Io. Hardy.
  • First Captain Cap. Primrose.
    • his Lievtenant Ed. Norbury.
    • his Ensigne William Fowlis.
  • Second Captain Edward Allen.
    • his Lievtenant Fran. Bowyer.
    • his Ensigne Robert Goodwin.
  • Third Captain Fran Fook.
    • his Lievtenant Tho. Nayerne.
    • his Ensigne Hen. Higgins.
  • Fourth Captain Thomas Middleton.
    • his Lievtenant Io. Lookar.
    • his Ensigne Charles Parker.
  • Fifth Capt. for Firelocks Peter Nurford.
    • his Lievtenant Robert Davis.
    • his Ensigne Hen. Cope.
  • Fourth Colonell Charles Essex.
    • his Captain Fran. Hall.
    • his Ensigne Io. Shipman.
  • Lievtenant Col. Adam Cunningham.
    • his Lievtenant Peter Crispe.
    • his Ensigne Leonard Hawkins.
  • Serjeant Major Tho. Ogle.
    • his Lievtenant Iames Webb.
    • his Ensigne Richard Osborne.
  • First Captain William Roberts.
    • his Lievtenant Ambrose Tindall.
    • his Ensigne Io. Watkins.
  • Second Captain George Narrow.
    • his Lievtenant Edward Barnwell.
    • his Ensigne Tho. Paramour.
  • Third Captain Constance Ferrer.
    • his Lievtenant William Hewet.
    • his Ensigne Io. Hemings.
  • Fourth Captain Sam. Loftus.
    • his Lievtenant Iames Barrell.
    • his Ensigne Fran. Butler.
  • Fifth Capt. for Fire-locks Iohn Iinkins.
    • his Lievtenant Bartho. Elecot.
    • his Ensigne Mr. Wayte.
  • Fifth Colonell William Bamfield.
    • his Captain Sam. Price.
    • his Ensigne Casworth.
  • Lievtenant Colonell Wagstaffe.
    • his Lievtenant Tho. Coleby.
    • his Ensigne Robert Nelson.
  • Serjeant Major George Hutchinson.
    • his Lievtenant Io. Minshaw.
    • his Ensigne William Bourcher.
  • First Captain Io. Bainfield.
    • his Lievtenant Richard Bingley.
    • his Ensigne Ralph Garts.
  • Second Captain Horatio Carey.
    • his Lievtenant Allen Povey.
    • his Ensigne Humfrey Burton.
  • Third Captain Robert Baker.
    • his Lievtenant Michael Bland.
    • his Ensigne Io. Rose.
  • Fourth Captain Christofer Burgh.
    • his Lievtenant Tho. Hoare.
    • his Ensigne Samuel Manaton.
  • Fifth Capt. for Fire-locks Rich. Benson.
    • his Lievtenant Tho. Latimer.
    • his Ensigne Io. Browne.

London Printed for Edward Paxton, Iune 11. 16 [...]2.

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