A LIST OF SVCH SHIPS And Friggotts of the Navy Royall, as also of such Marchants shipps as are set forth to Sea and prepared for the Service of the King and Parliament, in this Summers expedition, 1646. Together with the names of the Captaines and Commanders of the said Shipps and Friggotts.

The shipps and Frigotts, part of the Navy Royall
  Second Rate shipps Captaines
1 St. Andrew William Batten Vice-Admirall & Commander in cheife of the Fleet.
2 Rainbow Thomas Trenchfield Rere-Admirall.
3 James  
4 Charles Richard Swanley
5 Victory Benjamin Crandley
6 Vnicorne Peter Andrewes
Third Rate shipps
7 Lyon Robert Moulton Admirall of the Irish Seas.
8 Leopard Henry Bethell
9 Guarland John Bowen
10 Swallow William Somaster
11 Happy Entrance John Crowther Vice-Admirall of the Irish Seas.
12 Bonaventure Walter Maynard
13 Anthelop Edward Hall
14 Convertine Iohn Man
Shipps and Frigotts under the third Rate.
15 Expedition Sir George Ayscue
16 Providence John Stansby
17 John William Swanley
18 Fellowship Willam Pen, Rere-Admirall of the I­rish Seas.
19 Globe Richard Willoughby
20 Mary rose Phineas Pett
21 Warwick frigott James Peacocke
22 Hector Edward Elliott
23 Cignett William Peake
24 Sampson John Pilgrim
25 Crescent Iohn Edwin
26 Hinde Anthony Young
[...] Swan Robert Clearke
[...] Starre Robert Constable
[...] Greyhound Iohn Coppin
30 Roebuck Andrew Woodward
31 Lions 10 th Whelp William Laurence
32 Kentish frigott Iohn Mildmay
33 Robert William Rew
34 Welcome Pinke John Greene
35 Increase Robert Moulton Junior.
36 Tryall pinke Browne
37 Royalist Owen Coxe
38 Nicodemus Thomas Pacy
39 Charles Frigott Robert Clearke
40 Greene Frigott Thomas Farmer
41 Weymouth Frigot John Peirce
42 Lilly Frigott Iohn Lambert
43 Dove William Hazard
44 Hunter Ioseph Bransby
  Merchants Ships. Captaines
45 Const. Warwicke Iohn Gilson
46 True Love Gervase Couchman
47 President Peter Whitty
48 Harry Iohn Ellison
49 Defiance Iohn Whitty
50 Samuel Mathew Wood
51 Jocelyn Iames Moulton
52 Lucy Elias Drew
53 Magdalen John Hozier
54 Arke Robert Bramble
55 Morecoke Robert Philpott
56 Messenger Benja: Trenyman
57 Hopewell Francis Ceely
58 Hector Henry Parkhurst
59 Blessing Thomas Wenold
60 Sampson John Lyne
61 Rebecca Stephen Riche
62 Anne Percy Thomas Smith
63 Delight Thomas Lemon
64 Exchange Thomas Cheney.

Merchants Ships ordered to be graved and fitted for Sea, for the better defence of the King dome upon any emergent occasioon.

Two of which are of 500 tunnes. 7 betwyxt 4 and 500 tunnes. 21 betwixt 3 and 400 tunnes. and 3 betwixt 230 and 300 tunnes. viz.

65 The London John Stevens
66 Freeman Jacob Hyde
67 Society Nicholoas Hurlston
68 Experience John Swanley
69 Scipio Thomas Ewen
70 Angell Thomas Perry
71 Alleppo Mercht. John Millet
72 Ealcon Thomas Harman
73 Imployment Thomas Ashley
74 Charles William Weldy
75 Harry Bonaventr. George Swanley
76 Concord Iohn Bullard
78 George William White
79 Defence John Bostocke
80 Thomas & Francis Ellis Henderson
81 Crescent Michael Philips
82 John & Mary Ambrosse Chappell
83 James John Limbrey
84 Jeremy Iohn Moore
85 Arke John Maylin
86 Lewis John Barker
87 Edward Thomas Day
88 May-flower Thomas Bell
89 Anne William Boddiloe
90 Hector Richard Fernes
91 John Thomas Flute
92 Adventure Robert Wyard
93 William & John Sidrack Blake
94 Achilles Michael Shetten
95 Giles Henry Toope
96 Peter Bonav. Peter Lunt
97 Lisbon Mercht. Roger Garland
98 Dolphin Iohn Wall.

AT the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque-Ports, Ordered that this List of Ships for this Summers expedition, be forthwith Printed and Published.

Will. Iessop Secretary.

Printed for ED. HVSBAND, Printer to the Honourable House of Commons Aprill. 21 1646.

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