A LIST of some of the Grand Blasphemers and Blasphemies, Which was given in to The Committee for RELIGION.
Very fit to be taken notice of, Upon the occafion of the day of Publick Fasting and Humiliation.

  • I. JOhn Robins said, That he was God Almighty; he was committed to New-Prison at Clerkenwel, 1651.
  • II. Thomas Tidford said, That John Robins was God the Father, and the Father of oar Lord Jesus Christ; he was committed to the Gate-house, 1651.
  • III. Richard King said, His Wife was with childe of him that should be the Saviour of all those that shall be saved, was committed to New-Prison, 1651.
  • IV. Thomas Kerby said, That Cain (who murdered his Brother Abel) was the third Person in the Trinity; he was committed to the Gate-house, 1651.
  • V. Elizabeth Sorrel said, That those of her Society had power to raise the dead; she was committed to the Gate-house, 1651.
  • VI. Joshua Garment, clapping with his hands, and fillipping with his fingers, said, That was Preaching of the Gospel. Commit­ted to New-Prison, 1651.
  • VII. Elizabeth Haygood, being uncivil, and playing the fool, said, That that was Preaching the Gospel, which was foolishness; she was committed to New-Prison, 1651.
  • VIII. Joan Robins said, She was with childe, and the childe in her Womb was the Lord J [...]sus Christ; she was committed to New-Prison, 1651.
  • IX. Joan Garment said, He that she followed was God, her great Deliverer. Committed to New-Prison, 1651.
  • X. Margaret Hollis, singing antiquely, and in rude postures, said, That that was Religion. Committed to New-Prison, 1651.
  • XI. Anne Burrel, being with the Ranters, said, That was the right way of Preaching the Gospel. Committed to the Gate-house, 1651.
  • XII. Mary Vanlop said, She had served a false God, and had now found the true god to serve, who was a man whom she followed. Com­mitted to the Gate-house, 1651.
  • XIII. Thomas Kerby said, That he must be damned in Hell, for serving the God we serve, so long as he done; but it should be but for a time, for he now served the true god, which is a man; who after he hath been tormented for a time, will deliver him. Committed to the Gate-house, 1651.
  • XIV. John Rogers, a Carpenter in Listethiel, being at work on the Lords-day, and reproved for it, said, That if he was ordain­ed to be saved, he should be saved, how wickedly soever he led his life; and if he was ordained to be damned, he should be damned, though he lived never so godly a life. And on that very day, as he was hewing a piece of Timber, his Ax glanced and cut his Leg, and then stabbed himself with his Knife, and died on the place, 1652.
  • XV. Robert Clerk, living about Rippon in Yorkshire, ejecting one of his Tenants, said, That he had rather make a Den for De­vils of his house, then they should dwell in it. And the same day his Horse threw him, and so bruised him, that he bled at his mouth, and died, crying out, That his sins were greater then could be forgiven.
  • XVI. Mary Adams, living about Tillingham in Essex, said about 1652. That she was conceived with childe by the Holy Ghost, and that all the Gospel that had been taught heretofore, was false; and that which was within her, was the true Messias: Was imprisoned and delivered (after sore travail, eight days together) of an ugly dead Monster; and her self after she had lain some time rotting and stinking, with filthy Botches and Boyls, took a Knife when she was alone, and ripped up her own Bowels, and so died, 1652.
  • XVII. Mr. Jinkens of Grayes-Inn, holding it enough to be at hearing a Sermon; neglecting private duties, afterward on a Lords-day, so soon as he had been at a Sermon, hanged him­self in his own Chamber, 1652.
  • XVIII. Alice Turner of St. Katherines Parish, near the Tower, said, Drink was that must comfort her: And whilest one was going for some drink for her, she hanged her self.
  • XIX. A Goldsmith that did live in the Strand, and after in the City, and then at Eltham; who called his name Theau [...]au John Tany, the High Priest, &c. Published in Print, That all Re­ligion is a lie, a deceit, and a cheat, 1651.
  • XX. One came in to the Parliament House, about 1651. and sate down among the Members; but when he was asked by the Speaker, who he was, he said, He was Joshua the High Priest; King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.
  • XXI Nicholas Smith Shoomaker, living at Tillington in Sussex, saith in a book printed 1652. That the manner of the coming of the Spirit of the Lord Jesus upon him, was by touching lightly the haire of his head, so soaking down into his head, it made all his neck and shoulders to rise, after two hours it entred into his soul. And that we shew God, that we would have him make Horses without Tayles, and some without Ears, our own To [...]s all of a length, just strait, and square, some Feet a little forked, our Heads and Knees bigger, our Arms as big at the hands, as they are at the shoulders.
  • XXII Richard Faulkner at Petersfield in Sussex, kneeling down upon his knees in the middle of the Town, Drunk a health to the Devil, and at another time he said, That our Saviour Christ was a Bastard, and that his Father was a poor Carpenter, and that he carried his Fathers Tools after him in a Basket, and sware to a man, God dam him, be would bugger his soul into hell. For which he was committed Prisoner.
  • XXIII Mr. Smalbone said in the Vestry at White-hall Chappel, That all things, good and bad, are in God, and that Devils and Hell are in the Essence and being of God.
  • XXIV An Officer to a Re-baptized Church said, That salvation by Jesus Christ is no miracle, and that it was nothing but what was comprehended in nature, that he dyed, and became the Saviour of his people.
  • XXV Paul Best affirmed That Jesus Christ is not God, equal with God the Father. Committed by the Parliament.
  • XXVI An Officer dismist the Army, said, That the Scripture is no more to be beleeved but as the Turks Alchoron, or other books of other mens writings, so far as it is truth, and that there are many things in it contradictory one place to another.
  • XXVII Mrs. Gay at Knightsbridge said, That she could serve God as well in her bed, or at work in her Garden on the Lords dayes, as at any Ordinances at any meeting place. About 1651. she was grie­vously afflicted without the use of her limbs, bed-ridden about a year, under a sad dispaire, and horrible torment of Devils, and so dyed.
  • XXVIII Mrs. Clerk the Butchers wife affirmed, That she hath her Tribe as well as Christ, and is the Saviour of those of her Tribe as Christ is of his. And that there are ten Tribes more.
  • XXIX One pretended to be a Jew in Northumberland, was Re­baptized, proved a great Blasphemer, and an Imposter.
  • XXX Ranters, Quakers, Seekers, and Blasphemers do daily broach sad and fearfull Blasphemies.

LONDON, Printed by Robert Ibbitson, 1654.

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