LIeutenant General Hammond, Colonel Okey, and other Officers of the Army, this day presented a Petition to the House, with a Draught of The Agreement of the People: The Petitioners being called in, Mr Speaker, by Command of the House, gave them this Answer.
YOu the Officers of the Army, sent by the Lord General, and the Officers of the Army, unto this House with this Petition: The House hath read your Petition; and for the Agreement, presented therewith, the House hath commanded me to tell you, They have resolved to take the same into their Consideration, with what possible speed the necessity of the present weighty and urgent affairs will permit. They have commanded me likewise to tell you, they finde these good Affections and serious Representations made in your Petition, that they have Ordered it to be printed. I am likewise commanded to tell you, That this House doth take notice of your faithful and great Services to the Kingdom, in standing in the Gap for their Preservation; and commanded me to give hearty Thanks to the Lord General, and the Officers of the Army, for these good Services, and the good Affections you have herein expressed; And I do, in their name, give the hearty Thanks of this House to the Lord General, and to you, and the rest of the Officers of the Army, for their good Affections, great Services, and cordial Expressions.