A LETTER From an Officer of the ARMY in IRELAND to a Kinsman of his in the ENGLISH ARMY.

Good Cosen,

THe enclosed is both a Duty, and a Legacy: if you Love your Self, Peruse it; if you Love Me, Publish it, for it is in­tended to my Friends, and to my Country. It is the Last, and it is the Greatest Good I can do you, and it is as well the Last, and the Greatest Right I am capable of receiving from you.


Fellow Souldiers,

I Am not in condition for many words, and I hope these few will be profitable to You, although the Fruits of a repentance, very Late, as to my self. The Damned onely can expresse what at this present I Feel, betwixt the Horrours of pain, and Conscience; and this wretched extremity affords me no other prospect (without a Miracle) then Death, and Damna­tion. I wish that the Agonies I endure, may prevent the greater Sufferings of my Fellow-transgressours; and that you come not as well to partake in My Torments, as I have done in your Offences. Which that you may not doe, reflect seasonably, and seriously, with me, upon the Rapine, Sacriledge, Perjuries, and Murthers, we have committed together; and let This moment be That of your Returne to your Duty, and Reason. Do not trifle with Eternity: it depends upon this Instant, and there's no re­demption from the pit. Heaven and Earth are your declared Enemies, and your courses are not lesse Ridiculous, then Impious. Your portion even in This world, is contempt, and Beggery, and that of the Devils, is to be your Inheritance in the Next. You are cousened of the very Bread you Fight for, and you digg, like the Indians, Naked, to furnish your unthankfull Masters with Treasure. Your Liberties, fortunes, Reputations, Lives, and Soules, are but a Sacrifice to a pack of Cheates, Cowards, and Athe­ists: and there is not a Sword advanced against you, which carries not Infamy, Death, and Hell, upon the Poynt of it. All Hands, and all Interests are engaged to your Destruction. The whole Nation lookes upon you but as so many Wolves, and the very Sheep you have flayed to cover your sneaking Villanies, will have their skins again. But this is nothing, compared with the Impressions of Divine Vengeance upon your wounded Souls. God will not be deluded; he knowes, that you understand the Crimes you act; and the Conscience of your Sin, shall be the Sting of your Punishment.

Oh Gentlmen! I speak to such as have not cast off Humane Nature, with Christian Religion: to such, as have not Sinned unto Death: to such, as weare not the Seale of Reprobation upon their foreheads: by all the Tendernesse you owe to piety, and Nature; as ever you expect Mercy from Heaven, or Peace upon Earth; I Beg of you; nay I charge you; spill no more Innocent bloud: Take this counsel; as you expect an Interest, in That, which was shed for the world. Betake your selves to Teares, and peni­tence for what is past. Reserve your selves for more Honourable, and Needfull Occasions to employ your Courage, hereafter. That which possesses you at present, is the Spirit of Mutiny, and Sedition, not that of Valour. The time is at hand, which will both Glorifie your service, and Reward them. Draw your Swords Then, and you will finde the difference betwixt committing a Mur­ther, and Offering a Sacrifice.

God give you his Grace, and so I bid you farewell for ever,

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