Orders given out; the Word, Stand Fast.

As it was lately delivered in a farewell SERMON BY Major Samuel Kem, to the Officers and Souldiers of his Regiment in Bristoll.

Novemb. 8. 1646.

For now are we alive if yee stand fast in the Lord.

Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.

Put on the whole Armour of God that yee may be able to stand, &c.


LONDON, Printed by I.M. for Michael Spark, and are to be sold at the sign of the blue Bible in Green Arbour. 1647.

TO the Noble and Experienced faith­full Officers of my Regiment, Captain Hart senior, Capt. Grig, Capt. Pope, Capt. Roe, Capt. Lieut. Richards.

Noble Gentlemen,

IT was your love first ingaged me to take the charge of the City Regiment, and I appeal to you, whether my private gain, or the publicke service was my ends, in accepting of my Commission; since which received; I have put you in a posture, whereby you are inabled to defend your selves, or offend the Kingdomes Enemies; it is my happinesse I can say and none dare gain-say, the faithfull acting my part, Yet am I a debter to your Love; and in regard the chamber stock of my abilities fail me to dis­charge [Page] what I owe; yet were it dishonesty not to keep promise, what therefore you heard with so much patience; and importu­ned (with more hope to be granted) I have here presented to your charity. Do but be­leeve it, and stand fast in the Truths of Jesus Christ, and it shall be a compleat compensa­tion for all my labours with you.

And since I must leave you, give me leave to comfort you, and to tell you my heart: that I think you are the happiest Garrison in the Kingdome maugre you semi-Reduce­ment, whilst you possesse within your line, that reall piece of Valour, humility, and sin­cerity, and no lesse Noble then Cordiall Pa­triot of his Kingdome, your Governour: Who, abhors all self-ends, and denyeth atten­dance onely for the publick good, and should I here that he were Charioted from you either by discouragement or ingagement, I should sadly cry out, Oh my Father, my Father, the horse-men and chariots of Israel and pray for a double portion of his Spirit on all his publicke aiming schollers in this Kingdom.

Yea, give me leave to councell you: the [Page] word is, Stand Fast, I beseech you do so to God and his Glory; to Jesus Christ and his Truths, to your Covenant in its naked true primitive intentions, as at first before the All-seeing-God; to both the honourable Houses of Parliament who have adventured all for you, to the worthy assembly of Di­vines who seek God continually for you and attend his Will to declare it to you, and to me the most unworthy of the Kingdome and your servants who flyes to you for protection; yeilding my Commission and subscribing myself, Noble Gentlemen,

Yours and the Kingdoms faithful, although mean, Servant Samuel Kem

Vpon his much honoured friends Farewell Sermon M. D. these few lines.

KNow Soldier, these ensuing pages tel
The properties of a true Centinel;
Orders are given out, The word Standfast,
Which intimates true valor first and last
For let me tel thee if thy heels prove light
What ere thy Colours be, thy Liver's white,
Therefore be stedfast, Though the giddy rout
Wear windmils in their heads and wheel about
Keep thou thy Posts, though others Hedghog like
Shrink up their courage in some narrow Dike
Of self respects, there's no such liberty
In Truths plain field either to squat or fly.
Such as out-run the Truth may here wel know
They can have no good ground for what they do;
Stand to your Arms then (Christians) and advance
To beat all falshood out of Countenance,
And rout the infantry of new rays'd Crimes
And Troops of Hobby-horses of these Times;
This is the only way to get to be
Captain Lievtenant to Integritie▪
[Page]Now to the Author of this Book one word,
Who speaks and then maintains it by the sword,
Stil crop the peaking Errors which appear,
That Malobus like not one may shew its ears.
Stil preach the truth, although some Gadarens
Have made thee quit their Coasts by hoggish means
Stil fight for truth fear not a squint-ey'd troop
Of false opinions, rather make them stoop
To sence and truth, or else so rout their train
That they may never Rally up again.
Wel hast thou left the Land to put to Sea
Where you'l not find so much inconstancie;
Fisher of men, cast out thy net once more
'Tis like you'l catch at Sea, more then a shore.

To his friend the Author:

SIR, wil you leave us, and is this your last
Orders given out, the word stand fast,
Weele you obey, and seeing we must part
Who ever comands our persons you the heart:
Farewell dear Major, this we are forst to say
You put us in a posture, and we wish your pay
Yours in Truth, R. R.
1 CORINTH. 16.13, 14.

Stand fast in the Faith: quit you like men: Be strong. Let all things be done in love.

THE words of departing friends, if seasonable, make sensible not the head, but the heart, of those in Relation; These are my last, and I am come to take leave of you, for action, but never in af­fection; Communions below, howbeit lasting are not everlast­ing; The stakes of the Tabernacle must be removed; And every Member of the Church Militant must be joging on: The Temple is our type of a setled condi­tion above: In a word I am to leave you; and there­fore desire to leave such orders (becoming my Trust with you) as may secure you for Gods glory and your mutual comforts. The Alarum beats Christian soldi­ers, to your arms, take heed (as the case stands) of facing about, but as you were; to yout ground of Scripture foundations, and so stand fast in the faith. And although [Page 2] reducable, in regard of humane Actings, yet never in this life must you expect a discharge from spiritual millitary undertakings, for when you were listed in Jesus Christ muster-role it was not for a day lesse or more then your life, And therefore I beseech you stand fast.

The grand General against your precious souls hath taken the field with a vast Army, as subtil, as power­ful, as cruel to execute, as malicious to prosecute his designs; his main body is sinful flesh, and the more dangerous because so neerly related unto us. And I must tel you that Relations in War are of dangerous consequence: This Body is flankt on the right and left with potent Troops of prevailing Enemies; And Self-ends hath under hand Commission to be Scout-master General; whose sub-undertakers are acting under various shapes; all specious; yet all servants to Self-ends. Avoyd his Ambushments, when falling on, and you may, standing fast, come off with honor. These thing premised (as that there is no further use of me in this City, and I being designed for other ser­vice; and knowing that errors in battel are irrecove­rable; I could do no lesse, but heartily wish I could do more, then direct you, and counsel you; Especi­ally upon the discovery of a late, large, and numerous Recruit on the Enemies Partie; for the most part all consisting of such as have revolted from our own Partie; and have quit their ground of truths: The Commander in cheif of this Regiment is Error, whose Colours are fresh, and of glorious resplendency; but changeable; and therefore stand fast, for his fairest quarter is ruine; which appeareth by his free quarter in your families, when his first actings are to division, [Page 3] yea betwixt those of the neerest and deared relations, and a house divided cannot stand. I by Commission am ingaged for your relief, and therefore for your fu­ture security I shal intreat you to strengthen your selves by this Recruit consisting of three Divisi­ons.

  • First, Fidelity, or Constan­cy. Stand fast in the truth: quit your selvs like men, be strong.
  • Second, Spiritual Gallantry. Stand fast in the truth: quit your selvs like men, be strong.
  • Third, Unity. Let all things be done in love.

The first of these wil keep you from being Rou­ted.

The second from being Conquered.

The third from being Ruined.

The first wil argue you men.

The second wil report you gallant men, or men of men.

The third wil demonstrate you holy and humble Christian men.

And therefore now beloved Officers and Christian fellow Soldiers, take Courage; take you the Field to scare not to face your Enemies, and give me leave to shew you your General, compleatly accoutred in Johns vision, observe his ordering the Feild; and give me leave (leaving the issue to God) to fal on.

First, let Constancy in the Faith, and all the Truths of Jesus Christ have the Battalia.

Secondly, let spiritual Courage have the right wing.

Thirdly, let Love have the lest, and overcome all.

I shal adventure to fal on with Constancy; second me with Courage; and I beseech you that all may be [Page 4] done, and suffered by the conquest of Love.

First, of the first.

Stand fast that's the Word; Faith in the heart, not in the head, is the signal; Stand fast not a while and then revolt or give ground. To walk a while in the truth, and after for any ends to desert it, is base, it argues not a Soldier to list his name, and to purchase a feather (shews are light things in military actings) or wear a sword, or to appear on the march, if they either take hedge or windmil for a shelter, or quit their ground, or trust in the shock of Battail. Tru­ly we say a drunken man never made good Soul­dier; nor a reeling headed man a good Christian Soldier.


In the Faith, not in falshoods, in the truths, not shews; zeal and stedfastnesse are right, when the one is a sharp weapon for Truth, and the other is stiffe and unbending for the Faith. Now you are to know there is a two-fold Faith; One by which wee beleeve. Secondly, Is, that which is beleeved; and this is called Doctrinall Faith. Now when Christians are zealous, resolute, and will dye in the Truths, and for the Truths of Je­sus Christ, this is to stand fast in the Faith,


Standing fast to the Truths of Jesus Christ strenu­ously with constancy, is a notable peece of spirituall Gallantry,

This you shal find hinted to the Angel of the Church of Smirnians, Revel. 2.10. Fear none of these things which thou shalt suffer for the truth; and in the 11. verse and latter end, Be faithful to the death, and I wil give [Page 5] thee a crown of life; The Spirit of God records this point of Gallantry in the Church of Pergamus, verse 13. I know thy works, where thou dwellest, where Sathan hath his seat; i. e. where wicked men are in authority, and heresie prevaileth; yet thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denyed the faith, even in those dayes where­in Antipas my faithful Martyr suffered, &c. Rev. 3.10, 11, 12. 1 Joh. 2.23, 24. Let that therefore abide in you which ye have heard from the beginning; If that shall abide in you, ye shal continue in the Son, und in the Fa­ther, now to be in God, is to be Heroick indeed, 2 Pet. 1.12. That ye be established in the present truth; 1 Pet. 5.9. Whom resist stedfast in the Faith: 2 Thes. 2.15. Therefore brethren stand fast. It was Gallantry in the Grecian women, who when their sons put on their sheilds, gave them in charge either to bring them back or dye: It is storyed of Epaminondes that hee was so addicted to his buckler, that he was wont to say, I wil either hold thee, or dye with the losse of thee.

It was the gallant resolution of a Roman Officer either to keep his ground or lose his life. Truly Chri­stian friends it is gallantry in you in these sad times of Alaruming Truth in its quarters; and upon the se­veral charges is given the men of truth, daily to stand or fall with it in our hearts.


But Sir I pray what is truth? one saith he is for truth, and this is truth, another says that is, and is for it; what is the truth you councel us to stand fast unto.


There are humane moral Truths, rules in secular Arts, such as Paul held fast until his conversion, but [Page 6] then let go, not the use of them but the abuse of them, he left glorying in them, counted all dung for the excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ.


There are Divine truths called Scripture truths, these are either Imaginary or Real; I do not say it is gallantry to stand fast to all that every man delivers to you for truth, or propounds, or conjectures to bee so, but such as Scripture determines to be so; such as the word wil own, and wil own the word upon de­mand, in the evidence of his, not our own spirits. For truly it is with Truth at this day, as with the Infant brought to Solomon, the false mothers cry divide it, and let every one share in that limb, which his own conscience (which indeed is no conscience) guides him unto, which is to profer themselves to posterity, the founders of an intolerable Toleration of all Er­rors; and by this way, Antichrist himself (against whom we have solemnly protested, and before God so unanimously covenanted) must be in equity admit­ted a childs portion; The LORD direct our Solomons to that height of surpassing wisdome, as to give the child of Truth to its own Parents that cry a whole, and one or none.

To stand fast to this whole truth of God, and for it, is indeed Spiritual gallantry.

Athanasius and others of the Nicene Fathers would not add one jot about the Diety of Jesus Christ, no not in any time; Times may differ, men may change and vary, but Truth never; whether in prosperity, as in Constantines days, or in adversity, as in Neroes, truth is the same; The fixed stars shine in the coldest nights, yea then brightest.

[Page 7] Josephus reports of the Samaritans that if any good befel the Jews, then they would claim their kindred, and boast that they came from Jacob; but if in any misery, or under a cloud with the state they gave out, they had no relation to them. Many there are that vary their respects to truth according to the savour, the eminent persons in it set on it. But give me the men that wil stand their ground on assault, and make up the breach although they fal man by man in the gap; yea under the sword, own truth as Paul, or in a Den of Lions, or a fiery furnace, that pish at all the barkings, bitings, frownings, fawnings of currish hereticks, that have Peters gallantry better managed, Although all forsake thee I wil not.


I pray Sir inform us how we may quit our selves like men, and stand fast to Truth?


First, get a solid sound judgement; so made by the light of a clear & sanctified understanding of Scrip­ture principles, admit not of a reeling head, a revolting Soldier is a base man, unworthy the name or society of soldiers; never to be trusted more; Ephes. 4.14. the Apostle exhorteth them that they be henceforth no more children tossed to & fro with every blast of doctrine by the slight of men; take heed of such a judgement as is car­ryed up and down with the current. The Primitive times yeelded more sound judgements; Athanisius held fast in his Judgement the diety of Christ against the Arrians; Augustine the doctrine of grace against the Pelagians; Truly I confesse it is an honor to a man to confesse an Error, but a horrid shame to suffer for any self-ends any truth to bee supplanted, [Page 8] by any Innovation or Errour.


Labour to have a stubborn and stout wil in relation to what is surely known to be the truth of God; take heed of a flexible coming wil; yea hold it fast in affe­ction, that which we love dearly we stick close too. A child wil hardly be weaned from the brest it hath found sweetnesse and strength from, and is experienced in nourishment; you that have found God present with much sweetnesse in his Ordinances by the publick ad­ministration, I beseech you do not now trample on them and despise them, whilst they and theirs is the same for sweetnesse, for holinesse.


Stand fast to the Truth in profession, Philip. 2.18. holding forth the word of life, not only to beleeve Truths, but to confesse them before men, not with Peter to revolt and effect to say we know not the man.


In conversation practise Truth, Saint John cals it walking in the Truth, when men hold on in the Truth against all discouragements; although they lose by it apparantly, yet they hold it forth couragi­ously.


But pray Sir why do you so far ingage us in this ser­vice, in these days of Liberty.


It is worthy thy ingagement, for it is more excellent then the excellentest of the creatures, Prov. 3.14, 15. you cannot pitch on such an excellency; Revel. 3.11. Hold fast, says the Spirit, let none take thy Crown; the [Page 9] Crown is the top of Royalty; who would not keep his ground, if a Crown were the stake.

But its excellency wil further appear if you consider these two particulars: First the holiness of it; The more holy, the more excellent; Cor­ruptions are diminutions of excellency; the more mixt things are, the more base they are; as the mixture of Gold and Tin, Wine and Water, Sil­ver and Drosse; ever the more pure, the more glo­rious. Now the Truths of God are holy, not as men with mixtures of Corruption, but as the Light at Noon-day, without any mists, fogs, mix­tures of darknesse; and although Truth may be in a fog as the Sun, yet not foggy.


The more God is in any thing the more excel­lent but God, is altogether in his Truth: Hee is there in the brightness of his wisdom; in the great­ness of his power; in the Riches of his mercy, in the honor of his justice; yea in this Word is his Christ and our Jesus, therefore worth standing fast unto.


Truth is made over to us under termes of Con­stancy and perpetuity, and therefore in Scripture termed our heritage, personal estates are often sold, those that are out by descent hereditary ought to be kept for posterity; God forbid, said Naboath, I should sel the inheritance of my Fathers: Psa. 119.111. They are my heritage, saith David, for ever. Let me tel you, posterity is worthy our thoughts, and what we shal leave to them in point of Truth.


God trusts us with his truths, 2 Tim. 1.14. It is by the Apostle called the good thing committed to us to keep; now in matters of trust we should be faith­ful; It is the most vilest and unworthyest thing in the world to betray a Trust, especially where truth is on their side; In matters of trust we should be faithful to the death. It is observable Trust must be redelivered: 2. wholy, not lesse then delivered: 3. Only to the Truster; and truly otherwise it is extreamly injurious to God; For although they are ours for efficacy, yet they are Gods for the au­thority. Truths are Gods Jewels of trust; and he will call all of us to an account what use wee have made of them; what we have done with them; what unto them; what mixtures of our own heads with them.


It concerneth you to keep your ground, for your eternall wel-being dependeth on it: You can no more live spiritually without pure truths, then cor­porally without bread; you cannot be convinced without Truth; you cannot be contrite, and have your corrupt hearts prickt, but by the Truth, Acts 2. When they heard those Truths they were prickt at their hearts &c. Conversion is from Truth, Psa. 19.7. Converting souls, &c. Faith is brought into the soul by hearing the Truth; Augmentation is from it, in grace; Jesus Christ is united to the soul by faith, Perseverance is from it; Rom. 1.16. 2 Tim. 3.16, 17. vid.

Use 1. Information.

Of the unworthy walking of this age for the most part in relation to this duty of standing fast to the Truth; yea of many that are eminently furnished with common gifts and excellent parts, there is much slipperinesse and base unsetlednesse of spirit upon them, even to truth it self, both in doctrine and conversation, for truth in doctrine we may complain as the Apostle to the Galatians in the 1. and 6. I wonder you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Jesus Christ unto another Gospel; it is grown no wonder in our times; for how do the most, for most base ends, quit their ancient grounds which they received and beleeved, and gloryed in for truth; and for pre­ferment-sake shew truth a fair pair of heels, and a foul heart. The ancient Disciples left ships, nets, custome-house, for to follow truth; but now pro­fessed Disciples leave Christ for places of Excise and Custom-house. Some turn sneaking Anabap­tists; some fal off to Socinian blasphemies; some to Antinomians fancies; and many Seekers. Seek you any of you great things for your selves, seek them not; It is no time to be furnishing your Cabins, when the boults and butt-ends of the very planks of the ship are started out. The Lord pity us, what a spirit of giddyness is upon us▪ and if any old errors which is unknown to most, with some quaint ex­pressions and hye-flying Phylosophical notions are delivered, how cowardly do we start off from the old truths of Jesus Christ, and are invassail'd by upstart errors; It is a sad time, but this a more sad [Page 12] omen of worser times, even the rabble of opinions in this City of Bristol; of which I may say, that as the sword hath slain many, so hath error many more in a few moneths time. One while such a man preacheth truth, and you are willing to pul out your eyes to do him good; a little after, you are ready to pul out his eyes, and he is a low man, and not worthy your presence, and so discouraged. How many wayes do you make to heaven in this place? I beseech you where I am related unto, to look to your Guards; Keep a strict watch, double your Guard, eye your sallyports; and put on the whole Armour of God, that you may be able to stand fast to the Truth in the day of assault; that you may quit your selves like men.

Use 2.

Informeth us of the causes of this lowerlinesse, and basenesse of Spirit; and inconstancy to Truth.


When men are ignorant, they may easily prove inconstant; True men have abundance of indistinct knowledge, much head knowledge, little heart knowledge, Now the one makes men talk admi­rably, but the other to stand to it gallantly: Tru­ly Ignorance is the spunge to suck in all Errors; and spiritual Pride the bawde to vent them; that which is weak is light; chaff may be tossed any way.


When mens apprehensions are very large, but their affections very foul; when men know much of truth, but withall love much of the world, or self, or sinful Liberty: Now you know a foul sto­mach ever makes an il head, and a secret love of sin works out a love of truth: Men easily grow erro­neous when they affect Liberty, and wax Irreligi­ous.

Third Cause.

Men are strangely infected with a base and late predominant Epidemical disease the Itch of spiri­tual Pride, which was caught of our first Parent; The greatest Errors ever drop from those that are most proud, and are taken up by those that are most ignorant.


Many have Athenian wits, and long after Novel­ties; and although old Wine be best, yet they love to drink in fashion.

Fifth Cause.

A Colloging slavishnesse, many giving up their faith and souls to opinions of other great men, or to Relations.


An eminent love of the world, this made Demas and Hymenaeus forsake truth. A slave to the world wil never be a faithful servant to truth; he that dares pawn their souls, wil in time venter to sel the Truth.


Licentious hearts, when men affect pleasure, for corrupt doctrines gives more scope, then truth, to a libertinious heart; and we are apt to beleeve that soonest that pleaseth us best. Erroneous points are more for pleasure and ease, yea and purse too; Divine truths are for strictnesse. Now there are many Grecian-like give up their weapons for their sports; many forsake the truth, that they may more freely injoy their Liberty, in those ways are most pleasing to their spirits.

Ʋse Exhortation.

I am come heartily to beg of you this one thing, to lay a solid foundation in the knowledge of the truths of God. Confused brains cause unsettled hearts, rest not with Pilates quere, where art thou? or with Israel to halt betwixt two opinions, nor to take up any truth on trust for any mans sake whatsoever, or any self-ends or aims; but with the honorable Bereans search the Scripture, receive truth upon the evidence of truth; be sure of the [Page 15] Word, there is litle difference betwixt shiboleth and siboleth; yea and in the last days many shal say loe this is Christ, and here is Christ; yet try: yea, the Enemy hath got the word, therefore be strict upon examination, bring the most specious expres­sions to the Standard, try all there.


How shal we know the truth upon his march, there being so many gone out under his banners to deceive; and all is not gold that glisters, Try the spirits, for every spirit is not of God.


You may make a discovery

  • First, by its Unity.
  • Second, by its Purity
  • Thirdly, its Efficacy.
  • Fourthly Antiquity.
  • Fifthly, Simplicity.

For the first observe it, you shal find it one as God is one, Unum et verum convertuntur; There is but one way to heaven, many to miss it. It is an unisone with its principles. Erroneous doctrines want no outward harmony, and outward consent; but truth, as it is one in itself, so it works men to one­nesse, to be of one mind; truth is of a binding up nature.


Truth is comprehended in Purity, Errors are much in outward beauty (like Curtizans little in honesty; Truth is pure in its self and unto us; It is an adversary to all sin, because all sin is an adver­sary to Jesus Christ and to Gods glory; It is pure likewise in its operations, it sets it self against all basenesse; Titus 1.14, 15. It is truly pure, not coun­terfeitly pure.


By the efficacy of truth other doctrines add to our Notions, but never meddle with our corrupti­ons, they swel our heads, but never mend our hearts; they work in the brain, but never meddle with the spirit; increase much wit to talk wel, but con­veigh little strength to walk close with God. In a word, they never bring grace or peace from Jesus Christ: The truth that comes from God, leadeth to God. It makes the bad good, and the good better. Truth works the heart, not only from grosser, but lesser sins, even the spots of the world; 1 Thes. 5.22. vid. Truth works the heart to a liking of nothing unlike it self, or unbecom­ing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


By the Antiquity, Id demum verissimum quod an­tiquissimum; [Page 17] and truly as it was sometime replyed to those of Rome, that we can look beyond Luther, So may we to the rabble of Heresies in these times, we can look and see the time when they had not a being; indeed they are comparatively but of yester­day: and it is possible for an easie Herald to drive the pedigree of the Anabaptist, Brownists, Antino­mians, Pelagians, Socinians, Arians, Antetrini­tarians, Seekers, &c. and to demonstrate them to be all subservient, although active actors for Scout master general, self-ends or aims, when truth like the Sun hath run its course through all ages, not that all have imbraced it, but some have received it.


By its Simplicity it wil indure handling, it is found; Erroneous doctrine like unfound flesh, or sore eyes, abhors a touch, or the light; and there­fore is more in private then publick; not that I oppose private duties, but prise them, but resist those that oppose publick Ordinances; For if what any deliver in their private conventions bee good and sound truth, I beseech them let it come to light, Bonum quo communius eo melius; Truth fears no trial; although il faced women would have al glasses broken but such as they have got made to flatter them; Truth put it self upon proof; yea in publick, Veritas non querere argales, especially in days of Liberty of the Gospel, and when truth is pallizadoed with so many oaky fortifications: It is not now accusation enough to be a Christian; [Page 18] no, be as holy as David, as muke as Moses, as wise as Solomon; walk with God, and be upright before him with Abraham, yea let every man be follow­ers of Jesus Christ, and injoy his Liberty in the Truths of Iesus Christ; for, blessed be God, there may be some pretences (but no just ground for the least fear of persecution for conscience-sake.


Having found out the truth, I beg heartily of you, yea (more then for my Arrears) to love the truth, do the truth, suffer for the truth, this wil bee a sure boult to keep out all Errors; when Truth is stil stirring in your ears, and Sin ruling in your hearts, you can never do good on it; he must needs have a meek hand to hold fast truth, or foot to stand fast that hath a wicked heart; Hymenaeus let go faith and a good conscience together, 1 Tim. 1.19. Wherefore I beseech you be doing Christi­ans, as wel as knowing ones; And now should I fal on with the reserve, and shew you the beauty and honour of a resolved spirit for the truths of Iesus Christ; And have given a thorow and thorow charge to the sad, yet bold divisions of these times with my left wing under the prevailing Banner of Love and Unity; and shown you how good a thing it is, for brethren to live in Love and Unity, but I am prevented in managing this onslaught at present, and shal take leave of you, praying you that all things may be done amongst you in love; And [Page 19] praying for you, That the God of truth would lead you on from this day, and fix and establish you in the Truth. Finally brethren farewel, be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in love and peace, and the God of love and peace shal be with you; yea, now the very God of peace sancti­fie you all throughout. And now the Lord of peace himself give you peace by all means; The Lord be with you all.


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