The Quakers Proved Apostats and Heathens. AND A SPECIMEN OF THE QUAKERS Great Malice and Ignorance In their late Printed EPIGRAM they have made or procured to be made against me both in Latin and English, and which their Printer [...]acy Sowl doth publickly Sell, With some Observations of mine upon it.
The which said Epigram both in Latin and English, with its Title, thus followeth.
In Georgium Keithum Caledonium Apostatam Epigramma, Lucis Triumphum, & Keithi cum conjuratis suis Catastrophen Praenuncians.
The same in English Paraphrase. An Epigram, upon George Keith, the Caledonian Apostate, Predicting The Triumph of the Light, and Overthrow of Keith and his Accomplices.
Observ. 1. THE Quakers fond conceit of glorying in what they formerly called the mark of the Beast, to wit, heathenish poetical Strains and Fictions, of Latin and Greek Heathen Authors, whom here they imitate and whose words they borrow, yet withal still pretending they will not defile their sacred Mou [...]hes, with giving heathenish Names to the Days of the Week and Months of the Year. O deep Hypocrisie!
Observ. 2. In their calling me not only Ecebolius and the Caledonian, (i. e. the Scottish) Apostate, but Julian the Apostate, they maliciously reflect on all true Christians of the Three Nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and other Christian Nations, with whom I agree, in Christian Principles in Faith and Worship; and particularly they maliciously reflect on the Church of England, who hath received me into her Communion, and on our Gracious Sovereign King William, and the Parliament, Nobility, Gentry, Magistracy and Commons, with whom, I profess one Faith, and Religion, now seeing the Quakers make me to be Julian the Apostate, by the same method, they make all the abovementioned, to be Heathens, and heathenish Idolaters, and of Julian the Apostat's Religion. Is not this very insolent, daring and presumptuous, so to treat the King and Parliament? by whose favour they enjoy, what toleration they have, to use their own way of Worship.
Observ. 3. They know in their Consciences, that this their Libel against me is stuffed full with Lies, as that like Julian the Apostate, I once owned the Apostolick Faith, but that now I disavow it, or disown it: That mainly for which Julian was justly termed an Apostate, was for disowning the Man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to be God, and the Saviour of the World, and denying that he was to be worshipped [Page 4] with divine Worship, whom he called in Contempt, the Galilean, and as he was struck with a Dart, by an unknown Hand, in his expedition against the Persians, cryed out, thou hast overcome O Galilean.
This was a great and principal part of the Apostolick Faith, that the Man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who was born of the blessed Virgin, called Mary, and who suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried, rose again on the 3d. day and ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, and from thence shall come to judge the quick and the dead, was and ever shall so remain, the Son of God, properly so called, and one and the same God, with the Father, in respect of his Divinity, and having our nature personally united to him, in respect of his humanity, for ever glorified, and who together with the Father, and the holy Ghost, is worshipped, with divine Adoration, by all true Christians: Which Faith I retain, with all true Christians throughout the World▪ and I hope ever shall, and the Quakers know in their Consciences, and it is publickly known, throughout the Three Nations and el [...]ewhere, that for this very Faith, my great controversie hath been against them, I affirming it, and its being necessary to our eternal Salvation, and they denying it, even the chiefest Teachers and Authors among them, as I have abundantly shewed in my several Narratives, particularly my fourth and last published this very Year; and which I offer still to prove them guilty of, even denying the Lord that bought them▪ Jesus of Nazareth, both God and Man, to be the great Saviour of the World, as Julian the Apostate did, and therefore they and their chief Teachers are fitly compared in this respect, to Julian the Apostate, being guilty of the same damna le Crime and Apostacy with him, who generally, (the elder fort among them,) were baptized into the Christian Faith, and yet have renounced both it and their Baptisme.
Observ. 4. They most impudently as well as maliciously accuse me, that as the Giants did attack the false Gods, I do [Page 5] attack the true God, I dare them to give the least instance, wherein I have ever said or writ any thing, either against the glorious Being, Names, or Attributes of God Almighty, but I can give instances of this sort against them, and have given already, particularly in my fourth Narrative, p. 55 where I have proved, that George Whitehead one of their chief Teachers has affirm'd in Print, that Christ as God suffer'd, for proof of which he perverts several places of Scripture, this I charge upon George Whitehead and the Quakers, to be an attacking of God, in his glorious Being, and attribute of impassibility.
Again, William Penn, another of their great Teachers, hath not only denied that outward Person that suffered at Jerusalem, to be properly the Son of God, meaning by that outward Person, the Man Jesus of Nazareth, but hath set up a multitude of new Born Christs and Gods, viz. a new one in every regen [...]at [...] Person, for thus he teacheth, that the holy Seed grows up in them, from a Seed See for this in my fourth Narrative. p. 56 to a Child, and from a Ch [...]ld to be the mighty God, perverting and m [...]sapplying Isa. 9. 6. to prove it; and the like doth George Whitehead, and others among them, yea so did Georg [...] [...]ox.
They accuse me that I throw S [...]ygian Darkness at the Light, but on what is this their accusation grounded? Have I ever denied the Light within? Nay; but have given as full and ample testimony to it, both as in Heathens and true Christians, as any true Christian ought or can, in agreement with the Holy Scriptures, for which let the Reader please to see my Catechisms both large and shorter, and my other Books, but they will needs have me to deny the Light within, and consequently deny the true God, because I have said, and still do say, the Light within, (whither in Christian or Heathen) is not sufficient to Salvation, without something else, i. e. without the Man Jesus of Nazareth, and what he did and suffered for us on Earth, and his mediation for us in Heaven: By the sufficiency of the Light within, it [Page 6] is well enough known, what the Quakers mean in opposition to all sound Christians, as well as to me, which is not, what God can do, or could ha [...]e done, by his absolute Soveraignty, but what he is pleased to do; that is, whither God hath given either to all Men, or to any part of Mankind, that sufficiency of Light, that by obedience to its dictates, all or any shall be saved, without the merit of the Man Christ, his precious Blood that was outwardly shed for us, and whither Faith both in the Man Christ Jesus, and in his Blood is not necessary to be preached, and received, in order to our Eternal Salvation. Now by the same Argument of theirs, they make not only all the Christians both now, and since the Apostles days, but the Apostles also guilty of attacking the true God, and so worse than the Giants who attack'd but the false Gods, for their affirming, that the Light within Men, is [...] the whole and entire Saviour, Jesus Christ, both God and Man, Flesh and Spirit, yea Flesh, Blood and Bones, [the Quakers mad Divinity,] which they learned from their Apostle George Fox, as I have shewed in my fourth Narrative. But had the Apostles been of the Quakers Faith, in vain did they Preach, that Christ dyed for our Sins, on the Tree of the Cross without us.
Observ. 6. They predict by way of Prophecy, the triumph of the Light, (vix. the Light within all Men, Heathens as well as Christians,) without any thing else, for eternal Salvation, not only over Keith, but all sound Christian Professors, with whom he is one in Faith, that is, the triumph of Deisme and Paganisme, over the Christian Faith and Religion, judge Christian Reader who is likest to Julian the Apostate here. For if their Principle prevail, and their Prophecy take place, than the Light within only is to be Preached, to be sufficient for Salvation, and so farewell all the peculiar Articles of the Christian Faith, [by this mad Divinity] let them be buried in silence, and the Bible buried, or burned, and only the Light within be Preached up, as the intire Saviour to be the only and alone object of Faith, [Page 7] which is Deisme and Paganisme with a witness, and was the very Religion of Julian the Apostate, who from a professed Christian, became a Heathen Philosopher, and with them did magnifie the Light within, (as both Stoicks and Platonists commonly did) and vilifie and despise Jesus of Nazareth, as much as the Quakers do.
Note, Whereas several other scurrilous Pamphlets are lately Printed by the Quakers, and others favouring their wild Antichristian Notions against me, charging me with some passages in my former Books, three Years ago retracted by me [none of which contained their vile Errors, oppugning the fundamentals of Christianity] I think not at present to take further particular notice of them, it being a mean artifice in them, thus to pull at the Mote in my eye, which I have pulled out before them, while the Beam of a Body of the vilest Heresies that ever were heard in the World, remains in their own Eyes. For shame let them clear themselves of the things I have proved them guilty of in my 4th. Narrative, and in my Book of the Deisme of W. Penn &c. and other my Books against them before they thus charge me with things that I have retracted in most particulars, and generally in all. But yet further to stop their idle and impertinent clamor, I do by these Presents retract, disown and deny whatever is to be found in any of my Books contrary to the holy Scriptures, or to the 39 Articles of the Church of England which I sincerely believe is perfectly according to the Doctrine of the holy Scriptures, and also disown, retract and deny al uncharitable Words, and Expressions, I have formerly used in any of my former Books, while under the Profession of a Quaker against either the Church of England, or any of her true Members, or any other true Protestant Church or particular Person, or Persons, Members of any true Protestant Churches. And this I hope will suffice all moderate Persons, for others, I neither can, nor will endeavour to satisfie them, being unreasonable.
Some Observations on a late Sheet Printed by some of the Quakers (but without any particular Names) called the Christianity of the People called Quakers asserted by George Keith, which they pretend to be an answer to the Sheet, lately Published by me, called a Serious Call to the Quakers, &c.
Observ. 1. THey do most unfairly and inhumanly labour to fix upon me the same Errors, wherewith I have charged them, in my said Sheet, called a Serious Call, &c. by quoting diverse Passages in my former Books, writ by me, while under [Page 8] the Profession of a Quaker, notwithstanding, that whatever is contrary to the Holy Scriptures, in those passages I have told them again and again, I have retracted in print about three Years ago, and whatever Error a Man retracts, he is no more chargeable with it, according to common Justice, and the general consent of all rational Men.
Obs. 2. On strick Examination, I do not find any of those Quotations, they bring out of my former Books, to prove me guilty of denying any one Article of the Christian Faith, commonly [...]o called, viz such as contained in the Apostles Creed, whereas the Quotations I have given in the Sheet called a Serious Call, &c. effectually proves, they have denyed all and every one of the 12 Articles of that Creed, and consequently the whole Christian Faith.
Obs. 3. [...]ivers of those Q [...]otations they give out of my former Books are sound and directly contradictory to their vile Errors, and to the Quotations I have given out of their Books, in the Sheet called a Serious Call, &c. as the impartial Readers will easily find by comparing them together.
Obs. 4. They most unjustly and basely reflect on those Eight worthy Persons, Ministers of th [...] Church of England as on me, viz. that the Quotations g [...]ven by me and attested by them, do not exactly agree with the Quakers Books out of which the were taken, but they have normall their large Sheet shewed the least material disagreement, which if they could no doubt they would have done. They say they have Examined my 4th. 6th. 20th. 21st. and find that I am mistaken▪ and [...]o are my Brethren, but they have not given the least instance or hint▪ wherein the mistake lies, and upon a fresh Examination, of these 4 Quotations, I do affirm, there is no mistake in them, and their saying there is, is a meer juggle, and most confident falshood.
Obs. 5. They take occasion to reflect both on those Eight Ministers and me, for a small mistake of the Printer or Transcriber, on the Margin of the 7th Quotation, giving G. Fox [...] words, that the Scriptures are not Infallible, nor Divine, but Humane, p. 89 being put for p 302. which in my 4th. Narrative p. 22. is rightly placed, but they confess they are G. Fox's words elsewhere. And this is all they object against Fifty and two Quotations, containing most vile Errors and Heresies I have given, in the Sheet called a Serious Call, collected our of their Books, and above Two Hundred and Fifty given in my 4th. Narrative.