TO THE PARLIAMENT OF THE Common-wealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. The Humble Petition of Nathaniel Iones of Bridgewater, in the County of Sommerset Clerk.


THat your Petitioner was most illegally sequestred in the Year, 1648. without any Charge of Delinquency, or the least Testimony against him.

That your Petitioner appealed to Haberdashers Hall for relief, but they being not impowred to give any in such Cases, your Petitioners name was inserted into the Act of Parliament for sale, bearing date the 18. of Nov. 1652. whereby he was forced to prosecute his Complaints before the Ho­nourable Committee for Petitions, in the last Parliament, who sent severall Orders to the Committee of the County of Sommerset, Commanding them to Certifie how your Petitioners Case stood, and the grounds of his Sequestration.

That the Committee of Sommerset accordingly Certified, That you Petitioner was clear from any matter of Fact against the State, and was onely sequestred as a Scandalous Minister, not as a Delinquent, there being never any such Charge against him; Whereupon the Committee of Pe­titions ordered your Petitioners Case to be reported to the Parliament for his relief; but they dissolving before his Case was reported, your Petitioner petitioned his Highness for relief, who granted your Petitioner a Reference to the Commissioners of Haberdashers Hall, for them to certifie the grounds of your Petitioners sequestration; and they have likewise certified, That your Petitioner had never any Delinquency charged upon Record against him; but this present Parliament soon after assembling, His Highness pleasure was not known thereupon.

In tender consideration of the Premises, And for that your Petitioner never Com­mitted the least Act of Delinquency against the State; Nevertheless hath been deprived, not onely of his Spiritual estate, and his own temporal means sold from him, but had lately a Copyhold Estate, held onely by the life of his wife, sequestred and sold also, to the utter ruin of your poor Petitioner, his wife and family.

Your Petitioner most humbly beseecheth this High and Honourable Court to do him Justice, and restore unto him his Temporal Estate, so unjustly sold and de­tained from him; And the Lord will not only bless your immediate proceed­ings, but you will highly engage the oppressed soul of your Petitioner to bless the Lord also on your behalf.

And be bound for ever to pray, &c.
Nathaniel Iones.

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