The ioynt Declaration of the severall Counties OF
• KENT, , • ESSEX, , • MIDDLESEX, , and • SVRRY,  UNTO The Souldiers of the Army, now under the Command of the Lord Fairfax.

WHEREAS Wee the Inhabitants of the Counties afore­said, have endeavoured, by the best, and (as it seemed unto us, the most effectuall meanes, (a peaceable Application of our selves by way of Petition) humbly and sadly to offer unto the present Parliament, the many miseries which (by a new and bloody engagement in the most unnaturall Warre) were suddenly threatned unto this whole Kingdome and Nation; and proposed unto them, as the only expedi­ents to prevent these; The present re-establishing of his Majesty unto his royall Rights. the Settlement of Religion and Liberty, according unto the known, and re­ceived Lawes, and (upon payment of their Arreares) the disbanding of the Armie.

Yet finding, unto our unspeakable Griefe, that a prevailing partie in the pre­sent Parliament, contrary unto their many solemn professions and protestati­ons, and the ends for which wee first engaged with them; have by the power of the Army imprisoned the Kings Majestie, overthrown Religion; and our liberty, and now for divers years continued the free-born People of England in a greater Servitude, then at any time since the Norman Conquest; and have slighted us in all our Addresses unto them; in regard whereof, and for timely suppression of these usurpations, and mischiefes daily growing upon us, (no other way be­ing now left us) we have resolved to Arme, and by our power (God assisting) to Command what wee could not iutreat.

Unto the end and purpose aforesaid; we doe hereby heartily and seriously in­vite you, like honest and true-harted English-men, to joyne with us in this good worke, and desire you that upon notice hereof, every of you either serving on horseback, or of the foot, in the said Army, forthwith to repair with your horses and Armes unto us, or the severall places of your abodes before your engage­ment with the Armie, where you shall immediately be provided for, according unto your severall qualities; and also present care shal be taken that your whole Arreares, shal be forthwith paid unto you; And this as wee undertake for our selves so we doubt not to effect for you, in all the counties throughout the whole Kingdome: Assuring our selves that you will no longer adhere unto a Faction, set up to destroy this flourishing Kingdome, against your friends, kindred, your own Bowells, and the present and future good of your Countrey; which ought to be more deare unto every of you then his own life.

Whereof if yee shall take due notice, and doe accordingly, yee may assuredly expect from us, the regards and benefit aforesaid, otherwise wee shall esteeme (and so deale with) you, as sworn enemies unto your King and Country.

Published by direction of divers Gentle-men of the said Counties.

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