THE IESUITS CREED: OR, The forme of the Profession of Faith, to which all Popish Priests and Ecclesiastiques, of what Order soever, are fast tyed by oath: by the ordinance of Pope PIUS the fourth, in the fifth yeare of his Popedome. Anno Domini, 1564.

1. I.N. Doe with a firme faith beleeve, and professe all, and every one of the things which are contained in the Creed, which the holy Romane Church doth use: To wit,

1. I beleeve in one God, &c. Amen. As it is in the Nicen and Constantinopolitan Creed.

2. I doe most firmely admit and imbrace Apostolicall and Ecclesiasticall traditions, and the rest of the observations and constitutions of the same Church.

3. In like manner, I admit the sacred Scriptures, according to that sense, which the holy mother Church, to whom it belongs to judge of the true meaning and interpretation of the holy Scriptures, hath held and doth hold: Neither will I ever receive and interprete it, but according to the unanimous consent of the Fathers.

4. I doe also professe that there be seven true and proper Sacraments of the New Law, instituted by our Lord JESUS CHRIST, and necessary for the salvation of mankinde, though not all of them to every one; That is to say, Baptisme, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Penance, Extreme Unction, Orders, and Matrimony: And that they doe conferre grace, and that of these, Baptisme, Confirmation and Orders, cannot be reiterated without Sacriledge.

5. I doe also receive and admit the received and approved Rites of the Catholique Church in the solemne administration of all the foresaid Sacraments.

6. I doe embrace and receive all and every one of the things, which have been defined and declared in the holy Synod of Trent concerning Originall sinne, and Justification.

7. I doe likewise professe that a true, proper, and propitiatory sacrifice is offered unto God in the Masse for the quicke and the dead: And that the body and bloud of our Lord Jesus Christ, (together with his soule and God-head) are truely, really, and substantially in the most holy Sacrament of the Eucharist: And that the whole substance of the bread is con­verted into his body, and the whole substance of the wine into his bloud; which conversion the Catholique Church calleth Transubstantiation.

8. I doe also acknowledge that under one of the kindes onely Christ is received whole and entire, and a true Sacrament taken.

9. I doe constantly hold there is a Purgatory, and that the soules therein detained are holpen by the suffrages of the faithfull: In like manner also I hold that the Saints, reigning together with Christ, are to be worshipped and prayed unto; and that they doe offer up prayers unto God for us, and that their Reliques are to be worshipped.

10. I doe stedfastly affirme that the Images of Christ, and of that ever Virgin Mother of God, as also of other Saints, ought to be had and reteined, and that due honour and worship should be given unto them.

11. I doe also affirme that Christ hath left in his Church the power of Indulgences, and that the use of them is very wholesome for Christian people.

12. I doe acknowledge the Holy, Catholique, and Apostolique Roman Church to be the mother and mistris of all Churches: And I doe promise and sweare true obedience to the Bishop of Rome, the successour of blessed Peter the prince of the Apostles, and Vicar of Jesus Christ.

13. I doe likewise undoubtedly receive & professe all other things delivered, defined and declared by holy Canons, oecumenicall Councels, & especially by the holy Synod of Trent; and I doe with all condemne, reject, and accurse all things contrary, and all heresies what­soever, that are condemned, rejected, and accursed of the Church.

This true Catholique faith, without which no man can be saved, which I doe wil­lingly professe, and truely hold at this present time, the very same I the said N. doe promise, vow, and sweare to keep and confesse whole and undefiled most constantly, by the helpe of God, even to the last gaspe of life; and that I will take care, as much as lies in me, that it be held, taught and preached of those which are under me, or of those, the care of whom shall belong unto me in my office. So helpe me God, and these holy Gospels.

Printed Jan. 26. 1641. on Bread-street-hill.

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