A Relation of Occurrences at Hawarden-Castle, betwixt the Parliaments Forces, under the command of Sir Thomas Middleton, Major Generall of Northwales, and the English-Irish Army then newly come over.
AFter the Parliaments Forces had made their way into Wales, by forcing their passage at Holt Bridge, and were possest of Holt and Wrexam, with all the Countries of Denbighshire and Flint neer about those places, the English-Irish Army came over and landed at Mostyn. They staid not long there; but marcht up to the Castle of Hawarden, and because they had intelligence it was unprovided for necessaries for a siege by some of our false friends, they (for expedition sake) hastened a party to us; who (our horse having too suddenly disserted us) were in the Towne adjoyning to the Castle when we thought them further off, and there surprized our Major (Commander in chiefe) and took him prisoner, some souldiers they basely slew when they could make no resistance against them being then unarmed men; then they sent us a summons by word of mouth by a Trumpet, to which we returned this answer, which though set downe in the former relation cannot be spared hence, because of dependency of what followes upon it.
WEE are heartily sorry that you have made such an exchange of Enemies to leave Irish to fall upon English, and Papists to fall upon Protestants; we had hoped the blood of that noble Gentleman Sir Simon Harcourt, and the many thousands of Protestants who have fallen by the fury of those bloody monsters of Ireland, could not have beene so soone forgotten. What course the Court of England runs, how destructive to the Protestants, and favourable to the Papists you cannot but know with us, by sad experience; And therefore we desire (before you passe further) your thoughts may make a pause; lest you finde that God of the Protestants against you, whom you have hitherto found miraculously for you▪ We feare the losse of our Religion, more then the losse of our dearest blood; do not, we beseech you, desire us to betray it & our selves. We hope your second thoughts may take off the edge of your former Resolutions: However, we are resolved to make good our trust, and put our lives into the hands of that God, who can, and we hope will secure them more then our wals or weapons.
- John Warren.
- Alex. Ellot.
The Reply of Lievtenant Colonell Marrow.
IT is not for to heare you preach that I am sent here for, but in His Majesties name to demand the Castle [Page 3] for His Majesties use, as your allegeance binds you to be true to him, and not to inveagle those innocent soules that are within with you; so I desire your resolution if you will deliver the Castle or no.
Our Answer.
SIR, We have cause to suspect your disaffection to preaching, in regard we finde you thus imployed. If there be innocent soules here, God will require their blood of them that shed it. We can keep our allegeance and the Castle too, and therefore you may take your answer, as it was in English plaine enough before. We can say no more, but Gods will be done.
When the body of the Irish Army (whereof we had but a party before) drew up before the Castle we received this summons.
FOr to avoid the effusion of Christian blood, especially Protestants, which you professe your selves, we must require you in His Majesties name to surrender to the Kings use (whose sworne servants we are) this Castle, now in your custodies, we promising upon our reputations, to admit you such honourable quarter as is fit for Souldiers, either to give or take, and that we have your immediate answer; but if we find you obstinate, and that you draw blood from us, we shal revenge it in the same manner as we did the blood of Sir Simon Harcourt, which you in your letter put us in mind on, presuming we have forgot it, which was [Page 4] of above 300. persons in Karrickmayne, not one soule was left alive.
- Mic. Ernly.
- Ric. Gibson.
We are not ignorant of your wants nor of the small hopes you can have of any reliefe, that can disturb or hinder our proceedings.
The Answer to Sir Michael Ernly and Colonell Gibsons summons.
WHen we need your mercy expect us to seek it, but as yet we doe not, and hope we never shall doe; were our necessities farre greater then they are, we would beare them, and we know we have friends to relieve us, able to equall farre more strength then we can yet see come against us. Whatever old wives may tell you our provision will outreach your patience of a siege; however since we find not that peaceablenesse with you we expected, we shall by Gods helpe keepe off your threatned revenge, we are loath to shed the blood of any of our Countrymen; but better they bleed then the Kingdome perish, and they must be the Authors of their owne ruine if they set upon us, we must still retaine our old resolutions, and when we lose our lives, you may gaine the Castle.
The next day came in the Lord Capell, vvith some additionall Forces, and sent us this summons follovving.
The Lord Capels summons.
WHeras the Castle of Hawarden hath been summoned by Sir Michael Ernly for to be by you [Page 5] surrendred for his Majesties use, which you have refused to performe, contrary to your duty and allegeance; I being now come to joyne my Forces, with those in his Majesties service, here, being by your own Messenger whom I have taken, well assured of your wants and necessities; do summon and require of you the said Castle presently to deliver into my hand, for his Majesties use; with this assurance, that if you doe speedily obey this summons, you shal have liberty to depart with your lives; so if you shal hold out untill by force or other meanes I gain the same, or you be inforced to quit it, I shall afford no quarter to any one person among you : Hereof I expect your immediate answer.
The Answer to the Lord Capels summons.
AL this a doe might be spared: our greatest want wil be of Inke and Paper to answer your demands, if you multiply Parles: if you continue the Siedg, we shal drive that fancy of our necessities out of your head : the Messenger (we are assured) could acquaint you with no want of ours, unlesse you force him to say what you please. Sir, spare your paper and use your weapons, and we will use ours, and make good the Castle were your forces ten times more then they are. Quarter we have been told over and over againe, we shall have none, but when it comes to that need, we will sell our lives dearly by the helpe of God.
Captaine Sandfords Summons.
I Presume you very well know or have heard of my condition and disposition, and that I neither give nor take quarter, I am now with my firelocks (who never yet neglected opportunity to correct Rebels) ready to use you as I have done the Irish, but loath I am to spill my Countrymens blood; wherefore by these I advise you to your fealty and obedience towards. His Majesty, and shew your selves faithfull Subjects by delivering the Castle into my hands for His Majesties use. In so doing you shall be received into mercy, &c. Otherwise if you put me to the least trouble or losse of blood to force you, expect no quarter for man, woman or childe. I heare you have some of our late Irish Army in your company, they very well know me, and that my fire-locks use not to parley. Be not unadvised, but thinke of your liberty, for I vow all hopes of reliefe is taken from you, and our intents are, not to starve you, but to batter and storme you, and then hang you all, and follow the rest of that Rebell crew. I am now no bread and cheese Rogue, but as ever a Loyallist, and will ever be whilst I can write or name
I expect your speedy answer this tuesday night at Broadlane Hall, where I am now your neer neighbour.
This wee counted unworthy any other answer then laughter and contempt.
Captaine Sandfords other Message.
I Admire your obstinacy, thus long to refuse mercy. I send you this, not by way of Parley, but to tell you, no reliefe can (or dare approach you; and that your Masters, who left you there, are so disperst, that neither the one or the other are) or will be (before you starve) able to helpe you, or send you succour. I have entertained two honest Welshmen, that three nights since ran away from you to doe His Majesty true service under my command and this night I apprehended one Thomas Platt, who as he said made an escape to prevent starving, by them all I am certified of your misery, if you like your present condition, remaine where you are and feast your bodies with your boyld corne, and glad your soules with a draught of your unwholsome water. I would not advise you to entertaine a better condition, because I take you to be men desperately disposed, and not capable of comfort; onely this to answer your question of my not being a Souldier, by to morrow I doubt not but to have a mine ready to remove you (through the Ayre) from your present posession, to a habitation that shall answer your desert. Pray Gentlemen mis-censure me not, for I am no bragadocio, but reall in thought, word and deed towards His Majesty, and my words and actions were fram'd in one mold; yet Christianity invites me to pitty you, and once more to summon you to your fealty, and to render your selves and the Castle into (if not my custody) the posession of Colonell Davies or Colonell Mostyn, who doe command now in chiefe in this our Leaguer. Once more neglect [Page 8] not your lives and (as you may deserve) Liberty; I am confident of your men, that if they may but heare my last and this letter read publikely, they will throw your incendiary over the wals, and I doubt not but some The Captaine of the Regiment. of you will doe that duty to save him hanging, and then deliver the Castle, and thereby purchase your pardons; Gentlmen the Lo. Capell is very gracious, and you have kind mediators here. This from your neer neighbour,
If you please to be informed that Reliefe cannot come to you, send out one of your Sergeants, who shall have a Passe to and from Wrexam, of the truth to informe you.
Our Answer.
SIR, big words will not take Castle, where men have [...]he possession of them. We wil not beleev our friends are so disperst upon your testimony, but must accept of your proffer of one of our owne, to goe instead of Wrexsam to Holt, and thence to satisfie us of the estate of matters; your mines we feare much what as your words, that is, just nothing at all. The Souldiers have heard your last and this, which made them mirth. We desire you will sit by and let the Commanders in chief treat. The Incendiary you talk of slights, your loud slanders and threats, and knowes, that if you doom him to a halter, a better of your owne will be found out to meet with the like censure, our [Page 9] food is better than such as your halfe-starved Souldiers can get, and their drink and ours are much alike. If wee find our selves neglected by our friends, we shall the more suddenly and easily surrender, but never but upon honourable termes, wee will rather turne carcasses than slaves, and die honourable, rather than live to shame; we desire we may have a Sargeant of yours for one of our owne, who is to go upon this imployment, we desire to know whether things may stand as they do during the parley, or whether we shall on both sides follow our work.
His Reply.
YOur letter we have perused, and only two lines therin we think fit to be answered, and in a word thus wee resolve; your Sargeant shall have libertie to enquire after your hopes, and a Sargeant of ours shall rest with you till hee come back, but upon this condition that hee shall returne within foure and twentie houres, in the meane time take your course by way of hostilitie, for our men cannot be idle, neither must we sleep till you have received your reward due unto you.
When wee upon the returne of our Sargeant understood the departure of our friends out of the Countrey, so that there was no expectance of reliefe, and our Souldiers were impatient of longer wants, having had but one meale a day from the first day of the siege, we were necessitated to send this message.
To the Commander in chiefe in Hawarden, and the rest of the Gentlemen there.
WE understand our friends have removed from the Holt, and that is all our intelligencer could know, being so narrowly observed; but whether they make any preparation for our reliefe we know not. Our condition cannot be so bad as theirs in Holt Castle was, yet (blessed be God) we are able to continue such a time wherein there might be a strange turne of things againe on our side, however if we may have these following propositions granted, we shall surrender the Castle. [Page 10]
- 1 That there may be a mutuall exchange of prisoners since we entred this Countrey, which wee beleeve will not be found disproportionable.
- 2 That we may have honourable quarter, to march away bag and baggage, with our Colours flying, and match lighted, and all the Armes and Ammunition in the Castle.
- 3 That we may have a safe convoy to the next Garrison we shall make choyse of in Cheshire or Shrop shire.
- 4 That we may have such carriages as may be for our use.
- Your refusall or delay of the grant of these propositions will but create further troubles to your selves, for wee tell you once more, we will either depart, or dye honourably.
To the Commanders in chiefe in Hawarden Castle.
I Have received your propositions, and if you please to deliver up the Castle upon these conditions following, well, if otherwise, &c.
1 I will give you faire quarter for your lives, only those that have formerly served the King, and revolted from him, shall refer themselves to my mercie.
2 I will admit of no Colours, Armes or Ammunition to be carried out of the Castle, only such as are Officers shall march with their swords; for other baggage I will permit none to passe.
3 You shall have a safe Convoy to Namptwich or Wem, or any other Garrison within two dayes march.
4 If you will deliver the Castle to morrow by nine of the clock, I shall punctually performe all these conditions, if you refuse, I will deny all further treatie.
The Answer.
SIr, we must be driven to far greater necessities before our souldiers will part with their Armes; We little thought of so strange Returne of those reasonable Propositions we sent: We desire you will be pleased to make a review of them, and let us [Page 11] finde more satisfaction, or otherwise we call God to witnesse, we will make you keep a cold Christmas, and then make spoile of that we can here, and so dye in the throng of our enemies, if they stand in our wayes. Sir, we will be u [...]ed like Souldiers, or else our Armes shall faile us, if your after thoughts afford more reason, we shall be glad; but if otherwise, we shall not care if you spare your Treaty.
The next Morning Sir Mich. sent to speake with some of us, whereupon Captaine Ellot, and the Chaplaine of the Regiment went to him: he told them he was to goe back to Chester, and desired to draw the matter to some agreement : Whereupon, they wished him to propose such honourable termes as they might yeeld to, and see the faces of their friends without blushing after; he said he would, and thereupon said he would allow halfe Armes, two Colours of three; to march away with one flying, & the other furled up: Also two Trunks to the two Captaines, of what they would make choice of in the Castle, provided, It should be at his choice to let them passe, or give 20 l. for them: 1 Trunk of Books for the Chaplain of the Regiment; All the Horses in the Castle save one, which Sir Mich. should chuse out of them, a Convoy to Wem or Namptwich. These propositions they refused, and so broke off, and returned to the Castle. There they called the souldiers together, and told them they would not offer that dishonour to the meanest souldier, as to yeeld he should march without Armes. But some of the souldiers impatient of further wants, which were like to grow upon them, said they would call for quarter over the Castle-wall, if we came not to agreement: Whereupon we were glad to condescend (though far against the minde of some) to Sir Michaels propositions, which he swore should be punctually performed. The next Morne we were to depart the Castle, where the Captaines Trunks were rifled, as soone as they were brought out of the Castle-gate, and the souldiers disarmed, and all within the Gentlemens view, who were at the agreement, onely the Chaplaine [Page 12] had 8 l. composition for his Trunk. These things would be strange (if any thing be strange amongst them) and what through flatteries and violence to our men, we got not a fourth part of them out of that Country. These doings may discover (if others did not) the temper of the men, and help to raise our thankfulnes to that God who hath delivered us from them.
You have here only a paper-scuffle, and indeed there was little else betwixt us. Thus was much inke spilt, but little bloud, they not adventuring an assault, and we only issuing once out of the Castle, at which time we beat off one of their Guards, and tooke a Drum, 2 Halberts, 2 Muskets, and some Wallets of provision which they outran. Sometimes they would about 10 or 11 a clocke at night give us a volley of shot under the Castlewall; but being answered, they hasted home to their Burrowes or Earth-workes againe: We slew and wounded about 12 of them, and they killed one of ours, and wounded another. Thus have you the relation of this matter, which was once thrown by, but is now fecht abroad by such who must not be denyed it.
Vpon the victory at Namptwich, one of their Commanders being taken prisoner, seeing their Colours carryed before them, said, We were not wont thus to follow our Colours, to whom a Gentleman replyed, you were wont to fight against Papists.