A just VINDICATION of the Reputation of Mr. VVHITE Alderman of the City OF EXON, In Answer to a Scurrillous Pamphlet cald the Visible Vengeance, &c. Wherin is discovered the many fal­sities and untruths in that Relation attested under the hand of his own servant that was with him in his journey till the day of his death: As also a true Relation of the sad accident that befell him, with the Circum­stances thereof.

They whet their tongue like a Sword, and bend their Bowes to shoot their arrowes, even bitter words, That they may shoot at the perfect Psal. 64. 3. 4.
To him that is afflicted pity should be shewed from his friend, but he forsaketh the feare of the Almighty, Job 6. 14.

LONDON, Printed for Iohn Rothwell, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Signe of the Sunne and Fountaine in Pauls Church-yard, 1649.

Courteous Reader,

IT is no new thing for the servants of God that have in any eminent way oppos'd the ini­quity of the times in their Generation, to be hated while they live, and to be reviled and reproached at their death by the tongues, and pens of lewd and prophane spirits, In all ages (saith one) there are not wanting some qui scepticè & scabiosè de bonis loquantur. This hath been the lot of this pious Ma­gistrate of the City of Exon by this false and malicious Pam­phleteere, who hath patch't together a bundle of untruths to make up his accusation and charge him (as will appear in the sequell) that he may hereby not only harden his own heart, but others also in their desperate Malignancy, sucking poyson out of every sad accident to increase their venom, and to strengthen themselves in their evill wayes, but thus it hath and ever will be, that those that seeke occasion to stumble at (by the just hand of God) shall find enough to harden themselues by to their own destruction. Let not the Saints of God be troubled at it, if they see reproaches cast upon their brethren in their life, or at their death, its their duty to keep themselves innocent, and it will be comfort enough when they are so; we must be content a while here, (if God will have it so) that our good names as well as our bodies (like the Corne) must dye, and rot awhile before they rise up a­gaine, and appeare more glorious, the servant is not greater then his Master, Christ himselfe was call'd a Beelzebub while he lived, and suffered upon this very point, (as this servant of God doth) as a malefactor, when he dyed, because he was cryed out against as an enemy to Caesar.

Reader, were the person so well known to thee, as he was in the place where he lived, it were needlesse to make reply by way of Vindication to so scurrilous a paper, for what is [Page 2] there charged upon him cannot at all be credited by any so­ber spirits that knew him, only considering that it is every Christians duty to endeavour what he can, to Vindicate the reputation of the innocent, (especiall such as were publick persons that cannot cleere themselves) as also because stran­gers now adayes are too apt to entertain a beliefe of that which is asserted in Print and not contradicted, but chiefly that the mouth of inquity may be stopped, and that none from this sad act of Providence may take occasion to harden themselves in their Malignancy (against which the Majesty of Heaven hath so visibly appeared, and which seemes to be the errand of this lying imputation) I shall

1. Give thee a true Character of the man what he was who is thus aspersed.

2. A true relation of the sad accident that befell him in his journey to London, attested under the hand of his servant that was with him, that hereby (comparing it with the seur­rilous Pamphlet) thou maist see how wickedly and basely he is wronged.

1. As for the Character of the man it is well known, That he was a pious man and a good Magistrate that punished sin impartially without respect of persons, one that hath both done and suffered much in person and otherwayes to further the worke of Reformation in a right Parliamentary way, he was no enemy to Monarchy; nor no friend to Malignants to uphold arbitrary and Tyrannicall Government, he was e­qually averse to Sectaries on the one hand as to Malignants on the other, very sparing in his speeches to his very friends; and therfore very unlikely to be so rash; violent and reproach­ing in his language of the King before strangers, yea and that such as were so vile and wicked (as those were that were in the Waggon with him;) as will appeare in the narration; he was of a more sober spirit then to use such bitter revilings and more wise then to speak before so rude a people; as is well known, to those that knew him, and therfore the more wicked was the Pamphleteere that belies him so much in Print to his defamation.

2. Take a briefe yet true Narration of his journey and the sad accident that besell him attested under the hand of his [Page 3] own servant that was with him in his journey till he dyed. Which is as followeth.

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