A True NARRATIVE OF THE Occasions and Causes of the late Lord Gen. Cromwell's Anger and Indignation against Lieut. Col. George Joyce, (sometimes Cornet Joyce, who secured the King at Holmby) & his proceedings against him to Casheer him from the Army, and imprison and destroy him in his Estate.
A Little after the King was brought into the Custody, or Quarters of the Army, Notice was taken, that Cromwell lifted up his hands in the Parliament, and called God, Angels, and Men to witness, That he knew nothing of Joyce's going for the King.
Thereupon Joyce asked the said Gen. Cromwell, What made him to speak such words? and whether he intended to do as the King had done before him, viz. Swear and Lye; and bid him mark, What would be the end of such things; cautioning him to take heed and beware of such Actions: But he slighted those warnings; and soon after flattered the said Joyce again with tears of seeming repentance.
The next Occasion of difference between the said Joyce and Cromwell, was concerning the Marquess of Argile's carriage in Scotland; at which time speaking plainly to him according unto his own exhortations; putting him in mind of former neglects of his, he immediately fell into a violent fit of passion against the said Joyce; and laying his hand upon his sword, uttered many threats against him in the presence of Capt. John Vernon, and one more.
Not long after this, the said Joyce, with some other Officers went with a Petition to St. Albans to General Fairfax for Justice against Capital offenders: And from thence was sent to Pomfret Leaguer, with a Letter and Message from our General and Army, to know whether that Brigade under Cromwell would joyn with us. And while he was waiting for an answer, Cromwell took an occasion to fall out with him, and in a railing manner, called him Rascall many times, and with great threats said, That he would make him write a Vindication of him, against a book intuled, The Grand design discovered. Wherein was many things declared concerning Cromwell's carriage towards Joyce, before he went to Holmby for the King: which afterwards he called God to witness he knew nothing of.
And had it not been for Col. Dean & others, who through the mercy of God prevented him, he had in all probability done him mischief at the same time.
Not long after this, the Parliament was to be purged, which the said Joyce protesting against, was by the said Cromwell threatned to be destroyed.
But it came to such a height at last, that the said Parliament must be dissolved forthwith; against which the said Joyce protested, and gave him his reasons for it, viz. First, he feared he designed to be King by it. Secondly, That if he dissolved the Parliament, there would be no Legal way to raise moneys [Page 2] for the Army; which would be a means to take off the affections of all the Parliaments friends; desiring therefore it might not be dissolved, untill they had by our means Introduced a more righteous and equal Government, which in our Declarations and Remonstrances they had held forth. Then was a certain select company of men to be sent for out of several Counties; the said Joyce protested against that likewise, still telling him, that he intended by them to make himself King. At which he was extreamly angry with him, and in a great rage — After this,
About the year 1650, one Mr. Hen. Philpott being chief Ranger of Finckley-Park in Hampshire, by a Patent from the late King; the said Park, for the Delinquency of the said Philpott, was sequestred; by which means it came into the hands of the Lord de la Ware, who never accounted to the Commonwealth for one penny of the profits.
Whereupon one Mr. Villers Philpott, Kinsman to the former, desired him, that in as much as his Cosin was beyond the Seas, that he would get the said Park into his possession, and he would engage, that his Kinsman, upon his coming over, should do this Commonwealth very signal Services, and such, as few besides himself were able to perform.
To the latter he very readily hearkened, and thereupon procured Mr. Henry Philpott to come over; which he accordingly did, and gave so good an account of affairs abroad, that it came not short of his Kinsmans word, nor his expectation: But for the former, he was altogether unwilling, and offer'd him divers reasons against it, although his Kinsman upon his coming over, had made him several proffers, of assigning all his interest in the said Park unto him; which he as often refused.
Notwithstanding which, he was continually importuned by both, but nothing prevailing, they desired him to offer it to some friend of his, and alleadg'd this, That it were indifferent to them, whoever had it, so it were out of the hands of him that then enjoy'd it.
But he being as much to seek in this, as unwilling in the former; they earnestly entreated him, that in regard of his more then ordinary Knowledge, (as they would perswade him he had) of the L.G. Cromwel, that he would prevail with him, or one of his Sons, to take it into their hands; which, after some time, and perswasion, he brought to this issue, That upon the assignment of Mr. Philpott, and the resignation of the Lord de la Ware, Mr. Richard Cromwell desired to take it: all which being accordingly done, he was possest of it, and hath ever since enjoyed it. But farther, there was this agreement between Mr. Richard Cromwell, Mr. Philpott, and him self, That if ever the said Park were exposed to sale, that he should have the sole right of purchasing it, before either of them two: In order to which, he bought up all the Arrears of Portsmouth, Hampton, & the better part of the Isle of Wight, at 7 s. 6 d. per l. deeming him self obliged in conscience to allow the Souldiers (who had equally ventured their lives with him self) a more proportionable rate, then the common prices of 1 s. 18 d. per l.
After this, the Parliament made an Act for the sale of Kings Lands, of which the Park aforesaid being parcel, it was amongst others survey'd, and exposed to sale: he having notice of it, by the consent of the Lord Richard, went to the Committee, and informing them of the matter, at large, they ordered, that a stop should be put to the sale of the said Park for the present, and that when ever it was to be sold, him self should have the preemption; giving this for the reason of their order, That he had deserved better then so small a courtesie: by which means the Lord Richard enjoy'd the said Park between 4 or 5 years longer, his Debenters all that while lying dead upon his hands.
By this time the greatest part, if not all the Kings Lands being sold, comes in one Capt. Urland, and pretends a discovery of the said park; whereupon [Page 3] the Committee forgetting, or at least taking no notice of the former passages, order a new Survey; which being returned, and the Park upon sale, he went to him then called Lord Richard, (Cromwell his Father having interrupted this Parliament) and desir'd to know of him, whether he would let the Park go so, or whether he had forgot our former agreement? his answer was, No, he had not forgot it, but for the Park he would not meddle with it; and therefore bade him do in it what he would: Whereupon he prest it to him, how convenient it lay for his Estate, and therefore if he pleased, he would purchase it, & he should have the whole, or half at the same rate it cost him. To which he said, he wanted moneys. He reply'd, Let not that trouble you I will purchase the whole, and trust you for one half, till you are able to pay me; but before we proceed farther, I will acquaint your Father: which being accordingly done, and he having shewn him a particular of other Lands that were likewise upon sale, and offer'd him his choice; he took me in his arms, and told me, that himself, his Son, and Family were more beholding to me, then all the world besides; and therefore bade me go on and prosper.
Upon this, he went the next morning about it, and there being a full Committee, he was just upon the point of contracting for the said Park; when on a suddain in came the Lord Richard (his Father then overtopping all in power) with three Lawyers with him, and required them to proceed no further in it, in regard it was his own Inheritance, and no Park, as was supposed: whereupon he informed the Committee of the whole discourse, that passed between the General, his son, and him self the night before; upon which he fell upon him in foul words, saying, Sirrah, Sirrah, hold your tongue, or I shall make you repent the time you were born; which the Committee perceiving, they desir'd us to withdraw; and since that time, never durst meddle with the Park any farther.
Hereupon the anger of the Father and Son waxed hot against the said Lieut. Col. Joyce.
Upon this, and also upon the said Lieut. Col. his bearing testimony in the publique meetings of the Officers against the Armies Apostacy at that time, who were then concurring to make the said Lord General, Lord Protector, endeavours were used to ruine him; and to that purpose his Lieutenant (who had before given information against the Lieut. Col. but could make nothing of it, as the Commissioners who had been appointed to examine the matters alledged, had signified to the General) was sent for from Portland by General Cromwell, and by him encouraged to prosecute his Lieut. Col. again, and contrary to the course and Custome of the Army, privately appointed about 9 Officers, such as he could then trust in such an affair, viz. Col. Whaly Col. G. Col. Gravener, Lieut. Col. White, and Lieut. Col. Worsley, &c. to take the Lieutenant's information against him; and they (having no power thereunto) took his deposition against the Lieut. Col. who falsly swore, That he should hear the Lieut. Col. say, (in a discourse in Portland about the death of Lockyer) That he was sorry that Lockyer had not pistoll'd Cromwell; and thereupon sent him to prison without bayl, and order was given, that he should be kept close prisoner: So he was carried away with Musqueteers to the Mewes, and put into a close Chamber within the common Dutch prison, where the lice creeped up very thick, and where he was forced to continue above 10 dayes; After great importunity he obtained a remove to another Chamber in the Mewes, where he fell sick with the filthy smells, and other inconveniencies, and continued ten weeks, but was often sent to by Oliver Cromwel to lay down his Commission, which he absolutely refused to do; declaring to all, how unworthily he was dealt with, and that what was sworn against him was false, and that it would at last appear to the view of the whole world; and when they should [Page 4] understand what was the design, they would marvail; And when he could not be perswaded out of his Commission, Articles were drawn against him; and by the false and double-swearing, and prosecution of his Lieutenant (so encouraged as aforesaid) and the Officers privately instructed by their General, he was outed and cashiered, though the Lieut. Colonel was in his own Conscience clear of any Crime or Offence unstable by any Law, or deserving such usage.
After this the said Lieutenant moved the General, then called Protector, for his promised preferment, and his charges, in prosecution; but he answered him in these words: You have not dealt like a Christian with your Lieut. Col. Joyce. To which the Lieut. replyed, That he had done nothing but what he had commanded him, and perswaded him into, upon hopes of preferment. Whereupon the General thrust him out of his Chamber, and bad him go like a Knave as he was.
This was the Case; but the effects of it were more considerable, as to the ruine of his estate: for before he was in prison, he had made large Contracts, and paid many pounds in part; by which means, he was endebted greatly to private persons, who as soon as they heard he was in prison, came so thick upon him, that to satisfie them, was forc't to sell at such under Rates, or else relinquish his bargain, that he lost above 3000 li. in money, and 500 li. per annum, in Lands, and he pays Interest at present for 1200 li. and he ows the Common-Wealth 1600 and odd pounds in Money and Bills for the Estate he now lives in; which being part of that which was the Lord Cravens, no man can deal in it, there being so many Clamours about it.
And now that he hath declared to your Honours, both his Case and Sufferings, he knows not what he should add more, unless it be to beseech your Honours so to take them into serious consideration, that being vindicated to the World, he may once again appear to be an honest man, a true Servant o [...] [...] Country; or else suffer according to his deserts, if he shall be found the contrary.