One word more Fellow. Commoners.

DEar Friends and fellow-Commoners, we the Souldiery under his Excelleney Sr Tho Fairfax do desire to speake one word to you All; that so you may see and know our very hearts so far as we know them our selves: And that our earnest desires are for Peace, in this our Native Land and Kingdome; and being more sensible then many thousands are, how destru­ctive another Warre will be, if not our utter ruine and undoing The words we shall speak to you, are to prevent Warr, and to find out those that have of late sent that Scottish Lord who went from Holmby to London, and from thence into France, and another Scotch Lord into Scotland, all this to bring another Army to England: and we shall be able to make it ap­pear to you hereafter who are the chief actors therein. Deare Friends and Fellow Commoners let us not be like those who have set their hands to the plough and look back, but let it ap­peare to all the World we are against another Warre, and for Peace, Mercy and Justice without delay, No look about you and be not deluded any longer, lest the Scot sell the King for more money, and others oppresse the Kingdome, and put the Kingdomes treasure into their own pockets, or send it out of our Kingdome, as if they were preparing to go after, for feare they should be found out. This we speak that so you may have a care of this glorious Kingdome, your shipping being now in those mens hands who have done you most wrong; and if not looked after by you, may suddenly let in a forrein Enemy to overrun you all, and ravish your Wives, and rost your Children alive, as those bloudy minded men in Ireland have done; and this will be our case if you awake not suddenly. I have done, a word to the wise is sufficient: and rest

Yours and the Kingdomes faithfull servant till death for Englands Lyberty, against Tyranny, &c.

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