A SPEECH Made to his EXCELLENCY THE Lord General MONCK, AND THE COUNCIL of STATE, Goldsmiths Hall in London, The tenth day of April, 1660. At which time they were entertained by that honourable Company.

After a Song in four parts, at the conclusion of a Chorus, Enter a Sea-Captain.
LEt me make one too; are you grown so stout,
To contrive Peace, and leave the Seaman out?
Have you in those large Bowls which Plenty gave yee,
Drank off the Ocean, and swallow'd the Navy?
You never think upon our Rocks and shelves,
So you may snudge in quiet by your selves;
Are not you Britains? Is not Navigation
The only Guard and Glory of the Nation?
Can you have Treasure brought without a Fleet?
What is it gilds Cheapside and Lumbard Street
But our Sea trade? By our cutting the curl'd
Ocean ye hold Commerce with all the World.
VVhence come your costly Carpettings, and VVorks
That grace the Chambers of triumphant Turks,
But from beyond-Sea? Whence comes all your gold,
For which, by some, both Law and Gospel's sold,
But from beyond-Sea? And wise men of trust
Beleeve, if ever we have Peace agen, it must
Come from beyond-Sea; And d'ye goe about
To make a Peace, and leave the Main-Mast out?
But where's my Admiral? Oh! I have spy'd him,
His Merits are so cleer no Clouds can hide him.
I must go droll with him though, What Chear hey?
Up to the Ears in Custard, here's a fray
Compounded without bloudshed; these would be
Good bitts upon a March, George, or at Sea:
When, in the fury of tempestuous weather,
Wee and our meat were pickled up together.
Here are pure Quarters, Plenty keeps her spring
In London, 'Tis a City for a King.
I came just now ashore to speak with you
Directly up to Goldsmiths-Hall, I knew
VVhere I should find you out: You love to settle
VVith honest Hearts, and Men of the best Mettle.
They love St. George, and yet they highly set
A value on St.
St. Dunstan was a Patron of the Goldsmiths.
Dunstan, they'r well met,
They both did put the Devil in a dump,
One had him by the Nose, tother the Rump,
And thereby hangs a tayl. When I came hither,
My business, and my boldnesse mixt together
Made me thrust in: Where crowd you? (cry'd they all)
Quoth I, to speak with my LORD GENERAL,
I'm one of his Sea Captains; presently
The Master and the generous Company
All bad me welcom, and did strongly woo
Me to bid you so, and this
To the Coun­cil of State.
Council too
In these, or such like words; they bad me say
The Sunn's not welcomer to a dark day,
Than you unto this City: for you are
Temp'rate in Undertakings, Stont in Warr,
Prudent in Councils, Quick when Dangers call,
Secret in great designs, Honest in All:
'Twould make the greatest Rebell quite renounce ill,
To see but such a Souldier, such a Council.
God prosper both, and may you never cease,
Till you have brought home the bright Princesse Peace,
That long-lost Lady: Could we make a Crown
As rich as that was worn by Solomon,
Rather than we would lose her, or displease her,
(I mean fair Peace) wee'd give that Crown to scize her▪

If any other Speech be printed, pretended to be spoken in Goldsmiths Hall, they are Counterfeits, and none true but this.

Tho. Jordan.

London, Printed for H. B. at the Gun in Ivy-lane, 1660.

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