The Impeached and Imprisoned Citizens, Aldermen, and Members, Absolution from Guilt or Treason, by an Ancient Vote of the Commons House, when full, free, dis-ingaged, and out of Ward­ship to the Army.

Resolved &c. by the House of Commons,
THat the Actions of the City of London, or of any o­ther person whatsoever, for the defence of the Par­liament, or the Priviledg thereof, or the preserva­tion of the Members thereof, are according to their duty and to their late Protestation, and the Laws of the Kingdom; And if any person shal arrest or trouble any of them for so doing, he is declared to be a publique enemy of the Common-wealth.

Resolved &c. That this Vote shall be made known to the Common Counsell of the City of London.

But the Actions of the now Impeached and Im­prisoned Citizens, Aldermen and Members, for which they stand Accused and Committed are such; Yea, warranted by Ordinances, Votes, and Orders of both Houses then sitting,

Ergo; Those Fugitives and Preingaged Mem­bers, and other persons who have accused, impea­ched, arrested and troubled them for so doing, are by this Vote, declared to be publique enemies to the State, and the greater Traytors of the two, as most honest dis-interessed men repute them.

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