A TRUE ACCOUNT OF THE WHOLE PROCEEDINGS OF THE PARLIAMENT IN IRELAND, BEGINNING March 25, 1689, and ending the 29th of June fol­lowing; with the Establishment of their For­ces there.

Licensed and Entred according to Order.

LONDON: Printed for Robert Clavell, at the Peacock in St. Paul's Church-Yard. MDCLXXXIX.


A Proclamation issued out for a Parliament to be held in Dublin, May 7. no Popish Bishops sum­moned.

May 7. Parliament met in the Inns: Some Lords intro­duced; Bishop of Meath and Cork amongst the rest; the King enters with Robes and Crown; makes a Speech: Chancellor bids the Commons chuse a Speaker; they go to their House, and having chosen Sir Richard Nagle, pre­sent him within half an hour; he is accepted; House ad­journs till Ten in the Morning: two Lords called by Writ Chancellor, Lord [...] Nugent, Lord Riverstown.

May 8. Bishop of Story introduced. Address of Thanks to the King, and Abhorrence voted. A Committee appoint­ed to draw it up. A Message to the Commons for their concurrence.

The King comes into the House, appoints Four in the Afternoon for both Houses to attend him with it: A Bill brought into the House by C. J. Nugent, and read twice, Rege present. Containing a Recognition of the King's Ti­tle, and an Abhorrence of the P. of O's Usurpation, and of [Page 4]the defection of the English; ordered after to be ingrol­sed: Committees of Grievances and Petitions appointed: House adjourned till Friday morning.

May 10. King comes into the House, and stays there all the Session: Bill of Recognition, &c. read the third time; sent down to the Commons by two Judges, who report the delivery of it: A Bill brought in by C. J. Nu­gent for incouraging Trade, by inviting Strangers into the Kingdom, taking only the Oath of Fidelity, read once. The King directs the House in the Methods of proceed­ing; adjourned to Ten next day: At Four afternoon Com­mittee of Petitions and Trade sate; a Petition preferred by Nangle against Gerard Borre, Esq for Perquisites of the Clerk of Parliament; Borre ordered to appear Monday fol­lowing at Four in the Afternoon.

May 11. Bishop of Limerick introduced: House ordered to attend the King in their Robes, which they did: The Orders of the House read: Bill for Trade read the second time, and commited: Bill of Recognition brought into the House from the Commons; at Eleven the King comes, to the House in his Robes, and passes the Bill; the King goes out. 'Tis disputed, whether the Session was not dis­continued by passing the Bill; moved to refer it to the Judges by the Bishop of Meath; over-ruled, and resolved in the Negative. Adjourned till Munday.

May 13. A Bill brought into the House by C. J. Nu­gent for altering the Act of Settlement, read once, and motion made for the second reading; but rejected. The King present at Four in the Afternoon; the Committee of Petitions and Privileges sate; Borres Answer put in, and Nangle ordered to reply. Lord Brittas's Petition concern­ing his Arrest 18 years ago, read; Affidavit ordered to be made, and on the Affidavit the Party to be committed to the Black Rod.

May 14. The Peers names called; License of absence granted, and Proxies admitted: Two Bills brought up by the Commons, and read once; one for recalling all Grants of Civil Offices from the King, during Life or Good be­haviour: Another against Writs of Error, and Appeal in­to England; and that an Act of Parliament in England shall not bind Ireland. King present all the while.

May 15. Earl of Westmeath introduced Bill for vacating Offices, &c. read second time, and committed; Speaker quits the Chair: Chief Justice Nugent called up by the King to be Chair-man; the Bishop of Meath against it for two Reasons; 1st, Because able Officers might be turned out without fault. 2d, It was unjust to turn men out of Freehold without tryal or compensation; the Lord Chancel­lor for it, because to the King's prejudice to grant them: the House reassumed, and the Bill read a third time; at every Sentence the Clerk stopt, and the Speaker asks the House, Shall it pass without amendment? It was put to the vote; all consent but the Bishop of Meath, who desired to protest, but was denyed, because he offered it too late; viz. after the Votes were past; King present all along.

May 16. Ch. Just. Nugent reports the Alterations made in the Bill of Trade: The Bill against Writs of Error, &c. read the Second time, and committed: Speaker quits his place; Chief Justice Nugent assumes it: Bishop of Meath argues against it, because against his Oath of Supremacy to the King; because prejudicial to the King and King­dom; robbing the King of his Prerogative, and the Sub­ject of the Liberty of appealing to the King in person: He desires a Clause in the latter end for saving all Writs of Error, and Appeals now depending in England: The Lord Chancellor for the Bill, argues from the Ease and Benefit of the Subject. The House reassumed the Bill, read seri­atim, as the other before; after that, put to the vote; all consent: The King present at all the Debates. A Bill [Page 6]read once, making it Treason to bring in Counterfeit Foreign Coin into the Kingdom; referred to the Com­mittee. A Petition preferred about Butter-Casks, and referred. At Four in the Afternoon the Committee sits, and refers the Bill about Money to the Judges; and that about Casks to the Committee of Trade.

May 17. The Bill about Trade read twice, and passed nemine contradicente: Lord Primate's Summons and Proxy granted to the Bishop of Meath, read and allowed: obje­cted, That the Proxy should be introduced, not allowed, because the Primate did not appear; but it was carried in the Negative, and presidents were cited for it.

May 18. Journals of the last day read: A Petition for the relief of some poor Prisoners, read, and referred to the Committee.

May 20. Journals of the House read; Lord Dillon in­troduced.

May 21. Earl of Barrymore's Proxy granted to the Lord Granard, allowed, but not read: Lord Dunsany's Proxy allowed.

May 22. Lord Trimnestown, and Lord Kilmahar intro­duced. Motion made by Bishop of Meath against the Sheriffs of Dublin for quartering an Officer upon him; Ordered, That no Peer should be quartered on; and that the Sheriff should be committed to the Black Rod. The Bill for repealing the Acts of Settlement brought up from the Commons by Coll. Macharty, and lodged in the House.

Observe, That nothing was done in the House for four days before, because the King waited for this Bill from the Commons; and that the King sent frequently for it; the Black Rod having called to the House of Commons six or seven times this very day to send it up, the Lords House and King spent the time in Discourses and News.

May 23. Journals of last day read. The Bill from the Commons lodged yesterday, read this day once: Motion [Page 7]made to have it read again in the Afternoon, but rejected: Bishop of Meath moves, That the Lords Bill might have Precedence of it in reading, or at least, that both might be committed: The first rejected, the latter granted: The Commons Bill ordered to be read next morning.

May 24. Col. Macarty made Baron, Moun Cassan intro­duced. The Commons Bill of Repeal read again, and committed to the whole House; moved the Lords Bill of Repeal might be read and committed; but denied. Se­veral Petitions read, put in by Persons concerned under the Acts; all referred, except Capt. Kelly's.

May 25. Bill about counterfeit Foreign Coin amended, and read the Third time: Controversie between Trimne­stown and Dunsany about Precedencies, Reported by the Committee, adjudged to Trimnestown, because it was so in 1634; with a saving to Dunsany, if he can shew a better Right. Several Petitions read, preferred by Persons con­cerned under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, and by others for Remainders: One by Lord Clan Meleera, to be relieved against the Sale of his Estate to Sir Patrick Trant.

May 27. Several Petitions read, and Counsel on them heard at the Lords Bar; viz. Lord Galways, Mathews, Lord Kingstown's Brothers, Sir Henry Bingham's Brother's; the Scope of them all was, To have savings for their Remain­ders, and consideration for their Improvements; referred all to the Committee of Petitions.

May 28. Several Petitions read, relating to the Act of Settlement; Bill of Repeal read the second time; the House Adjourned during Pleasure, and Resolved into a Grand Committee; the Bill of Repeal read by Paragraphs; some Objections made, which occasioned some Alterati­ons. Motion made for Adjourning till Thursday, because Wednesday was a Holiday; the King ask'd, What Holiday? Answered, The Restoration of his Brother and Himself, &c. he replied, The fitter to Restore those Loyal Catholick [Page 8]Gentlemen that had suffered with him, and been kept un­justly out of their Estates; the Motion rejected.

May 29. Petitions read, and referred to the Committee; the House Resolved into a Grand Committee; the rest of the Bill read by Paragraphs; Objections made; some over-ruled, others thought reasonable; King offers a new Preamble to the Bill, instead of that which was sent up from the Commons House; Assented to it. Judg Daly im­peached by the Commons; at four in the Afternoon Com­mittee of Petitions sits; Chief Justice Keating's Petition read; Lord Forbes's and Lord Galway's adjourned to the 31st, because the 30th was a Popish Holiday.

May 31. Judg Daly's Petition read and granted; Scope of it for time to answer the Commons Impeachments, and to have a Copy of it: Lord Galway's heard at the Bar a­bout his Ladies Remainder in Lord Lanesborough's Estate; Proviso granted for it: Lord Riverstown reports the Alte­rations made in the Bill of Repeal by the Committee, which were all consented to.

June 1. John Brown's Petition read and argued at the Bar; the Chair-man Reports the Alterations and Additi­ons made to the Bill of Repeal; which are approved: Judg Daly's Petition, desiring a further day for an answer, read and granted. Mrs. Walls Bill against her husband read once.

June 3. Petitions read, and referred to the Committee: Lord Galway's Councel heard at the Bar, concerning his Ladies Remainder, and Arrears due to the Heirs of Ʋlick, E. of Clanricard: Lord Riverstown Reports from the Com­mittee several Alterations and Provisoes to be inserted in the Bill of Repeal; which were each twice read. Sir Wil­liam Talbot came up with a Message from the Commons, which imported their earnest Request to the Lords, to pass the Bill with all the expedition they could, because the Heart and Courage of the whole Nation were bound up in it.

June 4. Journals read: Petition from the Bishop of Cork for relief for Arrears of Rents: A Bill for Mrs. Wall against her Husband, read the second time: Lord Riverstown Reports new Alterations, new Provisoes in the Bill of Repeal; the new ones read twice; the whole Bill, with all its Alterations and Provisoes, read; after reading, the Bishop of Meath speaks against it, Lord Chancellor and Riverstown for it; the Bishops desire leave to enter their Protest, and four of the Temporal Lords, which were all the Protestants in the House. Mem. That the King said, That they must not enter their Protestation, but only their Dissent; for Protestation came in in Rebellious Times, and that they should not give the Reasons of their Protestation.

June 5. The Bishops Protestation. We the Lords Spiritual in Parliament Assembled, which Names are hereafter subscribed, having for divers reasons, then humbly offered to the House of Lords, dissented from passing the Bill into a Law, sent up to this Honourable House from the House of Commons, Intitu­lled, An Act repealing the Acts of Settlement and Expla­nation, &c. And having obtained leave from the House of Lords to enter our Dissent against the said Bill, do accordingly subscribe our Dissent from the said Bill.

This was brought in Parchment to the Clerk of the Par­liament the next morning before the House sat, and signed, Meath, Ossery, Cork, Limerick; the like Protestation in Parchment signed per Granard, Long ford, Rosse, Howth.

I, Anthony, Bishop of Meath, being constituted and allowed Proxy for the most Reverend Father in God Mich. Lord Archbishop of Armagh, do, in his name and behalf, dissent from the said Bill. Mich. Armagh.

The like signed by Ossory, as Waterford's Proxy.

Journals of the House read: Lord Clanmalieras's Case a­gainst Sir Patrick Trant heard at the Bar, and adjudged against: The Lord Mountgarret petitions the House that Sir John Ivory may commit no waste on his Estate; a ge­neral [Page 10]Order made against it. Committees of Trade, Pri­vileges and Petitions revived: A Committee appointed for Mrs Wall's Bill.

June 6. Journals read; Officers of the House petition about introduction Fees, read, and referred to the Com­mittee: George Kellya, Constable, ordered to be commit­ted for his insolence to Lord Longford.

June 7. Journals read: Message from the Commons for a Conference about Exceptions to the alterations made in the Bill of Repeal; four Lords appointed to meet them immediately in the Chamber over the Lords House; the Lords ordered only to hear their Objections, and report them, which they did accordingly. The Order against waste and spoiling Improvements, read, and approved: Lord Riverstown moves, that Constables and Sheriffs might have power to commit the Possessor that made any waste; Judges Opinions asked, all against it, and the House agrees with them.

June 8. The House of Commons desire to withdraw their Impeachment against Judge Daly, having accepted his Submission, which was granted: A present Conference desired by the Lords upon the subject of the Last Confe­rence, wherein the Lords of the Committee report what they agree, and what they insist on, together with the Rea­sons why they insist on them.

June 10. Journals of the last day read: A Petition of Bridges read, concerning his being turned out of possession by the Proprietor; the House would do nothing in it; the rest of the Morning spent in discourse.

June 11. A Free Conference between the two Houses concerning the Bill of Repeal; the Commons insist on two things; 1st, That the present Possessors may have time to remove till May next: 2dly, That all Remainders may be forfeited, and vested in the King; Journals read.


JOurnals Read. Lords of the Committee report the Conference Yesterday to the House. Commons Reasons debated, and upon the whole, the Lords agree with them to the first, and the Commons con­descend in the business of Remainders.

June 13. C. J. Nugent Reports to the House from the Committee of Petitions several things. The Bill for ad­ding and diminishing the Duties on Forreign Commo­dities, and alterations in it read twice. A Bill for Liber­ty of Conscience brought up from the Commons and read once.

June 14. The Journals Read. Speaker moves that the Bill for Liberty of Conscience may be laid aside for some time, and that the House would dispatch, for the King must send away his Officers. The Bill for adding and di­minishing Duties on Forreign Commodities sent up to the House without Alteration; the meaning of this Bill is to enable the King to enhance or diminish Duties on such Commodities as he thinks fit: At the same time three more Bills were sent up, one for taking off incapa­cities from the Irish Natives; another for Repealing the Provision for Ministers in Corporate Towns; the third for Regulating the Tithing Table of Ʋlster: each of [Page 4]these read twice, and committed. In the Afternoon the Committee sits and reads the Bill against the Provision of Ministers and agrees to it; the B. of Meath, B. Cork, B. Limerich, and E. Longford dissent.

June 15. Journals read. Bill for taking off incapacities from Natives, read twice, and passed nemine contradicente: the meaning of this Bill is, that some Statutes disabled Natives to be Lords-Justices, School-masters, &c. which is now repealed.

June 17. Bill of Repeal with all its Additions and Al­terations sent up, Ingrossed from the Commons, and read thrice; Question put, Consent or not, B. of Meath, Cork, Ossory, and E. Longford dissent. Petitions read, and a Bill brought in by Talbot concerning his Rent for the Water­course, read twice and committed. A new Bill for Liberty of Conscience offered to the House by C. J. Nugent, read once, and committed, the King saying that the first Bill for Liberty of Conscience was more severe against the Church of England than he intended. After the House rose, the King comes to the B. of Meath, and tells him that he did not like the Commons Bill against Liberty of Conscience, that it diminisht his Prerogative, and design'd to make him break his word with our Church, that he intended not to take down the Acts of Uniformity, nor destroy our Re­ligion, but only to take away the Penalties that were a­gainst Liberty. The bottom of this Intreague was from C. J. Herb. who plainly foresaw, that this would absolutely lose the King all his Protestant Friends in England, as be­ing directly contrary to all his Promises, and upon this ac­count ingaged the French Ambassadour to be against it, or else it had certainly past. But the work is done effectually by other Bills, and the Act of Uniformity, will stand like the Edict of Nants, till there be no occasion for it. At 4 in the Afternoon the Committee meets and considers the Bill for Liberty of Conscience, and the Tithing Table of Ʋlster, and makes Alterations in them.

June 18. Four Bills sent up from the Commons, one for inviting Forreigners to trade here, sent up with alterations, upon which a present Conference is desired by the Lords; they insist on this clause, and the Subjects of the most Chri­stian King; Lords against these words, because they were to the prejudice of the French King. 2 d. A Bill for the disposing of Intestates Goods. 2 d. For the continuing a for­mer Statute made for preventing Delays and Executions, and Writs of Errour. 4th. For taking away the benefit of Clergy for two years; each of these Bills read once, and or­dered to be read again next Morning. The Clergy of Dub­lins Petition read. The new Bill for Liberty of Conscience fram'd in the Lord's House, read twice with its amendments, and order'd to be Ingross'd. At Four in the Afternoon the Committee meets about Mrs. Walls business, and hears the Proofs for her Marriage. A Bill brought in by C. J. Nu­gent against keeping Octob. 23.

June 19. Journals read, Clergy of Dublin about their Provision heard at the Bar; Conference with the House of Commons order'd on it, but after alter'd. A Bill for Sub­sidies brought up by the Commons, read thrice and passed; it grants the King 20000 l. per Month, for 13 Months to be paid by Tenants, and allowed by Landlords out of their Rents. The new Bill for Liberty of Conscience, together with their own sent to the Commons. Committee sits about Walls business.

June 20. Clergy of Dublin consider'd, and the Bill read twice and passed. Four Bishops dissent, and six Lords, some of them Papists. Three Bills read twice, and passed nemine contradicente, (viz.) 1st, For Martial Law; 2 d, For Prevent­ing Delays in Executions; 3 d, For taking away the Bene­fit of Clergy for two Years. The Bill for Repealing the 23 d of October read twice, and passed nemine contradicente, except B. of Meath. The Bill about Intestates Goods read, and committed. In the Afternoon the Committee sits a­bout [Page 6] Walls business, and the Bill of Intestates Goods. A Bill passed in the morning for regulating the Tithing Table of Ʋlster; all the Bishops dissent from it, and pray leave to enter their dissent to that, and the Bill repealing the Pro­vision for Ministers in Cities, which was granted, and the next morning they bring in their dissent to the Clerk in Writing. After the House was Adjourned, the Bishop of Meath asks his Majesty whether the Clause in the Bills, (viz.) By and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual, should not be expung'd, where the Bishops did not consent, the King saith no, for they were only to enter their Dissent, but the stile of the Bills must not be alter'd.

Minutes of the HOUSE of COMMONS.

AN Act for Repealing the 23d of October 41, sent to us by the Lords, read and passed; and the Bill for Liberty of Conscience ingrossed and read, as it came from the Lords, which is quite different from the Bill sent up to them; move to throw it out, it being a different Bill from what first pass'd the House, and therefore ought to be laid aside, but not being seconded, it was passed, and these two Bills, together with a Bill against Parrol Wills, &c. and a Bill to repeal the Unions of Parishes, &c. A Bill for R. C. to pay their Tithes to their own Clergy. A Bill for Encouraging of Trades &c. were sent up to the Lords by Mr. Stafford, and a Committee of several of the House went up with them.

The Report read for repealing Poinings Statutes, and told us the King would have a Clause, that he and his Heirs should have the Bill first agreed to by him and his [Page 7]Councel before they should pass the Commons, and its or­dered to be recommitted, and the House inclined to be as free as the Parliaments of England. Several private Peti­tions read and referred, and told us the King would pass the Royal Assent to the Bill of Repeal to morrow.

June 22. Mr. Poolwhiles Petition read, to be reprised for a Debt, pretended he had Outlaw'd one, and gotten a Custodium, whose Estate was to be given to the old Pro­priator, and desired a particular Clause for his Case; after Argument, put to the Vote and carried he should be re­prized. After which, it was moved that all Cases of the like nature should be reprisable, and the Speaker made an­swer, it was a Motion of Vexation; to which the Party answered, it was but common justice, but none seconding the said Motion, it fell. The House was sent for by the Black Rod, the King and Lords being in their Robes, the Speaker attended, and made a Speech, in which he declared what Act they desired his Majesty to pass, to wit, An Act of Supply for 260000 l. to be raised in 13 Months. An Act to repeal the Act of Settlement and Explanation, &c. And an Act of Liberty of Conscience, with Eight several other Acts; to which the King answered, Le Roy le voilt, and so they pass'd. After the Commons reassumed their House, a Speech was made in behalf of the Speaker, to be con­sider'd for his Service; and also one for the Lord Mont Cassel, and a Committee appointed to consider and re­port the same.

June 25. This day moved, that my Lord Mount Cassel, and Lord Chancellor, Lord Chief Baron, and Sir William Talbot with others, should be provided for as Meriting Persons, and Voted that none but the Speaker and Offi­cers of the House should be considered as such.

The List of the People to be attainted, read for Linster, moved in the behalf of John Weaver, that he should not be Attainted. Collonel Barret desired that those Members [Page 8]that moved for such ill men should be turned out of the House, but checked by the Speaker. This day Sir John Temple made a Capital-man in the List of Attainders.

June 26. This day the List of Attainders was read for the County and City of Dublin, and Sir Joshua Allen to be attainted, and Sir Henry Bond and Sir Patrick Trent Examined about him. Coffee appears at the Summons of Mr. Talbot, and ordered to appear to morrow. Sir Thomas Southwell and others attainted by Jury, are to be attain­ted by name in the List.

June 27. This day the report about the Bill for giving Absenters Goods to the King, read twice, and moved that it was unreasonable to give his Majesties Commissioners of the Revenue a power to seise any ones Person for having Absenters Goods, against whom no other Evidence was gi­ven than a single Oath; but not being seconded, was or­dered to be ingrossed, and said by the Speaker it was only for delay. 'Twas moved likewise by Mr. L. that my Lord Mount Cassel should have the thanks of the House, and Addressed for to the King for his Service, and after great Debate, laid aside, least it should lessen D. T's. for whom the House had done the like before, after which they went on the List of Attainders.

June 28. An Act about the City matters sent us by the Lords. An Act to inforce Martial Law amongst Soldiers, sent us by the Lords; and likewise an account that they agreed with us in two other Acts; we sent them concern­ing disuniting of Unions, after the List of Attainders read for Munster and some part of Connaght.

June 29. The Bill about the City Water read, the House not being in number Forty Five. The Bill about Absenters Goods Ingrossed and Read, and moved to be cast out, and seconded; the Speaker violently opposed it, but past after the List for Ʋlster read of Attainders.



d. p. diem p. mens.   Men
6 ½— 16 3— 1 Troop of Granadeers contains 50
6 ½— 16 3— 7 Regiments of Horse contain 2750
5 ¼— 13 1 ½— 7 Regiments of Dragoons contain 3800
      The Royal Reg. contains 22 Comp. 90 in each Comp. 1980
4 10— 42 Reg. of Foot, 13 Comp. 62 men each 33852
      Total 42432
  • 3 d. per Pound for the Hospital, from all Soldiers and Officers.
  • 1 d. per diem for the Cloaths, ½ for Shooes, and ½ for Cloaths: Foot.
  • 1 ¼ per diem from Dragoons, ½ for Furniture, ¾ for Horses: Dragoons.
  • 1 ½ p. diem from Troopers, ½ to the Captain for Furniture, 1 d. for the Clerk. Horse.
HORSE. 7 Reg.
  • Duke of Tyrconnel.
  • Lord Galmoy.
  • Coll. Sarsfield.
  • Coll. Southerland.
  • Lord Abercorne.
  • Coll. H. Luttrel.
  • Coll. Parker.
  • Lord Dungan.
  • Sir Neil O Neil.
  • Coll. Dan. O Brien.
  • Coll. Nich. Purcell.
  • Coll. Clifford.
  • Sir James Cotter.
  • Coll. Simon Luttrel.
FOOT 42 Regiments.
  • Col. John Hamilton Ramsey.
  • Earl of Clancarty.
  • Col. Ant. Hamilton
  • Earl of Clanricard
  • Earl of Antrim.
  • Lord Gormanstown.
  • Lord Clare.
  • Lord Galloway.
  • Lord Slane.
  • Lord Lowth.
  • Lord Duleek,
  • Monsieur Boislon.
  • Sir Val. Brown.
  • Sir John Fitzgerald.
  • Sir Maur. Euslaw.
  • Col. Wil. Nugent.
  • Col. H. Dillon.
  • Col. John Grace.
  • Col. Rich. Butler.
  • Col. Edw. Butler.
  • Col. Walter Butler.
  • Col. John Bourk.
  • Col. Char. Moore,
  • Col. Corn. O Neil.
  • Col. Cavenagh.
  • Col. Gordon O Neil.
  • Col. Nich. Brown.
  • Sir Mich. Creagh.
  • Col. Brien Mac Maghon.
  • Col. Tool.
  • Col. Oxbrough.
  • Col. Maccarty Moor.
  • Col. Barret.
  • Col. Farrel.
  • Col. Bagnall.
  • Lord Bagnall.
  • Lord Tyrone.
  • Col. Cha. O Brien.
  • Lord Iveagh.
  • Col. O Donavan.
  • Col. Dom. Brown.

A Letter from DƲBLIN, June the 12th, 1689.

I For some particular reasons, resolved not to write to you any more, especially being uncertain whe­ther you received my former, or if you did, whether they were of any use; but the particular reason of my not writing, being partly ceased, I consider it is no great matter if I lose my pains. I hope to send you an Abstract of what has been done in the House of Lords and Commons, having a promise of such an Account from those that know them. We have had three Expresses from England; John Browne the Lawyer came over about a Fortnight ago from Mill­ford, and landed at Waterford; Sir JC—'s Son came in a Wherry, and landed about Wickloe, but that which was most material, was from the Lord M. by some Quakers that came last Week hither in a Wher­ry; some the like went yesterday back to you, we have several Expresses sent over to you that way; and a strict Imbargo, least any should follow and discover them. You must not expect the secret of their Messa­ges from me, only 'tis reported, that John Browne brought no Letters with him, but come over with a de­sign to save his Iron-works from the new Proprietors: I hear that upon his Petition to the Parliament, the Possession is secured to him by a Proviso, he paying Rent: He reports that England is unanimous, and that we must expect an Invasion by the next Easterly Wind: The Quakers and Crosby talk likewise of an Invasion, but represent the People of England as dis­satisfied. [Page 14]I find there is still an expectation and de­pendance on Scotland, tho' not so strong as at first: we talk very confidently of a Fleet and fifteen Thou­sand Fusileers from France; the French Fleet to con­sist of eighty Men of War: I verily believe, there is something in it, without some such Aid, Ireland does appear but an easie Conquest which is not the French Interest. The misery of this Town is very great, some being little better than Dragoon'd by the Quartering of Souldiers; some have ten, some twelve, some twenty or thirty quarter'd on them; and yet I cannot find, that besides what came in to day, there were above three thousand and odd Men in Town; but the rea­son is plain, each man has many Quarters, and some Captains make thirty or forty Shillings a Week by them; they come in by twelve, one, or two of the Clock by night, to demand Quarters, and turn people out of their Beds, beat, wound, and sometimes rob them: There are two or three hundred Priests in Town, and they are quarter'd likewise as the Souldiers; and so are generally Noblemen and Gentlemen, with their Retinue, tho' not actually in the Army. I have sent you the new Establishment of the Forces, only I think four Regiments of Horse, and some of Dragoons are not yet raised. I hear all those People call'd Rapperees, or Half-Pike-men, are to be muster'd and arm'd; Commissions are signing for all that can bear Arms in the Kingdom. Duke of Tyrconnel disbanded 2000 a few Weeks ago, which are all entertained again, or at least as many as will come in; but we are most strangly uncertain in all our Counsels, which is visible not only in this, but in every thing else: One day the Camp near Dublin is to go on, and they work close at it, then it is intermitted and laid aside: one day we [Page 15]are to go into England, and send a Declaration be­fore us, and to be restored; another day we are fright­ned with a ramour of an Army landing out of England; to drive us out of all; yet the King seems very well contented, and pleasant, he sleeps, eats, and is in bet­ter health than usual. Tuesday the 4th instant, we had an Alarum that Derry was burnt with Bombs, that the King's Army had taken it, and put all in it to the Sword; Nugent of Carlandstown brought this News into the House of Commons, just when they were putting to the Vote, whether they should prosecute the Impeachment against Judge Dally; some think Nu­gent being his Friend, did it designedly; the News was received with loud Huzza's, and in that good and jolly humour they acquitted the Judge: But our Fri­day's Express brought us another account, which was, That the King's Forces had endeavoured to regain the Wind-Mill-hill, out of which they had been beaten by the Sally when Ramsey the King's General was kill'd, but that they were beaten off with great loss; this was on Tuesday, and by computation, about the same time the Huzza was made in the House of Commons. Col Dor­rington and Col. Nugent, two of the briskest Officers of the King's Army, are desperately wounded, if not dead. 'Tis reported, that seven Field. Officers were killed or taken, and about thirty other Officers. We have no certain account of the Souldiers, the best ac­count says, three hundred fell: 'Tis said they run a­way, and left their Officers in the lurch. I am promi­sed a List of the Officers that were killed: It is said that there are not above five thousand in the King's Camp at Derry, notwithstanding all that have gone down, a great many having run away as soon as they had loaded themselves with Plunder, and above two thou­sand [Page 16]sand being killed or dead since their first going down; they shake and tremble so when they come to Charge, that they cannot fire; they that have March locks can­not be brought by any means to Discipline, or to use them aright; this I have from a good hand. We bear that some English Ships are in the Lough of Derry, a Boom with Trees and Masts is made cross the River at Culmore Fort, to hinder any Succours, that a Ship who attempted to get up is stranded. I believe their greatest want in Derry is Firing, and Coals will be a very pretious Commodity with them; and I believe in a little while they will want. Cloaths for wearing, and Drink. They talk if old Sir Charles Coot were alive, and had but a thousand Horse, to the Foot that are in the Town, he would not fail to fight the King's Army in the Field. About the be­ginning of this Month, a Party of Horse and Foot from Enniskilling, made an Inroad into the County of Cavan, they drove all the Cattle of the County, they did not spare Protestants who were under Protection, only such as would go with them, they help'd away with their Bag and Baggage, those that would not go, were forst to part with all to them; which they said they did, least the King's Forces should make a Prey of them: they took all Provision, Horses, and Arms they could meet with; they disarm'd some of the King's Forces that lay at Belturbeit, Bally-Carrig, and else­where; they burnt only such places as were of strength, and capable of being garrison'd; they kill'd none; they came as far as Finagh and Virginia, which you'll find in the Mapps: The Party is said to have been two Thousand; we were alarum'd at this here, and Gene­ral Monsieur Rosen went down to Trim with four Field-Pieces, and several Regiments, amongst the rest the [Page 17]Lord-Mayor's of Dublin, who led his men himself; twelve Regiments I hear were design'd; I hear the Bullets both for the Field-Pieces and Muskets were found to have been too big; which made General Ro­sen storm horribly: Since the Defeat at Derry, I hear he and the Forces designed for Enniskilling, are com­manded to Derry; two of the Field-Peices are come back. General Hamilton is suspected and rail'd at by the Commonalty; but I do not believe that there is any ground for it, or that the King does entertain any thoughts of it. It is reported from good hands, that the People of Enniskilling have made up their Horse near 1500, and their Foot near 6000; a Party so con­siderable, that it is fear'd, England may think it self concerned to save them by hastening their Invasion, if they intend any. There are many Discontents among the Roman Catholicks about the Acts of Settlement, and the French, for the Natives look very suspiciously on them, and many do publickly say, that they are sold to the French; at least, that Cautionary Towns are to be given them. If an Army should Invade us before these Discontents are quieted, 'tis to be fear'd, that they would soon gain the Submission of a considerable Party of the Roman Catholicks upon good terms; and per­haps if their help were accepted, would joyn to drive out the French: but England is so exceedingly slow, that it is believed they will lose the hearts of all, and even such as wish it well, will not think it safe to depend on it. 'Tis observed, that putting French Officers in the place of the Irish who rais'd the Men, causes great discontents, many of the common Souldiers run away from their Colours upon it. Several Protestant Gentlemen in the North had Commissions from the P. and have fairly run away with them into England, or [Page 18]come to Dublin upon Protection or pardon; but the Country People have chosen Commanders for them­selves into Trorps and Companies: of this sort are ge­nerally those in Derry and Enniskilling; they all ex­spect to be continued in the Commissions they have gi­ven themselves, when any Army comes out of England: and the hope of this, 'tis believed makes them obstinate to all offers from the King; They say, the Gentlemen that left them, deserve no countenance at all, but ra­ther, that some part of their Estates that went away, should be given as a Reward to such as staid and de­fended them. June the 13th, to day the House of Commons agreed to the Amendments made by the House of Iords, to the Bill of Repeal, so that affair is over, and wants only the Royal Assent. An Express came in from Cavan, which gives us this account: That General Rosen had order'd the Sherriff of that County to make a kind of a Magazine of Corn and o­ther Provisions, in the Town of Cavan, to supply the King's Army in their March to Enniskilling, and had appointed two Companies to guard it, and that a Par­ty from Enniskilling had surpriz'd the Guards, and taken it: Enniskilling People are certainly there, but whether they took the Men, is a doubt, but the Pro­vision is certainly taken. It is said there is now in Dublin nine Regiments of Foot, and eight more are expected; many of them are raw, and never handled Arms; there are about two Troops of Horse, I can't learn whose Regiments they are: You may wonder I can't give an exact account of what men are in Dublin, but the reason is, their frequent removals, sometimes in one day three Regiments will come to Town, and two go out; sometimes those that are expected in Town [Page 19]will be countermanded within six or seven Miles; they often come in and go out by night, and every thing is so chang'd and hudled, that it is impossible to give a­ny good account. We do not confide much in these men, tho' the whole seventeen Regiments expected were with us, because they are very raw and undisciplin'd. There is a general Press for all Horses, without ex­ception of Papists, who had favour before, but there must be no distinction, the occasion being very urgent; for the King is said not to have above a 1000 good Horse in all the Army, most of which are in the North. The miserable usage in the Country is unspeakable, and every day like to be worse and worse; many alledge, that the Rapperees have secret Orders to fall a new on the Protestants that have any thing left; the ground of this may be their pretending such an Order, for they commonly pretend an order for any Mischief they have a mind to: You have had my sence of this matter be­fore; Corke is most vilely abused by their M. Gover­nour Boysloe. The Bill for Liberty of Conscience is come to the House of Lords; it repeals every Statute made in favour of the Protestant religion, and if Law­yers may be believed, it settles Popery as legally as it was in H. 7th's time: You may guess from the inclosed Brief, what Authority Roman Catholic Bishops will claim over Protestants. The Commissioners have sei­zed all Goods of Absenters, and are actually disposing of them: It is reported, that they are about procuring an Act of Parliament to put Penalties and Oaths up­on the Concealers of any of them, and to Indemnifie themselves for their Proceeding hitherto; which the Protestants reckon Plundering, and say is against all Law: The same Commissioners set Leases of all Ab­senters Estates, tho' no legal Inquisition is yet past on [Page 20]them; some say that they set even Estates of such as are in the Kingdom, upon presumption that they will find some way or other to intitle the King to them: one way is, to get two or three named Commissioners, who slip into some blind Ale-house, and privately find a Title for the King, by returning, that the Possessors are absent or Rebels, tho' they live then upon the Lands, or are in the Courts of Dublin, and all this without a­ny Summons to the Parties concerned, or Possessors, or Oaths of Jurors; all this is said, and further, that several of those have come to inform the Commissioners how they have been abused, but can't yet get admit­tance, the Commissioners are so busie setting Leases. The Bishop of Corke's Case, which you will find in the Votes, and wherein the Parliament refused him Re­dress, was this: Several of his Tenants owed him ar­rears of Rent, the King seiz'd upon their Goods because they were absent; he desires to be paid his Arrears out of the Goods found on the Lands, which he desired leave to Distrain on; but he was told, he must Sue the Tenants on the Covenants of their Ledsés, and re­cover his Rent as he could This is like to be a Pre­sident, and no Creditor, Landlord, or Mortgagee, whose Tenant is absent, is like to get any thing, because the King has seiz'd the Goods and Lands which were his Security. I hear likewise where the Landlords are absent, Lessees are disturb'd and left to seek Redress from their absent Landlords. The Commons. Quarrel to Judge Dally, for which they impeached him, was, upon some private Discourse he had with Sir Alick Bourk, and some other Gentlemen, in which he disap­prov'd of the Commons Proceedings and said they were a kind of Massanello's Assembly, and that it could not be expected that men from whom the King took Estates, would fight for him or to this effect.


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