AN INSTRVCTION FOR ALL THOSE THAT INTEND to goe to the blessed Sacrament of the Lords Supper:
ARE you minded to goe to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper.
Yes, by Gods grace to renew my Covenant with my God.
Exod. 19. 4. 5. ver.
What is a Sacrament.
A. A visible signe of the invisible graces.
Q. What are the visible signes?
A. Bread, and Wine.
Q.A What are the invisible graces? Mar. 14. 17. 18. v
A. The body and blood of Christ. Luk. 22. 8. 9. v.
Q. Why is it called the Lords Supper?
A. Ioh. 12. Because Christ after he had eaten the Paschal Lambe, instituted it at evening with his Disciples.
Q What did the Paschall Lambe signifie to the Jewes? 1 Cor. 11 23. 24. v.
A. Heb. 9. 23. It was a Type of Christ to come.
Q. But Christ being come, is the Pascall Lamb, and all other Iewish rites finished?
A. Heb. 12. 25. 26. 27. Yes, and the Lord instituted in the place of it, his last Supper.
Q. To whom did Christ deliver his blessed Sacrament?
A. To his Disciples.
Q. After what manner did Christ institute, and deliver the Sacrament?
A. Mar. 26. 26. v. First, he blessed the Bread and Wine.
Secndly, he brake the bread, and powred out the Wine.
Thirdly, he gave it to his Disciples.
Q. What learne you by Christs blessing these two elements of bread and wine?
A. First, it teacheth all Ministers to follow his example, in administring the Sacraments.
Secondly, it teacheth all beholders to put a difference betweene these elements, and common bread and wine.
Thirdly, Ioh. 19. 34. v. when the Minister breakes the bread, and powreth out the wine, I call to mind, how Christs body was broken and his blood shed for my sinnes.
Fourthly, that Christ gave it them, it teacheth me, that when the Minister gives me the bread and wine, I behold God the Father offering me his Sonne: The Sonne giving himselfe: And the holy Ghost sanctifying the action.
Q. How do you receive it?
A. As I receive the bread and wine, from the hand of the Minister, I by the hand of faith, receive the body and blood of Christ, and feed on him in my heart by beleeving, to eternall life.
For Examination.
VVHat ought every Christian to doe before he come to the Lords Table?
A. 1 Cor. 11. He must examine himselfe.
Q. In what manner?
A. First whether hee have the knowledge of God and of his Sonne Jesus Christ. Ioh. 17.
Secondly, whether he hath a lively faith, to take hold on Christ and all his promises.
Thirdly, Act. 1. 37. whether he hath a penitent heart, and a godly sorrow for his sinnes past, 2 Cor. 7. with a purpose never to sinne any more.
Fourthly, Ioh. 15. whether he hath love first, to God, secondly to his neighbour, 1 Cor. 11. for the Sacrament is a communion of the mysticall body of Christ.
Q What if he wants this charity to his Neighbour?
A. He hath no part in this communion.
Q What is then to be done?
A. Onely Christs rule, If thou bring thy gift to the Altar, first be reconeiled to thy brother, and then offer thy gift. Mat. 5. 25. 26.
Q. Who are else excluded from this Sacrament?
A. 1 Cor. 11. 1. If any man be a blasphemour, and a swearer, he is not to partake of it.
2. Eph. 5. 3. If any man be a drunkard, come not neere this Table of the Lord, Revel. 1. for it is not for swine.
3. If a fornicator or adulterer, hee defiles the Temple of God.
4. If any bee a prophaner of the Lords day, let him know hee tramples Gods eternall Law under his feete. Exod. 20.
5. If any be a covetous person, or an oppressor of his neighbour, Gal. 5. Rom. or a backbiter, a slanderer, or an envious person against any, let them know: That they prophane the Lords Table, yea, they eate and drink their own damnation, decause they discerne not the Lords body.
Q. What doth this teach the Ministers of Christ?
A. To be carefull as much as in them lyeth to see that those that bee under their charge bee fitted and prepared, before they come to receive these holy Misteries.
LONDON, Printed by Francis Leech, at the Falcon in Shooe-lane 1646.