THE DESIRES AND PROPOSITIONS OF THE Lord Inchequin IN Jreland, to the Parliament of Eng­land Assembled at Westminster; with his Decla­ration concerning Charles, King of great Brittain, and his Resolution to defend and maintain His Royall Crown and Dignity, and to oppose and bring to subjection, the Popish party in Ireland, who have now declared for the King of Spaine.

ALSO, A great Fight, and the Lord INCHIQUINS taking of divers strong Holds of the Rebels.

LIKEWISE, The proceedings of the Royalists at Bristol, and their de­claring for God and King Charles.

LONDON: Printed for R. W. MDCXLVIII.

The DESIRES OF The Lord Jnchequin in Jreland, to the Parliament of ENGLAND; With a relation of the affaires and conditions of that Kingdome, as it was certified by Letters from Dublin.


ALl things here are still in a distra­cted condition, and all sorts of provisions very scarce and hard to come by; Wee looke upon England, as a storehouse, or re­serve, on which we confide as the chiefest earthly meanes to keep and preserve us from utter ruine and destructi­on; but the disturbances which are noysed to be in England, is a great discomfort to us, and a sadnesse to every well affected heart.

The Lord Jnchequin still keepts compliance with the [Page 3]Rebels, and the conditions made between them, are as yet on both parts kept unviolat [...]d, the Rebels to shew that they confide in the Lord Incheqin, have de­livered and surrendred up into his Lordships hands, many of their holds and places of strength, some of them being of consequence.

Also, it is with confidence said, that the Lord In­chequine desires to make some overtures to the Par­liament of England, and to desire the Parliament for moneys, and an ordinance of Indempnities

Also the Lord Inchequine pleads, that what he did was to act by that faction and partie of Catholikes in Ireland, which did acknowledge the King of Eng­lands right and title there, to destroy the other that are for the King of Spaines interest in that Kingdom; but whether the Rebels will begin, and fight with the King of Spaines party, it is not yet known, but what their intentions are, a little time will make ap­peare.

Here hath lately been a fight at Sea betweene some Waxford, Frigots, and certaine Barks which were laden with corne and provision, the Waxford Frigots after a short encounter tooke five Barkes la­den as aforesaid, and the Passengers are come to this C [...]ty not any thing worth.

April the 18. a party of the Rebels attempted a ga­rison of ours, named Kildare; and with eight sca­ling Ladders, so large that 8. might goe up a breast, they ascended the Walles halfe an houre afore day; Some got into the towne, but were presently put to the Sword, the Rebels beaten off, and three or foure score left dead in the place, besides many others mor­tally [Page 3]wounded, which got away; on our part, two Lieutenants and a Serjeant were slaine, and about twenty common Souldiers, and Captaine Dison wounded, one of the Lieutenants, was Lieutenant Brewerton.

We have yet great hopes, that if convenient sup­ples come from England, much good may be done this Summer, against those bloody Rebels; for if the Protestants party were but thorowly furnished with provisions, and some aditionall Forces, where­by th [...]y might be able to ingage with the enemy, up­on all occasions, or to keepe the Rebels close within these places which they command, the famine would consume them, all sorts of livelyhood is so exceeding scarce amongst them: Many of the beast which they have, dye so extreamly, with a Murraine which is amongst them, that all sorts of Cattell will be very scarce, many of ours dye also; Collonell Jones in­tends to improve his utmost ability against the Re­bels, and hopes to give the Parliament a good account of his proceedings this Summer.


The Copy of a letter from Bristoll, relating the condition and state of that City.


THe state of the things is something unsetled here as wel as in other places, which makes the Malig­nants bold to say & do somethings which may prove cleerly prejuditiall to the Kingdome, if not timely prevented, Here are some royalists privately listing with whom many take part, they declare there under­takeings to be for God and King Charles, the Auxille­ries [Page 4]do not yet comply with them, nor take part a­gainst them, also the Trained Bonds are not so care­full, s [...]it were fitt they should, to suppresse them, but let things as it were hang at hazard and suspence; but if p [...]ivate mettings and listing [...] of Malignants be not supprest by some speedy course, it may cause sad ef­fects, both here and in other parts of the Kingdom, and then those negligent people, when they feele the smart, will wish they had prevented those Messengers which they may then suffer, if they wil wi [...]fully neg­lect the prevention thereof, having opportunity and power so to do,

It is reported that Poyer is beaten, and 16. of his Colours, with many prisoners taken.

A letter containing a perfect Relation of the condition and state of things in South-wales, with the Declara­tion of the Earl of Ca [...]berie, Sir Richard Price, and others against Poyer, who have deserted him, although formerly of the Kings Army, and how the Welch Smiths have cut down their Bellowes, and many left their Habitations upon advance of the Parliaments Forces.


THe Malignants from many places do yet come in unto Poyer, & use their indeavours to strengthen him, and what they can they perswade the Welch to assist them, and to that end, many lyes and fiction, are scattered and spread abroad, the better to animate and incourage the simple misled Welch, to joyne with them, as that the City of London hath declared against the Parliament, and that the Armies are divided, and ready to ingage the one against the other, with many [Page 5]to this purpose; but it is hoped that their assistance wil not be nothing so great as they expect, for the [...]a [...] of Carbery who hath once been ingaged against the Parl. and formerly a Commander in the Kings Army [...]s al­so Sir Richard Price & others, have withdr [...]wn them­selves out of their society, and also out of that Coun­trey, which may happily by their example move others to do the like.

The Earl of Carbery and others, have likewise de­clared, their d [...]slikes of their undertakings, and would not have that there should be so much as any suspition, that they will either joy [...]e with them, or as­sociate with them, for they do declare and ingag [...] their honour, that they will neither joyne with them nor assist them, neither shall any of their f [...]i [...]nds as farre forth as they can perswade or hinder them; but on the contrarie, they will ingage with, and assist the Armie against them. His Lordship hath also volun­tarily explained many other tokens of love and good affection to the Parl. and Army.

Yet, the mores the pitty, some of those parts are u­niversally bent to oppose the Parl. and Army, what forc [...]s soever comes, as appeares by this, for as the Parl. forces march forward, they make away, and car­ry away with them their wives, their Children, and drive away their Cattell, with what good [...] they have, or can get together, and are fl [...]d into he Woods, and into the Mountains, lea [...]ing their houses emp­ty, many of their Smiths are also gone, they them­selv [...]s having cut [...]own their Bellowes before they went; for they being a [...]pi [...]efull mischievous people, have in many places spoiled and carried away what [Page 6]they conceive may be of use to the Parl. Forces, and in some places there is neither a Horse [...] shooe to bee bad, nor a place to make it if one would give 40 s. to have an Horse shod. Therefore some extraordi­nary and unusuall course must bee taken to end this trouble, and bring downe the stomacks of these litle lesse then barbarous people.

It is supposed and reported that Ma. Gen. Laug­horne is come in unto Poyer, but whether it were he or not, we cannot tell, but the Welch l [...]tly shot off all their Guns, to welcome some person of quality. The Welsh care not for fighting, but upon passage, and scarce then nei [...]her, except they have a good opportu­nity, for the Welsh hav [...] alwaies been observed to be cowards, and seldome act but upon advantage. Colo­nel Horton hath taken fifty of the Welsh Souldiers prisoners, whereof ten are Gentlemen, and were ta­ken fortifying a house at Broshock, for whose ex­change, a Drummer hath been sent into Wales unto Poyer.

This present Munday, being the 8. of this instant May, it was commonly rumored up and downe the Towne, that there hath beene another late fight in Wales, betwixt the Forces commanded by Colonel Horton, and the Forces commanded by Colonel Rice [...]owell, and that Colonell Horton hath obtai­ned a great Victory, taken 16. Colours and divers prisoners; The truth whereof, few daies will make manifest.


G. M.


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